Alpha Female

By whiteruby13

223K 7.2K 519

We all know the cliche story about the girl whose mate is the alpha and she gets rejected then kidnapped and... More

Alpha Female
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Coming Soon

Chapter 31

3.4K 111 6
By whiteruby13


I was in the middle of watching Hobbit with Andrew when I felt it. A gut retching pain, as if some stabbed me with a hot pike. I shouted out unable to control myself. The very weak link me and Victoria had from when I marked her snapped. I could feel Andrews hand on my back trying to calm me.

I looked up at him teary eyed. "She did it. She mated him." He looked at me with pity as my heart felt like it was shattering to pieces.

"I'm sorry man." I could tell he didn't mean it, it was just something you say when your not sure how to react. I pushed him away and ran out to the forest. I ran til I reached the cottage in the woods, the one that her parents use to live in. I could feel the rage bubble up in me. I should kill him, she's my mate mine. My wolf growled in his agreement.

Then a flash of her smiling face went through my mind. I never made her that happy.... I pulled out the last pages of the decipher Andrew showed me the other day.  I threw them at the door before throwing rocks angrily into the creek.

No wonder she needs a second mate. I never made her smile the way he does, he has this weird calming affect on her. He has the opposite affect on me. Just thinking of him makes me turn into my father. Full of such hate and rage, he use to beat my mom. He killed his pack with his bare hands cause he went crazy thinking they were stealing his power from him. I shook my head in disgust. I'm just glad he's dead. I remember when he went after my sister. I threw another rock into the water. I still can see the fear in his eyes as I strangled him to death.

I heard a twig snap in the background, I looked around but didn't see anything. I looked up to see a storm coming in. Just as I was about to leave the wind blew.

'Intruder.' I sent through the link before they descended upon me.


POV Victoria

How long has my pack been calling for me? I thought as I raced towards the field where everyone else should be heading. I was so distracted..... How could I of been so foolish? I could feel Mikey racing next to me in his wolf form and knew the answer before I even asked the question.

I heard the snap and jumped. I flipped using Mikey as a catapult right into the assailant. She crashed into the forest floor. I heard Mikey skid to a halt as I smashed the woman's head in with my foot. 'Andrew they are drawing close.' I sent him the warning.

'We are ready, Alpha. Where are you?' He replied.

'I'm coming in hot.' I sent back as I was feet away from the clearing.

They opened up their ring letting us into the safety of our pack. I quickly took note of our lose. It didn't look like we took a big hit yet, I sighed in relief. I turned towards Mikey. "If we start losing you go straight to the others and keep the rest safe Mikey, no arguments." I used my Alpha voice on him. I could feel him trying to fight it. If we win he'll be angry with me, then again if we lose he will probably be angry to.

He glared at me as he unwillingly surrendered. At the other end of the field Alpha Grayson strolled out with his Beta and Third towing something behind them. The rest of his pack waited in the trees.

"Victoria Silver" Alpha Grayson spat." I see you are well, I will fix that soon."

Andrew was the first to speak up. "She is an Alpha you should show her respect."

He laughed. " There are no more Female Alphas, silly boy, and with good reason. I have your mate." I froze. I quickly looked around to notice Ben was missing. I took a moment to think knowing this is a well placed trap. One hand if I try to save Ben right away then it'll make me look like a bad Alpha and prove his point, because I'm willing to sacrifice my pack for him. On the other if I denounce Ben, I am willingly sacrificing a member of my pack.  I stepped out of the safety of my circle.

" What will you have of me, Alpha Grayson?" I treaded carefully.

" Will you not protect your own members? Or are you to coward?" He baited.

"I will protect my members at all costs to my self but not at the cost of the rest of my pack Grayson" I could feel the approval of my pack members and smiled to myself. "If it's a dual you want I'll gladly accept. Fear crossed his face barely even disguised. Grayson took Ben and his men into the trees. Mikey stopped me from chasing after them. I looked back up to see the Blood pack charging. I let out my Alpha power and saw a few cower but not enough to stop them. My pack charged past me to meet them. I weaved my way through trying to find my way to Ben. In the corner of my eye I saw Andrew tearing into a wolves throat while behind him three others were getting ready to pounce him. I changed directions quickly and bulldozed into the three of them. Mikey following me quickly killed one as I finished the other. The last was left dead, probably knocked his head to hard I quickly thought. Andrew nodded his head in thanks before jumping back into the fight.

