The One (Dallas Winston/The O...

By theoutsidersxx

68.6K 1.5K 465

"You're just lucky you're cute sweetheart, otherwise you'd be six feet under regretting you even said hi to m... More

The One (Dallas Winston/The Outsiders)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

1.7K 56 24
By theoutsidersxx

Chapter 14 (This milk commercial gif brings me so much joy)

Warning: Part of this chapter may be triggering to some readers as I mention some of Sidnee's past.  I'm going to put a warning at the beginning and the end of the section in case any of you would prefer to skip it.

Remember to point out any mistakes you notice so it's easier to fix later 

Sidnee's POV

After receiving a call from my mother, how she found out I was at the Curtis' I have no clue, I was forced to go home early so I missed out on dinner.  I'm still not sure why I was called home so early but it left an unsettling feeling in my stomach.  When I arrived outside the house there were three cars parked rather than the usual one.  After making my way inside and shrugging off my bag I went in search of my mother.

"Mom! I'm home."  My voice rang throughout the house.

"Can you come into the kitchen? Someone is here to see you." She yelled back in reply.  I sighed and complied with her orders.  As I stepped through the doorway my eyes laid on a man in a brown suit, not his colour if you ask me.  As I scanned up his body my eyes came to a stop at his all to familiar face.  The sweet smile that graced his face as he saw me was not quite reaching his eyes.

"What's he doing here?" I groaned.

"Can't I come and visit my lovely niece and nephew every once in a while?" He laughed.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't, Logan." I spat his name and glared before storming out of the kitchen and into my room.  Uncle Logan, to describe him in the kindest way possible, was a creep.  He is my dad's brother and given the circumstances with my father he always feels that he should be free to come over when he liked.  I don't like him one bit, and neither did my father.  He thrives off of his love for money and sex, which meant that whenever he stayed there was always a girl in tow.  

After spending five minutes angrily pacing back and forth in my room I heard a knock on the door downstairs.  Choosing to just leave it and let my mom answer it I plonked myself onto my bed and fell back, my back sinking into my comforter.  All of a sudden my bedroom door swung open and I sat up, focusing my glare on the trespasser.

"Can I help you?" I glared, raising my eyebrow at the one and only Dallas Winston.

"Yeah, you left your jacket over at the house so I brought it back for you." He replied tossing me my jacket.  

"Oh, thanks, I guess."  I sighed before laying back down.  After a couple of seconds, I looked over to my door to see that he was still standing there.

"You're still here, why?" 

He laughed, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and sticking it between his lips, "Not sure actually."

Don't even think about lighting that thing in here, Winston, I will not hesitate to sucker punch you to the noggin." I glared, walking over to snatch it out of his mouth.

"Noggin? You know if you use words like that your threats won't be as threatening." He let out a laugh, causing a small smile to break out on my face.  

"Whatever, all that matters is you know I will not hesitate to hit you if you ever light a cigarette in my room."

He just laughed and made his way over to my bed where he sat down.  I sighed and closed my door before coming to stand in front of him.

"Was that your dad that answered the door downstairs?" He questioned.  I scoffed and looked down at him with a smirk.

"No, my uncle, unfortunately."

"Yeah, he seemed like a loser."

"I think loser is an understatement when it comes to Logan Harrison."

"Someone really doesn't like their uncle." He stated with a laugh before taking my hand and pulling me to sit down on the bed next to him.

"Got that right, and ever since my dad's been gone he only comes around more and more." I laughed dryly.

"What happened to your dad anyway?" He asked, looking down at me from his sitting position.

I stopped for a moment, glancing back down at my lap.  I still wasn't sure if I was ready to tell Dally about my father.  But at the same time, I knew I needed to start talking about it more because otherwise I would never be able to move on from what happened.  I sighed and looked back up to him.  He was staring back at me with a look on his face I couldn't quite read.

warning (starts here)

"You don't have to tell me, Sid, don't worry about it."

"No its okay, I'll tell you, just give me a second." He nodded and I tried to gather my thoughts again.

"My dad was one of the best people I knew.  He always made me laugh and we got on together so well.  He always had a smile on his face and knew what to do when things got hard, and then one day out of nowhere he stopped.  He wouldn't smile as much, he didn't talk much, hardly ate.  I was only eleven at the time so I didn't quite understand what was happening, but my dad was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  That means he would have days where he was unbelievably happy but straight after those days came times when he wouldn't move or talk to anyone.  He wasn't the father that I knew and it was weird to me.  

One day I came home from school to find paramedics and an ambulance outside the house.  My mom was on the front porch crying and talking to one of them.  I found out later on that my dad had died, he swallowed all of his pills but by the time paramedics got to him it was too late, he was already gone.

It affected me a lot.  I had essentially lost my best friend even though I had lost him long before that, I just didn't realise it.  That guy down there, my uncle, I don't know what he wants all I know is that ever since my dad died he keeps coming back and bad things follow him every time."

I didn't realise but tears were slowly beginning to drip down my face.  I was amazed I wasn't already a blubbering mess.  I must admit that it felt good to finally talk to someone about it.  Never in my life did I ever expect I would be telling Dallas Winston about this, and suddenly I began to feel regret creep into my body.

Ends here (didn't want to make it too long)

I turned back away from him and shifted slightly so I was no longer pressed up next to him.  I shook my head as I began to play with my thumbs, "I'm sorry, uh, I shouldn't have told you that."

