The crashdown #1

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"No! I hate you! Don't ever talk to me again!" IT screeched. Katie Bell's sobs rang out as she ran up the stairs to the girls' dormitory.

Ginny and I exchanged a look, and we went to go find her. No, we don't really care about her. We just want the latest gossip. I was hoping to liven up my day. I sound so sick and disturbed when I say that. But hey, I'm not the only one. About eight teen other girls were crowded in her dorm as Angelina and Alicia tried to comfort her.

"We're o-over," I fought to hide a smile, failed, and slapped a hand over my mouth to hide it. This could easily be mistaken as shock.

Who broke up with her? George did. I am officially happy. Only I can't tell Ginny that I fancy her brother. Some secrets I take to the grave. And Macy, of course.

"Why?" Alicia asked, rubbing her back.

"He always wants to spend time with other students, and never me. Its like im some-some snogging tool. Ugh," she blew her nose rather unattractively.

Who cares? I would snog a hot Ginger three times a week and then cheat on him with his best friend.

About twenty sets of eyes turned on me. Did I speak that out loud? Dang it; one of my many issues...

"You know, if I liked him as much as you." I nodded my head just for good measure before turning around and walking out the door.

Ginny followed me down the spiraling stairs and about a third of the way down, said,"You think my brothers hot?" she had a look of horror on her face.

"Eh," I shrugged and laughed, before walking down the stairs.

"You reckon that Goerge is still down there?" she asked.

"Probably. He may even have Fred and Lee with him. Wanna go see why they broke up?" I asked, looking away.

"Yes," she said excitedly.

Yeah, as you can see, we're losers that have no social lives and can only get good drama from others. Sigh. I wish I had a boyfriend.

We reached the end of the stairs and hid behind the couch that George was sitting on with Fred and Lee. It was closest to the stairs, and facing away from us, so it wasn't hard.

"What's wrong with Bell?" Lee asked. What a dweeb. Anyone could know what's wrong if they were in a 3 mile radius. That girl can scream.

Why, I bet even Snape heard in the dungeons, as he hangs his feet over the fire to warm them up while he eats cinnamon twists with tea, and smiling over someones own misery - can Snape smile? I tried to picture it, but nearly gagged, and so I resumed listening.

There was a pause, until Lee said,"What? Just tell me!" in a very exasperated manor.

"Well, they broke up." Fred said, slowly, as if trying to get a small child to understand.

"Yes; I'm well aware after watching that little escapade earlier... I want to know why." lee said in an equally slow voice.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll ask Ginny."

"I'll ask too. Her friend has eyes browner than a sunflower center," Lee said, and Ginny and I had to shove our fists into our mouths to keep from laughing.

Oh, Tara. Being a Half veela does have its perks. Sure she knows that, though.

"Katie has blue eyes," George said.

Ha, he knows my eye color!

"Yeah, but she's so young." Fred said.

"Only three years younger than us. And Tara's the same age." Lee chimed in.

I hate you, George WeasleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz