Crossbow Down [Stiles Stilins...

By littlejess96

12.4K 439 57

All Emily Argent wanted was a normal life. A life without all the bad memories her past held. A life without... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter X
Chapter XI

Chapter IX

674 33 8
By littlejess96

Chapter nine

"Happy, happy birthday!!" Emily screamed as she ran into Allison's bedroom.

"No." Allison grunted and turned around trying to ignore her younger cousin.

"Come on, Allison. Get up. You don't turn seventeen every day. And I kinda have this feeling you want to see your birthday gift." Emily told her.

"I'm only getting up because of the present. But I don't want to turn seventeen. Why can't I be born the same year as you?" Allison complained.

"Because you're not. Now get over it and open that damn present, I've spent like a hundred years finding it, so you better like it or I might consider telling the whole school that it's your birthday today." The girl said.

"Okay, Okay." Allison said and took the little box out of Emily's hand. The girl carefully peeled the balloon wrapping paper off and lifted the lid of the plain white box underneath.

"Oh my god! It's beautiful." Allison exclaimed. The girl held a silver bracelet with a few charms stuck to it, in her hands. "Thank you, Em."

"No problem." Emily said as her cousin hugged her. "Now, get up, stop moping and get ready for school, you only have about twenty minutes left before we have to leave." Emily ordered.

"Okay, I'll try, but no promises." Allison said and got out of her bed, heading for the bathroom.

"Seriously best birthday present ever." She told her younger cousin, before she finally went into the bathroom.

After a quarter of an hour had passed, Allison was ready to go to school and the two girls were about to leave the older girl's room, when Kate came barging in.

"Hey. Listen, you know I feel totally horrible about my behavior the other night, right?" She asked Allison.

"Oh, totally forgotten." Allison replied.

"No, not forgotten by me. Come on call me a horrid bitch or something." Kate told her.

"I can if you want to." Emily said and earned a glare from Allison.

"You were just being protective." Allison eased her.

"I was being a protective horrid bitch who is giving you your birthday present early so you'll forgive her." Kate said to her and gave her a small red box.

"Oh." Allison giggled and opened the box, revealing a necklace with a charm showing a wolf.

"Forgiven?" Kate asked.

"Completely. I love it." Allison said.

"It's a family heirloom. And you know me, I hate and loathe all sentimental crap, but that, well look at the symbol in the middle of the pendant." Kate explained. "See that?"

"Yeah." Allison confirmed.

"You ever wanna learn a little something about your family? Look it up." Kate said and Emily was trying to figure out, what Kate's real intention was with giving Allison this necklace.

"You're gonna make me work for it." Allison stated.

"Some mysteries are worth the effort." Kate told her, putting the pendant around her niece neck.

"And some are not." Emily added.

Allison ignored her cousin and hugged Kate, thanking her for the present.

"Okay, we really gotta go now or we're going to be late." Emily said and dragged Allison out of the room without saying goodbye to her aunt. The girl was too furious about the fact that Kate was trying to help Allison figuring out all about the family history aka all about werewolves and other supernatural creatures out there.


"Did you tell her?" Allison squeaked at Emily. The girls had arrived at school about five minutes ago and were now standing in front of Allison locker. The girl was trying to get the balloon's that were flying out of her locker back into it but failed miserably.

"No, I swear to god, I haven't told anyone. Not Lydia, or even Scott and Stiles." Emily replied.

"Is today your birthday?" Scott asked. The boy had been showing up at Allison's locker every morning, so the two of them could walk together to their classes.

"No, no, no. I mean, yes." Allison said, still trying to get the balloons back into her locker. "Please don't tell anybody."

"We don't even know how Lydia found out." Emily told her friend.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Scott asked his girlfriend.

"Because I don't want people to know. Because..." Allison tried to explain, but couldn't quite get over herself.

"She's seventeen." Emily told him, which resulted in Allison slapping her shoulder. "Ah. He would've found out anyway. Sooner or later."

"You're seventeen?" Scott asked, not believing he had heard her right.

"Yes, you heard right McCall. You're dating an older woman." Emily replied.

"That is the reaction I'm trying to avoid." Allison said, referring to his question.

"Why?" Scott questioned. "I mean, I totally get it. Uhh, you had to repeat a year because of all the moving around, right?"

Allison looked at the boy with a surprised look, she couldn't believe he actually figured out the real reason she got held back a year.

Instead of answering him, she closed her locker and kissed him.

"What was that for?" Scott asked.

