Living With Damon and Stefan

By Dark-Violet

9M 59.3K 12K

Marni is 14. She lives with Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the Salvatore bording house. She also has powers; s... More

Rude Awakening
Mystic Grill
Elena Gilbert
The Plan
History Lesson
Road Trip
Necromancer Crystal
Book of Crystals
The Game
Intense Stares
Jonathan Gilberts Journal
The Man In The Mirror
Harsh Words
What Are You?
Warp Crystal
Shock News
Jumping Out Windows
The Secret
Shattered Glass
Finding Out
Surprise Party
The Kiss
Holding Hands
Opening The Tomb
Alaric Saltzman
The Really Bad Problem
The Battle
Beverly Hills
The Concert
The Moonstone
Mason Lockwood
Masquerade Ball
Family Barbeque
The Argument
The Halloween Party
The Haunting
The Warning
The Epic Battle
The Beach
Running Down The Street In Underwear
First Sight
The Body Swap
The Reason Why Knocking Was Invented
The Risk Of Sounding Jealous
Failing To Notice Something Important
Getting Distracted By Dandelions
Finding Floors Comfortable
Tomato Juice And Garlic Paste
Ice Cream, P.J's, And Damon
Evil People Chasing Bunnies
Goats And Hating Men
The Runaway
Unwanted, Annoying Dreams
Toothbrushes, Puppets and Haircuts
Awkward Moments And Apologies
No Longer Friends
Hangovers And Rainy Days
Sock Wearing Pineapples
Pillow Eating Dinosaurs
Feeding The Cat
The Dandelion Throwing Lamps
People Actually Use Toilet Paper? Ew.
Sniffing Random Peoples Hair
Fluffy Refridgeraters That Sing
Super Ninja Monkeys! And Shane Dawson!
Teletubbies Rock!
The Naked Shoe Box Lover
Potatoes Have Feelings Too!
Hugging Pens With Eyeballs
The Cute Washing Machine And Dimples
The Day The Sharpener Coughed
Marshmellow Covered Coat-Hangers
Mating With Butterflies
Lamp Posts Are Nice Triangles
The Chocolate That Eats Stockings
Le Flying Taco Mafia
The Bookcase That Sniffs Potato Salad
Exploding Donuts and Lentils
The Umbrella Shaped Box
Throwing Paper At Harold
Salt & Pepper Pencil Baskets
Lettuce Leaf!
Oh, You Like Chirping? Too Bad.

This Coffee Is Not For You

80.4K 587 139
By Dark-Violet

I was very rudely woken up in the morning by Shadow, who had ripped my blanket off me.

"What kind of sick person are you!" I cried, pulling myself up into sitting position.

"Get up, you have school," he said. He held up a cup that had steam rising from it. "I made coffee."

He took a drink of it.

"Hey!" I complained. "That's mine!"

"I said I made coffee, I never said I made you coffee," he smirked.

"I hate you," I glared.

"You love me," he said. I kept glaring at me and he sighed. "Fine! You can have the coffee." He handed me the cup and I drank from it longingly, knowing coffee was the only thing keeping me alive right now.

"I still hate you," I said. "You woke me up."

"If I drive you to school will you forgive me?" he asked.

"Mayb- wait, you have a car?" I asked, giving him an incredulous look.

"Of course I do," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You mean, I've been walking to school all this time, when I could've just borrowed your car?" I asked, my eye having the urge to twitch.

He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Dick," I muttered.

"Do you want a ride or what?" he asked.

I said yes and pushed him out of my room so I could get ready.

Shadow's car was a black 1969 Dodge Charger. It was amazing. It had been one of my favorite cars since it came out.

"I can't believe you never told me about this," I said as we drove to the school. "It's magnificent."

Shadow glanced at me, raising an eyebrow. "You like cars?"

"Are you kidding? I love cars!" I said. "The old classic's like these are so much better than the ones they have these days."

"I completely agree," he said. "Sure, some of the new ones are good, but they're just not the same."

We reached the school, and heads turned at the car. Mainly guys, but there were some girls trying to see the driver. Shadow put on one of his best smiles and I laughed at him.

"You're really trying to impress these girls?" I grinned.

"Well, it's not my fault they're extremely attracted to my stunning good looks," he smirked.

"You're so up yourself," I laughed.

"I'm just being honest."

