Happens Everytime (Unedited)

By Khwaish

16.8K 533 498

Aahana, a sweet, adorable girl, who was abandon by her father at an early age. At least this is what she beli... More

1- Beautiful Spell
2- Stranger's Help?
3- Memory Lane....
4- Blossoming Friendship.....
5- Birthday's Present!!!
6- A Memorable Day
7- Music!!
8- Ma's Call?
9- Distraction
10- Accident
11- Bad Guy!
12- You two are what?
14- Selection
15- Teddy Bear
16- Beach party?
17- Father's Sand Castle
19- Lonely Walk
20- Magic Spell
21- Fight
22- He loves me?
23- Bad Luck
24- Aarav....?
25-Wish List
26- Carnival
27- Future or Past?
28- Revelation
29 (1)- Reunited Family
29(2)- Reflection
30-Happily Ever After

13- Dear Diary

392 10 7
By Khwaish


I hope you all are still reading these chapters.

Sadly, I got no response on last chapters…

Which makes me wonder if you all have lost your interest or am I writing that poorly?


Well.. maybe you all were a bit busy and would do right thing now.

Hahaha .. okay… I am getting melodramatic here.


So.. read it..

And DO PLEASE PLEASE.. let me know about it.







Dear Diary



Finally all exhausting shopping and planning for dresses and invitations finished by 10’clock, leaving me tired, really tired.

Retiring to my room at 10:30, I sighed audibly. I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

I don’t know how much longer I could keep up with all this. I had come across with enough number of revelations of the day.

Though, I was happy for Jenny but couldn’t deny the fact that it left me feeling lonely.

Landing smoothly on my bed with my back I ruffled with my locks of hair and thought of day’s event.

A shudder past through me.

Oh my God! I still couldn’t believe that My best Friend was now in relationship. At 15 we both had swear off men. It was when She had fight with on of her Male friends and she hated talking to any boy after that.

It was good for me seeing that I didn’t either want to be anywhere near those contagious species.

I don’t know why but whenever I see any men ill-treating girls or their wives, I feel like smacking those filthy people and putting handcuffs around their wrist and dragging them out of their cozy home that were like hell to poor girls.

I giggled.

Sometimes I believe that I must have a socialist way past my earlier life.

Strange but I had strong urge of revolting when I see things like that. I wonder if this was because of Dad?

Aahana! Stop being an idiot and go to sleep.


I tossed and turned for what was like half hour but sleep didn’t engulf me. I was having withdrawal symptoms.

I could hear crickets croaking outside the window. As a child I always wonder if they were feeling cold? Or were they hungry?

I didn’t like hearing their wailing sound. It was somewhat creepy to hear them.


I let my mind raced and ended up moving out of my silk sheets and pondering over near the window.

At times of many sleepless nights I used to do this. I bend my belly down on couch and from the corner of its cushion withdrew a blue colored journal.

My Diary!

Seeing that Jenny was no longer helpful in making peace in my mind and I couldn’t share my feeling with mamma, I had resorted to keeping the diary whenever I felt lonely or was upset.

Perhaps, it is one of those days.

As worn out and fatigued I felt but was constrained to put pen to paper about my day’s event.

I pulled out pen from my box, my special pen with which I wrote only in this diary. I know it was weird but then who said anything about leading a normal life?

At that thought, a smile twitched on my curves.

As I opened my dairy, I reminisced about my past.

What a wonderful time it was.

Oh don’t think that I used to write only about sad moments. I recalled my cheery moments too…

An entry of my Eight Birthday, then Jenny’s Birthday….

Sometimes time flews by us just as rivers flow perennially effortlessly.

Not only good times but seemingly bad times too found there place in gutter as time flew by. Whilst I was Eight it seemed to extremely impossible for me to get the idea of my father abandoning me could be digested without an indigestion.

I shudder. The idea still horrified me.

Move on!

Opening a fresh white page, I jolted down my pen to finds its way on paper in dim twilight of moon cascaded on my window.


!!Some revelations!!



   Sorry for updating you for such a long time. But then, nothing much was there to tell.


But today, was entirely a different day. Yesterday, we, Jenny and me had gone for our seemingly dangerous ride, err_ and that accident took place. Well, I guess that you already know that part, since you were the one to plan that fatal event! *Accusing glares if you could see me*


Today, when I paid her a visit I realize that her much loved crush had a double crush on her and now they both are hooked together. Leaving me all alone. Okay, I agree I am complaining. But then, what else could I do? Nothing!


Today, when Mohit presented Jenny with beautiful flowers, his eyes gleamed with happiness and love for Jenny. I have a feeling that my best friend is no longer going to need me around her, if you don’t count our shopping trips! I am happy for her. Really I am! Much to my astonishment, its not some childish crush developing between them but a fully-fledge love taking its birth between them. I could witness it very well. Both of them were so lost in gazing into each others eye that my presence was subsided. They are head over heals in love!


