My babysitter

By KaiannaMays

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If you like Chris Brown read this book!! If you don't like Chris Brown... Still read this book cause it will... More

Lies You Tell
Hanging with boo
Secrets Part 2
Are We A Family?
Here We Go P.2
Here We Go P.3
Turn Up
We Did It
Why Now?
Let's Chill
In Love With You
The Perfect One
What Would You Do If...
Do You Mind??
Do You Mind?? P.2 *Rated R*
Jealousy P.2 (SO SAD!!)
You Don't Understand
I Don't Need The Bullshit
Sequel Names/ The Book Is Over
Sequel Is Up

Here We Go

4.2K 120 37
By KaiannaMays


I woke up on the couch under this huge blanket. I lifted up to see Nayla on the opposite side, I smiled cause when we were younger we always did this. I got up running up stairs to get in the shower. After I wrapped my towel around me walking to my bed, I put on lotion and did the rest of my hygiene. I walked to my closet putting on black skinny jeans a black T, and putting some back Air Force 1's. I brushed my hair up into a curly bun and put lip gloss on. I grabbed my phone then ran down stairs to see Nay still sleep. "Nay" I called. No response. "Nay" I called again.


"I'm going to work I'll be back at four" I said to her.

"Ok see ya later" she said turning on her side going back to sleep. I grabbed my keys and purse and walked out the door. I hopped in my car putting my phone in my purse, I started the car heading to Starbucks. I couldn't help but think of when Chris used to drive me everywhere, either cause I asked or he didn't want me getting hurt. I finally pulled up getting out going to the door, I opened it up to see Mali behind the counter doing something with the dial.

"Hey Mali" I said walking behind the counter putting my stuff there.

"Hey Malaya, you cool" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Yeah why you ask"

"You just don't look as happy as you did when you first came" he said then pushed the dial in.

"I'm ok thanks for asking but what is that" I asked referring to the dial.

"Its the brewing system to make the coffee" he said as I nodded.

"Ok I have to do that everyday"

"Every weekend" he answered back.

"Ok that's cool" I said as he laughed

"Oh you have to wear this" he handed me a green apron with the logo on it.

"Thanks Mali for being nice to me and helping me" I said putting on the apron wrapping the string around me the tied it.

"You can call me Chiae and your welcome" he smiled and I almost melted. I smiled back just to play it off. Right then my first customer came in, God let this be good. She came and went as did a whole bunch of people. During this time Chiae taught me everything he knew and I caught on quick. Just then this skinny girl came in she looked a little like... Karrueche! She walked up to the counter smiling as I did the same.

"Hi! Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you" 

"Hi are you Malaya" she asked smiling.

"Yes I am, how may I help you" I smiled again but her smile dropped.

"By staying away from my man" I almost choked.

"Excuse me what" I asked shocked more than anything.

"You heard me little girl, stay away from Chris"

"I'm confused if Ima little girl why are you talking to me like this" I asked getting irritated.

"Cause you don't do little girl things and I'm pretty sure your mom doesn't know that, does she" she showed me a picture of Chris holding my waist whispering something in my ear.

"How did you get that"

"Doesn't matter, stay away or this goes to mommy" she said smiling walking out. Chiae came up to me.

"What was all that about"

"Nothing Ima take break" I said grabbing my purse. He nodded then I left. I cant believe this female just walked up in my job harassing me. I mean barely no one was in there to hear but it still counts. I hopped in my car driving to Subway, when I got there I went straight to the chips and drinks. I got barbecue Lays for me and Sour cream for Chiae since he was chugging them down earlier today. I got a Sprite and a Pepsi then paid leaving to my car. I drove back to my job going in giving him his chips and Pepsi. "Thanks how'd you know I like these" he asked opening them.

"You was munching on them earlier today" I said laughing thinking back. Right when I sat down I heard the bell on the door ring and deep voices. I saw flashes out side the windows and then a deep NOLA accent came to my ears. Only one man I know with that voice. I stood up to see August, Trey, Tyga and wait for it... Chris. They sat down at a booth still talking not noticing me. I crunched down behind the counter. "Chiae you gotta take that table" I whispered. He looked over there then chuckled.

