Depression's cure {Boy x Boy}

By GayBubbles27

185K 5.7K 7.7K

(WARNING: SELF HARM) Spiderman (Peter Parker) has an addiction....with cutting himself. It all started when h... More

Kisses from the blade
Cock blocked
Comforting bruises
Comforting Bruises PART 2
Fighting Crime, and being a Perv
Kissing the cuts
Bf, and Bff
My last words...
I must save him to save myself.
Running into the past only to find the cure to depression
Ring finger
The wedding day
Complete happiness

Fuck this Cheesy boring Stuff, let's go wreck shit

9.4K 242 236
By GayBubbles27


[Wade's POV]

10:40 am

My eyes snap open. I'm awake....AT 10:40 AM WHAT THE FUCK! This is, Ridiculous. I'm going back to sleep what the hell. TRYING TO KILL ME AUTHOR?!

1:00 pm

My eyes snap open. Ahhh that's better. I look at Peter who is still sound asleep. He is so warm i just him. Literally. But then he wouldn't be alive anymore so i guess i won't...*sigh*

...we should go on a date. It is Saturday...and I would really just like to spend a whole day with my little Petey Pie...undisturbed. He would probably like to do something cheesy and innocent though...well whatever. I'll do whatever he wants. We should go to the movies. That way we'll have a little cute date and i can still play with the dark.

He deserves the best day ever....I'M GONNA GIVE IT TO HIM! After all, he totally let me wreck him two nights in a row. And last words to describe that except sensational...I'm gonna make him breakfast.

"Stop spoiling that arachnid."

'One: I'm not spoiling him, I'm being a good boyfriend. Two: BITCH I'LL SPOIL HIM IF I WANNA SPOIL HIM! Three: where have you guys been...?'

"White over here thought it would be a good idea to give you a break from your own hell inside your head so we fucked off for a while. But break's over bitch, we're back!"

"HEY WADE! WE'RE BACK!! Guess yellow got to you's our little spidey??"

'HEY WHITE! I actually missed you guys, you know it gets a little lonely when I'm not with Peter and I'm all alone...don't leave again unless i'm with him. And last night we had AMAZING sex! You guys missed it."


"Damn it."

' was SSSOOO HOT! And also don't bother me forrr the rest of the day or when i'm at school. Kaybye'

"WAIT WHAT!? then we'll be completely gone!"

'Finnne whatever...just don't bother me during my Spidey sex then... Well time to make Petey Pie some waffles!'

"Petey Pie?"

"Peter likes pancakes more. Make him pancakes. Chocolate chip. They're his favorite."

'Oh yeaaa! Thanks white!'

Peter stirs a little still asleep. Gosh he's so cute... I can't wait till he wakes up. I get up to go put some boxers on. I then go to my phone to check the movies that are showing at what time for our date.

The Boss:

Inside out:

Paranormal activity 4

Kisses from the crying boy

KISSES FROM THE BLAH BLAH BLAH IT IS! He's gonna love that. He loves sappy movies. I just hope it won't be too boring...ugh. For Petey For Petey. Anything to get that blush. We'll go to the 3:30 showing. That gives us enough time to eat, make out, get ready, make out, then get to the movies on time.

I go to the kitchen, grab some pancake batter, eggs, milk, oil, some Hershey kisses, and my skillet. I mix the batter but before i put in the kisses i eat one...okay two...OKAY I HAVE SEVEN BUT WHATEVER LET ME LIVE MY LIFE! I poor the batter out to make four pancakes. Two for me and two for him. Unless he wants all of them. I start to cook them when i hear a moaning sound.

I turn around to see the most ADORABLE PERSON ON THE PLANET! Peter is wearing a pair of my boxers, which has cross bones and hearts on them, don't judge me, he is leaning on the wall frame entrance that connects the kitchen to the living room. He rubs his left eye a little slowly while his right eye was a still closed.

He is carrying...Mr. Stuffington....WHERE THE FUCK DID HE MR. STUFFINGTON!! I MADE SURE I HID MY TEDDY BEAR! Yes i have a teddy bear...what? It was the only think i had as a child through out my entire life that didn't leave me....BUT I MADE DAMN SURE I HID THAT WELL SO NOBODY WOULD FIND IT! ....okay so maybe my boxers drawer wasn't the best hiding place.. You know what...i don't even care because this is just too cute. His right hand clutched Mr. Stuffington's arm a little loosely but firm enough so he wouldn't fall. just too adorable. I'm going to explode. Now i have TWO things that will never leave me.

"Hey whad smels sow goowad?"
He says as he puts his left hand down away from his eye. Fuck the order of out day. I'm skipping right to the making out.

"Hey babe! Good morning!" I put the spatula down and walk over to my boyfriend with a little pep in my walk. I have never been this happy or...peppy in the morning.

I cup his cheek and bring him in for a kiss. Just a regular kiss, nothing too deep or too soft. HE TASTE LIKE CANDY! BUT HE JUST WOKE UP! Okay that's it he's made of magic.

"I made pancakes! I have a big day planned for us. We're going on a date!"

I just realized....i haven't told any of this to Peter.... It would be really sad to be rejected by my own boyfriend. Ugghh please say yes.

