I hate you, George Weasley

By PurpleSpoon

5.4K 88 22

Ginny's obsession. Tara's lies. Laineys secrets. Jace's jokes. Katie's stalking. Matthew's gullibleness. Thel... More

I hate you, George Weasley
Thelma the lard
Close encounters with gorillas and Matthew
An idea of Macy
There went my Elation
The crashdown #1
Get it right, moron
Of Flaws and Woes of the heart
My troubled brain.
Was that Better?
The Return of Matty
Gordo Vaca de un hermano
I'm awful

Death wishes (On my behalf)

298 5 1
By PurpleSpoon

You know you're bored when you start thinking random things that are so far from relevant to what's happening, that it leads to more useless facts after another? Does that make sense?

Proffessor Binns is a horrid man. As if I really care about the battle for the equal treatment of goblins? I have a life, you know.

Ok, no I don't. But that's not the point. The point is, I'm bored out of my mind. Listtening to Madam Pince lecture me on the spines of books would be better than this.

I looked at the note in front of me, from Ginny. I opened it up.

Ginny: Where were you on Valentine's Day?

Me: Giving Moaning Myrtle an eyeful in the prefects' bathroom.

As if I'd actually tell her where I was? She'd hate me forever.

Ginny: Haha, So funny (Sarcasm). I know you did something.

Me: Myrtle and I are friends now. Honest.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Ginny: George was upset today.

Me: I don't care.

Yes I do. But I'd rather die than admit that to her.

Ginny: Yes you do.

Me: yeah, you're right.

(I was pressured, ok? And I'm curious...)

"...And Gregorgavich seized London for three years, until captain Moholland killed his wife," Binns said, writing on the board.

"Ginny," I whispered."Crawl out the door with me, I'm cutting."

She nodded. Lucky for us, we're smart enough to sit in the back; about 7 feet from the exit. He kept writing, and I grabbed my bag and got on all fours. We started crawling towards the door, and slipped through the crack. (I'm so smart :) what would Ginny do without me?)

We got up and dusted ourselves off, before walking (Quickly) to the common room. Once in, we sat on the floor.

"I have to tell you something." Ginny said.

"Ok," I picked at my nails.

"It's really disturbing, though."

I laughed, and gave her a look.

"I'm not joking." she said.

"Okay. I'm all ears." I told her.

"It's about George,"

"Get on with it!" I said. (This also means snapped)

"Come closer..." she said.

"Okay. Now tell me, why? We're the only ones here."

"Okay, so I over heard the twins talking about what they did the other day, and Fred was with Angelina."

I gasped, like this was news.

"Oh no! That swine! I can't believe he would spend time with his girlfriend!"

"Katie!" she hissed.


We were cut off by the loud sound of seventh year students entering the common room.

"Well look, I can't tell you now, can I?" she said, and I glared.

"Fine. Tell me after lunch, okay?" I told her.

"Yeah, okay. It's super important. Meet me out on the quidditch pitch, under the Gryffindor stands."


"Hey, Katie, Ginny," it was Fred, Geoge, and Lee. I don't know or care who said it. They're all beautiful.

An awkward silence hung over us as they sat down. Ginny and I shared a look of confusion. She looked freaked out, and I was trying so hard not to laugh. I'm not going to be the one to break the silence.

"Lee, I'm going to get a dreadlock in honor of you." I said.

Dang. I lied to myself, didn't I?

"Why only one?" he asked.

"Because I like my long hair."

"Why in honor of me?"

"I don't know."

"Ginny, aren't you supposed to be in class?" Fred asked. Yes, I can tell them apart :)

Ok, no I can't.

"No. Free period." Oh, how she lies.

"...But we saw Tara in class." George said.

"She's a Ravenclaw, of course. Must you be so daft?" Ginny replied, getting up, and yanking me with her.

I could feel their eyes on us as we walked away towards the portrait hole.

"That was uncomfortable." I said.

"I know," she kicked the ground.

When we got to the great hall, it was extremely crowded. Even the 7th years were there! (Though that may have something to do with the fact that we stopped at the restrooms several times to try and find Myrtle.)

I took a spot by Jace, who was being a complete and utter Lard. He had smeared food on his face, and when he saw me, he leaned over to give me a kiss.

"You know you want one!" he shouted, pulling me closer to him, so that Ginny could sit down.

"Ugh!" I said, as the food made contact with my face

"I love your maturity," Ginny said, cramming crackers into her mouth.

I just stuffed as many bread rolls in my mouth as I could. I wonder what Tara would say.

I was extremely antsy about what Ginny would tell me, so I tried to get her to hurry up by shoving food down her shirt. Not on accident, I just missed her mouth. She glared. I pretended to hyperventilate while holding a fork up to my eye so that it would look like she's in jail. She smacked my leg.

"Ready?" she said, after the longest eight minutes of my life.

"Yeah," I said, and we ran to the quidditch pitch, and then under the Gryffindor stand.

"Ok, tell me." I said, sitting on a wooden bench that didn't belong here.

"George fancies you," she whispered in my ear.

The butterflies were in my stomach, and they made me feel so uneasy, that I to feel my chest tighten.

"Well what should I do?"

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