We were almost out of the battle when Eli came up protecting my flank still in human form. He glanced at the bewildered look from his older brother. "I'm her bodyguard Mikey, Marcus would kill me if I let her out of my sight." I picked up my speed snapping the guys back into focus. They were having problems keeping up with me til I eventually lost them completely. Good, I thought, they don't need to get killed because of me.

I was so far from the field I could no longer hear the fighting. I stopped at the edge of my territory and looked back. Before I could change my mind and go back for my pack I took off. I treaded carefully now as the smell grew stronger. It didn't take me long to know where he was taking me. The same place Ben was taken last time. The same ruins my parents had died in. 'Andrew how are you holding up?' I checked in scanning the area from the shadows.

' We are struggling but we are winning. Mikey came back he's angry, though he's like a killing machine out here.' With that I shut my link back down content that my mate and pack are safe. I felt a spike of fear as I stepped out, but more then anything I could feel Mikey's rage. I held on to that to keep me moving forward and fuel my Alpha's power. I felt Grayson's power once. The strength of it..... I never admitted before but it scared me. When I was in his cage, he came down once to find the guy who I bite after he tried to stick his self in my mouth. Grayson was so angry he let it slip as he finished beating the man up. I didn't tell Kyle how I saw Grayson's fist go through the man, I didn't tell anyone. I never met anyone who could rival my Alpha's power before and the thought of that is what has convinced me to plan on my death.

I stepped in the center trying to keep my fear at bay with Mikey's rage. They came out, I was surrounded. I silently scolded myself at my stupidity, of course it's a trap. Someone chuckled as if reading my thoughts, my head snapped up as I growled at her. She took a step back right into Grayson behind her. He snapped her neck. He spat at her. "Coward"

"You really don't know how to be an Alpha, Grayson." I spoke breaking the silence. "An Alpha is suppose to protect and guide their pack, not the other way around. An Alpha is not suppose to harm its members either." I spat towards him in anger.

"What would you know about being an Alpha? Your a woman, I'm the only Alpha here, little girl." He spoke menacingly. He grew more confident since our meetings. I frowned towards him not trusting this change.

He threw Ben towards me. He crumpled like a rag doll at my feet. I dropped to my knees and checked his pulse. He was alive and breathing, I stood over him protectively. "How do you even still have a pack with the way you treat them?" I demanded glaring at the men and women around me.

He laughed spiking my suspicion. "I stole them stupid girl. When my pack turned against them I bought the rouge to steal members for me. When your parents caught on to me, they were going to go to war with us. I asked for a meeting," He laughed. "I told them I wanted peace, just to have my rouges jump them here. I should of known their child was just as stupid." Anger roared through me. I always thought it was just a random incident! I felt something strange leave me but couldn't quite place it. I focused on the predator in front of me instead.

I heard a twig snap behind me and spun around to see a new intruder. My hand flew to my mouth as the gasp escaped my mouth. "I thought I lost you." I spoke shocked at Eli's defeated face. He just hung there looking apologetic at me.

"Marcus has been training me to keep up with you. I wasn't that far behind." The man threw Eli into the ring as well. So there we stood an unconscious Ben, a scared kid, and me an out matched Alpha. I turned towards Grayson.

"Grayson let them go, and fight me." I demanded.

He chuckled." I think I'll kill them in front of you first. I pulled Eli towards me trying to shield him as well as Ben, but there were to many. My wolf was fighting to take over but I held her back. I looked at my pack members and felt a little more determined. I have to get them home safe. I opened up my link to Eli.

'Can you carry him?' I looked at Eli. He lifted up Ben, I could tell he was struggling but he will make it. 'The girl has a gun and the guy next to her has a knife. I'm going for them, wait and run when the others go for me.' He looked at me unsure but nodded.

'Tor Tor stay alive.' He replied back. I didn't answer him cause I knew that chance are I'm dying in the same place my parents did. I looked around at the rouges/ opposing pack members. I had a split second to do this so they would be far away enough for Eli to run. I took a deep breathe and run straight for the man. A knife will be easier to use in a split second. I slid between his legs then kid out his knee. The woman fumbled for her gun. I grabbed the knife out of his boot as he screamed and threw it into the woman's chest. She stared down at it shocked as if wondering how it got there.

I grabbed the gun and shot the wolf closest to Eli, he went down. They others went to go after them , but they were stopped by Grayson's voice. "Let them go. They'll hit our little surprise in no time." He laughed evilly and the others joined in.

