Love and Other Disasters

By justayaa

14.1K 309 171

Farah Harper is a smart, kind-hearted business student studying in Los Angeles. Her naïve heart leads her to... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Quick thank you :)
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.

Chapter 5.

703 23 13
By justayaa

-Farah's POV- 

After a few more boring routine-full days, more Aya/Lucas romance, and a few more flirting between me and Ethan, it was finally the weekend. We decided to do something fun this weekend, instead of sitting there like couch potatoes watching TV like last weekend. Our plan was partying at a enormous nightclub we passed by downtown at around 9. The invitation was ironically introduced by Ethan, and since we all were past 18, we had no problems in entering. 

It was a quarter-past eight now, and Aya was already having her shower after I had mine, while I waited here, picking my outfit. I settled on wearing something fun, but not slutty, just a black strapless top that had hot pink and white flowers all over, with a tight black mini skirt that reached my mid-thigh, and pink pumps. I decided to take my blazer with me, just in case it was cold. I put my phone and some money in a black clutch and went off to curl my hair. After I made sure it was perfectly curled, I opened my makeup box. My makeup for today had to be dangerous, not simple, but not too much either. One doesn't want to look like a clown in action. I applied some thick black eyeliner and pink eyeshadow that made my eyes pop, in addition to a little bit of pink blush, and finally bold pink lipstick. 

By the time I was done with everything, Aya was out of the shower picking her outfit after she had straightened her hair. It was a habit of hers to finish up styling her hair before dressing up, but I still didn't understand the point of it.

She wore a bright red dress that was loose at the top, but tight under her waist. She buckled a thin, loose, golden belt that matched the dress perfectly. She put on her golden peep toe pumps, and took out the new golden clutch she bought on out last shopping spree. Her makeup was a thin black eyeliner, golden eyeshadow, a tint of red blush, and bold red lipstick similar to mine.

"All good?" She asked as she looked doubtfully at me. 

"Yup." I said stressing on the 'p'. 

"The pink color matches you perfectly by the way." She said sincerely. 

"Doesn't it always." I chuckled. I only earned a little nod and a small smile from her, which meant something was up. 

"What's wrong?" I asked tapping on her shoulder. 

"Huh, um nothing." She said quickly. 

"Who are you fooling? Tell me what's up or I will spill the bottle of water in my hand on your beloved hair." I warned.

"Woah woah, anything but my hair." She backed away. 

"Then tell me." I smirked. 

"I don't know, it's just," she sat down. "Do you remember when I told you that I feel something will happen before it happens?" She looked uo at where I was standing.

"Yeah I do." I said, confused. 

"Yeah. I feel something bad will happen today, plus I am very nervous. I haven't partied in forever." She sighed. 

"Look, you don't have to worry about the thoughts you are having. It may be just coincidence. If something is meant to happen, it will." I smiled. "Oh and the party thing, we all know you are the most crazy dancer ever. It won't be long until you get used to the environment." I winked. She laughed. 

"Now let's go. Ethan just texted me and said they are waiting." I pulled her up. 

"Wait, Ethan has your number? You have Ethan's number? When? Where? How?" She was jumping up and down with a stupid grin stuck on her face.

"Calm the heck down." I shouted. She stopped and mouthed a 'sorry', but the smile wouldn't leave her face.

"So when?" She whispered-squealed. 

"The night we were at Starbucks, but we didn't text alot though." I tried running away from her interrogation.

"We didn't text alot though." She mimicked. I hit her playfully on her arm. 

"Let's go now, I am quite sure they will kill us if we waited a little bit longer." I laughed. 

We turned off the lights and left the room. Our walk was full of laughs and jokes. It was the typical friendship between me and Aya, simple but meaningful. 

We finally arrived at the gates, and there we found Ethan's car, the newest edition of the matte black Range Rover. Aya and I froze and our mouths hung open at the sight in front of us. The car window slid down and Lucas smirked.

"Seems like they like what they see." Luke said as he quickly glanced at an amused Ethan. 

"Are you ever going to enter? You know I can always press gas and leave you guys standing where you are." He said a-matter-of-factly.

"You'll leave two girls with 12-cm heels walk all the way downtown? How much of gentlemen you both are." Aya shook her head while she opened the backseat door. I followed behind her and closed the door. 

"I feel offended." Ethan dramatically put his hand on his heart and fake sobbed. Aya stuck a tongue out at him and made herself comfortable in her seat. Ethan put on some upbeat songs and in no time we were all dancing and laughing our lives off. 

The car finally came to a stop in the parking of the nightclub. Ethan turned the engine off and unlocked the car. After I left the vehicle and closed the door behind me, I glanced at the enormous banner that held the name of the place in excitement, while Aya and Lucas were having a little chat. 

As soon as Ethan locked the doors and made sure all the windows are shut, he rushed over to where we were. I hadn't had the time to look over what he was wearing while we were in the car, but he definitely looked breath-taking. He had a button up, grey, short-sleeved shirt, a pair of denim jeans, and white converse. His hair was a whole other story, it seemed like it was perfectly styled, but I could tell he didn't even put a hand in it. It looked so fluffy that I wanted to tangle my fingers in it forever.

"Are we going to go in or are you going to stare at me forever?" Ethan chuckled. 

