Facing our demons


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previously titled 'mine' He let out what sounded like a growl of pleasure before he continued to rub his fur... More

PlEaSe StOp
Chapter 1: milo and mongrels
Chapter 2- scooby doo and weird dreams
Chapter 3: crazy voice
Chapter 4- jazz hands
Chapter 5- mates and kitten sneezes
Chapter 6 creepy demon fish
chapter 7- drunk!
Chapter 9- battle
Chapter 10- mate
Chapter 11- shivers and blushes
Chapter 12- marked
Chapter 13- mating process
Chapter 14- drunk tattoos
Chapter 15- mystery man
Chapter 16- smart ass
Chapter 17- Attitudes
Chapter 18- flashbacks
Chapter 19- frantic alpha
Chapter 20: manstrual cycle
Chapter 21- iris
Chapter 22- well fuck
Chapter 23- panic attacks
Chapther 24: Andy's story
Chapter 25: cliff hanger
Chapter 26- reality check
Chapter 27- proposal
Chapter 28- Hell
Chapter 29- deal
Chapter 30- war's beginning
Chapter 31- old rivals
chapter 32 betrayal
Chapter 33- mistakes
Chapter 34 the peacemaker
Chapter 35- hanky panky
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 pain
Chapter 38 closure
Bonus chapter: Family ties

Chapter 8 vegemite and confetti

12.9K 482 62

My eyes slowly flickered open to reveal the white ceiling of my room and the harsh Rays Of the morning sun. I attempted to shield my eyes with my hands as I let out a low groan, my head was pounding and I felt like absolute shit.
Well at least I'm finally sixteen I thought as a large lazy smile spread across my face and I let out a giggle but quickly regretted it when my headache got worse. I looked over to my left to find a glass of water and some Panadol on my bedside table, I quickly took the pill and washed it down with some water before getting up and stumbling to the bathroom.

'Hmmm what should I wear on this special day' I thought tapping my chin. 'The new jeans we bought last week' Krysten answered as she let out a yawn. I had to admit Even if she was just a sign of my sanity slipping away she was pretty helpful. 'Of course I'm helpful' she answered in a duh voice. 'We have to look really nice today we might find our mate' I just rolled my eyes at her and pulled my new pair of jeans out of the shopping bag since I hadn't been bothered to put them away. I slipped the jeans on before wandering over to my wardrobe to pick a shirt, I probably stood there for about half an hour before finally settling on a green Anthem made tank top and a black leather jacket. I bent down and picked out my maroon vans before putting them on and exiting my room.

When I entered the kitchen I received multiple stares and whispered which was a little strange but I just shrugged it off and made some toast. "Vic have you managed to buy any vegemite yet?" I asked as I sat next to him at the table. "No and this may come as a surprise to you Saska but that Australian spread isn't sold in America." All of my cousins and Jack then all simultaneously let out over exaggerated gasps while slapping their cheeks in mock shock. "You mean to tell me that vegemite, the gross spread that is only sold in Australia and New Zealand isn't in America....no way" Pete said looking at Vic as if he had just said he had killed his dog.

"Yep" he simply answered before letting out a cute little giggle. "Yeah okay guys I get it, I just wanted to be sure" they then all turned serious. "You haven't experienced anything weird this morning have you?" Josh asked. 'Oh if you mean the weird glowy eyes and crazy voice that I see and hear every morning then sure' "just a massive headache" I said and the boys agreed with me as they all started rubbing there heads. "Well you know just in case we'll keep watch over you" Alex said and Jack nodded before he stuffed some toast in his face.

"Um okay, well I'm gonna go for a walk so if you want to come you can" I said gesturing to the door. "Yeah sure" they said as they all got up and followed me out the door. We had been walking for about twenty minutes and I was beginning to feel really awkward with them watching my every move. "Okay what's the d..." I couldn't finish my sentence because a huge stab of pain ricocheted through my body causing me to let out a shrill scream and fall to my knees in pain. "Alaska!" I could hear them calling my name but only faintly, my vision was beginning to blur and I couldn't move my arms or legs. Another bolt of pain ripped through me this one much worse then the last, I was now spread out on the ground writhing in agony while the boys tried to get me to talk or calm down but I couldn't, I was in too much pain to do anything.

I could feel Krysten pushing me back as she tried to take control of my body, thick tufts of fur began to sprout on my body and my nails began to elongate into sharp claws. I could feel tears roll down my face as I watched my self turn into some kind of monster, my bones were popping and numerous screams were being torn from my throat as my muscles and ligaments began to rearrange themselves. After a while my body became numb and I couldn't feel a thing, I was almost thankful for this feeling as I could still sense things moving into place and I knew that would hurt like a bitch.

