All I Need

By Torichick235

222K 3.2K 4.5K

A Kirisuna fan fiction. More

A Day to Ourselves
The Dreaded Dinner
The Dungeon
Quest Completed!
Back to Reality
What Happened at School
Safe and Sound
A New Title
Lazy Day
Under the Mistletoe
Christmas in Alfheim
Moving In
Happy New Year!
New Friends
Back To School
The Big Day
Give a Girl a Pearl
Lazy day
Back Online
Wings for a Tail
Be Prepared
Missing You
Time to Let You Go, But Wanting to Bring You Back
Viva Happy and Small Surprises
The Black Swordsman's Birthday
Complications and Uncertainty
Breaking the News
No Show
Girls Day
Hellooooo, Doctor.
Love Words
Promise Me
I Promise
Some Assembly Required
I'll Fight for You
Chapter 2 of the story

No More Cloudy Skies

3.2K 50 71
By Torichick235

Asuna's P.O.V.

I got out of bed and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed a random pair of underwear, then picked out a dress and sweater to wear to work. I shrugged on my robe, then walked down the hall to the bathroom. Kazuto was still getting dressed. He didn't have to work again until tomorrow. 

I opened the door to the bathroom and stepped in, setting my clothes down and turning on the light as I did. I shut the door, then took off my robe, hanging it on the back of the door. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I hadn't showered since the night before I'd gotten sick. I just hadn't felt up to it. 

My bangs had gotten oily and were sticking together in strands, my face had a few clogged pores, which I would have to pay special attention to, and I needed to shave my legs. 

I bent over the side of the tub and turned on the water. I had two hours before I had to go to work, still. I could sit and soak for a while if I wanted to, which I decided that I would. 

I adjusted the temperature of the water, then plugged the drain and got in. The warm water began to rise up around me, engulfing my body. I sunk down in the tub and got my hair wet. It felt really nice to finally be getting clean. 

I grabbed my body wash, deciding to do that first, then stood up and began washing my body. When I was done, I sat back down and turned off the water, as it had reached a pretty high level. 

I picked up my razor and shaving cream, and propped my left leg on the edge of the tub. I squirted a little bit of the foam into my palm and then lathered it on my leg, making sure to get all of it. Next, I picked up the razor and began shaving, making sure that I didn't have any places that I missed. 

When I'd finished shaving, I could already hear the television in the other room. Kazuto must have gotten bored. 

I continued my bath by washing my hair. I worked my shampoo into a lather and massaged it through my scalp. when I'd finished, I sunk back down in the water and rinsed my hair. 

Suddenly, there was a boom from the speakers in the living room. Kazuto was laughing. I figured he was watching that scary movie that I hated. I never liked scary movies, but Kazuto was pretty fearless when it came to that kind of stuff. One time, he tried to get me to go to a haunted house with him. I forcefully declined that invitation. 

As I applied conditioner, I hummed one of my favorite songs, Caramelldansen. I had no idea why that was one of my favorites, but it had a great tune and it was cute.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out, pulling the plug and draining the tub. 

I go dressed and then ran the towel through my wet hair. I felt fresh, finally. My pores felt open and clear. I opened the door to the bathroom and walked into the living room right as the freakiest jumpscare in the movie popped up. I nearly jumped out of my skin. 

Kazuto busted out laughing again. He thought these movies were a laugh. I ran over and grabbed the remote, pausing the movie and turning off the tv. 

"Hey!", Kazuto laughed. 

"NO! No more scary movies!", I said, putting the remote down. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't like them.", Kazuto said. 

I nodded and felt a shiver run down my spine as I thought of the face on the thing that popped up on the screen. 

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't intend for you to see that. I won't watch those things when you're home from now on, I promise.", Kazuto said, pulling me into a hug. 

"I'm here to protect you. Nothing will happen to you, I promise.", he whispered sweetly into my ear. 

I smiled and hugged him back. 

I looked up at Kazuto, who was looking down at me. 

"You know what I need right now?", he asked. 

"Hmm?", I said. 

"A kiss before you leave.", he said, blushing. 

My face turned bright red as I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed Kazuto on the lips. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer to him. 

"You know...", he said between kisses. "I think I like the... dress"

I giggled. 