"For literally being the first person to ever make the right assumption. Everybody's like, 'What? Did you get held back?', 'Did you right the short bus?'" Allison explained.

"Or my favorite, 'Did you have a baby?'" Emily told him, remembering all the phone calls, she had received over the years, with Allison complaining and crying about the fact that she was older than others in her grade and how much she hated her birthday.

"That's what you hear on your birthday?" Scott asked.

"Oh, yeah. All day long." Allison replied, her voice low and sad.

"Then, what if we got out of here?" He asked his girlfriend.

"Skip class?" Allison asked.

"No. He means like quit school, forever." Emily replied.

"The whole day." Scott said.

"Well, you're asking someone who's never skipped one class, to bail out the entire day. I mean, I'm not like Emily. I don't..." Allison told him.

"No, see, that's perfect. If you get caught then they'll go easy on you." Scott told her.

Not knowing what to do, Allison looked at her cousin for help.

"He's right. They'll go easy on you." Emily confirmed.

"Well, what if you get caught?" Allison asked Scott.

"Let's try not to think about that." Scott replied and pushed her towards the main doors.

"Have fun!" Emily screamed after them.

"Young love." She sighed.


"Just a friendly reminder, parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a C average are required to attend." Mr. Harris told the class. It was the second class of the day and Emily hadn't seen Jackson or Lydia, which surprised her. She had thought, that she would at least see Lydia, who would've probably searched for Allison and would've gone to her to ask where her cousin had gone.

"I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment." The teacher said looking right at Emily, who was sitting next to Stiles.

"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" He now asked looking right at Stiles, who was occupied with coloring his whole chemistry book. But before the boy could answer the teacher's question, the classroom door was opened and a sick looking Jackson walked in. The chemistry teacher walked over to the boy, who just sat down in his seat, and told him something but Emily was too far away to make out the words that were spoken.

"Everyone, start reading chapter nine." Mr. Harris ordered as he walked back to the front of the classroom. "Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book."

Stiles blew the cap, which he had been holding between his teeth, high into the air and caught it with one hand as it came rushing down again.

"Hey, Danny. Can I ask you a question?" Stiles asked the Hawaiian boy in front of him.

"No." Danny replied.

"Well, I'm going to anyway." Stiles stated. "Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?"

The boy sighed in annoyance but answered the question anyway, "No."

"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles asked.

"Answer's still no." Danny said.

"Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" He still asked, ignoring Danny.

"He wouldn't tell me." Danny told him.

"But he's your best friend." Emily interjected.

Danny just shrugged his shoulders, not knowing how to reply.

"One more question." Stiles said.

"What?" Danny asked the boy, now being slightly annoyed with his classmate.

"Do you find me attractive?" Stiles asked.

Emily rolled her eyes at Stiles, still not believing that the boy wasn't over the fact that Danny didn't seem to like him.

Stiles who was still waiting for an answer from the guy in front of him, started lean forward and fell from his stool once he had passed his balance point. Emily started to laugh at the boy now lying on the ground and earned a glare from him as he got up and reassumed his seat next to the girl.


"What?" Scott answered the phone. It was the end of the day, Stiles and Emily were concerned about Lydia not showing up for school today and about Jackson's weird behavior all day long, and were now calling the werewolf looking for help.

"Finally! Have you been getting any of our texts?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, like all nine million of them." Scott replied.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Stiles asked his best friend.

"Lydia's totally M-I-A. Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guy is dead." Emily explained to him.

"And you have to do something about it." Stiles added.

"Like what?" Scott questioned.

"Something." The boy next to Emily stated.

"Okay, I'll deal with it later. Left, left, left, left, left." Scott said and you could hear the squeaking of breaks through the phone, before the line went dead.

"Great and what now?" Emily asked her friend.

"I don't know, Em. But thanks to you encouraging your cousin on skipping school with Scott today, we have to deal with this on our own now." Stiles said and dragged the girl towards the exit of the school building.


"Honey, there's Emily and a Stiles here to see you." Mrs. Martin said, once they entered the girl's room. Stiles masterplan for solving the mission of the day without the help of their werewolf friend, included talking to Lydia. So the two teenagers drove over to the Martin house right after school.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Lydia asked, staring at her fingers.

"She took a little something to ease her nerves." Mr. Martin explained, before leaving the two teens alone with her daughter. "You can... You can go in."

"Thanks." Stiles replied and the two teenagers walked further into Lydia's room.

The girl was lying on her bed, still in her PJs, at least Emily thought they were, looking at the two people coming into her room.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"We were here to make sure you were okay." Stiles explained to the girl.

