Emotional -Phanfic-

By mxrphy

12.7K 318 243

Phil has always been there for Dan through thick and thin that get through everything there always going to d... More

2 - Babe?
3 - Choices
4 - Dan
5 - Find you
6 - I don't even know
7 - Home
8 - Perfect
9 - Ready
10 - Funeral
11 - Sick
12 - Telling
13 - Kick
14 - Pickles
15 - Here
16 - Malteaser sandwiches

Kinda first chapter/Intro

1.7K 37 19
By mxrphy

Phil's Pov
"Dan hurry up!" I called for the 4th time

"I'm coming!" He called rushing down the stairs tripping sliding down the stairs on his butt

"Dan! Are you ok?" I asked as he sat there kind of dazed

"I dunno" he said a bit shaken

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I said waving 4 fingers infront of him

"4 Phil I'm ok but my butt hurts though" he said laughing

"Ok let's go now we're late already"

We left and jumped into a taxi

"I can't wait!" I said jumping up and down excitedly

"Neither can I! But Phil calm down" said Dan laughing showing off his cute dimples

Wait cute? wtf?

I sat quietly then in my thoughts not about the movie we were going to watch (The Mockingjay Part 2) but about Dan did I have feelings for him? Was I gay? Bisexual?

"Phil? Are you ok? Did I say something?"

"I'm fine"

"You just went really quiet and looked sad"

"Dan I'm fine look were here let's go"

We got out the cab I realised I did have some feelings for Dan but I just shook it off I let Dan buy my ticket after arguing about it

I sat down next to Dan as we had a massive bucket of popcorn to share I sat comfortably through the movie as all the popcorn went in half an hour

There was suddenly a jump scare and I jumped but Dan didn't get jumpscared but I just kinda felt freaked out

"Phil, you ok?" Dan whispered

I jumped as my reply and Dan took my hand and I just leaned on his shoulder feeling a bit calmer after about 100 jumpscares and it just reminded me of five nights at freddy's

I felt safe with Dan and enjoyed the movie until the end when I had to move

"Enjoy that Philly?" Asked Dan

"Yeah and Dan thanks for making me calmer and yeah"

Dan cheeks went pink

"No probs Phil let's go and eat PIZZA!"

"YAS! Let's go!" I said jumping up as we walked out happily into the cold streets of London

"So what pizza are you having Dan?"

"Hawaiian I'm guessing your having Pepperoni like always"

"Aw Dan you know me so well" I said giving him a little shove

He shoved me back laughing as it turned into a mini shoving war on the streets of London luckily there wasn't anyone around so we didn't shove them

It got more violent and me and Dan couldn't stop laughing until Dan shoved me and I fell onto the road

I saw a car coming and I froze in shock until I felt someone pull me off the road they pulled me into a hug


I felt my shoulder get damp quickly and pulled away


He wiped his eyes

"Dan why are you crying?"

"Why am I crying!? Because Phil if you didn't just realise I shoved you into a road and a car was coming and you were froze in fear and you almost died because of me!"

He burst out in tears again hugging me shaking

"Dan let's go home we'll order a pizza"

He nodded face still in my shoulder

"Dan your head might not have to be in my shoulder to walk"

He laughed and wiped his eyes which where now red and puffy

"Phil c-can I holdyourhandplease?"


"Can I hold your hand?"

"Sure" I said holding it out as Dan quickly took it as we walked over to a main road to get a taxi home

"Dan do you mind my asking why?"

"I don't want to lose you" he said quietly

I squeezed his hand

"I won't leave you Dan" I sad softly as a cab came and we climbed in

"But what if you die Phil?"

"We can die together"

Dan lay on my shoulder as we sat in comfortable silence

"Aw you guys are cute" said the taxi driver

"Er were not together" I said awkwardly

"Oh sorry but you look so in love with him" he said as the car stopped we got out the taxi and I leaned over to pay

"I am in love with him" I whispered so only he could hear

He smiled and waved then drove off as Dan clung to me

"Dan I'm not going to die, you can let go of me"

He blushed

"Sorry Phil I just can't get the image of you in the road"

I hugged him quickly

"I'm always here"

"So pizza?" Dan asked

"Yeah pizza" I replied

I was always here for Dan
And he was always there for me


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