"I have to go to work. I'm pushing the time as it is.", I said, standing flat footed again and smiling up at my husband. 

"Aww. Well, I guess I'll cook when you come back and we can have a movie night.", he said, giving me one last squeeze, then letting me go.

"I'll look forward to it.", I said, picking up my purse and then walking out the door. 

I walked down to the car and got in. I had thirty minutes to get to work, which was plenty of time. I had just enough time to stop by starbucks on the way there. Starbucks was my addiction. 

I drove halfway across town and pulled into the Starbucks drive through. There weren't many people here at this hour, so I pulled up to the window and ordered a venti white chocolate mocha. The girl in the window handed me the cup and I went to pay for it. 

"Oh, no need. The person in line ahead of you paid for your coffee.", she said. 

I smiled. 

Of all the awesome things that had happened today, I think this was just the cherry on top of the sundae.

I took a sip of my coffee and then made my way to the rehab center. When I pulled in, Stacy's car was still here. She was the person who had the shift before mine. I got out, taking my coffee with me, and walked in through the employees entrance. 

My locker was still untouched, and my punch card was still in its spot. I punched in, then put my purse in the locker and walked down the hall to the front desk. Stacy was just putting a clipboard in its place and gathering her things when I walked in. 

"Yo.", she said, looking up at me. 

I smiled at her. She had short, dyed black hair, and tons of piercings on her ears. I didn't exactly like it, but I didn't judge her for it. People liked different things, and who was I to judge her. She was actually a really nice girl, who had just gotten married to a guy she really liked. 

"Hey, Stacy. How are you?", I asked. 

"I'm great. Kou and I are getting along really well.", she said. 

"That's good.", I said, walking behind the counter and setting my coffee down. 

"Yeah, he took me out for a concert the other night. It was my favorite band and they were in town for one night only. I was super psyched when he told me. ", she said. 

I laughed and then sat down. 

"Well, I better go. Kou's waiting at home and he told me that he had a hard day at work, so I'm gonna go cook him supper.", she said, heading out the door.

I looked at the computer and logged in. It had been a while since I was here. The last time I'd been here was right before the wedding, the night before the bachelorette party. I'd have to do a ton of work to make up for my prolonged absence. I was supposed to work a couple days ago, but I got sick. I remember thinking I was pregnant, but then that time of the month rolled around. I was disappointed, but then again, it's still pretty early in the marriage to be having kids. It was over, so it was a possibility now, but I preferred not to think about it. 

I began looking at the forms that were left for me to fill out. I began with the medication forms, since those were the easiest. I just went down the list and checked who had taken them, then put it in the computer. It was never hard, since I just checked a box, and pretty much everybody took their meds. 

There were a few people who would refuse them, but they had to take them sooner or later. I began checking boxes, when I noticed one box that hadn't been checked. Mrs. Matsuda hadn't taken her medication. I logged onto the mainframe and searched her name. 

I was surprised to find that a clean bill of health popped up. She'd fully recovered and was going to be transferred to a nursing home pretty soon. I wouldn't get to see her anymore. 

Speaking of Mrs. Matsuda, I heard the familiar sound of a wheelchair rolling down the hallway. I turned my head to see the sweet little elderly woman rolling glumly down the hallway. She looked up at me and her eyes immediately brightened. 

"Asuna! You're back! I was wondering when I'd see your face around here again. Where did you go for so long?", she asked. 

"Well, I took leave to get married and go on a honeymoon.", I admitted. 

"Oh, that's wonderful! Who's the lucky man?", she asked. 

"You've met him. Do you remember Kazuto? Kirigaya?", I asked. 

Her eyes brightened as she recalled him. 

"Oh, such a fine young man. I remember he came to visit you one time and you took the both of us out to dinner.", she said. 

"Yup.", I said smiling. 

"Oh, that reminds me. I have something for you. I'll be right back, I have to go get it. I didn't expect you to be here, so I didn't bring it this time.", she said. 

I blushed and smiled. 

"You don't have to give me anything.", I said. 

"nonsense, you are like a grandchild to me. I don't have a real granddaughter to pass it on to, anyway.", she said, rolling down the hallway, out of sight. 

