Heroes of Olympus Imagines {...

By rarehearts

13.9K 569 225

Requests are officially open :) My style is x reader, but I will accept requests & try my best to write! Cove... More

{1} Burns // Leo Valdez
Burns // Pt. II
Burns // Pt. III
Burns // Pt. IV
A Little Bit About Me
{2} Kiss The Girl, Seaweed Brain! // Percy Jackson
Kiss The Girl, Seaweed Brain! // Pt. II
If You Want To Request An Imagine...
You Left Me // Req. For Elizabeth ~ Pt. II
You Left Me // Req. For Elizabeth ~ Pt. III
{3} Frozen Flash Mobs // Nico di Angelo
{4} He Won't Say He's In Love // Leo Valdez
Character Q & A!
{5} Way To Be Cliche, Superman // Jason Grace
Way To Be Cliche, Superman // Pt. II
{6} Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU)
Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU) Pt. II
Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU) Pt. III
Meaningless // Frank Zhang (Bad Boy AU) Pt. IV
{7} Sick // Percy Jackson
{8} Memories // Nico di Angelo
Memories // Pt. II
Memories // Pt. III
Just A Dream // Req. for Moira ~ Leo Valdez
{9} A Perfect Miscommunication // Nico di Angelo
I Forgot To Mention ...

You Left Me // Req. For Elizabeth ~Nico di Angelo

479 10 3
By rarehearts

My first request! I'm so excited to post. I hope you like it Petasgirl1509! I worked my demigod butt off to make this good. Enjoy!

      "Hey, meat-head, over here!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she raised her Stygian iron sword, waving her hands at the fierce manticore. She & Nico di Angelo, a son of Hades, were on a quest to keep a truckload of monster traveling to Phoenix in Arizona from destroying a powerful pyramid built by Athena. The pyramid held the spirits of dead Titans, & if the structure was to be destroyed, the spirits would fling themselves into the mortal world to create another Titan war. And yet Chiron only sent two people. A daughter of Thanatos, the god of peaceful death, & a son of Hades, the god of, well, just death in general.

Elizabeth & Nico were currently battling a 10 foot manticore upon the steps of Athena's pyramid, the power of the structure causing the sky to turn a deadly blood red & the winds to whip around them. "Yeah you! Come get some!" Elizabeth called, her brown hair flying in all directions. The manticore took its eyes off a fallen Nico, whose face was red with blood. Seeing a friend in battle go down gave Elizabeth a wrenching feeling in her gut. The manticore snarled and charged at the girl at full speed. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes & kneeled, sword point down. "Thanatos, guide me," she called, her eyes closed. She could hear the thumping steps of the manticore as it got closer. Suddenly she was filled with power, & with a yell, she got up & jumped, piercing her razor sharp blade right in the middle of the manticore's torso.

    The monster yelped in pain as Elizabeth's body soon surged with magic. Energy coursed through her veins as she welled up all her will, forming a misty black ball in her palm. Dust began to swirl around her, creating a tornado. Soon she was being lifted up into the air, as she balled up all her anger towards the ball of energy. Then she lifted her arm and shot the energy at the manticore, hitting it straight in the middle of the forehead. It dropped dead right when she hit it. She smiled. "Yes!" she exclaimed, throwing her fist in the air. She then found she was glowing white, which was what usually happened when she felt happy using her power.

     She knelt down next to Nico's unconscious figure. "Hey, Nico, you there?" she asked him, putting her hand on his forehead. He was burning hot. Elizabeth put her hand on his chest, feeling for a heartbeat. It was still there. "Oh thank the gods," she said, embracing him. "Nico?" she asked again, and this time he stirred. His pale eyelids fluttered open, revealing beautiful deep brown orbs. Nico looked at her, & smiled. Elizabeth & Nico had really bonded over the course of this three week quest. "D'you kill the manticore, Peta?" he asked her with a raspy voice. Peta was Elizabeth's nickname, one she never revealed why it was or who gave it to her. She was just Peta.

     Elizabeth's eyes brimmed with tears. It was over. That was the last of the monsters. The pyramid remained standing. They were ok. "You bet I did, Death Boy," Elizabeth said with a pained laugh. She helped Nico up as he looked at her. She hugged him. "It's over now," she said into his shirt. Nico hugged her back. To Elizabeth, he smelled like cinnamon, smoke, & fresh air. It was a good smell. She broke away from him. "You fight well, di Angelo," Elizabeth said, and smiled at him, nudging him in the shoulder. Nico just smiles and laughs. "You too, Porter. You too," Both of them begin to descend from the top of the pyramid, happy but on guard in case there are any monsters left alive.

      Suddenly, the pair hear a woman's sharp cackle along with a hiss. An empousa. Elizabeth  rips out her sword, turning & facing the monster. "Ah. Demigods." The empousa smirks. Empousai are beautiful women with flaming hair, known for seducing men & drinking their blood. They have blood red eyes & sharp fangs. From the torso up, they are women. But they have a leg of a donkey & a prosthetic one of bronze. "Tell me, daughter of Thatanos, is your companion really loyal to you?" The empousa smiles & hisses. Elizabeth slashes at her with her sword. She makes a cut on her forearm. The monster shrieks. The young demigod smirks. She looks at Nico, who's ready to spring at her. Elizabeth nods at him, & they both charge the monster, slashing & jumping. Finally, they take her down. She screams as Nico stabs her in the torso, then goes limp.

    Elizabeth wipes the sweat from her brow as she high fives Nico. They descend from the pyramid. But not until Elizabeth feels a cold chill behind her, as fangs sink into her neck. She screams. Nico jumps up & grabs his sword. Elizabeth's vision blurs as the resurrected empousa charges at Nico, who battles it. He is losing. The bite at Elizabeth's neck flares in pain as she watches as the empousa stops fighting Nico. They stare at each other. Nico looks at Elizabeth, her mangled body on the steps of the pyramid, blood seeping from her neck, forming a pool. Her eyes plead, as she knows what Nico wants to do. Her pristine blue eyes rim with tears as she lets out a sob. Nico then notices they turn a stormy gray as she cries. "Leave her..." The empousa hisses. "No, Nico, don't..." Elizabeth eyes dissolve into a calm green.

"Please," Elizabeth's vision darkens as her eyes roll back into her head. All she can see is Nico walking away from her & the seducing voice of the empousa in her head, repeating itself, echoing in her mind.

"Tell me, daughter of Thatanos, is your companion really loyal to you?"

To be continued...

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