All I Need

By Torichick235

223K 3.2K 4.5K

A Kirisuna fan fiction. More

A Day to Ourselves
The Dreaded Dinner
The Dungeon
Quest Completed!
Back to Reality
What Happened at School
Safe and Sound
A New Title
Lazy Day
Under the Mistletoe
Christmas in Alfheim
Moving In
Happy New Year!
New Friends
Back To School
The Big Day
Give a Girl a Pearl
Lazy day
Back Online
Wings for a Tail
Missing You
Time to Let You Go, But Wanting to Bring You Back
No More Cloudy Skies
Viva Happy and Small Surprises
The Black Swordsman's Birthday
Complications and Uncertainty
Breaking the News
No Show
Girls Day
Hellooooo, Doctor.
Love Words
Promise Me
I Promise
Some Assembly Required
I'll Fight for You
Chapter 2 of the story

Be Prepared

2.7K 44 64
By Torichick235

Warning. You really are not going to like me after this chapter, but it gets better, I promise!


Asuna's p.o.v.

I opened my eyes in the middle of the night with my stomach doing flips. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up all of my supper into the toilet. It wasn't 30 seconds before Kazuto came running to help me. He held my hair back while I emptied my stomach of everything. I thought I'd thrown up things I'd never eaten before.

When I finally stopped dry heaving into the toilet, I sat down in the floor with my back against the bathtub. Kazuto went to retrieve the rag that he'd put on my forehead earlier. He came back with it in his hands, then rinsed it off in the sink and wrung it out. He pulled my hair aside and put it across the back of my neck. 

"Are you alright to come back to bed?", he asked. 

I nodded and slowly tried to get up. Kazuto helped me to the bedroom. My body was achy and sensitive to everything. I felt horrible and cold. 

Kazuto helped me into bed, then went to clean up in the bathroom. When he came back, he got back in bed and covered up. I was freezing, so I cuddled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. 

I finally fell back asleep in his arms, only to wake up a few more times during the night to dry wretch. When I finally got back to bed and went to sleep for the last time, it was almost four in the morning. 


My eyes fluttered open. The windows were letting in a ton of sunlight. I sat up and looked around. I felt loads better now, but I didn't want to push my luck. I looked over to Kazuto's side of the bed. It was empty. There was a small note on his pillow, which I picked up and read.

Mrs. Kirigaya,

I have to go to work in order for us to be able ti live, but rest assured that I'll be home around lunch. I left you some ginger ale on the nightstand, and there are gingersnaps in the pantry. I rented you a couple of movies so that you don't get bored. They're on the television in the living room. 

I hope that you feel better really soon. I will come home at lunch and make you some chicken noodle soup. Then, we can sit back and relax for the rest of the day. 

I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again. Take care of yourself and REST! 

Yours forever,


 I read those words and smiled. I put the note back down and grabbed the glass off my nightstand. It was still cold. I took a small sip and felt relief as I finally had something, even if it was small, in my stomach. Before long, I had gulped down the entire glass. I threw the covers aside and took my glass to the kitchen to refill it and get some breakfast. 

On the counter, Kazuto had left a plate with foil over it. It had a little sticky note on it that said 'Eat up, my sweet' and had a funny little creepy face of a witch on it. I laughed and put the note aside, lifting up the foil. Underneath, there was an egg, bacon, and potato breakfast burrito. I put the plate in the microwave and waited for it to come out. 


After I'd eaten, I sat on the couch with my book and read for a while. I was halfway through the last chapter when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and made sure I was decent, then opened the door. Josh stood there with a tupperware container in his hands. 

"Hey, kiddo. Your husband told me that you were sick today, so i thought I'd bring you over some of my wife's soup. It has rice, pumpkin, and honey, but it is some of the best stuff you will ever eat.", he said, handing me the container. 

I smiled and thanked him. 

"Well, I should be getting back. Davis and Caden are sleeping and my wife went to the store with Jaxon. I can't leave the little ones alone.", he said, turning and walking away. 

"Enjoy the soup and feel better soon!", he called behind him, waving.

I smiled and took the soup inside. It was still pretty warm. I opened the lid and smelled it. If the taste was anything like the smell, I was really going to enjoy this soup. 

I put the soup in the fridge, then returned to my book, which it didn't take me long to finish. I looked at the clock over the mantel. It was only 9:00. I'd woken up at around 7:00, which was sleeping in for me. I normally woke up around 6:00.

"What to do, what to do...", I hummed to myself. 

Kazuto had left a few movies that I could watch, but I didn't really feel like doing that. I couldn't go anywhere. I was supposed to rest. 

An idea popped into my mind. I got up and walked to the bedroom, then lied down on the bed. My Amusphere was lying on the nightstand. I picked it up and put it on, then laid down and got comfortable. 

"Link start", I said. 


