Sweet Sugars

By xali3006x

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31

Chapter 30

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By xali3006x

Amy's POV
Once we'd sat down on the sofa George told me we needed to talk about something. I was terrified. I had got endless ideas as to what it could be but it was sure something I didn't expect. He was almost crying once he had finished and I was in shock. I just grabbed round his waist and he pulled me back. There was a sudden knock on the door and I told George I'd go and get it since he wasn't in the mood for things with the boys right now. In fact it was Jaymi. I stopped him from even coming into the house. Basically what had happened was... Let's just say it was a long story and let's leave George to it for now and I'll only talk with him about this if he decides to speak to me about it. It was bad news and I'm just happy I'm still not in the cafe. I have been studying another degree so I can move on from hairdressing eventually. I am going to find it extremely awkward though because I am still Chloe's hairdresser at her model shoots and events.
George's POV
I sat Amy down on the sofa and I needed to speak about what has happened with the band. I was shocked when I went to work this morning. There was a note on the door and I repeated it to Amy. It read-
Dear George,
                        When you get here and you are reading this note. JJ is taking a short break to help Cat with the baby and Josh is on a break to help Chloe finalise a few things with the baby. This is Jaymi writing this and me and the boys have come to a decision, since we are all taking breaks for a little time, we no longer need you as part of the band and since you've been too orientated around Amy lately and less around us, we thought time would be better spent for you spending time with Amy and not us. We have to end it here now because this is our choice and you don't have any say in this. It's what me and the boys have decided. You don't seem to care about us anymore, you only want to be around Amy. It will end right here right now- goodbye-
Once I'd repeated that all out to Amy I was in tears and she pulled me into a hug. She was normally the one crying. This time it was my turn. It looks like I'm not going to see the boys ever again since they kicked me out of their band. I want to thank all the fans and Louis for this experience. After all it was Louis that put me in the band in the first place. I sent a quick tweet and soon I got good and bad comments. Now I'd gotten that over with, I needed to speak about something with Amy. I wanted to start planning the wedding. It would be a secret small wedding because from my family there would only be Harriet and my siblings and maybe my dad. There would only be Amy's close friends since her parents died in the crash. It was now 16th June and Millie and Niamh were due home tomorrow. Amy got a call to say Niamh and Millie were back in London and they were coming over.
Amy's POV
George was in floods of tears when he'd finished reading the note he'd ripped off the dressing room door. He then left all the boys a voicemail saying about how he thought he could trust them and that this would never happen but it has. I hated seeing George upset. It made me feel that way too. I wanted to take our minds off it for a while so we decided to start planning our wedding. Usually the men don't help with these things because they hate it but I don't think George was in the mood to do anything at the moment. We decided to go and get my dress fitted on Saturday. (The day after tomorrow) I was going to take Millie and Niamh since I didn't want George seeing it until the day. Me and George had almost finished planning for today anyways when I got a call from Millie saying they'd landed safely and she'd be over fairly shortly and there'd be four of them. I could only think of three. Niamh, Eren and Millie. Unless she's hooked up with someone whilst she was over there.
George's POV
I asked Amy if we could do a bit of wedding planning to take my mind off of things for a while. We'd almost done for today when Amy got a call from Millie saying they were home safely and they'd be over shortly. Amy hung up and then we filed all our papers away. I kissed her on the lips and to my surprise she pulled back. We got tangled up until Millie rang the doorbell. She came in with someone different and Niamh came in with Eren. I wondered who it was. Amy didn't really know either but she asked if Millie and Niamh could go with her tomorrow to help pick the wedding dress and they agreed. I was going to take Eren and this other guy with me to go and pick my suit. I couldn't wait! I was like a little child again. Eren introduced me to this other guy but I can't remember his name for the life of me!

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