He pulled up and I opened my door.

"I'll see you later," I said.

He nodded and gave me a smile. "If anyone asks, I'm your insanely hot new boyfriend."

"No, I'll tell them that you're my stalker," I said. "Which is partly true."

He laughed. "Bye Marni."

I smiled in return and got out. As I expected, I heard girls murmuring about whether that was my new boyfriend and who he was. I wasn't surprised. Because it was a small town, high school girls craved gossip.

"Hey Marni," a voice said from beside me. I jumped, snapping my head to the side to find Tyler standing there, smiling apologetically. I had spoken to him a while ago, and we had sorted all the awkward things out.

"And I just crapped myself," I said. "Thank you Tyler, my morning wouldn't be the same if I hadn't,"

He laughed. "Sorry."

"It's cool," I said. "You know, just because you found out you're a werewolf, doesn't mean you can go around scaring all of us other supernatural creatures."

"Well, hopefully I won't have to actually turn into a werewolf," he said.

"Well, just don't kill anyone," I said. "It can't be that hard." I paused. "Unless you're Damon."

"So who was that?" he asked.

"Damon, you know, the self-serving phsycopath," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, not him, the guy who droppped you off," he said quickly.

"Oh," I said. "That was Shadow, you know, the ninja turtle."

"Right, I thought he looked familiar," Tyler said, ignoring my comment about ninja turtles. "So... are you guys dating now, or something?"

"What? No," I said immediately. "No, no, no. He gave me a ride to school because I live with him."

Tyler raised his eyebrow. I sighed. Why did people always have to get the wrong impression? It was very annoying.

"Cliff notes version, Damon and I got in a fight, I now hate Damon, Shadow said I could live him, and BAM! Here we are," I said. I spotted Stefan walking with Elena. I hurried a goodbye to Tyler and hastily walked over to them.

"You were right," I said to Stefan when I reached them.

"About what?" he asked.

"You know," I said, trying to tell him with my eyes. "About the thing, with the thing, and the thing."

"Guys what's going on?" Elena asked.

"Ah, you know, a bit of this, a bit of that, nothing important," I said. I turned my attention back to Stefan. "That thing you said the other day."

He frowned, not getting it.

"Oh for the love of all that's holy," I muttered, grabbing his arm and dragging him away from Elena. "I thought you would've figured it out by my intense eye communication."

"Figure what out?" he asked.

"Isobel!" I hissed, making sure no one heard. "You asked me to go talk to Damon so I could find out if he turned her."

"Oh yeah," he said. "What did you find?"

"He turned her," I said.

He sighed. "We should probably tell Elena. And Alaric."

"Wouldn't they be better off if they didn't know?" I asked.

"Well, wouldn't you want to know if she was alive if you were Elena?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I just figure, if she hasn't contacted them now, why would she bother later? It just seems like it's giving Elena and Alaric a false sense of hope."

"Well, we can't lie to them," he said.

I shrugged again. "Do what you tink's best, but I've done my part, so you have to tell them."

"So what's our plan for tonight?" I asked Jeremy.

We were walking down the street towards his house, talking about what we were going to do tonight.

"Jenna actually invited you and Stefan over for dinner," he said.

"Another family barbeque?" I asked.

"Not really, it'll just be us tonight, but Jenna felt like cooking a big meal so she said you guys should come," he said. "Or something like that anyway."

"Sounds fun," I said.

"Indeed," Jeremy said. We had reached his house by now, and we were met by Jenna when we walked in.

"Hey guys!" she said. "You're staying for dinner right, Marni?"

"Yeah, of course," I replied, smiling.

"Good," she said. "Because I need you and Jeremy to help in the kitchen."

I nodded and followed her through to the kitchen. 

"Marni can I please get you to chop up some tomato?" she asked.

"Sure," I said.

Jeremy helped as well, and I flicked a piece of tomato at him.

"Hey!" he complained, throwing back towards me. I laughed and tried to dodge it. It clung to my arm and I peeled it off, flinging the tomato at Jeremy, hitting him in the face.

"Hey guys," Jenna said, walking back into the room. "Try keeping the tomato on the chopping board, yeah?"

