Facing our demons


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previously titled 'mine' He let out what sounded like a growl of pleasure before he continued to rub his fur... More

PlEaSe StOp
Chapter 2- scooby doo and weird dreams
Chapter 3: crazy voice
Chapter 4- jazz hands
Chapter 5- mates and kitten sneezes
Chapter 6 creepy demon fish
chapter 7- drunk!
Chapter 8 vegemite and confetti
Chapter 9- battle
Chapter 10- mate
Chapter 11- shivers and blushes
Chapter 12- marked
Chapter 13- mating process
Chapter 14- drunk tattoos
Chapter 15- mystery man
Chapter 16- smart ass
Chapter 17- Attitudes
Chapter 18- flashbacks
Chapter 19- frantic alpha
Chapter 20: manstrual cycle
Chapter 21- iris
Chapter 22- well fuck
Chapter 23- panic attacks
Chapther 24: Andy's story
Chapter 25: cliff hanger
Chapter 26- reality check
Chapter 27- proposal
Chapter 28- Hell
Chapter 29- deal
Chapter 30- war's beginning
Chapter 31- old rivals
chapter 32 betrayal
Chapter 33- mistakes
Chapter 34 the peacemaker
Chapter 35- hanky panky
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 pain
Chapter 38 closure
Bonus chapter: Family ties

Chapter 1: milo and mongrels

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*Alaska in media*
I stepped outside into the chilly Tasmanian air clutching my mug to my chest in a desperate attempt to absorb its warmth. The smell of Milo and damp air filling my senses immediately calming me and reminding me of the storm that's soon to reach us. Winter has always been my favourite month despite my mum's severe hatred of it, she claims that its only purpose is to ruin her mood. 'Maybe if she learnt to embrace it, it wouldn't be such a downer for her.' I chuckled at the thought, my mum didn't have a very open mind and wasn't the best at accepting things that she didn't like or she considered 'different'.

Before I could stop it, a frown had settled on my face as I thought more about the subject at hand. It's not just my mum who hides her self away from anything 'unique' or 'different' a lot of the human population refuses to even acknowledge change or the unusual. The expectation for kids these days is to go to 'normal' school, listen to 'normal' music, wear 'normal' clothes and to do 'normal' hobbies. Normal clothes now consist of extremely tight shorts and shirts that basically allow your boobs to tumble out of them and normal, acceptable music is usually almost always about sex and drugs.

People like Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian and various other celebrities are now considered idols for kids even though their lyrics are completely inappropriate and their bodies and many plastic surgery appointments send the wrong message to young girls. Yet they're all anyone ever talks about when it comes to music, if I were to ask someone about Billy Joe Armstrong, Mark Hoppus or Kurt Cobain their first reaction would be 'who the fuck is that' and after I finish explaining their identities the reaction tends to be something like 'what a faggot'. When in reality they help many people through their words and what they believe in.
(A.N if you are offended please read the disclaimer at the end of the chapter so you don't get to butt hurt.)

"Alaska!" I was broken from my thoughts and turned to find my mother's retreating figure, I guess it's dinner time.
I trudged into the house pulling the sleeves of my oversized sweater over my hands to create sweater paws. "Alaska sweetie don't do that you'll stretch them!" I looked down at the far too big sweater that I was currently drowning in, 'how could I stretch it it's already massive?' I sighed and stopped even though my mum's logic was flawed, it's best if she stays in a good mood.

I sat down at the only empty seat at the dining table before scooping large amounts of food onto my plate. "I've been thinking" my mum stated causing me to hum in reply. "We could do with a holiday" I stopped eating and looked up at her in surprise. "Really?"                                                   "Yes, consider it a reward since you've been doing so well at school" a huge smile broke out on my face and I couldn't help the giddy laughter that came out of my mouth. "Where to?" "America" my mouth fell open as I processed this information, wow America I've never even been out of Australia.

"Yes, we will be staying in a small town just outside of L.A named Tyson" I nodded in approval, "That's an interesting name" I noted gleefully. "I suppose it is" my mother had finished her food so she got up and rinsed her plate in the sink.
She then walked up the stairs without a sound, not even a 'goodnight' or  a 'love you'. I let out a sigh before finishing my food and rinsing my plate like my mother had, this is what happened most nights, we ate dinner together and then quietly went up to our rooms as if we weren't even related.

I went upstairs and jumped on to my bed causing it to make a loud squeak that caused mum to yell at me from her room at the other end of the hall. I rolled my eyes, I can't wait until I'm eighteen and I can do whatever I want but sadly I'm only fifteen at least I will be sixteen in a few weeks. I stared up at the ceiling and thoughts about my father suddenly came swirling into my head making me dizzy. 'Where is he?' 'what was he like?' 'why did he leave?' 'did he not want me?' I shook my head to try and get rid of the nagging questions that I will never find the answers to.

