My Boss, My Alpha. (In progre...

By EvanescentFlower

319K 8.7K 807

Yvonne Selesa is in the Moon Struck Pack, and is in search of her mate. Instead her Father wants her to marry... More

My Boss, My Alpha.
Saying Goodbye.
Out of Place, Luna. <\3
Business and Love Don't Mix!
His Desire My Choice.
You're Mine, Only Mine.
My Punishment
Our Official 1st Date (Part 1)
Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
Luna's 1st Meeting
****Another Teaser!****
Unwanted Guest
Unwanted Guest (Part 2)
Unwanted Guest (Part 3)
Adult Content!!!! Skip if needed!!
UnRevealed (Part 2)
SNEAK PEEK into... UnRevealed (Part 3)
UnRevealed Part 3
UnRevealed Part 4 (TEASER)
UnRevealed Part 4
The Death of Us..
Revive me
Take Me
Take Me (Teaser)
Take Me (Part 2)
**TEASER** for Upcoming Chapter Our War
Our War (Part 1)
Our War (Part 2)
Reader Appreciation
Let Go (Teaser)
Let Go
Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)
Prophecy (Part II)
Plan? (Part I)
Plan? (Part II)
Plan? (Part III)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part I)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part II)
The Wedding (Part I)
The Wedding (Part II)
I Do?
Honeymoon (Part II)
My Wife
Forward (TEASER)
Melting (Part I)
Melting (Part II)
Melting (Part III)
Melting (Part IV)
A Frozen Wall

My Mate, My Job.

23K 608 47
By EvanescentFlower

Dedicated to Werewolflover012


"Listen, I will sleep in the guest room, my room is yours. I will give you space until you are comfortable with me."

With that he left the room and left me alone with my thoughts.. Is he really the Alpha of this pack I have heard so many stories about? Can he be that cruel to annihilate multiple packs? Could he really be the one behind all of that blood shed? Does he really murder the innocent.. children, women? Is he like Jack? Is he actually being genuine with me? What does he want..Who is he?

The next day

I heard someone moving around, I looked around the room. There he was, water dripping from his hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. "Sorry I woke you, I'm just getting ready for work." His deep but fragile voice made me smile.

" Shouldn't I be getting ready for work? I am your assistant."

"No. You are to stay here." He blurted, turning to the door.

"But. I want-"

How dare he walk away from me in the middle of our conversation! I picked up the pillow I was sleeping on and tossed it at the back of his head.

He turned back to me, tilting his head and his eyes narrowed on me.. Oh no!

He began to walk toward me; I scooted back to the edge of the bed. He jumped on the bed and got on top of me. I squirmed around, "Get off of me!" I always seem to be in this situation. "You will stay here and wait for me to get home. I don't have time to keep an eye on you today, because if any guy even looks at you, I'll have to rip his throat and eyes out."

"Please.... I want to go with you. I don't want to be here all alone. Please ..." He just stared at me and chuckled. I watched as his expression lightened quickly.

"Is that a, yes?!" He smiled, "Yes, it is, so come on get ready. Before we both are late." With that he got off me, helping me up and taking me into his arms. " You're staying by me, the whole time. Got it?" I nodded.

He smirked," Go get ready!" He handed me black slacks, a red blouse with a  suit jacket, and black heels.

I ran in the bathroom, jumped in the shower. It felt like forever, I loved the feeling of the hot water hitting my back. I finally got out, putting mouse in my curly hair, light makeup, and got dressed.


"Okay, Follow me." Dominick instructed as soon as I walked out the bathroom.

We walked out the room, his house was like a huge maze. It was so big and there were doors everywhere! We finally got to the front door and once again I could tell this was going to be another awkward drive.

I should make small talk .

"How did you sleep?" I look over to him as he is driving.


"I slept amazing! Your bed is so comfortable." He just gave me a slight nod.

The rest of the drive to work was silent, he parked in front of the Draven Company Building handing the keys to a valet. As we walked inside, I greeted the front desk lady.

Jesus, why is he walking so fast?! I must be out of shape because I am struggling.

"I have an 8am meeting, which is in 30 minutes. You will follow me wherever I go." He sounded stern and professional.

An older guy that looked just like Dominick walked in and was headed toward us, that must be his dad.

"Son, hurry we have to discuss some things. Oh, and did you hire an advertiser?"

Dominick looked at me, "No, not yet."

"Who is she then?" He pointed at me.

We walked into Dominick's office as he shut the door behind me, "Uh She's, My Mate."

"But son, you know what will happen! I cannot and will not have history repeat itself. Leave Now!!" He yelled at me. I got up and kind of ran to the door. Dominick grabbed me, "Father, She's My Mate, I will protect her, and I won't let history repeat itself. It is my decision, not yours Father."

