I'm awful

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I opened my eyes as someone yanked open the curtains to my bed. Ginny.

"It's the twins birthday today," Ginny said, frantically.

"...what?" I muttered, before sitting up straight. Then it registered: I'm an awful girlfriend. I forgot to get George something. I'd been so mad at Braden and his troll.

"Yeah, I know. So here's the plan; we skip History of Magic and wait an hour before going to the kitchens for candy and butterbeer. Okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah. And I'll get Jace to give me something. He has these posters of Alabama quidditch players-"

"They don't know what Alabama is," she interjected.

"But they will," I said cheerily.

She rolled her eyes, before going to get ready. About twenty minutes later, we were dressed and very bored. I started jumping on Thelma's bed. Ginny began singing the new weird sisters album. I told her to knock it off. She replied by throwing a pillow at me.

"Come on," she muttered. We ran down the stairs, and were about to be out when Ginny stopped, knocking me flat on my butt.

"What is it?" I hissed.

"They could be out there." she replied, peering around the corner.

"Or not," I muttered.

"Oh; nevermind. Only Katie and Angie,"

We started walking for the portrait door, but could still hear what the two girls were talking about.

"-and I got him that quidditch book of plays," Angelina Johnson said.

"Really? How lovely! I'm planning on asking George to date me again. I'll start by kissing him," Katie said brightly.

"How romantic!"

I gave Ginny a disgusted look before heading to the kitchens. She laughed.

"That girl is crazy," she told me, before tickling the pear on the giant portrait.

We were suddenly swarmed by scrawny houselves, all offering their services.

"Chocolate frogs and droobles best blowing gum and some redvines," I started listing things off.

Beside me, I heard Ginny sigh.

After we had gotten the candy, I went up to Jace's room and dug through his trunk, looking for an Alabama poster. Instead, I found a sneak-o-scope, and laughed. As if George would need this.

I grabbed it anyways.


The rest of the day was horrific; Potions, double DADA, herbology, and Ancient Runes. So when Ginny and I were leaving to go to the Great Hall, and Fred and Lee came around and said there was a painting we should see (Yes, a painting) and that is was on the other end of the castle. Ginny and I shared a look; something was weird.

"Happy Birthday, Fred," I told him, before pulling a Few chocolate frogs from my pocket.

"Yeah, Happy birthday; those are from both of us, by the way." Ginny said.

"I don't get any?" Lee said, frowning, and climbing up more steps.

"No," Ginny swat at his head, but was too short and hit his neck.

"Thanks," Fred said, with chocolate in his mouth. I scrunched my nose up.

"Why is this painting so important? I'm hungry," I said unhappily.

"It's pretty! Girls like pretty things," Lee said.

"Well can you hurry up and show us? I want to eat," Ginny said.

"There it is!" Fred said.

It was a picture of a fat woman eating cherries on a couch.

"You prats!" Ginny yelled.

I frowned, and she glared. I looked at Ginny's watch.

"We don't even have time to eat," I said, now glaring.

"Why did you do this? It's not funny!" Ginny yelled.

"Erm- I think it's pretty," Fred said, scratching the back of his neck.

I turned on my heel and began walking back down the hall, when Lainey came around the corner.

"Hey Katie, let's talk," she said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ginny too?" I asked.

"Yeah; Gin! Come on!"

We walked a bit before getting to the Hufflepuff common room. We sat down beside the fire, on the floor.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked.

"Y-you know that Bell girl?" Lainey started. I scrunched up my face. "Oh, she's hideous, I know."

"A bit obsessed with George," Ginny said.

"Oh my. Well, anyhow, I was sitting peacefully eating my peas, and all-"

"Get on with it," I cut her off.

"Don't interrupt. I'm getting there. And so I was eating my peas, and then Ka- Bell went up to George and got close to him- Aren't y'all dating?"

"Lainey! Stop. It. Tell me what happened," I said again.

"Well, then, she like, touched his face-I know, creepy, right? And then they started snogging," she looked upset.

I leaned back on the floor.

"That's why they wanted us away from the Great Hall," Ginny said.

"Who?" Lainey asked.

"Fred and Lee,"

"Prats," Lainey muttered.

"That's alright. I don't care as much as I should." I said.

"You shouldn't," Ginny said.

"Well I don't." I said.

"Come on; the prefects will be back soon." Ginny said.

"Bye Lainey!" we said, before leaving.

"I can't believe him," Ginny said, as we walked back to the common room.

"I was a rebound. Just like he was a rebound for Matty,"

"That's awful to say!" Ginny said.

"So true, though. And it isn't actually like he wanted to let people know we dated." I said darkly, blinking my eyes so they'd dry up.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah. Not sitting by me, or talking to me when there were people around. You know what I mean?" I asked.

"Yeah. Maybe it's because of your age?" she pondered for a few moments before we reached the fat lady.

Inside the common room, George and Katie were on the couch together, talking. I glanced at them before Ginny and I went to the dormitory. When we were both in the showers, Ginny tried to talk to me.

"Just ignore him and-"

"Do you think Hermione would charm a brush to straighten my hair for me?" I asked.

"Um, I think she'd have tried it by now."

"Right," I muttered, inaudible over the running water.

George had told me my hair was wild. That git.

(A/N) sorry I haven't uploaded. This story is really bad... So I'm trying to write a different one on here, I just don't know what it's going to be called yet. I'll try and upload sometime this week.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2011 ⏰

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