God, How much I wish I had someone to take care of me that way. Until now, I hadn’t felt the need to have someone’s strong arms around me. I know it seems idiotic to think like that at my age, but I could not help this thought from entering into my woozy head! I blame my stupid teenage hormones for this sudden change. Or maybe this because of seeing all mushy-mushy things in one day!


Asking for some happiness, a chance to smile is not much for you, is it?


I agree, I have my mom to put her arms around me when needed, but I still feel that void of lacking my fat_. Well, leave it. Mamma, is enough to support me physically and financially. I still feel that need for him. Jenny and Mohit’s gestures had suddenly unleashed that strong urge to connect to some male in my life. I don’t necessarily insist on being it a male. I would rather prefer a girl for that matter. Seemingly, girls are more caring and understanding. Until now, I had hid the fact to my father’s absence from all, but suddenly today I want to confide it into someone. Maybe a friend?


God? Have I asked for something which I am not worth of?

I believe that ones beauty lies on her face but in her heart. Being trendy and following wrong path would only lead me away form you. I don’t want that to happen at any cost.


I am not a statue who doesn’t have emotions, feelings and thoughts. I do have a heart, though surrounded my high big walls. I know I am physically strong enough to outdone average person but I am not emotionally equipped to fight mental torments.


I also need ‘SOMEONE’ who could care for me, respect me, and guide me to right path. I hope you send someone soon to remove my misery and fill my life with some glimmer.




Tears welled down my cheeks as I wrote it. A small teardrop escaped my eyes and made a puddle on page of the dairy. I tried to swipe it off with the back of my hands, but it had already spread the blue ink a little.

I had intended to write about today’s events but ended up demanding someone special for me. Though I really wish He doesn’t stick to my wish as I really don’t want any Boyfriend right now_ infact I don’t want them ever. I am sticking to my pledge!

Boys are pain in neck! And I do not want my neck to pain to death.

Lost in trance I was caressed by sleep on the couch. Sometime in midnight when I woke due to shuttering wind that blew on my head making it go freezing, I took refuse in my warm quilt.

Morning came and so does our ending to relaxing weekend. Well, it wasn’t relaxing for me atleast!

Jenny, refuse to budge from her bed saying that she wanted to sleep till 9 and want to look fresh and beautiful at the party. It was useless to convince her. Instead she tried to lure me to stay at home as well. But seeing the approaching exams I had no intentions to stay at home and listen to her endless blathering. I choose to spend my day surrounded by lovely books!

“Okay, I am going then. Prepare your speech well!” I threw sarcastically at her biding her farewell.

The school time went in blur. The news of Jenny-Mohit relationship had spread like the fire in the school. Since Jenny was absent I had to answer those questions. Ultimately I ended my hanging around Mohit, who was defiantly better at shunting those questions off then I was.

“It’s all because of you!” I poked a finger at his chest accusingly after the last period bell rang and the school got over for the day. I was highly tired!

“Me? What did I do?”  he asked me innocently.

An eyebrow shot up on my face disbelieving that he still had guts to amuse me.


“Do you want lift?” he poked his head from behind my shoulder.

My legs automatically came to halt. I was stunned. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, “Lift? From you?”

He misunderstood my reaction, and said, “Yeah, I am going to visit Jenny and as far my knowledge you live next to her.”

“Yeah, I do. But don’t you think that you should stop flirting with others since you already have a girl?” I relaxed a little. I don’t know why, but I am not very comfortable with the idea of riding with some else. So, I had to ignore his request as politely as I could. Besides I did bring my scooty to school.

“I_ wasn’t fl_flirting with you. I thought better get gel with my love’s best friend.” He stammered.

I could no longer suppress a smirk. So, I smirked and he caught me red-handed.

“Aww… you are so bad.”

“Hey, I got my scooty. Thanks for asking though.”

Before he could speak more, I slid from his side and hurried towards parking lot.

Riding scooty is sheer pleasure. I sure feel like gliding and flying in sky.

I entered my home with a big smile pasted of my face.

“Hey darling, how was your day?” Ma asked, winking at my smile.

“Oh_horrible! Torturous!” I groaned at the reminder of those questions. Just imagine what will the scene if I was the getting hooked up!.

A shudder passed through at the thought. I hope that day doesn’t come. I recite a prayer silently.


“Aww. All the students were chattering and bickering about Jenny. I would have loved to strangle them.”

Mamma’s mouth took its shape into a big O. I just shrugged in response.


After having a light lunch I headed towards Jenny’s house.

“Mamma, I’ll be over at Jenny’s.” I informed waving my palm at her. She dod the same.