Jeremy and I muttered an apology, and I laughed at him because he still had tomato juice on his face. The doorbell rang and Jenna went to answer it. I went back to chopping, a smile on my face. I heard footsteps, and Jenna chatting with someone. I glanced up and the smile dropped when I saw Damon walk in. My hands faltered and the knife I was holding slipped, slicing my finger open.

"Ouch," I hissed. I looked down to examine the cut. It wasn't deep, but it ran down the length of my index finger.

"Are you okay?" Jeremy asked.

"It's just a cut," I said, walking over to the sink and running it under water.

"Here, I'll get you a band-aid," Jenna said.

I glanced up at Damon, who was frowning. He stared at my cut, and I knew he had that temptation that every vampire had when it came to blood. He controlled himself though, and looked away.

As Jeremy and I set the table, I glared suspiciously at him.

"This isn't one of yours, Stefan's and Elena's plans to get me and him talking again, is it?" I asked, glancing to where Damon and Jenna were cooking in the kitchen.

"No," Jeremy reassured me. "I had no idea he was coming. I guess Jenna invited him."

"Hmm," I said. "Well, as long as John doesn't show up, I'll try to be pleasant."

Dinner was delicious, but a little awkward. Thankfully there weren't any embarrassing stories, so that was a plus side of the night. We had already started dessert and Elena and Stefan still hadn't showed up.

"So Marni," Jenna said. "Are you looking foward to dressing up for Founder's Day next Friday?"

"I guess so," I replied. "I always did like the 1800's." Jeremy gave me a knowing smile.

Jenna looked like she was about to say something, but her phone rang and she went off to answer it. This left an awkward silence. I kept my eyes on my plate and stabbed a peice of cake with my fork.

"Sorry guys," Jenna said, coming back into the room. "That was Elena. She and Stefan can't make it, they're in Grove Hill."

"How come?" Jeremy asked.

"They think one of Isobel's childhood friend's live there," Jenna answered. I froze. Damon was going to find out Isobel was Elena's mother. "They're hoping she can tell them where Isobel is."

"Isobel?" Damon asked.

"Elena's birth mother," Jenna replied. I glanced up at him. He frowned for a second, and then realisation hit him. His eyes widened and he snapped his head up, looking directly at me.

"Well, this has been fun, but I have to go," I said quickly. "I have a huge test tomorrow, and I must study."

"I should probably get going too," Damon said, not taking his eyes off me. I mentally cursed. I didn't want to deal with this now.

I said goodbye to Jenna and Jeremy, and hurried out, hoping to get away from Damon. I must have been out of luck, because as soon as I started walking down the street he was right infront of me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, a glint of anger in his blue eyes.

"Tell you what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"That girl you asked me about the other day," he said. "You failed to mention that she was Elena's mother."

"Yeah, well, now you know," I said. "Happy?"

"Does Elena know about this?" he asked.

"I'm sure Stefan will tell her," I said.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" Damon asked. "I'm sure that's not the only thing you're keeping from me."

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said. "I just assumed, because nobody tells me anything around here anymore."

"Well maybe if you were less of an asshole, they would," I said through gritted teeth. "And yes, there is something else you should know. Isobel isn't just Elena's mother. She was Alaric's wife too."

I turned on my heel after that, not waiting for a a reaction, and headed home.

I sat at an outside table of the Grill with Caroline, drinking some iced tea. The weather was sunny and warm, and kids played with frisbee's and footballs in the park across the road, and people were taking nice strolls. In someone elses opinion, it was seem to be a nice day. In my opinion, it was too happy. The one thing that wasn't happy today, was Caroline. She had a frown on her face, and she wasn't as talkative as she usually was.

"What's wrong pouty?" I asked.

Caroline sighed. "It's Matt."

"What happened?" I asked.

"He's been distant lately," she said. "And I know it's my fault. Everytime we get closer, I have to pull away, because if I don't, I'll hurt him."

"That's not your fault," I said. "You can't control it."

"It's not just that," she continued. "He knows I'm hiding something, but I can't tell him, because if I do, he'll think I'm a monster. But if I don't, he'll assume I don't trust him and break things off with me."

"You could always just compel him," I shrugged.

She stared at me incredulously.

"Kidding!" I said. "Just give it time. Matt's a good guy, he'll come around."

"I hope so," she sighed.

I spotted two familiar faces across the street. Elena and Stefan were holding hands, walking through the park. I sighed. It seemed that they were the only happy couple around here. I frowned slightly when I noticed something. A man that looked like he was in his forties was trailing after them. His gaze was focused directly on Elena.