I was laying on the ground breathing heavily as my vision became clear and my senses seemed to heighten to that of inhuman capabilities. "What happened?" I tried to ask but it just came out as a weird whining notice followed by a few chuckles which I assume came from the boys. I slowly began to rise to my legs but quickly fell when I realised I had four of them, what. The. Fuck. I slowly tried again trying to gain my balance as my shaking legs held up my body weight.

I gave my cousins a look that basically meant, 'tell me what the fuck is going on before I bite your dicks off with my new set of sharp teeth.' They instantly held up their hands in a sign of surrender. "Well Alaska it turns out that your father passed the werewolf gene onto you and now you're one of us" Patrick said as he pulled out one of those little confetti popper things and pulled on the string allowing a pathetic amount of coloured confetti to rain down on my new form.

"Dude did you carry that thing around with you all day?" Pete asked. "Yeah I wanted to be prepared in case she did shift and she did" he answered back gesturing to me. They all gave him a weird look before turning their attention back to me. "Anyway, so yeah you're a wolf currently, just in case you didn't realise" I gave him an annoyed look, of course I realised I was a fucking wolf I don't exactly look human do I? I wobbled over to a nearby stream but heard laughing so I turned around and gave them all a Wolfy glare before continuing on. I peeked over and caught my reflection in the water, I was white with brown,black and grey streaks running through out my fur along my back and face.

I stared mesmerised at this deadly animal that was supposedly me as it wagged its tail and allowed its tongue to hang out of its mouth in a happy look. 'I am happy' Krysten said in a small voice as she stared at her reflection as well. 'I'm finally a real wolf' she said in content. I shook my head before turning back to the boys who were crouched down with their arms wide, I immediately took the chance and ran into their open arms seeking comfort.

'You know we have a mind Link right' I looked up confused at Alex I could have sworn I just heard his voice in my head. 'You did the packs minds are connected so we can talk through a mind link which makes life easier when we're in wolf form' 'so all I have to do is think and you hear it?' 'Yep' he answered back. 'What if I don't want you hearing my thoughts?' 'Got something to hide Alaska' he said chuckling' 'n-no I I don't, I just don't want you guys constantly listening to my thoughts' 'well then you just put up a wall to block us' I imagined a wall and it worked I couldn't hear him anymore.

'Wait um Alex how do I change back?' "Oh that's simple you just have to imagine yourself as a human" he answered out loud. "I brought her clothes" Brendon said as he allowed me to grab them in my mouth and run behind a tree. I closed my eyes and imagined my fingers,toes,face and body, I opened my eyes and I was me again. I quickly slipped the sweats on and walked out to join the boys in their conversation.

"Well now that you're a wolf we're going to have to train, I'm sure you'll be a great fighter" Brendon said as we walked off towards the pack house, everything made so much sense now.

I was currently wearing a white long gown and had two maids brushing and styling my Hair so it fell in waves down my back. I was about to participate in the ceremony that will tie me to this pack so that I will no longer be classified as a rogue. "Alaska it's time" Vic said as he took my hand and led me over to a large set of doors.

"When the bell chimes you will enter the ceremony through these doors, walk up the alter to the alpha and then listen to his instructions, got it" "I think so" I answered and he smiled. "Good" the bell then chimed and he pushed me through the doors. "There's your cue go. I started walking up to Brendon ignoring all of the stares, god this felt like a wedding.

When I reached him he read like an hours worth of Latin before finally turning to me. "Alaska Orchard Graham do you promise to be loyal and trustworthy to Snow Moon pack for as long as you shall live?" "I do" I answered like Alex told me to. "And do you Alaska promise to protect this pack with your life?" "I do" "then I now declare you apart of this pack" he said before bringing a blade against his palm and mine and joining our hands together, 'I hope I don't get aids'

When my blood touched his I felt a pull in my mind as if it was being sewn to everyone else's as one big connection. I let go of Brendon's hand and he cleaned it up before saying I could go home and get some rest.

When I reached my room it looked deserted, my mum's belongings were all gone and there was only a piece of paper lying on the bedside table. Tears began to form in my eyes as I approached the paper, I picked it up and started reading.

Dear Alaska,

I had a feeling you were like your father, a monster.
An abomination to this world something that should never of existed but here you all are in this little community that fools most people into thinking you're all normal but I know better. I have packed my things and left there is a great chance that we will never see each other again so I Should tell you that these past sixteen years have been great I enjoyed raising you and watching you become the beautiful young woman you are but unfortunately your father had to ruin it with his mutated genes. I know I seemed harsh sometimes but that's just how I was raised, I did truly love you and I still do I just can't be around you or those people any more.
Good bye Alaska
Love Juliet, your mother.

I scrunched up the paper and held it to my chest as I fell on the bed and fell asleep crying my eyes out about the loss of my mother while my wolf was howling about not finding her mate.

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