"Fine, but when you feel the pain, I've felt with your mother. You will then understand and regret this. If this is what you want, go ahead. But she cannot come to the meeting, it's classified."

Dominick nodded, "Stay in my office, I'll be back."

He walked out the room, after a while I got bored. So, I walked out to go explore! I passed by a desk only to hear a guy talking about advertising. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, small lips and was a little muscular. I couldn't help but want to put my input in. I tapped his shoulder, "Uh what- Oh Um Hi." He said as if he was surprised.

"Do you mind if I help? I've went to school for advertising."

"Hm.. Are you one of the applicants for the advertisement position?"

"Yes, and I overheard your conversation on the last commercials that were released so I thought I'd add some input.

He nodded

"If you want to sell these new car parts, show people what makes it so much better than the regular including the competition.  All I've seen is this company use those bullshit commercials with hot half naked women. If you did a survey or even looked at the numbers of who your demographics are, you would know that families are the main ones buying your product. Not young men who you are attempting to attract with those sexist ads; knowing dang well they can't afford it. "

He chuckled, "Tell that to our board but I like those ideas and I like you."

We began to talk about some of the classes we took in college.  They were very similar to the ones I had to take, and he shared some of his experience with other companies thus far. It felt like we were talking for hours. "Well, it was nice meeting you Eddy."

"You too, Yvonne." He smiled

"I better get going.." I said sadly

"Aw but okay, I'll get to see you later right?" He smirked

"Yeah, I really hope so."

I felt my wrist tugged, "You hope What?" That deep voice, that belonged to My Mate. I watched his gaze go up to Eddy.

"Eddy, you shouldn't be talking, you have work to do. We just hired you, already slacking. Just because your family that does not mean you get treated any different than a regular employee."

Eddy shook his head, "Sorry, won't happen again." He walked away and into an office.

"I told you to stay in my office! You had me worried that you ran off. I thought you basically were rejecting me as your mate."

I set my hands on his chest, "No, I was just putting my input in about advertising. I was so bored in there, I'm sorry."

"So, you aren't going to reject me?" His eyes lightened, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into his office.

"No, I am not rejecting you. I just want to get to know you and well I honestly was scared of you at first because of everything I hear about you and your pack. But I saw something different when I told you how I felt, and you actually started to be gentle and give me space. So, thank you."

"Yvonne, I am sorry for the way I may act at times. My wolf is not always easy to control especially when I first saw you. I just can't help myself."

I stared into his beautiful sharp hazel eyes and all my wolf wanted was to feel her mate's touch, but I need to control myself! No matter how charming and handsome he is. I don't even know him.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "However, slow you want us to go I will do whatever makes you comfortable even if that means controlling my wolf and myself until you are ready."

I want his big lips on mine so bad. My wolf and I yearned to feel his hands and kisses. We have found our mate and he is being so sweet and gentle with us. But why? Is he not like Jack. Is he actually being genuine?

We stared into each other's eyes which felt like forever, and I just couldn't help myself.  My wolf needed to taste him. Just once. Just this once time.

I got on my tip of my toes and pressed my lips against his, making me want them all over my body.  He moved his hands to my face moving his lips with mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, as his hands gripped my waist. It felt so natural and so right. I didn't want to stop.

His lips began to kiss mine roughly, he pushed everything off his desk. Setting me on top of it, ripping off my suit jacket. I was at the edge of the desk, with him between my legs. He lifted my blouse over my head throwing it to the floor. His soft lips leaving trails of kisses on down my neck to my chest. I can feel his fingers start to unbutton my pants, when the door swung open.

"Hey Sir, I wanted to discuss- Oh I'm sorry."

Dominick covered me and threw my jacket to me. "Have you ever heard of knocking!?" He yelled, as the guy shut the door. He reached to press a button on the phone he tossed to the floor seconds ago, "Please fire the new intern this instant and be sure to get him to sign the confidentiality form!"

He turned around and looked at me, "I will have my secretary deal with the intern and whatever rumors may come out of this. But let me apologize because I lost myself there for a second, I will do better at constraining myself.  As for Tomorrow, you will be going to a meeting with me."

I straightened myself, "I take it tomorrow will be serious Business Day?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, today was just a mess. Let's go home, I want to introduce you to The Pack. You will be Their Luna and My Mate. So, we need to spend time together."

He held my hand the entire ride back to his house. He pulled me into the house, "go ahead and sit down. I'll make some tea for us to drink on the patio." I nod and make my way outside the patio doors through the living room.

The patio is so beautiful.. two long
couches around a outdoor fire table pit. There is a table to the left with chairs around it. Flowers and lights are surrounding it. It's so beautiful.. I can't help but to stand there and take in the view. (refer to picture)

"Come sit little mate." I hear Dominick's voice behind me. I turn to look at him, he is carrying a tray with two cups on it.