"I'll be right back," I murmured to Caroline.

I got up and crossed the street, catching up with Stefan and Elena.

"Hey Marni," Elena said. I nodded in return.

"Are you currently aware that you're being followed?" I asked.

"What?" Stefan asked.

"Don't look, but there's a guy following you," I said. "He seems particularly interested in Elena."

Elena casually glanced around.

"Stefan, that's the guy that was out the front of Trudy Peterson's house," Elena whispered.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Isobel's friend," Stefan explained. "We went to her house yesterday. The guy following us was outside when we left."

"Stefan," Elena said. "Trudy was serving vervain in her tea. She new about vampires.It can't be a coincidence."

I gave Stefan a look and he sighed.

"That's because it isn't," he said.

"What?" Elena asked.

"Isobel's a vampire," he said.

Elena's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Wha- how?"

"Damon turned her," Stefan said.

"Oh my God," she said. I prayed to God that she wouldn't start crying. I hate it when people cry. "He turned her? How could he?"

"This was years ago," Stefan said. "He had no idea you even existed back then. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that Isobel's you mother."

"No," I said. "He knows. He found out last night. He seemed... Shocked."

"Do you think that man has something to do with Isobel?" Elena asked, recovering from her shock.

"Only one way to find out," I said. I turned around and looked at the guy. "Hey! You! Guy who's following Elena! Do you know a chick called Isobel?"

"Very subtle Marni," Stefan said sarcastically.

I shrugged. "I try."

The man stopped, and stared at Elena.

"Let's go say hi," I said.

I walked up to the man, but he kept his eyes on Elena, who was following behind me with Stefan. I waved my hand infront of his eyes, but they remained focused on her.

"Hello, anyone home?" I asked, clicking my fingers. I turned to Stefan. "He's under compulsion."

"You need to stop looking," the man said. I turned and looked at him. He seemed to be talking to Elena.

"Stop looking for who?" I asked.

"She doesn't want to find you," he continued, ignoring me. "Stop looking."

"Isobel," Elena whispered.

"Do you understand?" the man asked.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Do you understand?" he repeated.

 "Yes," Elena said.

"Good," he said. "I'm done now."

I went to say something, but he stepped back onto the street behind him, and out of nowhere, a truck hit him. I heard screams and Elena gasped. I stood there mentally cursing. He was our only key to find out where Isobel was. People rushed out onto the street, and somebody called 911. There was no use though, I could tell he was dead.

"Why would she make him kill himself?" Elena asked hysterically.

"Dramatic effect," I answered. "She's cocky. No surprise there since Damon turned her."

"Come on," Stefan said. "Let's get out of here."

 "Helloooooooo Marni!" Shadow said when I walked into the living room later that night. There were two other guys that I didn't recognise sitting in the room. One had light brown hair, and the other was blonde. They both looked eighteen. Music played from the stereo agains the wall, and bottles of alcohol were visible.

"Are you drunk?" was the first thing I asked.

"Only a smidge," he said. The guy with the light brown hair made a little cough. "Oh, right. Marni, these are my friends Mitch and Kyle. Guys, this is Marni, my best buddy. Oh, by the way," Shadow added to me. "They're vampires."

"What's up?" Kyle, the one with blonde hair, asked in a form of greeting. Mitch just nodded in my diection.

"Hey," I said. I shrugged off my jacket and layed it on the side of the couch.

"Come, sit, join us," Shadow said, patting the seat next to him. I sighed and thought, what the hell. I flopped down beside him next to the couch. "Anything interesting happen today?" he asked.

"Nope," I said. "Unless you count someone killing themselves as interesting."

"Wow," Shadow said. "Sounds cheerful."

"Yep," I said. I took the bottle of Smirnoff out of his hand and took a swig.

"Anyone we know?" he asked.

"Nope," I said.

"So, are you guys like, dating or something?" Kyle asked.

I snorted. "He wishes."

"I'm hurt Marni," Shadow said, faking a pained expression. "I was under the impression that you were secretly in love with me."

"Rejected," Mitch muttered.

Shadow lightly punched his arm.

"So, what are you anyway?" Kyle asked me. "I'm assuming your some sort of supernatural creature."

"I'm an Original actually," I said casually.