"Isn't that your famous boyfriend"

"Ye- I mean he kinda was but I cant talk to him" I said back.

"Well I don't take orders, i make the coffee and you right now don't know how to make coffee. But me making the coffee and doing the orders... FOH with that thought" he said in a deep voice. I got up mugging him.

"Man Chiae not cool" he chuckled then stuck his tongue out at me, I smiled. I took out my note pad, putting on a fake smile walking over.


"Man so whats up with you and lil ma" August asked. 

"Nun" I shrugged my shoulders.

"What lil ma? You gotta girl" Tyga asked. I looked at August intensely then at Tyga.

"No I don't August just think he peeping" I said.

"Naw I am peeping you just haven't seen it through those glasses yet" he laughed. They all laughed then Trey spoke.

"No for real tho do you like her? Is she cute" Tyga asked again.

"Yea-" I saw August nodding his head really fast out the corner of my eye. "Boy, stop nodding yo head so fast, she my girl not yours. Better stop before I give you whiplash before how fast you nodding yo head will" I said mad. August smiled feeling accomplished.

"Told ya you liked ha" he said.

"Whatever im tired" I said yawning.

"Well Ima get me some coffee I don't know about ya'll" Trey said getting up.

"Ight I'm coming" Tyga said standing.

"I'm down" August said hopping up.

"Lets go" I said getting up also. Trey drove us to the nearest Starbucks acting stupid the whole way. We got there arguing about the way Trey drives.

"Naw man ya drive like tha police is afta ya" August said opening the door. We all sat down at a booth table.

"Yeah like you in Fast And The Furious" Tyga said.

"Mane shut up I just really wanted some coffee" he said. I laughed. Right when I was about to say something this girl comes over.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks how may I help you" I looked up to see Malaya. Oh crap!

"Wassup can I get a Carmel Frappuccino" Trey said. She wrote it down then looked at Tyga.

"I want the same as Trey"

"And for you" she pointed to August. 

"Hey ma" he said smiling at her. Her cheeks turned red a little.

"Hi August, what do you want" she smiled back chuckling.

"I want a chocolate chip cookie and a french vanilla coffee" he finished.

"Ok" she wrote it down then looked at me uninterested.

"I want a-"

"Vanilla bean, two extra creams and a coffee dunker" she said cutting me off. Trey and Tyga looked at her in amazement as August looked at her and smirked. "I'll bring your orders out in a minute" she said smiling at them then smirked at me walking away. Shes good trynna play me at my own game.

"Shes bad" Tyga said once she left behind the counter.

"Right nice hair, shape and that smile is man..." Trey said as August started laughing. "What are you laughing for" he asked confused.

"That's his girl" he laughed harder. I side eyed August.

"Sorry bro didn't know" Trey said holding his hands up.

"Yeah me too I didn't know" Tyga said.

"I mean shes not-"

"Naw nigga don't even try ta deny that yo ass is sprung off her but you just don't wanna admit it" August said cutting me off.

"I do like her but we play to many games and shes to worried about our ages" I said looking past Trey at her.

"How old is she" Tyga asked.

"16 turning 17 in a few months"

"Uh... And how do you think the medias going to take that" Trey asked.

"To be honest I really don't know and I really don't care. I like her she hopefully still likes me so it shouldn't matter" I said truthfully.

"Family" Tyga asked.

"Her mom just doesn't want any grand kids right now" I said.

"Oh you got this planned out huh? What about her dad-" Trey got cut off.

"What about my dad" Malaya asked sitting the coffee's on the table.

"No uh.... Not your dad" Trey said.

"Ok... August what time is it" she asked. He pulled out his phone.

"3:57" he said.

"Ok the money, just give it to him cause im leaving" she said taking off her apron.

"Aight ma" August said.

"Bye guys" she said. She looked at me. "Bye Chris" she said all cute and stuff. Oh this girl is going to kill me.