'Eli be careful, and slow down.' I sent through our link. I didn't get a reply, but I had to trust that they would be safe. All of a sudden I felt someone yank on my hair, I bit my tongue trying not to scream. I was forced to look up to a man with black hair and piercing blue eyes. He'd of been cute if it wasn't for the burns on the side of his face.

He looked up at Grayson. "This bitch killed my girlfriend!" I'd of spat at him if I was able to, instead I took deep breathes trying to ignore the painful angle my neck was in. I saw Grayson pat his shoulder.

"What do you want in return, Simon?"

"I want to kill her mate in front of her." He said it venomously. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically, my nerves were so shot at this point for some reason I couldn't help but laugh. He threw me to the side in disgust.

"What's so fun?" Grayson asked shocked at my display. I stood up suddenly feeling Mikey's emotions again, they strengthened me. The worry, the anger, and the desperation.

"The fact he thinks I'd let him lay a hand on any of my members." I called on my Alpha power. He shook like a cold breeze hit him. I picked up the gun and shot him between the eyes before he could blink. I aimed it at Grayson, click. We both stared at the gun in shock. He grinned like a cat that just caught it's mouse. I tossed the gun into him and ran right into his waiting members. I struggled against them. Grayson looked satisfied as I failed to break through his crew.

"I accept." He spoke ominously. "I accept your challenge to a dual." His group let me go and circled around us. I was tired and sore, but I was determined to win. Then he let his power lose. I could feel my wolf shrink back. I fought hard to not show my fear and kept tight hold of my thoughts of Mikey.

I opened up my pack links.  I could hear them cheering in victory causing me to sigh in relief, but unfortunately I had to break their celebration. 'My dear Star Pack.' I started silencing them. ' It was a pleasure serving as your Alpha; however, I am not sure if I'll make it through the night. In which case, in my death I would like to appoint Mikey as Alpha. I would ask that if this is to happen you treat him as well and as loyally as you have all treated me.' I heard some people cry out but I closed the links just in time to here Mikey's reply.

'I'm coming for you, Tor Tor.' I smiled sadly before focusing on what Grayson was saying.

".....sad isn't it. That the famous loyal pack has a rat." He chuckled. As I stared at him in confusion." Come on out." A broad figure came out of hiding.

"Eric!" I called out to him. "What are you...." Then it hit me what Grayson was saying. I did have a mole. I felt betrayed and worse of all he wouldn't even look at me. So I looked at Grayson. "When did this happen?!" I demanded.

"Since you came out to Alpha Phillips." He said casually. "Looks like Eric likes power." I growled lowly. My sweet teddy bear, the same man that I took to Alpha meetings to. The same man that had been in my small personally circle of trust. Before I knew it I punched him in the face.

"How could you? I trusted you!" I spat. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Tori..." He started.

"NO! Only my friends get to call me that." I cut him off.

"Victoria," He started again." I was worried.  Benjamin was going to ruin the pack and you were just going to let him. No one would listen to me so I got the only help I could get." He tried to justify but I just felt sick to my stomach. He should of came to me I thought but I didn't dare speak it out loud. Instead I looked at the Alpha before me.

"Let's get this over with." I felt lost and distracted, but I knew I had no other choice. We went to opposite sides of the ring. He let out his power and I could feel my wolf shrink inside of me. I tried to hide the fear, but I obviously failed by the looks of the grin on his face. We charged at each other. He took me down fast. He went to stomp in my head and I barely moved out of the way. I rolled up and went to punch him and he grabbed my arm and broke it. I screamed. I could feel it healing but not fast enough. He grabbed me by my throat and watched me struggle as he choked me.

"This is why we don't have Female Alpha's. They are weak and..." All of a sudden Grayson was ripped away from me and I flew towards the ground. I looked up to see Ben on top of Grayson punching him in the face over and over again. Then Grayson pulled out a knife and slammed it into the side of Ben's head. I stared in shock as he crumpled to the side like a broken doll.

"Ben!" I called rushing to his side. I saw my tears fall already knowing he was dead. I kissed his forehead before getting up. I lost control. For the first time in over a decade I let it all go. My power, my true power unleashed, leaving his members stunned. I jumped towards Grayson shifting in midair. My wolf looking for blood, and for the first time we were in complete agreement.

