Just saying. (Calum Hood X Re...

Oleh problxmatic_fangirl

10.9K 285 65

When life doesn't go your way, your best friend is there for you. Though he may be falling in love with you... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1, The End of Summer Plans
Chapter 2, End of Summer Bash
Chapter 4, And So It Begins
Chapter 5, Why Were You Acting So Weird?
Chapter 6, The Secret's Out
Chapter 7, And Then the Rain
Chapter 8, Eye of the Storm
Chapter 9, Resolving Problems
Chapter 10, Day Off
Chapter 11, Break
Chapter 12, Isn't She Lovely
Chapter 13, Falling Hard
Chapter 14, Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming
Chapter 15, The New Year

Chapter 3, The First Day

1.2K 37 4
Oleh problxmatic_fangirl

I heard a beeping come from my night stand, I pried my eyes open from my deep sleep. I was staring at my alarm, i reached my arm over and slammed my hand down onto the snooze button. I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms yawning, I slowly placed my feet on the cold floor trying to adjust to the coolness of my room. I then dragged myself into the bathroom preparing for the day ahead of me. I showered and blow dried my hair, i curled it and only put on mascara for the day. I then went back to my room and picked out my outfit. I slipped on a charcoal grey sweater and lighter colored skinny jeans. I grabbed my bag and my phone. I walked down the steps then hearing a knock on the door, 'who could that be?' I thought walking towards the door. I looked through the glass to see Calum, I opened the door and gave him a questioning look, "why are you here?" He smiled at me, surprisingly he was glad to be up to at this time. "Well your mom said it was fine if we came to get you, so we're here, you want to get some doughnuts?" I smiled at him, "hell you I want to!' I turned back and shouted into the house, "bye mom love you!" I heard her shout back from her room and that was the signal to go. We exited the house and entered Ashton's van. "Hey (y/n)!" The boys shouted happily but I could also sense their tiredness. While in the ride to the doughnut shop I caught myself staring at Calum, i studied his outfit, no different from any other day, he had a Nirvana shirt on and black skinny jeans and a few bracelets on. I moved my vision from him to the window once I saw Calum's gaze transfer from out the window to me. I gazed out the window until we had gotten to the drive through of the doughnut shop. The lady smiled at us, well Ashton, she took our order, a dozen doughnuts, all divided of four each of glazed doughnuts, strawberry, and chocolate. The boys and I began to dig in.

I stood in front of the school staring at the door, I began to think, what if they make fun of me? What if they think I'm weird? Or that my outfit is weird? Maybe I should have put on eyeliner, no, a different hairstyle maybe? All of these thoughts had rushed through my mind, until i was taken back to reality by Michael tugging on my sleeve, "come on (y/n)!" He said smiling at me running in through the door. I walked in through the door my brain racing with thoughts. I walked with the boys, my boyfriend Jack joining us on our walk to the large gym. The principal greeted all of the new students and wished us luck on our school day. I grabbed my schedule from the lady calling names for people. A rush of stress ran through me, what if I didn't have any classes with my friends or my boyfriend? I tried to push away the thoughts and I read over my schedule, first I had Art, for second period I had History, than English, for fourth period I had Spanish. For fifth period and homeroom I had Science class, after I had Math, dance class, for my eighth period I had my drama tech class. *that is managing lights and sound for plays and stuff btw* The boys came over to me, Sami glued to Michael's side, Jack came from behind the boys and kissed me on the cheek, I smiled at him and took another glance at my schedule swallowing, hopefully the at least had one class with me.

It turned out I had quite a few classes with the boys, I had Art first period with Michael and Luke, second with Sami and Ashton,I had third period with Sami, fifth period with Calum and Jack, six with Ashton, seventh with Sami, and eighth with Calum. I was happy with my schedule, I had at least one of my friends in each of my classes. After we all went through our schedules together we headed to our lockers. Our lockers weren't far, but not exactly close, It wouldn't take long to get to each other locker anyways. I opened my locker pulling out my binder, with a pencil bag clipped inside of it plus paper and journals, I grabbed my book and hooked my bag up in my locker, I then headed to Art class. I liked the classroom, it seemed oddly comforting, There was a cork board hanging on the wall above the teacher's desk, there it hung abstract art, it looked very professional, but yet not at all at the same time. She had more amazing student art on the walls as well as chinese lanterns around the room along the ceiling. I sat at a group of desks slightly close to the teacher's desk. I then heard loud shouting than not surprised to see Luke and Michael run into the room and sit at the table with me. Class went smoothly, we had just gone over introductions also the teacher was very nice, she had dark brown hair with a sweet but sassy attitude. Second period was much the same, we did introductions to the class. I assumed it would be like that the whole day.

I walked from fourth period to my locker to grab my wallet for lunch. All of the students loud conversations gave me a headache, like that was a new thing. I opened my locker and before I could reach into my locker some kid slammed my locker shut and pushed me causing me to stumble and fall running into more people, the boy ran away laughing. I stared down at the hall until i could no longer see him, "you need some help (y/n)?" Calum towered over me, more than usual since i was on the ground, he had his hand outstretched and he slightly smiled at me. I nodded and took Calum's hand and he pulled me off of the school's grimy floor. I wiped the dirt off of my pants, "thank you Calum," i said once again opening my locker, I reached inside of my bag and pulled out my plain black wallet with A white moon on one side and a sun on the other. "You're welcome (y/n), they're stupid anyways." I nodded and we walked to homeroom together Jack joining us along the way to the hall on the other side of the school. We walked in silence until we entered the classroom. It was loud, considering the class was mainly boys, there were at least 3 other girls in there, not any one I would talk to though. I gave a stressed look to Calum, he returned a look of agreement to me and we walked in. Jack had already sat down next to his guy friends, I didn't mind when he wanted to be by his friends, so he didn't mind me with mine. I sat near the wall close to the back, Calum next to me. For class we actually had an assignment to write a short autobiography so the teacher could learn more about us, she explained it and said it was due at the end of the week, then she let us talk for the rest of the class or play on our phones. I plugged in my headphones, Calum taking one in his ear we listened to music together.

I walked into the lunch room looking around at all the people, what if they're staring at me? I thought then seeing Ashton waving at me from across the lunchroom. I smiled slightly and Calum and I walked over and sat down, once Michael and Luke got there we all stood in the pizza line for lunch. Whilst the boys chatted at the table eating their pizza's I looked around the lunch room once again examining the people. I saw someone sit down beside me in the corner of my eye, it was Jack. I smiled at him, "hey babe," he said smiling at me then kissing my cheek, "sorry I sat by the other guys instead of here." I shook my head," no babe its fine go over there have your guy time, okay?" He smiled widely at me, "thank you. I'll call you after school okay?" He kissed me on the cheek again and ran off to his friends.

The rest of the day went the same, in the halls all that happened is that I got pushed around and trampled on. This year won't be much different from last year. The boys drove me home after school. Once I was home I walked straight upstairs and sat on my bed writing, until Jack called me later and I fell asleep on him, oops.

A/N: I'm sorry this isn't that great, just boring really, and long. Oh well I'll update later maybe Ily <3

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