[Peter's POV]


My eyes open. I'm awake. I reach for Wade but he isn't there. He's probably out killing some evil bastard. *sigh* i wonder how long it'll be until he comes back.

I get up to stretch. I realize...i'm naked....which reminds me how HARD he did me last night. Oh my gosh i swear that was the best night of my life. I hope that's not the last time THAT'S gonna happen. Jeez...i wouldn't mind if he groped me right here right now- crap..*sigh* boner...

I go to Wade's drawer and grab some boxers out. I'm sure he won't mind. He LOVED whenever i wore one of his hoodies or pajamas...why not his boxers. Smh, if he didn't like it I'd still wear them. But...wait....what...the fuck. Is this- AAWWEEEE IT'S A TEDDY BEAR! OH MY GOSH! This is so cute. I can just picture Wade holding this stuffed animal and and snuggling around with it...this isn't helping my boner. Aawweee.....I'm gonna keep this till he comes home. Theres probably some kind of deep story behind it and isn't allowed to be touched by anyone but him...oh well.

I smell something....sweet...ARE THOSE CHOCOLATE PANCAKES! AAHH-wait...Wade's home??...I'm still holding the teddy bear.... I'll just be really cute and adorable to make him fall in love with me so he doesn't notice the bear in my hands.

I walk into the kitchen, lean on the opening wall frame and make sure i look reeeaal adorable. Wade turns around and I rub my left eye with my left hand and hold the teddy bear with my right hand and make myself instantly adorable yet sexy. Heheheh.

"Hey whad smels sow goowad?" I say with a failed cutesy voice. Good job Pete. Good job.

He must have still thought i sounded adorable because he's running towards me now with a facial expression that makes me melt.

"Hey babe! Good morning!"
He cups my cheek and kisses me. Just a normal kiss. Not too intense but not some lame peck either. HE TASTE LIKE MINT WHAT THE FUCK! DIDN'T HE JUST WAKE UP!! He's made of sugar but coated with scars so people don't get to taste. Gosh i love this man, and tbh I'm glad he has those scars. MORE WADE SUGAR FOR ME!

"I made pancakes! I have a big day planned for us. We're going on a date!"
He says very excitedly. Awee a date? ....HOW THE FUCK WOULD I SAY NO! I wouldn't care if i was shot. Nothing in this world can stop me from spending a whole day with this man. And i plan on making it a very...exciting day..heheh. Hmmm....Wade's made me bad...and i think I like it.

[3rd person]


After eating an amazing breakfast, playful fighting (Wade was winning obviously), a conversation about who Mr. Stuffington is and who is aloud to use it and when, and lots and lots of making out, Peter was getting a little antsy wanting to know what the date was. Wade picked him up and threw him on the couch and started licking and sucking his neck making dog sounds.

"Okay okay heheh, you're such a child. so where are we going for our date?¿??!"

Wade got off of Peter and was suddenly really excited.

"One: I'M SO HAPPY YOU SAID YES! Two: we're going to see the 3:30 showing of Kisses from the crying boy," Wade said with a mischievous looking smile.

"One: of corse i said yes ya doof," Peter said while while hitting Wade playfully on the arm and laughing, "and two: the movies....well...okay.."

"You sound less interested. Did i pick a bad movie? Well The Boss also starts at 3:30 if you'd prefer that," Wade said a little nervously.

"No it's not the movie. It's just know i was kinda hoping we would do something know not your ordinary cutesy sappy date."


"NO WAIT! I meant-ugh- i'm sorry i didn't mean it like that. We can still go if you-"

"NO! I didn't wanna go heheh, i planned the movies thing because i know your'e into that kind of stuff," Wade said while laughing.

"Oh..okay. So what do you wanna do?"

"..we can go causing trouble. Like rebellious teenagers."

"As sexy as you would be doing that, you're twenty and i'm eighteen and....well...we just can't go around...well....WAIT YES WE CAN! We ARE basically the protectors of this city! We should't worry about getting in trouble for just having some mischievous fun. It's not like we're actually gonna commit a felony or something! LET'S FUCKING WRECK SHIT UP!"

Peter stood up with a proud expression on his face. Wade thought this was so sexy, that his boxers decided to make a little bump to show his excitement.

"Woah...i really like this new attitude's so....," Wade unexpectedly picked Peter up and pushed him up against the wall holding his thighs in place, "incredibly sexy," Wade licked his lips.

Peter chuckled a little.

"Oh really? How sexy?"

Wade was really starting to get turned on now. He had never been with someone so...feisty like himself...and he was REALLLY LIKING IT!

"Sexy enough go pound you while you're up against the wall."

"Well what's stopping you?"

Peter titled his head to the right and gradually got closed to Wade's lips. Wade was stunned at how....fierce Peter was being. They kissed just a little before Wade put Peter back down on to the floor.

"What's stopping me is, we got a date big boy. Heheh, no go get changed into your suit. And don't think for a second that i won't continue what we just started when we get back."

"Wouldn't dream of it. I was actually hoping you'd take me right there. Heheh, but be right back let me put my suit on."

With that, Peter left, and Wade was not all hot and turned on, a little bit of pre-cum on his boxers.




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