I clawed his face making him scream. He tried to kick me off but failed, so he rolled so he was on top. We kicked and bite at him ferociously. He went to choke us but we kicked him over like he tried to do earlier.  I could feel him release his power again trying to intimidate us, but it didn't work this time. He grabbed our healing broken leg and rebroke it. We howled in pain before snapping on to his still human leg. We could feel his bones shattering as we bit down. He hit us in the head trying to get us to release. We pulled on his broken leg hard causing him to lose his balance before slamming him into a near by wall. The old ruined wall smashed into pieces. We let go of his unconscious body,  we listened to his broken breathes. I shifted back into human form pulled out the knife he used on Ben and plunged it into Grayson's head. I fell to my knees finally letting myself break down right as it started to pour.

I distantly felt someone drape something around me. I looked up to see many unknown faces around me trying to shield me from the rain. One of them carried Ben to me and laid him in front of me. His skin was cold to the touch. He was no longer bleeding, but he no longer looked alive either. I heard someone call my name as they burst through the circle. They went to pull me away, but the people wouldn't let him. He touched me and all of a sudden I came back to life.

"Mikey....?" My voice was hoarse and didn't even sound like my own. I looked around to notice the people around me weren't my pack. I frowned in confusion as they were trying to protect me from the elements and my mate. "Stop." I said weakly. "He's my mate." All of a sudden they let him loose. Mikey dropped beside me and pulled me into him stroking my hair.

"Tori who are these people?" He asked cautiously. I just shrugged not knowing how to explain tonight's events. One of the men answered for me instead.

"We were taken captured by Alpha Grayson. She somehow broke through his hold on us then killed him and freed us completely. We couldn't..." He shook his head. " We couldn't stop doing what he told us to do. He made me kill my mate." I looked up shocked, but Mikey just nodded like it made sense to him. "Mame," He spoke calmly to me. " We all have lost our self control these last few years." He knelt down next to me as he spoke. "Will you please drop your power." I looked at him confused. "We have no problem helping you with our own free will there's no point in forcing us." Just like that I reeled my power back in. Mikey was frowning in confusion.

"Faithful are safe from silver. Corrupt able to steal free will. Innocent able to call all to their arms." I recited the old saying my parents use to say. I looked at Mikey. "That's why they made me hide it. Andrew said I was a direct lineage." I whispered astonished. The rest of my pack joined us and they took Ben from me. I was still in shock, as accepted those who no longer had a pack and wished to join. The last person to walk up to me was Eric. Rage bubbled up in me.

"You!" I grabbed him by the collar of his throat shaking with rage. "This is all your fault."

"Victoria, please!" He begged. I looked at the sight of Ben's body being carried out of the ruins.

I opened my pack links as I spoke. "Eric, for your betrayal to the pack by trading our secrets to our enemy. You are banished from our pack. You will be shunned by our pack and any caught speaking with you will suffer your same fate. This is my decree as Alpha." I shut my links ignoring the outrage from my members. He was crying, begging me to take him back. I just turned around with Mikey and followed the rest of my pack home.

Once we reached our territory I broke the silence. "Let's hear it, Mikey."

"Hear what?"

"I know your mad. You might as well just let me have it." I said unemotionally. He stopped me and looked me in the eyes.

"I was mad, I was mad that you left me expecting to die. I was mad that you thought you could force me to leave you when you needed me the most. Victoria, I love you. I want to be with you no matter what. If you plan to die, then I plan to die with you." He kissed my forehead. "But mostly I'm worried, I know you cared about him." I went to argue but he shushed me. "You did. You were trying not to but you were hurt by him so much cause you cared." He touched my cheek lightly. "I've only seen you that broken once, Victoria." I nodded knowing he was talking about when my parents died.  He kissed me lightly.

" I just feel like there should of been more I could of done." I whispered. " I was so mean to him." He wiped an escaped tear from my cheek.

"He loved you, no matter his flaws, he loved you. He wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over his death." Mikey said quietly. I let him pull me closer in to him as I quietly sobbed. " Tori everything will be ok." The moment he said it I believed him. We stood there like that for a while, eventually I pulled away and we walked through the woods to the pack house in silence. When we walked in I was engulfed by Angel.

She didn't say a word just held me tightly. Trevor lightly pulled her away. "Sorry she's a little hormonal." He explained. She smacked him. "Oww." He glared down at his forearm where she hit him. That's when I noticed her already showing. My eyes widened, I looked at Mikey and could tell he was thinking the same thing as he looked at my stomach.

"Uh... We got to go." I kissed Angel on the cheek. Then dragged Mikey down the hall with me.

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