The Truth About Teachers

Par TheTruthAboutThem464

1.5K 84 83

The story revealing the truth about life. -------------- Life isn't always what you expect it to be. It isn'... Plus

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Competition Winner
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

151 7 8
Par TheTruthAboutThem464

Elisabeth POV:

"Hey!" My colleague and best friend, Samantha, said to me.

We had just returned after the summer holidays and I was excited to meet the new Year 7's and the Year 8's that are learning German this year. I loved my job, which is why I was such a 'cheerful' teacher. I guess you could say I was a bit weird.

"Hi, new term, new teachers I guess," I replied, with a smile.

"Yeah, we're getting a new history teacher since Mrs Gardener left. I think his name is Mr Waters."

"Oh, right. When's he getting here?"

"I think he's coming soon. We're a bit early. Why are you asking?" She asked with a smirk on her face and nudged me with her elbow.

"Seriously?!?! In case you haven't noticed I'm married!" I told, well, yelled at her and showed her the shiny ring on my finger. I was married to a 32-year-old man, who I had met in Germany before I came to this school.

"Just saying I hear he's young, single, and ho-t!" she said in a sing-songy voice which really irritates me.

"Again I'm married!"

"And I'm engaged. Oh yeah he's Alec's brother."

"Wait now you tell me. He's the guy with brown hair and blue eyes who was hitting on me when Alec proposed to you a few months ago!" I practically screamed. I was glad there was pretty much no one else there.

"Oh yeah. That's the guy. Don't worry, he probably won't hit on you again. He knows you have a husband."

"Really? Since when?"

"I told him after the proposal. He wanted to know if you were single."

"Oh that's cool," I said as nonchalantly as possible. The truth is, I had a minor crush on him. A minor one. And it was ages ago at the proposal, when I was just engaged. His dark hair complimented his eyes which were like blue orbs. And he seemed to make everyone laugh too. He's gonna be a hit with the girls here. I felt my face hotting up. I wasn't jealous, I couldn't be could I?

"He's here," Sam almost well, yelled, waking me from my trance.

"Oh," was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. He was walking with the headmistress, Mrs Emma Brooks. They were walking towards us and that small part of brain was infecting the rest of my brain as he looked right into my eyes. I was brought back to reality when Mrs Brooks spoke.

"This is Austin Waters, our new history teacher. Mr Waters this is Miss Morgan our music teacher and Mrs Kaiser our German teacher," she introduced us. "Would you mind showing him 'round before school starts?"

"Uhh... umm...yeah..." I stuttered, blushing.

"We'd love to!" Sam exclaimed before I could actually say anything.

"That's lovely, thanks." Mrs Brooks said with a smile and walked away.

"Hi, I'm Samantha and this is Elizabeth," Sam said and we both shook his hand. "I have to sort out something for my first class but Liz can show you around right?"

"Uhh, yeah... sure," I somehow got the words out of my mouth.

"Great bye!"

"I think I've seen you before haven't I?" He asked smiling. God! That smile was to die for!!!

"Umm, yeah when Sam and Alec got engaged."

"Right, you seemed kind of quiet there. But when I came you and a massive smile on your face. Thinking about me?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"You wish. And in case you didn't realise, I'm married," I stated, matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I noticed."

Then there was silence. He was just following me. I realised he was behind me so I had no idea what facial expression he had. I glanced back quickly. Then there was more silence. Man, this was awkward!

Austin's POV:

It was really awkward. She didn't say a thing and neither did I. She was just so beautiful. I mean like not just hot (of course she was hot) but beautiful.

I remember seeing her when Alec proposed to Sam. I wanted to go and talk to her but I didn't know her and I had no idea how to approach her. I used some really cheesy, really lame pick-up lines which probably didn't work seeing as she barely talked me then and isn't talking to me now.

Then Sam told me she was married. I was usually smooth and cool when it came to girls but Elizabeth she was... she was just... god I can't even describe her. She's too perfect to be described by just words.

Wait, I noticed Sam called her Liz. I should call her Liz too. Wait, would that seem too forward. Nah, it might get me a step closer to... TO MY FANTASY!!! What was I thinking?!?!? She's married and in love. She would never go for a guy like me.

Even if I couldn't be with her I could at least be her friend. At least then she would be in my life. I'll call her Elizabeth at first. Yeah that seems good... I should talk to her. She probably thinks I'm a naïve weirdo now since I can't even start a conversation.

"So... Elizabeth, how long have you been teaching?"

"About 10 years. I've been here for 6 years. And please call me Liz," she replied. Yes!!! She's actually talking to me and she's letting me call her Liz. That has to be a sign.

"So here are the science labs. Chemistry, Physics, and finally Biology. We have nine in total," she said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"And just after these stairs are the geography rooms, rooms 22 to 24," Liz spoke again with that wonderful voice of hers. Wait, I have to stop thinking about her like that. It's just a crush, not even a crush just... an attraction. It'll go away right? It better. I don't know how long I can talk to her like this, it's just so... flipping awkward. Now I know how the less fortunate feel. You know the ones who can't talk to girls.

"Right and here are the English rooms. I hear your brother teaches English at the boys school," she said suddenly. I think it was to just to start a sort of conversation though.

"Umm, yeah. He does." 'Umm, yeah. He does.' Was that all I could think of. So much for a conversation.

"And through these doors is the drama studio and through those doors is the staffroom."

"Right. Awesome," Really, really Austin is that all you can think of? She probably thinks your are freak now.

"Down this corridor are the language rooms and the library is right behind you." We walked up some more stairs in silence. Think Austin, think.

"The maths rooms are on this floor and this is where the RS and history rooms are. What room are you teaching in?"

"Umm, room 4. And I'm the form teacher and history teacher for 8Z, I think," I said looking at my files. Really Austin, I think. Can you not read a timetable, really?

Being polite she looked at my timetable. "Yeah you are. Just set you stuff up as you want it. Do you have an account for the school system?"

"Umm yeah."

"Cool well I'll just let you get ready. Registration starts in half an hour then we have assembly at nine. I'll be with my form in room 12 if you need any help," she stated with an angelic smile on her face.

"Uhh thanks so much. I guess I'll see you later."

"No problem Austin." AUSTIN! AUSTIN!!! SHE KNEW MY NAME!!! Of course she knew your name, the head told her. Right yeah. Sometimes I wished my stupid brain wasn't so smart.

How can a brain be stupid and smart.

Shut up brain!!! God Liz is messing up my brain.

Nah, that happened right after birth.

Ughh shut up.

Now look at me, I'm having a conversation with my brain.
So I can talk to you but I can't talk to Liz?!?!?! Really?!?!?!

This is unfair!! Life is unfair.


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