Kidnapped to Marry the Prince...

بواسطة bridge16

499K 7.9K 1K

Bridget was a normal 17 year old girl with a loving family. But one night while her parents and sister are aw... المزيد

Kidnapped to Marry the Prince of Vampires
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 4

37.8K 613 143
بواسطة bridge16

Bridget POV

I was brought out of the darkness with a kiss from Bentley.  I opened my eyes and there he was.  He was the hottest guy alive.  I smiled...I could get used to waking up like this.  But then a strange feeling occurred.  I was starving.  I was craving something but I dont know what.  I lifted my self up and went into a trans.  The next thing I knew I was drinking something that smelled metallic-y.  It was delicious.  Then I realized the metallic smell was blood.  I wanted to stop drinking it, but I couldnt.  I couldnt stop.  I finished the last drop of blood from the glass and looked at Bentley.  I was terrified.  Not of Bentley or anyone else in the room.  I was terrified of myself.  I've become a monster!  A vampire.  I dont want to be a vampire. I just want to be me and live my life with my family. I want to be normal!

"What have you done to me?" I asked in a terrified voice, with tears about to escape my eyes. Bentley was looking at me happily, but also giving me a sympathetic look at the same time. 

"You, my darling, are one of us now."  He said in a sexy voice.  It sounded like something they'd say in a horror film.  I'm 'one of them now'.  i'm one of them against my will. Tears started to roll down my face.  Bentley leaned towards me and reached out to caress my face.  I moved back before he could touch me.  Bentley's eyes softened in sadness.  "Dont be scared, Bridget."

"Dont be scared?!?!  Wouldnt you be scared if everything you loved was taken away from you and you had to become a monster in less than a day?!  How could you do this to me?  I dont want this life!  I want the life I had yesterday! I want my family back!  I want to be human! Don't you understand?!"  I cried.

Everyone in the room had their eyes on me.  They were shocked. Bentley was full of sorrow.  I could tell from his eyes he was hurt by my words.  I admit, I felt a little guilty, but he deserved it.  You cant just take someone away from their perfectly happy life.  It's just wrong.   Bentley reached out for me again and this time,, before I could back away, he pulled me into a hug.  I nuzzled my head into his chest and just cried.  I didnt resist the hug because I knew there was no way of escaping my new life.  Bentley gently stroked my hair and whispered calming words.  Everyone in the room still remained silent.  Why?  They mustve been entertained by this whole dramatic scene.  It must've left them speechless.  After a while, my crying calmed down and I was out of tears.  My eyes were probably red and swollen by now.  I pulled away from Bentley keeping my gaze down to the floor.  I didnt want to look at him.  I didnt want to touch him.  I didnt want to be married to him.  I just wanted to go home and be with my family.  Bentley placed his hand on top of mine.

"I'm sorry Bridget.  I'm sorry for everything I've put you through today, but please understand that this is your life now.  You were destined to be a vampire.  You were destined to be my wife. And most of all, you were destined to be a princess.  Please believe me when I say I love you.  Because I do.  I've loved you since I first saw you in the woods behind your house, when you were 4.  We're soul mates and we're married for eternity.  Nothing can ever change that.  Please accept your new life into your heart.  You'll learn to love it."

"How can I love a life without my family by my side?"  I said in a half whisper.

"Your family may not be by your side, but they'll always be with you in your heart.  And you have a family here...Me, my mother, and my father.  We can create our own family too.  We could have mini Bridgets and mini Bentley's running around.  I promise I'll make you the happiest girl in all the realms.  Just love me back."  He pleaded.

"I dont know if I could ever love you."

He looked down with hurt and anger in his eyes.  "You will love me.  It'll take some time, but you WILL love me."

I gulped.  Was that supposed to be a threat or a comforting statement?  I was confused, but I just nodded agreeably.  Bentley stood up, bringing me up with him.  He put his arms around my waist and I placed my hands on his chest. Wait a minute, am I taller?  I cant be.  No one can grow a few inches in a mere few minutes.

'But you did.  When you transformed into a vampire, you also transformed into your beauty at its highest peak.'  Bentley said through my mind.

Hmmm...That makes sense.

"So are you ready to go, darling?" Bentley asked me.

"Go where?" I asked confused.

"On our honeymoon, silly.  We're going to spend our honeymoon in Bora Bora"  He said excitedly.

I nodded.  Bentley kept one arm around my waist and led me back out through the white doors and through the maze like hallways until we got to the front entrance.  There was a limo waiting there for us.  We got in and the limo drove off into the night. 