The red head stared at her fingers for several seconds, totally being drugged up.

"Why?" She asked, while petting the comforter right next to her, mentioning for Stiles to sit down. Which the boy did, before answering her question.

"Because I was worried about you today." Stiles answered. Emily noticed how the boy seemed to forget that she was still in the room too.

"How are you feeling?" Stiles asked Lydia.

Instead of answering his question right away, Lydia grabbed the boy's arm trying to get closer to him. Emily started to feel uncomfortable and started to look around the room, hoping it would help her to suppress the upcoming feelings.

"I feel fantastic." Lydia answered in a slurred voice, her face only a few inches away from Stiles'.

The Boy started to chuckle uncomfortably, not knowing what he was supposed to do now.

"Oh," He exhaled as he saw Lydia's pills lying on the little table next to her bed. He grabbed the bottle and read the label suck on it.

"I bet you can't say, 'I saw Suzy sittin in a shoeshine shop' 10 times fast." Stiles started to mess with the girl.

"I can't even say that, and I'm not drugged up on some pills." Emily mumbled to herself.

"I saw Shuzy... I shaw..." The strawberry blonde girl tried to prove the boy wrong, but failed miserably.

"I saw..." She kept mumbling, now staring into some sort of abyss.

"What did you see, Lydia?" Emily asked.

"Something." She stated.

"Something like... a mountain lion?" Stiles questioned.

"A mountain lion." Lydia repeated.

"Are you sure you saw a mountain lion or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?" The boy asked.

"A mountain lion." Lydia said once more.

Emily, who was thought that Lydia had no clue about what she was saying, grabbed the stuffed giraffe from the girl's night stand and showed it to her.

"What's this?" She asked.

"A mountain lion." Lydia answered.

"Yeah, you have no clue what you're saying, have you?" Emily asked and put the stuffed animal back to his place.

"You're so drunk." Stiles said. And as if Lydia was trying to confirm his statement, the girl's head fell right onto his lap, making it look like she was giving him a blow-job.

Emily who still felt uncomfortable could contain herself and began to laugh, at this whole situation.

"Well, we're gonna go." Stiles said. After Emily had finally stopped laughing, she helped the boy getting Lydia of his lap, and the boy got faster of the bed then the Flash could run.

"Uh, we'll let you get back to the whole post-traumatic stress thing." Stiles rambled as the two of them were leaving Lydia's room.

"Stay." The strawberry blonde girl mumbled.

Stiles opened the almost closed door and looked around, wondering who the girl could've meant to stay. As he found one else around then Emily and him, he walked right back into the room.

"Me? Stay? You want me to stay?" He asked confused.

"Really, Stiles? Really?" Emily asked and shook her head at the boy.

"Mmm-Hmm." Lydia nodded and sat up straighter in her bed again petting the spot next to her once more. It didn't take Stiles a second before he sat down on the bed again.

"Yes, please." Lydia said, starting to touch Stiles. "Stay."

The girl took the boy's face into both of her hands totally ready to kiss him any second.

The jealousy rising inside Emily tried to take over her, but the girl was strong enough to restrain herself from going over to the bed and slap the hell out of Lydia.

"Please. Jackson." Lydia whispered and let go of Stiles' face falling back onto her bed.

"And we're done here." Stiles said and Emily was struggling not to start laughing again.

Lydia's phone started to ring, signaling an incoming text.

"You want me to get that?" Stiles asked the passed out girl.

He didn't get an answer from her so he just grabbed the girl's phone and unlocked it.

"It's a text... I don't know how to..." Stiles said once the screen showed a recently shot video. The video was taken last night, as it showed the Alpha jumping through the video rental's window.


"Hey, it's me again. Look, we found something, and we don't know what to do, okay?" Stiles said into his phone, he was trying to reach Scott for what felt like the millionth time this day, but it kept straight going to voice mail. By now the two of them left the martin house and were now in Stiles' room.

"I can't believe, she actually filmed that." Emily mumbled, watching the video for the fifth time in a row, they took Lydia's phone with them just in case.

"So if you could turn your phone on right now, that'd be great. Or else, I'll kill you. Do you understand me? I'm gonna kill you. And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description about how exactly I'm gonna kill you, but I'm just gonna do it, okay? I'm gonna...ugh..goodbye." Stiles rambled, before tossing his phone onto his bed.

"Good thing, I wasn't sitting there." Emily said.

"I don't know, how you can joke around at times like this." Stiles stated looking at the girl sitting in his desk chair.

