The Peace Keeper

By kemt2002

17.1K 1.2K 98

Kiara, a 14 year old girl, lives in a small town along side a dark forest no one, who has ever lived in the t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Overview and questions!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 18

497 45 7
By kemt2002

Aspen paced back and forth like a busy bee flying from flower to flower in front of the entrance to the healing den.

I should have been there. I should have asked for her to be in my group. I knew trusting Jason was a bad idea.

He growled and continued pacing before turning around and found himself standing face-to-face with the alpha.

Aspen looked surprised and backed up. "Alpha Kyzer, I'm sorry sir," he said and bowed his head to him then stood back up straight and looked at the alpha's face. He searched it for any hint that Kiara was ok but his expression was blank.

"Don't beat yourself up about this Aspen, it wasn't your fault. Both Jason and Kiara are fine. I believe it was my fault, I didn't tell Jason to make sure they don't hunt on the east side of the meadow." He said calmly but there was a hint of disappointment in his voice as he spoke.

Aspen tried to figure out what he was thinking that made him so disappointed but he pushed the thought to the back of his head when Edith walked out and nodded saying they could come inside. Before Aspen could even take a step and small swarm of female trotted in before him, probably to check on Jason.

Aspen trotted in after them and looked over at the small bed where Kiara was curled up, her tail over her nose and her paws curled up under her. Aspen did his best not to just stare at her and walked over to try and wake her up.
He poked her tail with his paw and she growled rolling over. He laughed a little and poked her back.

"Hey Spark, wake up come on. Your dad and I are here to see you," he said in a soft voice.

"Aspen?" She said as she sat up and yawned her huge pearly white teeth showing. She stood up and stretched then turned and sat with her tail curled around her paws.

"Hey, how are you? I heard your a hero. Saved Jason's life and your own. Your really something Spark." He noticed her face become confused looking.
Aspen looked at the ground and put his paw on his face.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you don't remember anything when you go into "crazy monster" mode." He barked playfully and Kiara looked even more confused but Aspen shook his head.

"If your able to, we can go for a walk and I can tell you about it," he said as he looked towards Edith who seemed to have heard his question.

"I believe she should be fine, but don't push her to do anything she doesn't think she can do," Edith said in a happy but firm tone as if warning Aspen as she turned to check on Jason.

"C'mon then!" Aspen yelped as he turned and trotted towards the door and let Kiara go before him. He was about to follow her when the alpha called him over.

"Yes?" He asked respectfully.

"Aspen, I know what your thinking." He said his eyes becoming dull, not as curious as they usually are.

"Umm, you do?" He said nervously.
Kyzer nodded. "Yes, and I don't want you to take her back to the east side of the meadow. It's too dangerous and we believe she might faint again." He said and Aspen almost let out his sigh of relief, then said "yes, ok sir I'll stay near the village." He said and trotted out of the den.

Kiara was waiting for him when he walked out.

"What took so long?" She asked and he walked up beside her.

"Nothing just talking to the alpha about the hunting strategies.. Anyways C'mon I wanna show you something." He said and set off towards the south of the village into the forest.

Kiara followed Aspen through the forest, twisting through the trees and climbing through shrubs.

"Where are we going?? My paws are hurting," she whined as they made another turn.

"Hang on we're almost there," he said sounding very confident.

Kiara growled figuring they were lost before he stopped and she stopped looking up. She walked around looking at the side of the huge wall from a cliff most likely above them.

"So are we gonna stare at the dirt.. Or is there like some secret door or..," she said before touching a patch of dirt in the side of the cliff and falling through it onto some solid rock that seemed to be glowing blue.

She stood up and shook off and she began to growl mumbling under her breath until she looked up and froze. There was a huge waterfall in from of her covered by glowing blue grass on the side with a hill I walk to the top. There were so many flowers you could make an entire rainbow, and then at the bottom of the waterfall there was a huge pool of calm blue water
surrounded by down sand that made the appearance of it looking like a beach.

The side of the cave like paradise had huge colorful crystals that reflected light everywhere making the place look lit up. Kiara scanned the cave with her eyes more than 10 times but she couldn't bring herself to believe it was real. She heard Aspen walk in behind her after covering the entrance.

"So what do you think?" He asked and bumped her side playfully as if to try and knock her out of her trance.
Kiara looked at him then back at the waterfall.

"All I know, is that... I call dibs on jumping into the water first!!!" She said as she darted towards the top of the waterfall at full speed. She saw Aspen smirk out of the corner of her eye and she growled playfully as she surged forwards. Her paws skidded as she got to the top and looked down at the beautiful landscape.

Aspen came up behind her in a silent crouch, and suddenly pushed Kiara forwards towards the waterfall.

Kiara looked back up at him before she plunged into the bright blue water, that was surprisingly warm. She looked around before swimming to the surface.

She reached the surface and took a deep breath and then swam in a circle looking up at Aspen rolling around laughing.

Kiara growled and barked up at him. "Hey!! It's not funny I wasn't ready!! Why don't you come down here so I can drown you!" She said playfully swimming around, a little clumsily thought since this was her first time swimming as a wolf.

Aspen was laughing before she saw him stand up as if on full alert. His ears perked up and he looked around. Kiara didn't know what was happening but she swam towards the shore and shook off to see Aspen racing down towards her.

"Aspen what's wrong?" She said as he looked at her worried.

"You have to get back to the village now, it not safe here."
Hey guys!! So cliff hanger, are you mad at me? Lol don't worry I'll post the next chapter soon. Cya!

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