“Hey Jen! Your over boy left?”

“Yeah, he got to make arrangements for party.”


“You got your dress?”

“Yeah I did. So what shall we do? ”


I was surprised. I had thought that she would want me to spend hours in dressing her up. But I was wrong.


“Yeah, Mohit had stopped by to give me notes to copy. He said that I should complete my work and he didn’t want teachers to scold me.”

“Oohh. Maybe he isn’t that bad.” I was genuinely taken aback. Seems like Jenny would be happy with Mohit. The guy really deserved a compliment.

“He isn’t.” she murmured, already busy in taking out her work.

“Oh okay, wait for five minutes, I’ll bring my work too.”

Rushing off to get my notebook, I was back in exactly five minutes.

“Let’s start.”

Next two hours were spent on homework and some witty comments.

Yeah! Witty.


When Jenny got stuck in a maths problem, she raised her head and poked her forefinger on my shoulder.

“Oh Lord! Jen_ what?” I shrieked. She scared me. I got so engrossed in work that I forgot about her sitting next to me.

“You_ devil! Explain me this question.”

“W_what?” I stammered confused, why was she referring me as devil?

“Yeah! The Math’s Genius, you have to explain me this idiot question.”

On hearing it, I started laughing and Jenny followed.

In just two minutes, we both were rolling so uncontrollably rolling on our stomach that my cheek hurts. So did hers.

This is how I am. I don’t laugh at laughable things but instead where it is least expected and surely knows those points.

After completing our work, we rushed to her room for getting ready for her Hooking Party.


Frankly speaking, I was least interested in going there. But for Jenny’s sake, I put up on a smiling face and enthusiastically got ready for party.

Jenny looked most charming and beautiful in her ivory, party dress which hugged her curves magnificently. She had let her hair open and looked dazzling in her new cut.

I wish I could look like her.

When she was ready, I took out my favourite navy-blue jeans and trendy blue top from the bag. That’s all I posses which could make up for something trendy.

“Aahana!” she gasped.

Fear-stricken, I drop the clothes on floor and rushed to her side.

“What happen?”

“You are going to wear this?”


“No ways!”

“Why?” I asked visibly showing my confusion.

“This won’t go for party!” she was being melodramatic now.

I sighed.

“Melodramatic” I murmured under my breath. 

“Whatever! But I bought a dress for you too.”

“Good Lord! When?”

“When you were ordering. I had seen your eyes glittering on that silky blue dinning gown. So whilst you were ordering I slipped to but it.

I was overwhelmed, she knew me so well. The dress was not costly but I couldn’t just get to terms to buy it. I hugged her tightly.


Well, I can say that I looked cute in that gown. I pinned up my hair and let some strands that could not find there place fallen from the bunch.

Mohit had himself come to pick both of us.

When we reached the door, he outstretched his hands for Jenny, who quietly placed it in his.

“Hey beautiful!” he had complimented which made Jenny blushed even more.

“Aww..” I had murmured eyeing there love. I wish I would be wrong about men, especially Mohit.

The most surprising element was when he slipped a breath-taking silver bracelet around wrist.

We were escorted by Mohit to Vemon. He had booked the whole club for the party. I wonder how many people were going to witness it.

Soon, the night started and girls and boys started dancing.

Jenny and me, were standing in a corner when, Mohit took us to introduce his friends and people. I argued that why should accompany them. But when Jenny gets something in her mind there is no going back. I sighed and followed them.

We had met few people, when a handsome boy in girl’s language, wearing tuxedo made its way to us.

“Hey bro!” he gave Mohit a hug and patted his shoulder. Then his eyes diverted to Jenny, very manly he held out his hands and shook her hand. He bent little forward to whisper something in her ear, which made Jenny giggle.

“Thanks.” She flushed.

He must have complimented her. From where I was standing, I couldn’t see his face. I hate to admit it, but he looked charming in that dress.

“Your welcome, dear.” His voice was filled with passion and honey.

“Stop flirting with her, she is mine.”  Mohit elbowed him in stomach and possessively capturing Jenny’s elbow and leading her forward from the strange boy’s presence.

Whilst passing, she eyed me and I nodded back. She whispered back something in that boy’s ears and left.

Maybe she knew him.

That boy ascended. I have no idea why but I felt awkward standing there so, I turned around, when I heard familiar honey voice again.


I paused and turned around, only to look straight into two most gorgeous pair of blue-ocean like eyes, which held emotions.

So? Did you like it?

I hope I am able to shift your focus back to Aahana.

Hehehe… so, any guesses, who this Blue eye boy is?


Please! Do VOTE, COMMENT, LIKE .. if you like it.

It surely helps me to continue, when I get some response. Even boost my confidence.


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