Gordo Vaca de un hermano

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I am peaceful. Sure, my head hurts a little. But it's dark, and warm and really soft. It smelled good, too. Just like George. I inhaled the scent. The belt I was wearing was uncomfortable, so I rolled over.

Something beside me moaned, and I became aware that I obviously wasn't alone. I opened my eyes slowly, and looked to the side of me.

George. (As if you didn't already know)

He still had his uniform pants on, but was shirtless. The curtains were closed, letting no light in, and the watch on George's wrist told me it was almost two. The comforter was pulled to my shoulders, but was half off of him.

And of course I couldn't remember anything last night. I pulled my face off of his chest, and looked down at him. His eyes fluttered open, and he held his head.

"Why am I in your bed?" I asked sheepishly.

He muttered something incoherent, and began looking for a shirt. He pulled one on. (This made me sad. He has a nice chest.)

"I don't really know," He said softly.

His head obviously hurt. He most likely had more alcohol than me. He leaned back and held his temples.

"Em, I'm gonna go now," I muttered, cautiously opening the curtains to reveal a messy room, and most soft snores coming from a few beds.

I stepped out and closed the curtains, before grabbing my shoes and running to my dorm.

I got a curious look from Ginny.

And just to let you know, I felt disgusting. I went and showered and brushed my teeth, before pulling on a pair of jeans, and a dark purple v-neck tee. I put some gray Toms on and pulled my hair into a bun.

"Katie?" she asked.

"Yeah?" I asked, sitting beside her.

"What happened to you?"

"Not a clue. I woke up next to George, fully clothed." I went to find some food from under my bed.

She sighed.

"Want to go for a walk?" I asked.

"Why not?"


The following night, Ginny and I were in the common room. I haven't spoken to George since that dreadful morning. I shuddered.

"George hasn't been avoiding me, has he?" I asked Ginny nervously.

"Er- I-I wouldn't... well, yeah."

"Oh," I fiddled with a piece of my hair.

"He reckons you're angry with him," she rolled her eyes."He wouldn't even listen when I tried to tell him otherwise."

I frowned.

"Oh, it's complete bollucks, I know," she said.

"So he told you this?" I asked.

"Well, I believe it was something along the lines of 'More awkward than when you walk in on me bathing. I'm not talking,' and then he just left."

"I don't think it was awkward."

"Yeah, and you haven't exactly been able to recall that night, have you?" she asked.

"Erm- lots of snogging?"

She smirked at me.

"Well are you going to tell me?" I asked.

"No. Go ask George," she smirked.

I hate you, George WeasleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