My troubled brain.

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My brain is troubled. Very troubled. So troubled by George - that bloody twat- that I haven't had time to day dream about Matty. I mean, here I sit, in history of magic, unable to think solely about Matty! See, George is in my thoughts. All Professor Binns does is read. Very boring, I know. And then George's eyes- they are haunting me. I can't close my eyes without seeing them. It's sickening. And then, of course, I start to get all inappropriate. For instance, about seven minutes ago, I was wondering what his chest would feel like under my hands. Very good, I hope.

So you see, now my curiosity will get the best of me, and I will be forced to forget Matty altogether, and just randomly go up to George and snog him.

Ew. What would Ginny say?

Ginny doesn't have to know, of course. Why, I'm sure he knows tons of secrets in this castle!

Theoretically, if I were to date him, Ginny would be mad. So I'd have to do it secretly.

Professor Binns dismissed the class, and I got up with Ginny. Somewhere along our walk to the Great Hall, Tara joined us.

"Oh my gosh, Ginny, did you hear? Supposedly, George likes some fourth year!"

I sniffed, and glanced at Ginny. We shared a look. Obviously, though, we weren't on the same page, because she turned to Tara and said,"Yes, he likes Katie."

Great, Ginny. Now the whole schools going to know. In less than two hours, also. People are going to think I'm a very derogatory-word-used-for-bad-women.

"Katie?" she dragged my name out."Why would anyone like Katie?" again, she dragged my name out.

My eyes sort of burned with tears. Sort of, but not really. Tara looked over at me, as if just noticing I was walking with them.

"No offense, of course," she added with a flip of her veela hair.

I hate her.

"Um, I hope they have roast beef tonight!" Ginny said, trying desperately to change the subject.

"Of course, he's probably only using you." Tara continued, as if nothing had happened.

We walked to the great hall, and sat at are respective tables. We sat on the end where no one else was. I took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"You don't really think he's using me, do you?" I asked.

"Of course not. Maybe you're right about Tara. She's really mean."

"Yeah..." I ate some potatoes.

"And," she leaned in closer," She's probably jealous,"

"Right," I said, looking at my plate.

I know I always say I hate Tara, but I still considered us friends. Yeah, it's weird, I know. But her words stung.

"Hey Katie, Ginny!" Lainey waved to us before walking to her table.

I frequently glanced at the doors.

"Hey, Gin. You wouldn't be mad if I started dating George, would you?" I asked.

"No," she shrugged."I'm not like Ron. The git."

"Ok," I said.

"Ok? Is that it?"

"I was curious."

"Well you have to at least talk to him. When did you last talk to him?" she asked.

"Erm- 3 nights ago..." I said.

"Well you need to talk to him if you want him to think you're interested."

I hate you, George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now