It Turns Me On When You Say N...

By ToSynInFaythe

589K 9.9K 1.1K

"If you ever decide that you love a girl more than you love me, just shoot me, okay?" Heath loves Quinn. More... More

ITMOWYSN- 15 (Part 1)
ITMOWYSN- 15 (Part 2)
ITMOWYSN- Bonus Chapter!
ITMOWYSN- 20 (Finale)
My Pants Threw Themselves At You, I Swear!


23.8K 421 43
By ToSynInFaythe

^^ I'm not sure if she'll actually read this, but all y'all should definitely check out her stuff if you haven't already!:)

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Written with the help of my Sissa:) grazi, midget!:D

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(Quinn's POV)

I really hated Heath right now. We were probably going to get arrested. Actually, yeah, we were.

Sitting naked in a car wasn't exactly legal, if you know what I mean.

Sighing, I slammed my head into my hands.

"Heath, I hate you, ya know that?"

All he did was look at me nervously.

"I can't get arrested, I work for the government!" Heath was freaking out, and that was NOT going to help us get out of this mess.

As the cop walked to the side of the car, Heath rolled down his window. I linked hands with him nervously.

The policeman peered in before squeezing his eyes shut quickly.

"Boys, care to explain what's happening here?" The fifty-ish year old man was most likely scarred for life.

"Um, well, you see, officer-" Heath's stammering and stuttering were probably making the man even suspiciouser. Yeah. Now I'm making up words. Crap.

"I got kidnapped by naked guys and chained up and then spanked-almost-and then we ran and then he wanted to change and then... Well, now we're both naked, I guess." Heath's chattery side wasn't going to get us out of this either.

"That still doesn't explain the speeding. Or why you couldn't at least COVER UP before I got over here?" The man frowned, his scruffy beard wrinkling down his face.

"Oh. Yeah. Uh... Are you going to arrest us?"

"Do you have your license and registration?"

"... No."

"Then, yes, I'm arresting you." He turned to leave.

Shrinking into my seat, I hoped to avoid detection. Heath slammed his face on the steering wheel.

"Shit! Why does the bad stuff always happen to me?"

"Scuzi moi? I beg to differ! Usually, it happens to ME!" I snorted at his self-pity.

Sighing dramatically, Heath leaned towards me.

"Since I'm going to jail, do I at least get a kiss before they take me?" Batting his eyelashes, he made me giggle. Yep. Giggle. Like a teenage girl meeting a cute boy for the first time. Blah. Heterosexual people disgusted me.

Pressing my lips against his, I forced my tongue into Heath's mouth, making him moan. Reaching down, I grabbed Heath's cock, moving my hand slowly. We were getting really into it when a knock on the car door reminded us where we were.

"Excuse me. But this is public indecency." He cleared his throat, his eyes firmly locked across the road.

We probably could've talked our way out of that one, if only I'd kept my smart mouth shut.

"It's only indecent if you want it to be. And it is, by no means, public. We could go somewhere... Private?" I was OBVIOUSLY talking about me and Heath, but the police officer took it the wrong way.

"Really?" Spinning around he looked at us with a strange expression on his face.

"Uh, you wanna join? I mean, I'm not into that, but if it keeps me out of a ticket, hey, I'm game."

"Sure. Sounds fun." The old man looked at me as he said this, his eyes widening as the words came out of his mouth.

"For real?" I nearly shouted. I was literally disgusted to the point of puking. No WAY was I doing anything with someone that old. Ew.

"No. It was sarcasm, couldn't you tell?" Mr. Policeman pointed at his face, which hadn't changed in the past six minutes.


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(A/N: Lol, y'all thought they were gonna do stuff. In Quinn's words; EWWW.)

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(Heath's POV)

So Quinn ended up getting us arrested. Both of us.

I actually thought I could've talked my way out of it until Quinn had to go and open his fat mouth.

Now we were sitting in the Miami County Jail. Fantastic.

And on top of all that, I needed to be at work in the morning.

Mr. Policeman came up to us, tossing orange jumpsuits at us. He'd paraded us right into the jail stark naked, and all the other male prisoners had stared at us. I mean, hardcore staring without blinking and mouths open, drooling. Ugh.

Shielding Quinn as best I could, I let him slip into the jumpsuit before I did.

We huddled together on our bench, waiting for Mr. Policeman to come talk to us.

"Come on, boys, I need to make a report." He slammed open the cell door, and we jumped out.

* * *

(Quinn's POV)

I stood close to Heath as Mr. Policeman took our fingerprints, DNA samples, and pictures.

After taking Heath's side of the story, he turned to me.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

Heath nudged me, trying to force me to speak.

"Um... That car wasn't public. And it wasn't technically sex?" I squeaked out my excuses, laughing internally as I watched him turn red.

Heath looked at me.

"A handjob isn't technically sex? Well, crap, I feel ripped off now, thanks." I could see he was fighting laughter as well, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"That's enough!" Mr. Policeman roared. "Back in your cell!"

After we were chased back to our 10x10 cell block, we burst out laughing. Lying on the bed, Heath put his hands under his head, and I jumped on top of him.

Kissing his neck, I ran my tongue down the side of Heath's throat, feeling him swallow. I straddled him, pushing my growing erection against his already-hard one.

Moaning in harmony, we started pushing our hips together in time, no skin touching but my lips on his neck.

A loud cough drew us out of our passionate haze, making me focus on the other side of the room. Huh. There was another person in the cell with us.

"Do you mind? Not everyone in the world is gay. Now do us straight men a favor and go find somewhere else to do that. Please." The young man rolled over on the bed, turning away from us before looking back over his shoulder to make sure we were listening to him.

"If you don't like it, don't watch. Simple as that." Heath winked at the glaring man.


I turned back to Heath, wanting to finish what I'd just started. He put his hand on my chest, making me stop.

"Bad Quinn. Wait until we get out tomorrow."

"I don't think I can wait that long!" I pouted at him, making him chuckle at my funny face.

Without replying, he rolled me over before curling up behind me.

Oh, I loved him so damn much it hurt sometimes.

* * *

A/N: So no naughty scenes in this one:( but does this story really need that? I think Quinn and Heath are cute enough without it! But just wait until the next chapter;D


That is all.

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