Depression's cure {Boy x Boy}

By GayBubbles27

185K 5.7K 7.7K

(WARNING: SELF HARM) Spiderman (Peter Parker) has an addiction....with cutting himself. It all started when h... More

Kisses from the blade
Cock blocked
Comforting bruises
Comforting Bruises PART 2
Fighting Crime, and being a Perv
Kissing the cuts
Bf, and Bff
Fuck this Cheesy boring Stuff, let's go wreck shit
My last words...
I must save him to save myself.
Running into the past only to find the cure to depression
Ring finger
Complete happiness

The wedding day

3.9K 159 113
By GayBubbles27

Hey guys so......i haven't updated in a million years and that's because of school and.....because i had no idea how to continue the second book. It's really hard and it doesn't seem to be coming out good. So i've decided to edit this one and give it a better ending. I will be deleting Emotiacana and continuing with Gravity's fault. Hope you guys enjoy the new ending. And no this isn't the ending. There will be ONE more chapter after this one. BUT ENJOY!!

[Peter's POV]

It's only been a week since he proposed and I'm already standing at the altar....I know it seems like we're rushing into things or moving too fast be honest I don't really care. I'm not scared or nervous at all. Not even a little bit. I know I want this. I want to be with Wade forever and for eternity. And as bad as it may sound....that's probably because I have no one else in my life at the moment other than Cathy and Brittany. My family isn't even here and neither is Wade's. Just Brittany's, Cathy's, and some of the avengers.

As I stand here at this altar in front of my future husband, I realize something....I think I'm gay. I haven't...really ever showed any interest in any other girl other than Mary. But I have constantly caught myself looking at guys and hardly even acknowledging girls....well it doesn't really matter that much now  but it is something I've come to a conclusion about.

Yesterday Wade went and bought me a REAL ring made from gold. He said the ring pop was just a joke. I got him a silver ring and we both loved what we got each other.

Wade is saying his vows and my heart feels like it's going to explode from emotions.

"You showed me what love was, how to harness it, and also you showed me who I am. I've been looking for myself for so long, my whole life to be exact, and I've finally found him in you."

I'M MELTING! I SWEAR I'M ABOUT TO FAINT! Okay Wade stop trying to make a river of my tears because it's not-*sniff*- working. Damnit I'm crying. *sigh* win this time Wade...but we'll see who wins next time in bed. Well....ugh whatever. He finishes his vows and now it is time for me to spew out my heart guts. Heart guts? really does make you stupid.

Here I go. I hope I don't choke on my words and that I don't drown while I try to speak.

[Wade's POV]

I had just said my vows and every word was enough to make me shed a tear. They were all so true. I'm holding in my tears but it's so damn hard when the person you love most in the ENTIRE galaxy is sobbing right in front of you because of what you just said.

Oh comes his vows.

"And even though I didn't realize I was unhealthy and unstable, you were the one who balanced me out. Even lowly I felt about you at the start you kept going with me...not trading me for anything....and went to the finish line with me. You stayed with me and that's the best thing I could ever ask for from someone.."

I'm crying.

Just fan-fucking-tastic.

Is this what you wanted Peter? Is this what you wanted to see?

We both take our hands from each other's and wipe the tears in our eyes and smile at each other.

The ring bearer comes down the aisle with our rings on a royal looking pillow. I got Peter a pure gold ring. I REALLY wanted to get him this complete diamond ring that was encrusted with crystals and laced with a thin line of gold at the edges I found...but he would've felt bad and thought I was spoiling him after he got me that BEAUTIFUL one of a kind silver ring that he calls "cheap".

The ring bearer places the rings on both of our ring fingers.

"Do you Peter Parker take this beloved..groom to be your lovely wedded...husband?"

Why did he hesitate when he said-whatever. He said it! This is happening!

"I do."

"And do you Wade Wilson take this beloved be YOUR lovely wedded husband and to not part even in sickness and in health?"

It's weird...I thought that my head would be pounding with things like "what have I done?!", "how can this be happening!?", "i can't go through with it!".

But my mind is completely clear....only focused on Peter. Those stupid voices aren't even there to tell me no or stop this marriage. I finally feel real peace.....and my answer for a question has never been more clear.


The whole church gasps and everyone has a face of distress and Peter looks like he about died.

"HA I'm just fucking with ya. Of corse I do! Come here my little spidey widey!"

I grab Peter and begin to kiss him very passionately not even waiting for the priest to say kiss the groom.

Everyone rejoices and feels relief. I can't believe everyone actually thought I wouldn't want to marry Peter. Wow....

I pull away from peter to give him my mischievous looking smile.

"I hate you," he says.

I chuckle, "I love you more."

I pick peter up and run down the isle while everyone is screaming and throwing rose petals at us with excitement.

We get into the limo that takes us home and just as we sit down I whisper into Peter's ear:

"You ready for just married sex?"

His eyes grow wide and he looks at my smile and....what he says to me will never leave my mind.

"Why wait?"

He jumps on me and tackles me onto the floor of the limousine. Oh thank goodness the window separating us from the driver is closed. This will truly be the best sex I've ever had.


Hope you liked this new chapter and hope you'll enjoy the new ending. See ya later i'll be updating again today.

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