We both sat in silence and I didn't dare to look towards him.  I don't think either of us knew what to say but even then, the silence surrounding us wasn't awkward, it was calming.  

"And here I was thinking you had the 'perfect life.'" He trailed off.  

"Yeah I guess we all have it tough at some point, huh?"

It wasn't long before I felt him begin to move behind me on my bed, I looked to see that he was leaning against my headboard with his legs stretched out, "Come here." He smiled over at me before leaning to wrap his arms around my waist and pulling me back so I was able to lay next to him.  

My head was resting on his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him.  I started to feel my eyes become heavier, sleep trying to take over my body.  Before I could fall asleep completely I turned my head to look up at him.

"Thanks, Dally."

"Don't mention it, sweetheart." He smiled, I turned back over and before I knew it my mind was off in dreamland.


"Who are you?"

"Oh shit."

That was what I woke up to.  I opened my eyes to see that my mother was standing in my doorway and I was still lying on my bed with Dally. Only one word rushed through my mind at that moment.


"Oh hi, mom." I let out a nervous laugh as I glanced, between the two other people in my room.

She glanced over at me, a stern expression on her face, "Explain, Sidnee."  

"Uh, this is my friend, Dally.  We were talking earlier and I fell asleep, that's all so there's no need to worry like I know you are."  I sat up and moved out of Dally's grip, he sat up with me  but carried on moving so he was now standing at the foot of the bed.  

"I should probably go-" He began before my mother cut him off.

"Don't even think about it boy, how did you even get in here?"

"The guy downstairs let me in earlier, he said he was going to let you know." He shuffled on his feet, I held in my laugh.  Dallas Winston was one of the tuffest guys I knew, yet here he was visibly intimidated by my mother.

"I told you Logan was no good Mom, he's only trying to start trouble." I said, his name rolling off of my tongue like it was the most disgusting thing to ever grace this planet.

"Don't you start Sidnee," She glared at me before turning to face out of my door, "Logan get in here!" She yelled out.  

Eventually, Logan stumbled down the hallway and joined my mom in doorway.

"What do you want?" He questioned.

"You recognise this boy?" She asked, nodding towards Dally.  

After scrutinising him for a second he shook his head, "Nope, who is he?"  My eyes widened and I looked over at Dally who was glaring at him.

"I was hoping you could tell me, he said that you let him in earlier."  Logan just shrugged, but I noticed the small smirk that appeared on his face as he glanced over at the two of us.

Just as I could sense my mom about to go off at us, a yell came from downstairs.

"Mom! The dinner is burning!" Her eyes widened and she quickly excused herself, but not before telling the two of us to stay put.  I made a mental note to thank Connor later on for saving my life.

"Come on let's go." I sighed. Dally tossed me my jacket and I began to put it on as he laced up his shoes.

"I was hoping this would happen you know?" Logan's voice came from the hallway.  I looked to see him still standing in the position he was before.  I rolled my eyes and ignored him as I grabbed a hold of Dally's hand and pushed past him.  Before I could leave the room I felt a tight grip on my other wrist, and I was suddenly pulled backwards towards Logan.  

"Didn't you hear your mother? You're not going anywhere, Sweetheart."  My stomached turned as the nickname rolled off of his tongue.  I squeezed my eyes shut and his grip on my wrist became tighter.

"Let go of her you deadbeat," Dally growled, stepping towards him.  Dally was a few inches taller, but Logan was definitely a lot bigger muscle-wise.

"What are you gonna do kid?" Logan laughed.  His grip somehow became tighter on my wrist and I could feel tears coming to my eyes at the stinging sensation running through my body.  

"You don't wanna know, now let go." Dally moved to shove him up against my doorframe, his hands gripped tightly around his collar.  The sudden movement caused Logan's grip to loosen enough for me to wriggle out of.  I let go of Dally's hand and moved it to my other wrist to make sure it was okay.  The red marks on my skin were visibly turning purple at a very rapid pace.

"Grab a bag, Sidnee," Dally muttered as his grip on Logan tightened, "You're not coming back here until he's gone." 

In my somewhat confused state, I grabbed a duffle bag from under my bed and quickly threw in some random clothes from my closet.  Within minutes the bag was full and I turned back around to face Dally, who had somehow managed to keep my uncle in the same position the entire time. 

"Let's go," I said as I made my way towards them.  Before I left my room I made sure to slam my foot down as hard as I could onto Logan's.  Instantly he crumpled forward and began to hop on the other foot.  I smirked as I quickly pushed Dally out of my room and we ran down the stairs only to come face-to-face with my mom at the bottom.

I stopped in my tracks and stared at her but Dally had other plans, he grabbed onto my hand and pulled me past her before opening the front door.  As he did so he stopped and turned back to face my mother who stood staring at us with angry eyes and her mouth wide open.

"She's coming with me, and either you get that creep out or she doesn't come back." He stated before turning around and pulling me through the door.

I wasn't actually sure what was happening at the moment, everything was moving so fast.  As we got into Dally's car and he sped off I was suddenly brought back to my senses.  

"Where are we going, Dal?" I questioned.

"I think the Curtis's would be best for now." He muttered as he continued to drive.

What just happened?


That's chapter 14! I hope you guys liked it! Make sure to drop a comment below if you think there's anything I could work on or something you want to see happen in the story!

Until next time guys!


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