Kyle and Mitch froze.

"W-what?" Mitch stuttered, fear evident in his eyes.

"Oh relax," I said. "I'm kidding."

Both breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Don't scare us like that," Kyle said.

"Come on, Originals aren't that scary," I said. Kyle and Mitch looked a me like I was crazy.

"You've got to admit," Shadow said. "Klaus was a bit scary."

"Only a little," I said. In truth, I had been more than a little afraid of Klaus.

"You've met Klaus?" Mitch asked.

"Yep," I said. "I killed him too,"


"If Klaus was dead, someone would've mentioned it," Mitch said, clearly not believing me.

"You could go ask Elijah if you'd like," I said. "He helped me."

"Elijah?" Kyle asked. "The other Original?"

"Yep, we're like best buddies," I said. "Although I think he's still in New York at the moment."

"She's telling the truth," Shadow said. "Marni's the reason why Elijah hasn't hunted me down and killed me. They're friends."

"Which takes me back to my earlier question," Kyle said. "What are you?"

"A witch," I answered. "But I've been alive for more than a century. How old are you guys?"

"I was turned in 1951," Kyle said.

"1949," Mitch said.

"Ah, so you guys are pretty young then," I said.

"Hey, we're not that young," Kyle said defensively.

"Compared to some of the vampires I know, you are," I said. Kyle grumbled to himself, and I got the impression that he thought he was better than a lot of people.

For the rest of the night, we chilled. Kyle kept on trying to flirt with with me, and Shadow laughed at his hopeless attempts.

"Good morning Stefan," I greeted pleasantly into my phone. I was sitting at the Grill on Saturday morning, drinking coffee by myself.

"Hey Marni, are you busy right now?"

I thought about it for a minute. "Nope, why?"

"I need you to meet me in Alaric's office at the school, it's important."

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute," I answered, hanging up my phone. I downed the rest of my coffee and headed to the school.

My footsteps echoed through the walls as I walked down the deserted halls of the school. I paused when I heard another set of footsteps and turned around to find Damon walk around the corner.

"You got a call too, huh?" he asked.

"Yep," I replied. I turned and kept walking until I got to Alaric's door. I opened it and entered, Damon right behind me.

I slowed when I saw everyones expressions.

"Why do you all look like someone died?" I asked.

"I saw Isobel last night," Alaric said.

"Isobel's here?" Damon asked.

Stefan nodded.

"She wants to meet with me," Elena said.

"Tell her to get screwed," I said.

"She's threatening to go on a killing spree," Alaric said.

"Ah," I said.

"I take it that's not okay with you guys?" Damon asked.

"I want to go see her," Elena said determinedly.

"By the sounds of it, she doesn't seem like someone who cares about anyone but herself," I said. "She's already threatening people, so who's to say she won't hurt Elena?"

"She won't, I'm her daughter," Elena said.

"You know, there's a high possibility that she's shut off her humanity," Damon said. "She'll be dangerous for all of us. I say we just kill her."

"No," Alaric and Elena said in unison.

"Damon's right," I said reluctantly. "Isobel's a threat, and she needs to be dealt with."

"Guys, come on," Stefan said.

"Let me ask you a question," Damon said to Alaric. "When you spoke to Isobel last night, what did she seem like? Was she happy to see you? Or were you just a messenger?"

Alaric didn't answer.

"There you go," I said. "She'd probably kill Elena without blinking."

"You guys aren't going to kill her," Alaric said to Damon and I.

"Why not?" Damon asked. "She needs to be killed, we're willing to kill."

"It's a win win," I finished.

"You're not going to kill her," Elena said firmly. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"You know, I liked it better when you guys weren't on the same side," Alaric said.

I turned to Stefan for help. "Stefan, you know as well as we do that this is going to end up badly."

He sighed and thought about it for a moment. "Sorry guys, but I have to go with Elena and Ric on this one. I think it's best that you guys stay away from her," Stefan said. Elena and Ric nodded.

"Oh come on," I said.

"Are we the only ones with any common sense around here?" Damon asked, gesturing to me and him.

"Look guys, I can't just sit back and watch you kill her," Elena said. "She's my mother."

"Oh yeah?" Damon asked. "Then where the hell has she been the last seventeen years?"

"Guys, stop fighting," Stefan said.