I sighed and sat back down in the chair. I continued filling out the forms, and finished two or three of them before she came back. 

"Here you are.", she said, handing me a small velvet box. 

"What is this?", I asked, inspecting the box.

"That was the necklace that my husband gave me the first time he took me on a date. We were such young things back then. I figure it's more of a young woman's trinket, and you seemed like the perfect person to wear it.", Mrs. Matsuda said. 

I opened the box and gasped. It was a cute little round locket with roses on the front of it, stamped into the metal. 

"I wouldn't feel right taking such a precious memory from you.", I said, closing the box and trying to hand it back. 

"Dear, that necklace only brings pain for me to remember him. I bear to wear it because every time I look at it on myself, I miss him even more. He used to love it when I wore the thing. His eyes would light up and he would always make sure he could see it and that it never got stuck under my shirt. That memory is best something that is passed on. Besides, it's just a thing. It won't be that long before I'm with Frank again. I know he used to be such a sourpus about being stuck here, but he was really such a sweetheart when he wanted to be. I just can't bear the thought of him. I miss him so much.", she said, wiping a tear from her eyes. 

I looked down at the box in my hands and nodded. 

"Alright. Thank you.", I said. 

I got up and walked around the counter to her and gave her a hug. She smiled and hugged me back.

"I'm glad that you aren't like the other receptionists. Some of them treat us as little children who need to be scolded, but you treat us all as your elders and show us respect and kindness.", she said. 

I let go of her and stood back up, walking back around the desk and sitting back down. 

"I can't imagine seeing you any other way. I don't like it when people treat their elders that way. It really boils my blood.", I said, smiling a little.

"Yeah, well I have to go rest, now. I don't know if you knew this, but they're moving me to a nursing facility pretty soon. I won't have to be in the rehab place, and it will be a change of scenery for me. Do you know why Frank and I were in here?", she asked. 

I shook my head. 

"Well, we were both in a car accident when the cab got hit by a drunk driver. The cab driver was almost killed, but he made it.", she explained. 

"That's horrible.", I said. 

"Well, it could've ended up a little better, but it wasn't so bad, considering nobody died.", she said, turning her wheelchair around and heading down the hallway. 

"Goodnight, Asuna.", she called behind her. 

"Goodnight", I replied, turning back to my work, and my coffee. 

I took a swig, then went back to work. 


When I finally punched out, it was 8:00. I would have gotten off at 7:00, but I was working overtime in order to make up for my previous absence. I walked out to the car after I grabbed my purse. It was starting to get chilly outside. 

The little velvet box was still in my hand. It was bigger than a ring box, but smaller than any necklace box I'd seen. It was still cute, though. 

I put the box on the dash board and started the car. On the drive home, I drove past a cute elderly couple. The mad was pushing the wife's wheelchair and she had a bouquet of flowers in her hand, assumingly that he'd given her. 

When I finally got home, I opened the door to be greeted with the most amazing smell drifting from the kitchen. I walked in to find that Kazuto had made salmon. He smiled at me as I came in. 

"What is all this?", I asked smiling. 

"I thought I'd surprise you with one of your favorites. And as an added bonus, I got a new movie for us to watch. It's the new Batman vs. Superman movie that we've both been so excited about.", he said. 

I gasped. 

"No way! Are you serious?! I've wanted to see that for so long!", I said, hugging Kazuto from behind. 

He turned around in my arms and kissed the top of my head. 

"Anything for you, milady.", he said. 

I looked up at him and kissed his lips. 

"Now, I'm starving. Let's eat.", I said, letting go and walking to the table, where Kazuto had set out candles and a bouquet of roses in a vase. 

He walked up behind me and pulled my chair out for me, scooting me in once I'd taken my seat. Next, he went and dimmed all the lights, making sure that it was just enough so that most of the light was coming from the candles. 

"Well aren't you quite the romantic tonight.", I commented. 

"What? I wanted to do something for my perfect wife. I know the last couple days have been hard on you, so I decided to do something to take the stress away.", he said. 

"Thank you.", I said, grabbing his hand across the table. 

He turned his hand over in mine, so that we hand our fingers clasped. I looked into his eyes and smiled. 

"There's that perfect smile. The brightest smile I've seen on you in a while.", he said.