I opened my eyes to the living room where I always spawned. Thea and Yui were nowhere in sight. I walked upstairs and checked the bedroom. There was nobody there. I searched all over the house, but I couldn't find anybody. 

Finally, I pulled up my party member map. I searched every floor until I found them on the 30th floor with Liz and and an 'unidentified player'. 

I put my map away and bolted out the door. If they were in danger, it might be too late for me to save them, but I had to try. I flew through the floors, finally reaching the 30th floor. I pulled up my map again and pinpointed them in the forests. 

I flew off in that direction, then flew low through the trees until I saw two cursors and two familiar shapes. I landed and ran towards them and skid to a stop. 

Liz, Yui, Thea, and a stranger were all seated in a circle, eating lunch. 

I looked at the stranger. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on him. 

"Asuna, what's up?", Liz said. 

"I was just looking for Yui and Thea, but they weren't in the house, so I got worried. What are you all doing out here, anyway?", I asked. 

"We're having a picnic with Liz's friend!", Thea piped up. 

The stranger stood up and extended his hand to me. 

"Hi. I'm Coltin", he said. 

I shook his hand. 

"Asuna. Do I know you?", I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. 

He took his hand back and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"I don't think so. Why?", he asked. 

"You just seem really familiar for some reason.", I said. 

He shook his head and looked over at Liz, who was blushing brighter than her dress, which was different today. It was girlier with more frills and bows. It was cute, just not what I was used to seeing her in. 

"Well, I guess it's alright. I just would have liked to know where you were.", I said, addressing Yui and Thea.

They hung their heads low and nodded. Thea was playing with the grass with her toes and Yui was fiddling with the corner of her sweater like she always did when she was guilty of something. 

"We're sorry, Mommy.", Thea choked out. Tears had started to run down her cheeks. It was only then that I noticed the tone I'd had. 

My whole world softened as I sat down on my knees next to her. She couldn't even look me in the eyes. 

"Thea, it's alright. I just got scared because I didn't know where you were. I shouldn't have had that mean tone. I was just worried that you'd been hurt. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm not even mad. Dry your tears, baby girl. It's all ok.", I said, hugging her and stroking her back. Her blond hair hung behind her in ripples. I stroked it and hugged her until she was ok again. 

"I'm sorry, Asuna. I didn't realize we were coming out this far. I meant to stay a little closer to home, but we went up one floor, then another, until we got up here. Coltin mentioned that there was a great place to eat lunch here, so we decided to come. All we were doing was exploring. No hunting or fighting.", Liz said. 

"I forgive you. Next time, though, text me first.", I said smiling at Thea and wiping her tears off her face. 


Kazuto's p.o.v.

I clocked out of the office and drove home in a hurry. I needed to know that Asuna was ok. I really didn't like leaving her in the first place, but I didn't have any more sick days or vacation days left in this year. I had used them all on either my honeymoon, being really sick, or taking care of Asuna. 

When I got home, I unlocked the door and walked in. 

"Asuna! I'm home!", I called. There was no response. I figured she was asleep, but I needed to check on her. 

I walked down the hall and into the bedroom. She was laying in bed with the Amusphere on. I should have known that she would do that instead of movies. I smiled and then decided to join her. 

I logged on to find Asuna, Yui, and Thea were all gone. That was strange, but if they were with their mom, they were probably ok. I pulled out my map and located Asuna. I used my teleportation crystal to get close, then flew through the woods to where it said she was on the map. 

I soared past trees and boulders, finally stopping to see Asuna, fighting a high level monster on her own. There were two flaming souls next to her and Yui and Thea were nowhere to be found. I rushed to help her, drawing my sword and joining the fight. 

I plunged my sword into the beast while Asuna distracted him from the front. I noticed something about the way Asuna way fighting. She wasn't fighting like she normally would. She was being more reckless and desperate. There were tears streaming down her face and she was screaming something unintelligible at the monster. 

I flew up and struck the beast with my sword, cutting off its head. The beast exploded into shards of light and Asuna sunk to the ground in tears. I rushed to her, checking her for injuries. 

"Where are Yui and Thea?", I asked her urgently. 

This only made her cry even harder. She looked up at me with the most intense sadness in her eyes as tears fell off her chin like rain. She bent down and hit the ground with her fist repeatedly. 

Realization struck me like a two edged sword to the heart. I sunk down to the ground next to Asuna and pulled her close to me. She hugged me and cried, her body shaking as she sobbed. I felt tears form in my eyes and roll down my cheeks as I processed the loss of both of my daughters. The light seemed to fade from the world as I sat there with Asuna. 

"It killed them... It killed them...", Asuna sobbed. 

My heart felt like it had been stabbed and the blade was twisting over and over like a drill, slowly digging deeper and making the cut worse. I felt like I was about to fall into oblivion and the only thing there for me to hold onto was Asuna. 

I hugged Asuna like I was about to lose her as we wept over the two little lights in our lives that we would never get back. 


I told you you would hate me.


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