"If this ends badly, it's all on you," I said, looking at Stefan, Elena and Alaric. I gave them one last glare and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

If the others honestly thought I would just sit back and watch Isobel threaten who ever she wanted, they were wrong. I was taking matters into my own hands.

I had stolen a few strands of Elena's hair from her hairbrush to use in a locator spell. Elena was related to Isobel by blood, so it worked perfectly.

The spell led me to the most expensive foreclosure in Mystic Falls. At first I knocked on the door, but no one answered so I casually broke the lock and entered the mansion. I listened carefully and heard movement in a room close by, so I entered the room. I was mildly surprised to find a familiar face lounging in an armchair.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Damon.

"Same thing you are, I guess," he smirked.

"I'm guessing you didn't listen to the others either?" I asked. I made myself comfy on a lounge and pulled my feet up.

"Nope," he said. "They're all being idiots."

"Tell me about it," I muttered.

"So what do you say?" Damon asked. "Do you wannna team up on this one?"

I contemplated it. Sure, I was still extremely pissed at Damon, but he'd be helpful.

"Sure, why not?" I said. I looked at him. "How did you know she'd be here?"

"She did what I would do," he said. "You?"

"Locator spell," I answered.


I heard the sound of a car and my head snapped up, as did Damon's.

"Show time," he muttered.

I heard the door open and the sound of footsteps paused. In the next instant, a woman with dark hair and pale skin was standing in the room. She looked Damon up and down and smirked.

"I was wondering when you'd show up," she said.

"Well, you've been causing quite a disturbance," Damon said.

Isobel looked over at me curiously. "Oh good, you brought a snack."

She moved towards me, but I was up in an instant and Damon was standing protectively infront of me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Damon growled.

"Ooh, touchy," Isobel said. "Have you grown attatched to one of your toys?" I glared daggers at her, but she only looked back with amusement. "She seems fiesty."

"Isobel," I said calmly. "Have you ever wondered what it's like having your heart ripped out?" She raised an eyebrow. In the blink of an eye, I was across the room, pinning her against the wall by her throat. She struggled against me, but I was stronger. "Because that's what's going to happen if you don't watch what you say."

"Marni," Damon warned. I sighed and let Isobel drop. I walked back over to the couch I was sitting on and sat down.

"That wasn't very nice," Isobel said, rubbing her throat.

"I'm not a nice person," I said.

"You're not a vampire, I know that much, so what are you?" she asked.

"She's a witch, but that doesn't matter," Damon said. "What are you doing in Mystic Falls?"

"I came to see my daughter, is that so wrong?" she asked, faking an offended tone.

I snorted. "Oh please. The other day you compelled some guy to tell her to stop looking for you. Thank you for that, by the way. It just makes my day when I see someone kill themself."

She shrugged. "You're right. I'm not here for Elena."

"So... why are you here?" Damon asked.

"And why should I tell you?" she asked, smirk back in place.

"Because if you don't we'll kill you," I said casually.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, if you must know, I'm loking for the invention."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Damon, but by the look of it, he knew what she was talking about.

"Funny that," Damon said. "Because John Gilbert came to me yesterday asking for it. Why are you working together?"

"We have a mutual goal," she said.

"How do you know John?" I asked.

"We dated briefly back in highschool," she said. "But anyway, I need the invention, and you guys are going to get it for me."

"Sorry to burst you bubble, but we don't have it," Damon said.

"Oh I know, but that woman Pearl does," she said. "And since you guys seem to be friends, it's up to you to get it."

"And why should we do that?" I asked.

"Because if you don't, I'll kill Elena, and Jeremy, and Bonnie..." she trailed off.

"What's in it for us?"Damon asked.

"I can help you find Katherine," she replied.

I started laughing and Damon grinned.

"Oh wow, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day," I sighed, wiping a tear from my eye.

"Why in God's name would I want to find Katherine?" Damon laughed. "I already know where she is."

Isobel frowned at this.

"Oh I get it," I said. "You still think Damon's in love with her... God that's sad. Katherine has been in Mystic Falls for several months now."

"Oh well," she said. "It doesn't really matter. But I want that invention, and if I don't get it, well... let's just say there won't be as many people living in Mystic Falls."

