Forever / A Blake Gray Fanfic

By Taylorlynn0529

52.6K 816 130

Molly moves from Florida to Texas to get a fresh start, but when she gets there and meets a YouNower named Bl... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 7

2.3K 37 2
By Taylorlynn0529

Mollys POV

*One week later*

My Best friend Claire is coming to see me I haven't seen her in forever. Well it has only been a week and a half but it feels like forever. I have so much to tell her. We have to pick Claire up from the airport at 3 pm its already 1 pm and the drive to the airport is an hour and thirty minutes. So I took a shower and I got dressed and did my hair (Picture above). When I was done getting ready It was it was 1:20. So my mom and I got in the car and headed to the airport.

* At the airport*

When we got to the airport I walked to the gate Claire was getting off at. When I got to the gate I waited for her to get off the plane. Five minutes later I saw her I ran up to her and tackled her making her fall to the ground. When we finally got up of the ground she hugged me again. I missed her so much I'm so happy she's here now she can meet Blake when he comes over for dinner tonight to meet my mom. When we got home I texted Beth and Blake and asked them if they wanted to hangout at the park and meet Claire they said sure. When Claire and I got to the park I saw Blake and Beth sitting there on the swings waiting for me.

"Hey babe." Blake said kissing me.

"Hey Blake, Hey Beth" I said hugging both of them

"So this is my best friend Claire. Claire this is Blake, My boyfriend and my best friend Beth." I said pointing to Beth and Blake.

"Its really nice to meet y'all. I have heard a lot about y'all." Claire said

"Same." Blake said

After and hour at the park we walked to Starbucks. Were Me Beth and Claire got a Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frappuccino and Blake got a white chocolate mocha frappuccino. Mrs. Kim (Beths Mom) came and picked up us and dropped Claire, Blake and I off at my house when we walked in I introduced Blake to my mom. She seemed to really like him. We all sat down at the dinner table and at. After dinner I told Blake and Claire that I had to talk to the both of them about something important my mom already knew what it was about. So we went upstairs to my room and we all sat down on the bed.

"So whats so important that you have to tell us?" Claire asked.

"Well Blake do you remember when we had our first date last week and you left to answer your phone?" I asked Blake

"Yeah what about it?" He said

"Well I got a phone call to it was also from my mom. She called to tell me that I got offered to go on another tour." I looked down at the ground.

"That's amazing Molly What wrong with that?" Claire asked

"Well the name of the tour I got offered to go on is the tour Blake is on, Impact Meet and Greet." I said looking at Blake.

"Babe what's so wrong with that? We can be on tour together. We don't have to be worried about missing each other every minute of everyday we are away from each other. You should take it" Blake said walking up to me and kissing me on the cheek.

"Blake here the thing I can't take it. I done decided that I wasn't going when they called me." I said. looking at him.

"Why would you do that?" Blake said backing away from me.

"I'm just going to see what Ma is doing downstairs." Claire said walking out of the room leaving me and Blake alone. Claire has always called my mom Ma instead Daliah.

"Because I want you to be happy. This is your first tour and I don't want to be in the way of you following your dreams." I yelled. I actually felt bad for yelling at him but its true I don't want to get in his way of following his dreams.

"I'm sorry Blake I didn't mean to yell at you but its true I don't want to get in your way." I sad looking at the ground

"It's okay babe. I understand but I really wish you were going on tour with me. Maybe I could get my mom to talk to the manager of the tour and see if you can get back on it." Blake said grabbing my hands and pulling me close to him.

"Okay Babe."

"I love you." Blake said kissing me

"I love you too." I said kissing him back.

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