I walk over to the couch and sit down. He sets down the tray on a side table and covers me with a little throw blanket.
He then hands me my cup, "careful it's hot."

"Thank you." I whisper.
He sits next to me with his tea in his hands.
"So little mate, I know we spoke a bit on boundaries.. but I failed to mention mine.
I can feel his eyes on me, I look up and connect mine with his. He sips his tea and sets it on the table.
He leans over and clicks a button on the side of the pit. A flame shoots across the table, "It's chilly out and I'd hate for you to get sick little mate."

I smile, "Tell me these boundaries of yours."

He scoots close to me, bringing his face close to mine.. I can feel his breath on my neck.

"Since I am respecting your boundaries of taking things slow.. that means you are walking around without my mark so reframe from being alone with any males.. and watch how you're dressing. At the very least do it For my sake.. I need to control myself with you."

I stand still, taking in his scent.

"Communication.. Little mate, and most importantly respect. Yes, you're my mate and I have a soft spot for you but don't be mistaken.. If I am respecting you.. I expect you to respect me. I don't expect it at the degree as your Alpha but At least as your mate. Understand?"

I can feel his lips near my ear and then they press against my shoulder.

"Understand little mate?"

I turn my head to look at him in his eyes. His lips are inches from mine, my eyes quickly drop to his lips.  "Yes, I understand." I whisper.

He lips then form a smile as I stare at his lips.

My eyes shoot back up to his, "Your cheeks are red little mate."
I swallow hard, I can feel my heart beating out of my chest and my breathing speed up.

"What's wrong Little mate?"

"I just- I can't help but to feel something towards you."

He smiles, "oh yeah? What are you feeling little mate?" His fingers lift my chin and his lips brush against mine.

"I can't explain it. I've never felt this before and my wolf is driving me crazy."

"Try to explain it to me."

"I feel tied to you.. drawn to you. Attached to you when I know there's no way that's possible.. we just met. My heart and my body reacts to you as if..."

He interrupts me, " As if it's mine.. and has been mine from the very beginning."

I felt my mouth slightly part, his eyes drop from mine to then my lips. His fingers still holding my chin, I watch as he licks his lips.

"God, I want them on mine."

"Is that right little mate? That's what you want?"

My face turns red, I can't believe I said that out loud.

"I- uh" Words were just not coming out.. I bit my lip trying to find the right words to say. Anything but what my wolf was spewing in my head.

"Was that permission?" Dominick smirks.

I grab the sides of his face and press my lips to his. I just couldn't resist anymore..  I don't know whether it was only my wolf that was making me feel this way or me.

I feel his hands grip both sides of my hips as I basically jumped on him. His lips are so soft and taste so sweet. He pulled me on top of him, his hands still resting on my hips.

His kisses are so gentle, although I love that he is being delicate.. I want the aggressive kiss I received on his office desk.

I bite his lip and lightly tug. I feel his hands come to the sides of my face. His kisses become more aggressive and I can feel him nibble back on my bottom lip. His hands drop to my jacket, ripping it off for the second time today and his lips pressing against my skin from my neck to my exposed cleavage. A soft moan escapes my lips.. His head lifts from my chest, "Don't do that little mate.. that's dangerous." He lifts me off his lap and sets me down next to him.

"I'm sorry little mate. It seems I have lost control once again."

I wrap my hands around his arm.
"No. No. It was me. I kissed you. I guess I don't understand this mate and connection thing like I thought I did."

He chuckles, "Listen, this is not easy especially when one's mate looks like you."

I shove his arm, "sure whatever.."

"I think you should go get some rest little mate. We have a long day tomorrow."

He goes to get up, "Wait. Wait... Can we please just talk at least until we  finish our tea..? I want to be near you.. at least my wolf does."

He gives me a soft smile, "Little mate, it really is not a good idea for me right now to be near you."

I grab onto his arm, "Come on, you said we would spend time together.."

"Yes, but this is difficult for me and my wolf. I am giving it my all yet everything about you is pulling me in."

I tighten my grip on his arm, "Please Dominick.. just for a bit."

He stares into my eyes for a bit before giving me a nod.

He grabs his tea and I lean my head against his arm. He lifts his arm and wraps it around me.

"Cover up with the blanket little mate while you sip your tea." He pulls the blanket over me and hands me my tea from the side table.

I stared at the fire as we sat in silence drinking our tea.

I really Don't know anything about this mate thing.. Just leaning against him.. his presence.. his scent alone.. is pleasing to me..


Authors Note: Thanks for reading.

Hope you liked it.

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