Just saying. (Calum Hood X Re...

بواسطة problxmatic_fangirl

11K 285 65

When life doesn't go your way, your best friend is there for you. Though he may be falling in love with you... المزيد

Chapter 1, The End of Summer Plans
Chapter 3, The First Day
Chapter 4, And So It Begins
Chapter 5, Why Were You Acting So Weird?
Chapter 6, The Secret's Out
Chapter 7, And Then the Rain
Chapter 8, Eye of the Storm
Chapter 9, Resolving Problems
Chapter 10, Day Off
Chapter 11, Break
Chapter 12, Isn't She Lovely
Chapter 13, Falling Hard
Chapter 14, Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming
Chapter 15, The New Year

Chapter 2, End of Summer Bash

1.3K 44 1
بواسطة problxmatic_fangirl

The party would take place at Ashton's house tonight. I decided to wear a black tank with my ripped up high waisted shorts and my flannel tied around my waist, I didn't put on make up and left my (y/color hair) hair lie across my shoulders. My mother dropped me off at Ashton's house on the way to her business meeting. I approached the door and knocked waiting for a reply, I could hear talking inside, then the door opened and i was looking at Luke, He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me hugging me, "Hey (y/n)!" He picked me up off the ground and spun me around, "Okay Luke chill, put me down," he set me down and laughed sympathetically, "sorry (y/n)," Luke moved out of the way and gestured me to step inside, he closed the door behind us. I stepped into the kitchen to see the boys whipping each other with hand towels, I shook my head and sighed, "Boys!" I shouted, they all stopped and turned their heads to me, "oh hey (y/n)!" Mikey said, they all came in to greet me, I shook my head, "no." they all looked at me questionably, "no?" I stared at them before quickly grabbing the hand towel out of Mikey's hand and whipped him and the three others before retreating away, "oh no it's on (y/n)!" I ran from the boys trying not to get hit but i was out numbered, whilst Mikey and Ash had their backs turned I hit them and quickly moved, making them think that Luke and Calum had done it, i ra behind the boys and into the kitchen sitting on the counter going through our supplies until the boys traveled into the kitchen with me.

After the boys calmed down we began to set up the tables and lights. Ashton and Luke moved the breakable items upstairs and set up tables full of snacks and drinks for the guests whilst Calum and Mikey set up the fairy lights (that I picked out) around the yard and throwing the pool floats in the water. We then set up Ashton's drum set and the speaker for the microphones and guitars. We had also set up a playlist to play over the speakers so when the boys weren't playing they could party with everyone else. Once everything was set up we still had at least two hours left until any guests would be arriving, so we all decided to play video games in the garage. All of the games were four player so i had to take turns with someone each time. I sat on the couch beside Calum, Ashton on the other side of him with Luke and Michael in the bean bag chairs. I let the boys play together before I would have my turn, I laid my legs across Calum's lap. He was radiating heat, it was the end of summer going into fall but it was still warm outside, but i was fine with it. We played a few rounds of Mario Kart and other competitive games until it was about time people would be here so we went upstairs.

The first people to show up was Sami and a few other people i recognized but not recall their names, Sami though I knew that face anywhere, she had been my friend in junior high because Calum hadn't talked to me much since his girlfriend didn't like me so she told him not to talk to me, not later after that he broke up with her. Once we befriended Michael of course Sami and him had instantly hit off, now they have been dating for almost a year, she was my favorite girlfriend of the boys. We all greeted each other and then went into the back yard and began to talk to each other. My boyfriend Jack had texted me a few minutes later informing me he would not be able to make it, i shrugged it off knowing there must have been a good reason for it i turned my attention back to the others.

Once more people arrived the boys got on their little stage and announced a welcome and have fun and played one of their songs then began to play covers until they became slightly tired, and awfully sweaty too. Calum got off stage and I handed him a towel, "you did great, for a loser i guess." He raised an eyebrow at me, "a loser huh? Well I guess the losers friend is about to get covered in sweat!" I bolted away from him and he quickly ran after. He chased me around half of the yard both of us laughing like maniacs, eventually he caught me because of his damn long legs. He wrapped me in a bear hug rubbing his sweat onto me, "ewww Calum cooties!" I said sticking my tongue out at him, he copied my face then laughed at me, i shot him a glare and he held up his hands in surrender, "woah retract the beast please." I smiled at him and rolled my eyes at him, "whatever," he smirked at me, "truce?" He stuck out his hand and i took his hand shaking it, he quickly then pulled my into a hug again, "ha I win," I pushed away from him, "you are so gross! I will get you back I hope you know that." He nodded and chuckled,"of course what would I expect from you (y/n)? To accept my sweaty offering?" I shook my head and laughed, "who would?" Calum took his hand in mine and dragged me into the house where the boys were.

We talked the whole night mingling and rocking out to the kick ass playlist. We had been standing by the pool talking when I began to bicker with Calum about some random topic when he randomly bends down to lick my face, I glared at him, "the sweat now you lick me?" He smirked at me and nodded, "whatcha gonna do about it? Huh (y/n)?" I smirked back at the boy, his hair shown in the light and his tan skin seemed dark from being in the sun all morning, I stared at him for another moment until i snapped out of it. "Do you really want to know Cal?" He nodded his head, "duh sweetie." I swiftly pushed him into the pool before he could react he was in the water soaked. I laughed at him and the others had seen what had happened so they joined in as well, "payback loser!" I said in between my laughs. I felt something grabbed my ankles and pull me into the pool, i let out a scream and then I was accompanied by the cool but unexpected sensation of water against my body. I swam to the surface to find a laughing Calum, "you bitch!" I shouted at Calum, he continued laughing at me so I jumped on his back pulling him under the water with me. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me waving, i shook my head and we swam back up to the surface of the water to catch our breath. The other boys jumped in as well, splashing water around.

That moment made me realize how much i loved these weirdos, this would be one of my most favorite summer memories, for sure. I climbed out of the pool and dried off, as well did the boys. Ashton and the guys drove me and Sami home, Calum and I sat in the very back seats since Sami and Michael decided to kanoodle in the car. I had laid my legs over Calum's lap once again and leaned my head against his shoulder, "I love you (y/n)" he whispered into my ear so I could hear him over the radio, "I love you too Calum," we smiled at each other and went back to silence. We had arrived at my house and i said goodbye to all the others hugging them all telling them I would see them monday morning then heading into my house to rest for the night. Goodbye Summer.

AN: Hello, sorry that wasn't that great of a chapter the next one will be better i swear. Well i hope it is. Ily bye.

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