We drove down the bumpy, dirt road for a few minutes.  Then the road smoothed out and we picked up speed.  I stayed silent because I was deep in thought...I was thinking about my family. What will they do when they see I'm gone? How will they react when they find out I was kidnapped?  Will they come looking for me?  They'd probably be devastated and grieving for a long time.  My family loved me.  Our love for each other was unending.  Especially towards little Lisa.  She was the brains of the family.  She accomplished anything she set her mind to.  I knew she'd set her mind on finding me, but this time she'd fail.  I was in a different world.  There was no way she'd find me here.  I just wish I could go back and tell them I'm fine.  I wish I could go back, even if it was just a short visit.  I needed them to know I was alright, but unless Bentley lets me, there's no chance.  I came out of my thoughts and found Bentley studying me hard. 

"What?"  I asked rather rudely.

"Nothing." He replied.

The limo jolted to a halt.   I looked out the window and it looked like we were at some kind f airport, but there werent any planes in sight. 

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're at what humans would call an airport."

"But there arent any planes."  I stated.

"No, but look to your left."

I did.  I looked out the window to my left and there was someone standing on the runway.  They ran and picked up speed until they were up in the air with bat wings.  MY eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Why are we here?"  I asked in a shaky voice.

"This is where every vampire has to come before they travel to the mortal world.  We have to keep track of who enters the mortal world and who comes back.  You see, sometimes vampies dont come back...sometimes a vampire hunter gets them. We have to keep track of the numbers and where the vampires that never came back, went to.  If they went to a town, then we dont allow vampires to go to that town.  It's a way to protect us."

"Did you have to do this when you came to get me?"

"Yes, but vampires dont need to come back through the airport.  We can just scan our fingerprints into a computer and send them into the airport.  And yes, royals still have to do it."

I nodded understandingly.  The the door opened and Bentley helped me out.  I was still in my wedding dress.  When the door closed, I saw my reflection in the window.  I was beautiful.  Did the transformation change me that much? hmmm...I guess being a vampire has some perks after all.  Bentley took my hand and led me over to the runway.  He wave to someone and the person gave a signal similar to the signal to tell a pilot to take off. 

"Get on back." He commanded.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because you dont know how to fly yet.  Now get on."   He crouched down so I could get on his back.  I wrapped my legs around him and wrapped my arms his neck tightly.  The he begna running and before I knew it, we were up in the air.  I gasped.  I was terrified of heights.  I buried my head into his neck.  I didnt dare to look down.

Then about 5 minutes later, we were descending to the ground.  When we got low enough, I  looked down.  There was water surrounding island to be exact.  It was still nighttime so I couldnt see much.  But what I did see was huts standing on stilt in the water...I've read about this resort. IT's supposed to be luxurious.  We landed and I jumped off of Bentley.  He took my hand and led me to one of the huts.  We went inside and it was just like the pictures I saw in the article about this place,  I couldnt remember the name of it though.  Bentley picked me up and carried me over to the bed.  He layed me down with him and he climbed on top of me.  He started kissing my neck and massaged my sides.  I remained stiff as a board.  I didnt know what to do.  But I knew that I didnt want to have sex with him.  Then he reached behind me and pulled me up off the bed, enough so he could reach the back of my dress.  He began unzipping it and I tried to push him off me.

"Stop!" I commanded.

Bentley's reply was a deep passionate and unwanted kiss on the lips.

I whimpered, trying to get him to stop.  He continued to unzip my dress and pulled it off me.  I tried kicking and pushing him...I even tried yelling for help. But that didnt stop him.  He then unclipped my bra and threw it to the floor.  He proceeded to undress himself, while still trying to hold me down.  He undressed to his boxer and continued to undress what was left on me.  He slid my panties down, followed by his boxers.  We were both naked at that point.  I was struggling to get away, but he wouldnt allow it.  in one quick motion, he entered inside me, causing a sharp pain.  I cried out letting him know I was in pain.  Tears ran out from my eyes.  Bentley kissed every tear away.

"It'll be ok.  The pain will go away soon." He said trying to comfort me.

"Please. Stop." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry. I cant do that.  I want you and I want you now.  It's your duty as my wife to fill my needs."

He was hostile.  One minute he was a loving husband and the next he's a contolling, hostile, rapist husband.  I continued to cry.  Bentley decided that my crying was now pointless, so he started pumping in and out of me, not caring if it hurt me or not.  After a while, it became pleasurable and I couldnt control myself.  I dug my nails into his back and moaned.  A smile spread across his face.  He went faster and faster, causing me to scream with pleasure. 

When he finished, he collapsed on top of me.  We were noth out of breath.

"That was amazing, Bridget. You dont know how long i've waited for this."

He rolled off of me and pulled me close to him to cuddle.  I fell asleep in his arms, crying.  He had now officially taken everything away from me.  My family, my life, my freedom, my mortality, my virginity, and my innocence.

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