I narrowed my eyes. If she thought she could just threaten whoever she wan-

"Fine, but we're going to need some time," Damon said, cutting off my train of thought. I stared at him, trying to figure out what he was up to. I was tempted to argue, but I kept my mouth shut.

"You have until the day before Founder's Day," Isobel said.

"Let's go Marni," Damon said. I shot Isobel a particularly nasty glare and followed Damon out.

Once we were out on the driveway, I fixed my glare on Damon, wondering what the hell was going on, but I didn't ask, knowing Isobel could hear us.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride home," he offered. I hesitated. I wasn't to keen on the awkwardness that would come from this. "We need to talk," Damon added.

"Fine," I sighed reluctantly.

Damon's car was parked around the corner, so that's probably why I didn't know he was there until I entered the house. To be honest, I had missed Damon's car. Life just wasn't the same with out it.

"You're not seriously going to give Isobel what she wants, right?" I asked as soon as we started driving.

"God no," he said. "I just want to know what it does."

"So what is the invention anyway?" I asked.

"Jonathan Gilbert invented it back in the day," Damon said. "Our good friend John came looking for it yesterday, so I want it."

"Are you going to give it to him?" I asked.

"No, I just don't want him to have it," he said. I rolled my eyes and smirked. He glanced over at me. "Look, I know you have every right to be angry-"

"You're right," I said. "I do."

"But please, let me apologise," he finished.

"You have two minutes," I said.

"To be honest, I was only keeping Andy around to annoy you, because hey, annoying you is fun," he said. I glared at him. "Moving on, what I said wasn't true. You couldn't honestly believe I put up with you for over a century and think I don't care about you."

"Then why did you say it?" I asked bitterly.

"Because I retaliate when I get in an argument," he said. "You of all people should know that. I was caught up in the moment, and I said things I shouldn't have. It was a mistake, and I'm sorry."

I thought about it for a moment. Sure, I was angry at Damon, but it was getting too exhausting. And he sounded sincere, and he actually apologized. Damon never apologizes. Ever. I tried to muster up all the hate for Damon I had in me, but it didn't work. To be honest, I actually kind of missed him a little, because I had no partner in crime.

"Hmm... tempting, but I don't know..." I trailed off hiding a grin.

"Come on, you know you can't resist my extremely handsome face," he said.

I laughed. "Do you ever get sick of being so cocky?"

"I'm not cocky, I just know I'm really hot," he said. I rolled my eyes. "So am I forgiven?"

"Yes," I said. "But only because I feel sorry for you. I mean, someone has to be your friend."

"Hey, that was mean," he complained.

I shrugged. "You're the one who wanted to be my friend, remember?" I asked. He smirked. "So... what about Andy?"

"I'll make sure she doesn't bother you," he said.

"You better," I warned.

"That slap you gave me actually hurt," Damon said. "I was expecting more of a punch, but I'm kind of glad you didn't."

"Eh, a slap was more dramatic," I said. "And I was really pissed at you, so I made it a hard one."

"I could tell," he said. "But now that that's over, I suppose we should go hunt down this mysterious invention."

"That we should," I replied.


So guys, what do you think? Sorry I haven't uploaded in like a week, I'm a horrible person, and I should be hung for it, but hopefully this one was a long one, and you'll forgive me??

Don't worry! Just because I'm not uploading as fast as I usually do, doesn't mean I'm giving up on this story! It's just that the holidays are over, and I don't have as much time to write anymore, but I WILL MAKE TIME O_o I have soooooooooooo many events planned for this story, so there's no need to fear. I've grown too attatched to this story to let it go. Half of the time it's what I'm thinking about, like when I'm going to sleep, I imagine different scenario's with Marni in it... Anyway... Anyone see the episode where there were flash backs of the 20's? I'm officially convinced that the director of TVD is reading my book, because not long ago I posted a chapter that had something to do with the 20's, and there was a witch on there that aged veeerrrryyy slowly. Sound familiar? Even though Marni doesn't technically age... BUT I CAN DREAM! God, I need to get out more...


Soon, I will be posting a chapter that will have a HUGE Marni and Damon moment... well, I think it will be huge, unless I've gone crazy, which is quite possible, but I think Marni and Damon fans will like it very much :D

Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have an appointment with my therapist now so...

REMEMBER! I love all of you guys, you are what keep me motivated for this story! You are the coolest people in the world, so please, vote, comment, let me know how you liked this chapter!




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