Emily just shrugged her shoulders, "It's all part of my charm."

Before Stiles could reply to her comment, a knock on the door stopped him.

"Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news on this parent/teacher thing tonight." The sheriff said to his son.

"Depends on how you define good news." Stiles stated.

"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues." Mr. Stilinski explained.

"You might wanna rethink that definition." Stiles told his dad.

"Enough said." The sheriff said and turned around leaving the teenagers alone again.

"As sorry as I am. I still need to leave you alone with this problem now." Emily said, holding up Lydia's phone. "But I have to show up at this stupid conference."

"What for?" Stiles asked.

"Well, let's just say that Mr. Harris is a dick and that math was made by the devil." The girl said, while leaving Stiles' room, trying to catch up on the sheriff, hoping she could catch a ride with the man.


After a short stop by the animal clinic, where Emily was forced to stay in the sheriff's car, and forced meaning she was actually locked in, she's now sitting between Chris and Victoria opposite of her teacher waiting for her to start.

"Let's start with Emily. She's an incredibly smart girl, at least when it doesn't come to math and chemistry, but even in those classes she managed to improve. Her attendance record also showed improvement compared to previous years, and so did her regular attendance at detentions. All in all you could say, she's trying to even out her past mistakes." The teacher explained.

"Allison Argent. An incredibly sweet girl. And quick to adjust, despite all the moving around." The teacher told the two older Argents.

"We know it's hard on them, but, it's a necessary evil." Chris said.

"Necessary or not, I'd be prepared for some... How do I put this?" The woman said.

"Rebelliousness?" Chris helped her.

"We appreciate the concern, but we have a great relationship with our daughter and our niece. Very open and honest." Victoria explained. Emily tried not to laugh at her aunt's statement, open and honest, yeah right.

"I'm happy to hear that. And let her know that I hope she's feeling better." The teacher said.

"Oh, she wasn't in class." Chris asked puzzled.

"oh, she wasn't in school. I checked with the office." She explained. Both of the Argent's turned their heads towards Emily, raising their eyebrows in question.

"I don't know where she is. I swear the last time I saw her, was when I left her at her locker. I don't know where she went from there." Emily explained.

"Allison, answering your cell phone will make discussing the terms of your grounding much easier." Chris said, speaking a message onto Allison's voice mail. "Call me back before your punishment reaches biblical proportions."

"Kate, hasn't heard from her either." Victoria said after ending the call with her sister in law.

"She doesn't do this." Chris stated.

"Oh, come on guys. She skipped one day, that isn't the end of the world you know." Emily said.

"Excuse me, you're not Allison's parents, are you?" A woman with curly, dark hair approached them. "I'm Scott's mom, and I hate to say it, but he's answering his phone either."

"You're his mother?" Chris asked.

"Funny, how you say that like it's an accusation." Mrs. McCall replied. In that moment Emily decided that she liked Scott's mom, just for the fact that she spoke back at Chris.

"Well, I wouldn't claim it as a source of pride, since he basically kidnapped my daughter today." Chris told her.

"How do we know that skipping school wasn't your daughter's idea?" Mrs. McCall fired back.

"My daughter... is right there." Chris said after spotting Scott and Allison getting out of the car. Mrs. McCall turned around and hurried down the steps towards her son.

"Let's go." Chris said, leading Victoria down the steps also heading to their daughter.

"It's not his fault. It's my birthday, and we were..." Allison tried to defend her boyfriend but Chris stopped her.

"Allison. In the car." He ordered.

But before either of them could move, a scream straddled them.

People began shouting and running around the parking lot in panic. They looked around the lot hoping to find the source of panic, but neither of them were able to make out what was going on.

"Allison!" Emily and Scott screamed in unison, as the girl was about to get hit by a car approaching her. Scott started running towards her, pushing her out of the way.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked his girlfriend. Allison just nodded her head, and they began looking around once more. But nothing was to be seen, there were only people running around screaming and you could hear some growling here and there. But those sounds were suddenly overlapped with the sound of a few gunshots. The teenagers ran into the direction the sound was coming from. A dead mountain lion was lying on the ground, solving Beacon Hills' animal attack problem.


Thank God this episode is over,  I don't know why but this was incredibbly hard to write. (So, sorry if it sucks).

Thanks for all the reads (4k, I can't believe it), votes and comments, you guys rock :)

See you next time

Jess (The girl who totally hates her homework right now, I mean come on we're on break now)

PS. This is not edited.

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