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and blushed. 

"Now, let's eat.", I said, letting go of his hand and picking up my fork. 

We dug into the food. It was like reverie in my mouth. I knew I was hungry, but I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I was finished before Kazuto, partially due to my smaller portion. I waited for him to finish his food and then we both blew out the candles, (the best part of lighting candles), and headed for the living room to watch the movie.

We sat down on the couch and used the remotes to turn off the lights, then turn the tv on. Kazuto got up and got a big comfy blanket and set it on top of us. I smiled and cuddled up next to him. 

"Who do you think is gonna win?", Kazuto asked me. 

I pondered this for a minute. 

"I think Superman, but he would never kill anybody. Batman would kill Superman if he had the chance.", I said.

"That's true. Man, now you made it complicated. I was just gonna say superman.", Kazuto said, obviously thinking pretty hard. 

"Well, let's find out.", I said.

Kazuto pushed play and the movie began. The previews played through, and finally, we heard the deep sound of Batman's voice.

~~~~~~no spoilers~~~~~~

The movie ended and the screen turned off. 

"That...was...epic... I totally didn't expect that ending!", Kazuto said. 

I laughed. 

"That was pretty cool. We're gonna have to watch that again with our friends, later.", I said, standing up and tossing the blanket on Kazuto. 

"Now, I'm dog tired. Let's go to bed and we'll clean up in the morning. Let's see, tomorrow's Wednesday and I have to work on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. I'll be home all day tomorrow.", I said happily. 

"Yeah, but I have to work until 3:00. They just got a new order of pc's in, and it will take me about that long to disassemble and reassemble them. After that, I have to fill out reports on which ones are ok, and which ones need work.", Kazuto said.

My face fell. 

"Aww, so I'll be alone all day. Well, now that I think about it, that's ok. I've gotta wrap your birthday present, anyway. I can't keep it hidden forever.", I said smirking. 

"Oh yeah! I forgot that my birthday is this month.", Kazuto said. 

"Did you really? You know, if it was anybody else, I wouldn't believe you, but seeing as it's you...", I joked. 

"Well, we have been doing a lot lately.", Kazuto said. 

"OK, that's true. Well, come on. Let's go to bed.", I said, beginning to walk down the hall to the bedroom. Kazuto followed me and shut the door. 

"You remember we have that quest on Saturday, right.", Kazuto said. 

I nodded. It was going to be hard, being back in that world without them, but I knew that I could move on and get over it.

I took off my dress and tossed it in the hamper, slipping into my comfiest pajamas. Kazuto had changed into his regular black shorts and gray t shirt.

"You want me to wake up with you tomorrow and make you lunch, or are you going to come home for lunch?", I asked. 

"A homemade lunch would be nice, since I'm going to be so busy. And then, I can eat breakfast with you, too.", he replied. 

I nodded and set the alarm on my phone for 6:00, then set it down on my nightstand and plugged it in. I crawled up into the bed and fluffed my pillow. Kazuto was already in band and pulled my pillow closer to him. I smiled and laid down next to him. He pulled me closer so that we were facing each other. 

"I love you.", he said. 

"I love you, too.", I said back. 

Kazuto started playing with the necklace that Mrs. Matsuda had given me. 

"Where did you get this?", he asked, opening the locket. 

"Mrs. Matsuda said that she didn't want it anymore and gave it to me. It brought back some painful memories for her.", I explained. 

"There's a photo of you and I in here, and another, older man. Was that her husband?", he asked. 

I looked at the photo. A photo of Kazuto and I smiled up at me, and Frank Matsuda, a younger version, was smiling cheerfully, holding a baby. I guessed it was their son. 

"Yeah. He was pretty nice, but he was grumpy. He really didn't like being cooped up in that rehab center.", I said smiling. 

"Well, who would. I wish there was a way they could all get out, at least for a day, instead of being trapped there with nothing to do.", Kazuto said. 

I nodded in agreement, then closed the locket. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Hey, guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it. I was pretty excited to get away from the depressing parts and write something happy for a change. I really want to know what you think of this chapter, so if you could tell me, that would be great. I've started to become more confident in my writing, but I still like to know what you guys think because it really does help. 


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