I felt my cheeks burn. I am sure they are nothing less than a deep red color. "I, uh, I'm sorry. I just, I was daydreaming." I apologized. 

"It's okay Farah. Don't worry I won't eat you." He assured. 

"Ok so let's go guys." Lucas said. 

We showed our IDs to the guards and entered. We picked a table by the bar and sat down for a drink. 

"What are guys having for drinks?" Lucas asked.

"Pina Colada." Aya smiled.

"2 tequila shots." I smirked.

"Woah isn't tequila too much for a first drink?" Ethan looked doubtfully.

"Not at all. Tonight I wanna have fun." I playfully winked.

"Your wish is my command." He did a little bow, which earned a giggle from Aya and I.

The boys went up to the bar and did a weird handshake with the bartender, seems like they are customers here. Lucas was laughing at some joke Ethan said, and I couldn't help but notice what he was wearing. The blue, white, and grey plaid shirt he wore perfectly hugged his biceps and that fact that he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows made him look amazing. His grey pants showed how his legs were long and thin. He was actually a few centimeters taller than Ethan, but Ethan was more built than he was. That doesn't mean that Luke doesn't have muscles though, he is as strong as a tree trunk. 

"How come boys have skinnier legs that we have?" Aya fake pouted. 

"I was just thinking about the same thing." I smiled. 

"Why do we have to work our asses off at the gym while they don't exert the same effort. Life isn't fair." She fake cried. 

"This is life." I patted on her back. 

The boys were back a little after mine and Aya's little drama scene with the drinks. Lucas handed Aya hers and Ethan handed me mine. 

"Cheers for us?" Ethan asked. 

"Cheers for us." We said as the glasses clinged together. 

After a few more drinks we were already on the floor laughing about anything and everything anybody says. Ethan took my hand and asked me for a dance with him. I accepted and took off my blazer. He didn't look that drunk but I didn't care about anything right now.

Just as we reached the dance floor Enrique Iglesias' "I Like It" came up. He smirked before he started dancing. He's got some good moves, but he couldn't exceed my skills, dancing literally flows in my veins. Just as the song began to heaten up he stepped closer to me, until he was hovering over me, his breathe mixing with mine. We continued on dancing together until he put his hands on my tiny waist and pulled me closer to him. My breathe began hitching, but I couldn't deny that I liked it. Just as I felt that nothing would be more pleasurable, his mouth brushed with my ears. 

"You look beautifully sexy today." He whispered. 

I felt shivers running through my body, but I knew he didn't feel it. "Not as much as you are." I could tell he was smirking. 

"Like a G6" on now, and he wasted no time in getting closer to me, but this time he began grinding on me. I gasped for a second, but played along. We continued grinding for a while, and I decided to make it more fun. I turned around so he was facing my back, leaned in front a bit, and initiated the grinding. He seemed to be enjoying it, and he leaned closer until he reached my ears.

"Will you go out with me?" He seductively-whispered. 

What? Ethan Vermont just asked me out? He had the whole college throwing themselves at him. "You aren't sober Ethan." 

"I am as sober as ever, and I mean every single word I am saying. Farah Eline Harper, will you be my girlfriend?" He whisper-shouted.

I turned around to face him, and crashed my lips on his. We kissed for about a minute until I regained some breathe to talk. "What does that tell you?" I said, his forehead resting on mine. 

He pulled me closer and put his hands on my waist again, and I put my hand around his neck. We continued grinding and kissing until we were out of breathe, so we quit and went to get more drinks. We had a little chat and suddenly some energy kicked in me. I decided to dance again, and asked Ethan to come with me, but he was too tired and drunk to dance again. 

I was off to the dance floor alone, I danced with some cute guy until I got pulled by my waist and was being grinded on. 

"Ethan." I giggled. 

"I am not Ethan." The guy growled. I remember him, his voice, his touch, his slap, his everything. 

"William." I stated, turning around. "What do you want?" I put a hand on my hip. 

"I want you back." He pulled be and grinded against me harder. 

"William, stop. I don't want you back." I shouted and tried to free myself out of his grasp, but he wouldn't budge. 

"Your body says otherwise, Fairy." He smirked, slipping a hand under my skirt. 

"You son of a bitch." I shouted and slapped him across his face. That earned me another slap by his big filthy hands. By that time, everybody in the club was watching. I could see Aya and lucas standing far away too. 

Suddenly, Ethan appeared out of nowhere and hit the guy square in the face. "You better have your will written before you lay a hand on my girlfriend again, because your will be dead under my hands." That was enough to scare him away. I could see William stomping to the door and leaving.

"Its okay baby,"  Ethan said as he wrapped his arms around me. I began crying so he ushered for Aya and Lucas to come over. When they arrived to where we were, we headed to Ethan's car. Lucas was kind enough to leave me sit beside Ethan in the passenger seat and let himself sit with Aya in the backseat. Ethan turned on the engine, and we were on our way back to the college. 


Author's Note: 

Hey guys!! 

Long time no see :( 

I'm so sorry that I was inactive the past week because it was Eid and I was busy celebrating with the family and stuff. 

So this chapter is a gift from me to you!! 

Don't hesitate to jot down any feedback! 



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