The Ballerina and the Hip Hop...

By laurastilinski_24

108K 2.8K 508

Brooklyn Evans; a 16 year old Ballet dancer who dreams of becoming professional one day and making it big tim... More

1. The Ballerina and The Hip Hop Dancer
2. Proper Introduction
3. Channeling Our Inner Nerdiness
4. 'The List'
5. Sack of potatoes!
6. Trust
7. Sickness and Punishment Pt. 1
8. Sickness and Punishment Pt. 2
Authors Note
9. Followin my rebellious instincts
10. Life Is Worth Living
11. Water Park Pizza & Rom Com's Pt. 1
12. Water Parks, Pizza & Rom Com's Pt. 2
13. Day of the Auditions: Part One
14. Day of the Auditions: Part Two
15: Rehearsals rehearsals rehearsals...
16. Regionals prep (EXTRA CHAPTER)
17. Regionals!!
18. One Last Dance
New cover yay!!!
19. The Next Step
Author's note

20. Epilogue

1.5K 41 4
By laurastilinski_24

Hello everyone! So I decided just to make a short epilogue to finish off the book the way it deserves. This epilogue will take place 2 years after the ending of this one and the TDA gang are at Internationals.


It's officially been 2 years since I arrived at TDA and I've accomplished a lot since my first day. I made friends who I call family, we won Regionals and Nationals last year and I found not only Elliot but I found out who I really was. Who I wanted to be as a dancer. My ballet training has increased since what I used to do but I've also mastered some of the other styles I wasn't so strong at - including hip hop.

Elliot and I have been together for almost 2 years as well and I've never loved anyone so much in my life. I got a job a few months after Regionals, just so I could start paying for dance classes again and wouldn't have to count on my parents. Once I saved up enough money and turned 18, I moved into an apartment with Elliot and my parents and brother moved back to England. I go back home to visit them and the rest of my family every Christmas and face time them as much as I can. Even though I have my life here now, I still miss my home all the time.

Last year we were lucky enough to win Nationals and advance to Internationals in California. I've never been to the United States and I'm excited. Internationals is only two weeks away and we've been rehearsing all year for it. We've reworked our old routines and come up with new ones. Elliot and I have won the duet section for the last two years and hopefully we'll make it a third. I won the solo competition at Nationals last year and hope to do it again at Internationals.

After Internationals is over, I guess we just go back to the beginning. We'll welcome more young and new dancers who can compete with us and we'll go to every competition we can. I'm excited to see what Internationals and the future brings.


Internationals, Los Angeles California.

As the dancers from TDA arrived at LAX, most for the first time - their adrenaline was pumping and their nerves were tingling. This was it, they'd made it to Internationals. The biggest competition of the year.

Brooklyn had been dreaming of this day since she arrived at Toronto Dance Academy and was so proud of hers and everyone else's achievements. She was excited to not only compete and perform with her team but also to celebrate dance with so many different countries that were also there to do the same thing. She also wanted to win because being crowned the champions was a big deal and it meant a lot to them.

The competition wasn't until the next day however so the dancers and their coaches decided to take a day out and have fun. They went everywhere, from The Hollywood Walk of Fame to Disneyland; the happiest place on earth. Smiles all around and love filled the air.

When competition day came, Brooklyn was beyond excited and nervous. The dancers had arrived at the Staples centre in the morning to prepare and rehearse. Each studio/team got one hour to perfect their routines before the competition actually began. Brooklyn had been practicing her solo non-stop and was up first.

As the judges announced her name, she took to the stage. When the music started, she began her routine - showing off her best tricks and favourite turns, everything she'd been taught and had practiced, she performed to her best. When the music finished and she took her final pose, the crowd cheered. They stood up, including the judges and the smile on her face was beaming.

She could see Elliot in the corner of her eye, clapping and cheering for her by the wings. As she took a bow, Brooklyn ran to her boyfriend and kissed him passionately. He was her biggest fan and she was his. Elliot knew his girlfriend was talented but every time he watched her perform, he became more and more amazed and admired her.

After all the solo's were finished, the judges announced the winners. Brooklyn stood amongst the other girls', anxiously waiting to hear her name - worrying if she'd even get a trophy. Her worries faded away when they announced first place and called her name. She'd done it. Brooklyn was the International Soloist and was beyond thrilled. She took the trophy and prize from the judge handling the awards and walked back to the dressing room.

She was met with hugs and cheers from her fellow teammates.

The rest of the day was filled with victories and TDA was coming out on top in all sections. Brooklyn and Elliot won their duet, Sebastian who'd won Regionals and Nationals for his solo - won Internationals and Brooklyn was ecstatic for her best friend. The team was getting ready for their three group routines, rehearsing and polishing every single move to make sure that it was perfect.

When the time came for them to perform, the group of young dancers put all their effort into it and gave it their best shot. Three routines down and they were tired but feeling proud of their performances.

The judges began announcing which routines had won. Brooklyn held tightly onto Elliot's hand and stood with her teammates patiently waiting for the results. It took them all a few seconds to register that they'd won Internationals. The crowd cheered as Brooklyn and her fellow dancers screamed and cried with joy. They'd won. Their efforts and achievements had all been leading up to this competition and they'd done it.

The next few days were full of celebrations as the team arrived back home in Toronto. The trophy sat tall in the cabinet and the dancers and their coaches celebrated another successful year of dance. Brooklyn and her friends were feeling nothing but happiness and she was proud to be apart of a family so talented and special.

She hoped to be with them, and continue to achieve greatness for many, many years to come.

After everything they'd been through, Brooklyn couldn't help but think that it all started with the first time she ever danced with Elliot. Their duet was the one thing that helped them win Regionals and Nationals, and now - Internationals.

It all started because she was just a Ballerina and he was just a Hip Hop Dancer.


The End.

Ahhhhhhh!!! I can't believe it's actually done omggggg !!!!

I hope you enjoyed this and are happy with the way I ended it haha <3

I've said it thousands of times before but I really cannot thank you all enough for supporting me and this book for so long and for being so patient while my slow lazy ass took forever to write and finish this damn thing. I love you all so much and I can't wait for you to see what's coming in 2019!! I'm so excited!!!

I hope everyone has a good Christmas & a great new year xx

I love you all and I'll see you soon <3

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