"Bye guys" I said to the three. I chose to mess with Chris. "Bye Chris" I said all cute like. He looked some type of way as I walked away to the counter. "Chiae I'm leaving" I said to him fixing my shirt putting it in my bag.

"Aight ima dip too" he said.

"What about the shop" I asked really confused.

"Kiyah's gonna be here in a minute" he said grabbing his stuff.

"Oh" we both walked out of Starbucks with him locking the door. He took off his Starbucks shirt leaving him in this white see through-ish t-shirt and his jeans. LORD GIVE ME SOMETHING SO I DON'T GO HOP ON HIM RIGHT NOW!

"Malaya!" I heard someone call. I turned around and it was Chris, lord not this something. I walked over to him seeing that he was standing in front of Trey's car im guessing. I stood there in front of him with my arms crossed.

"Yeah" he looked at me just sitting there. "Are you just gone sit there and look at me or say something" I said.

"I just wanted to talk" he said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Bout what" I asked. This conversation is going no where fast.

"Us" he said like it was obvious.

"You made it pretty clear that we weren't together when you said "I cant do this any more" so we have nothing to talk about" I said getting ready to walk away but he grabbed my arm. "What Chris"

"I didn't know what I was saying-"

"You knew exactly what you were saying, Chris. You left me now that's it" I said getting ready to walk away again but he grabbed my arm again bringing me into his chest.

"Baby, please just listen to me" I looked at my phone.

"Go ahead" I said putting it back in my pocket.

"I just couldn't stand being next to this beautiful woman in bed then not be able to treat her like I want to. I cant touch you barely, talk to you cause your some where else, or even have fun with you cause your with Maiah or arguring about her with that dude" he said holding me by my waist so I was facing him.

"So that gives you the reason to just leave without saying any of that to me, you left me dumbfounded. I didn't want you to touch me cause I feel like Ima break the rule my mom had for us. And I have to be with my daughter cause like I said she's MY daughter. Khyree just doesn't like her around you all the time cause she started calling you daddy and he doesn't like that, but no you didn't wanna ask or slow me down to talk to me and tell me" I semi yelled.

"Babe I'm sorry" he said hugging me.

"Yeah ok" I said breaking out of the hug. "Call me when that means something to me" I said walking to my car. I hopped in driving off to my house, I walked in to see Khyree and Maiah playing on the couch. "How'd you get in" I asked taking my key out the door closing it.

"You know I did used to be your boyfriend and you gave me everything, right" he asked.

"Oh yeah, Hey Mai Mai" I said grabbing her from Khyree.

"Mommy" she clapped her hands together. Yeah we taught her that I was her mom but shes only 10 months so it doesn't effect her as much.

"She already ate she should be ready to go to bed" he said.

"Ok, thank you for watching her" I said.

"I kinda wasn't watching her she is My daughter" he said.

"Alright she is your daughter" I said not wanting to argue. He stayed for a minute making sure we was ok then he left. I finally got Maiah to go to sleep so I went up stairs taking her to her bed. I left out going into my room taking a hot shower to relax my muscles, who knew a person could put so much on you. I got out putting on my underwear, shorts and a sports bra since im not sleeping with anyone in the bed. I cut off the light then hopped in the bed laying down slowly falling asleep til i got a text.

ChiaeBaby- Wat u doin

Me- Goin 2 sleep

ChiaeBaby- Ur borin

Me- So r u but I didn't say it

ChiaeBaby- How am I borin

Me- I stay trynna play wit u at work nd wat do u do? "Nah Lay im doin sumin"

ChiaeBaby- I was writin a song

Me- Awe u sing

ChiaeBaby- In sme ways

Me- Nah im pretty sre u can sing good

ChiaeBaby- Y so sre

Me- Most of the cute ones can

ChiaeBaby-So tht mean u can sing

Me- Awe... I do wat I do

ChiaeBaby- Ight then

Me- Bye Chiae

ChiaeBaby- Bye cutie

I blushed then closed my phone putting the blanket over my shoulder falling asleep.


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