That night I barely got any sleep, my brain was on hyper drive and it was impossible to shut it down. I eventually gave up on trying and just got up and showered so I could get ready for school. I stared down at my uniform in disgust, I can't believe they're allowed to make us wear this thing. It consisted of a tight white button up shirt and an extremely short red checkered skirt, trust me I tried to get a few sizes bigger but apparently it's against the rules to wear a uniform that's not your size. In case you haven't guessed my school is mainly run by guys... Very perverted guys, guys that are all in their late thirties and yet their still virgins.

I brushed those thoughts off and put my uniform on making sure I parted my hair over my shoulders so that it would cover some of my boobs, I then brushed my fringe over my face and and applied my winged eyeliner. I looked at the finished product in the mirror and smiled, I'm not one of those girls that lack in self confidence I mean I don't really need anybody else to like my appearance considering it's just me in my little social group of me, myself and I.

My little alarm clock beeped signalling that I had ten minutes until I had to leave for school, that leaves plenty of time for breakfast. I slipped on my converse and rushed downstairs so I could start cooking my delicious bacon, After ten minutes I had cooked and eaten my breakfast and was now on my way to that dreadful place referred to as school.

As usual as soon as I arrived I got disgusted looks from girls and most of the boys, but there was always that one bunch of hormonal guys that always looked like they could pretty much devour any girl in sight. I shivered at the thought and sped up my pace hoping I could reach my locker without any interruptions but of course I'm never that lucky. "Awww look it's the dog!" Shouted Alicia the queen of the plastics. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a dog?" I mumbled once again speeding up my pace. "It's so cute that she actually thinks she's a normal human" she taunted before throwing something at me.

I looked down at the circular object that I soon realised was a collar. "What the fuck!"                "Bad dog that's a bad dog we don't use that kind of language." Alicia said pointing her finger at me sternly before smirking Evilly. Something finally snapped in me and I turned around and swung my fist at her as hard as I could causing her to go flying across the corridor and into the lockers. I stared in horror at my closed fist before I slowly began backing away 'how was that even possible?'. "What on earth is going on here?!" One of the male teachers said as he came running down the hall. Alicia raised a shaking hand up from its place at her bloody nose and pointed it at me before she passed out. Mr. Lewis turned to me with pure rage in his eyes. "You stupid mongrel you're just like your father!"

What, now everybody's calling me a dog? And did my dad also make blonde bitch go flying into lockers? My dad sounds awesome! I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tight grip on my wrist as mr Lewis started dragging me down the school's corridors shouting profanities at me. He opened the entrance doors and threw me out of them. "You are no longer welcome here mutt!" I opened my mouth but was cut off when he started screaming again "For too long we've allowed you to attend here like you were any other person but it ends here, you must stay at least 150m away from the school's property at all times!" With that he slammed the door in my face leaving me to fall to the ground and cry about all of my stupid problems.

It's not fair I'm not a dog what right do they have to call me that? There must be laws about this right? After about another hour of me sitting on the school's front steps sobbing pathetically into my hands I decided to go home. I walked with my hands in my pockets, kicking pebbles along the away imagining them as every person at that shit holes head.
After a few minutes I reached my house and knocked on my door hoping that mum would let me in.

The door opened a crack and I could see her eyes peaking out between the gap before she opened it fully in order to let me in. "Oh sweetie I heard what happened" she said before taking me into her Arms and squeezing the life out of me. You see no matter how stern my mother was I always knew she loved me because of moments like these, she could be very comforting when I needed it most.

"Mum they called me a mutt!" I wailed into her shoulder while she shushed me and smoothed my hair down.
"It's okay Saska we'll just move our trip up to tomorrow so we can get away from those bastards as soon as possible"
"Really?" I sniffled. "Really"

Little did I know that this 'trip' would kill my old life for good.
Due to some comments about the parts about Kim and Nicki I thought it would be appropriate to address the fact that those are not my personal beliefs, they are simply there to add personality to the character and to go into more depth about her views.
I know that some people really appreciate them and since they have received quite a bit of fame I assume they must be doing something right. So please stop telling me not to shit on them because they're just the made up opinions of a made up character, there is really no reason to get overly pissed I mean after all it's just a work of fiction- really bad fiction might I add.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and thank you for the comments whether they're hate or not I read them either way so feel free to type whatever your crazy messed up minds think of.

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