Alpha Female

By whiteruby13

226K 7.3K 520

We all know the cliche story about the girl whose mate is the alpha and she gets rejected then kidnapped and... More

Alpha Female
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Coming Soon

Chapter 28

3.5K 123 17
By whiteruby13

There was a banging on the door. "VICTORIA MIKEY WAKE UP!" A voice yelled. I buried my face further into my pillow.

"Go away." I grumbled.

"TORI YOU MIGHT WANNA GET YOUR ASS UP NOW!" A new voice called. I covered my ears, what the heck is their problem.

"What is it?" Mikey hollered obviously not happy about the rude wake up call either. There was a loud crash. I jumped up now alert. I was crouched guarding Mikey as I watched the wood of the door splinter. I let out a warning growl. I could hear shouting on the other side of the door but nothing I could make out over the cracking of the door. I let out my Alpha power. Mikey didn't dare move he knew me well enough to know that I can handle myself.

The door finally exploded into fragments, and there standing in the doorway was a very angry Ben. I saw Luke slumped against a wall and Eli begging him to stop not that it was phasing Ben any. I was glad I had put a shirt on before going to bed last night cause being shirtless in this situation wouldn't help anything.

"Victoria move." Ben growled. I shook my head no concentrating on his movements. every breath he took I mimicked. "Victoria I promised I wouldn't hurt you I did not say anything about him."

"I am not moving, Ben. I warned you yesterday what to expect. You chose, now either live with it or go back to your sister." I growled. He flinched like I struck him.

"Victoria it hasn't even been a day and your already sleeping with someone else." He practically pleaded for my understanding. I understood but I wasn't pitying him.

"We didn't fuck if that's what your saying, we just shared a bed. I told you guys yesterday I had stuff to speak with him about not that I have to explain my actions to you."

"Victoria...." He took a step forward and I fought my wolf for control. She wanted to go to him and beg for forgiveness. I still remembered the pain of my crushed hand and the anger in his eyes. He isn't the Ben I met so long ago. The slightly shy uncertain one, this Ben was full of rage and confidence.

" No get out Ben. What I do isn't your business, so leave. And don't get in that van if you can't learn to control yourself." I glared at him. He stared at me for a bit before submitting into defeat. There goes the great night I had I mentally sighed. I walked to Luke and checked his pulse. I picked him up and carried him to the bed Mikey was currently sitting in. " He'll be out a bit but I think he'll be fine. And if not I'm letting Kyle at Ben."

"You don't mean that." Mikey whispered. I glared up at Mikey to show him just how angry I was. He touched my hand. "Tor Tor your more compassionate then that don't forget yourself in your anger." He reasoned. I sighed knowing he had a point.

" Man now I see what they meant by her listening to you. Anyone else she'd of punched in the face or at least yelled at." Andrew said strolling in. " I see I slept through the party." I rolled my eyes. Andrew picked Luke up and took him to the van. I grabbed the rest of our stuff and followed suit with Mikey right behind me who was pulling out a large sum of cash probably for the damages. I saw Bed waiting in the van and tossed him the keys. We all filed in and were quiet the rest of the way home.

When we reached the pack house there were our friends, waiting for us, along with Mikey's family. We got out and split up to our loved ones. I went to Trevor and Angel, who updated me on all that I missed. "Trevor, I would like you to fetch Marcus for me he has people that need training." I glanced over to Eli.

"So you accepted him?" Angel asked surprised.

"It took me a bit, but he has potential and he is a quick study. He needs to learn how to be strong though and how to fight." They nodded their agreement and Trevor took off to do my bidding.

"Oh Tori. We need to get Eric." Angel said. I gave her a surprised face.

"My sweet Eric? What could he of possibly done?" I questioned.

"He told me I'm going to get fat." She pouted.

I laughed. "Angel you will get fat." She got angry. She picked up a rock and threw it at me. My eyes widened from shock.

"I will not get fat." She said putting her hands on her hips.

I held up my hands up in defense. "Obviously your hormonal too." She stomped her foot and I took off laughing.

After her giving up on trying to catch me, we walked back to the pack house and I updated her on my boy drama.  She didn't say anything at first, probably thinking everything I gave her over. " I'm actually not surprised. Even if Mikey wasn't found alive, I know you Victoria, you wouldn't of lasted much longer."

I looked up at her curious. "What do you mean?"

"I mean it was obvious that he loved you more then you loved him. Plus you had unresolved feelings." I went to object but she held her hand up. "I know you didn't know doesn't mean we didn't. Mostly though Victoria your a free spirit, you wouldn't last long doing something of your own free choice. It's part of the reason we helped Ben in the beginning. Because we know if we could at least get you to give him a shot it would only last til you decided you gave him a good enough one or you realized you did love him." I stared at her for a moment not sure what to say.

" Alpha Silver." I heard my name bellowed. I smiled knowing that voice anywhere.

"Master Marcus, I see you got my message." I said quite cheerfully.

"Well I was surprised to see it took you this long to contact me. Now where is our Luna?" He asked excitedly. I was confused until I realized the miscommunication.

"Oh no, I am sorry Marcus. You will not be training him, there is some..... unethical dilemmas we must work out first." He didn't dare question me he knows protocol and takes it seriously.

"As you wish my Alpha. May I ask who it is that I will be training then?" He asked only with slight hesitation.

"His name is Eli Stone. Under much distain on my part, we have come to an agreement that he shall be part of my bodyguard. I have decided to take up traditions of our ancestors, and they have argued in young Eli's favor."  I proclaimed. "He is a quick study and has much spirit, but he lacks much training. And who better to train a member of the Alpha's guard then you Master Marcus." He nodded his agreement.

" Of course I will train him, but if you will allow I have a small concern I would like to voice." He held his poker face well enough that to the untrained eye you wouldn't notice the fear he held. I nodded preparing myself the best I could. "As the only Alpha female of our time, do you see it wise to have a group of bodyguards? You must look strong to the other Alphas or they may think you weak."

"I share your fear Master Marcus; however, I had sent my rules and I care less of how strangers view me then my own pack. Plus if they view me weak, then they will underestimate me in any future challenges." I spoke with conviction making Marcus smile.

"I will start training right away if it please you Alpha Silver."

"You are the teacher Marcus. Do with him what you wish, and come to me when he is ready." With that Marcus took off.

"That man needs that pole out of his ass." Angel laughed.

"That man is the reason I am alive Angel, along with Trevor and Mikey. Show him some respect." That silenced her.

Eric greeted us at the pack house, and walked us to where the pack meeting was taking place. The field was packed like it always is during these things. Angel went off to explain to Ben where he would sit and how to behave. I took deep breathes like I always do before going up in front of my pack. I felt a hand on my shoulder and smiled as the electric current raced through me.

"What are you doing back here?"

"I came to check on my girlfriend." Mikey smiled when I shivered at the word girlfriend.

"Girlfriend? I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I joked. He spun me around to face him.

"Yeah she's a hot little thing. Brown hair, green eyes, and means the world to me." Mikey joked back.

"Oh she sounds amazing. To bad your not single." I pouted.

"Mhmm and why's that?" He pulled me closer.

"Cause I was thinking about having you sleep in my room since yours has been taken up and Ben got his own now, but if you have a girlfriend...... I wouldn't want to make her jealous." I smiled when he pulled me in and kissed me.

" I think that sounds great." He said smiling. He looked down at his watch. " Look you do this all the time and every time your nervous. Tor Tor just remember that your pack loves you know matter what you do or say up there." He kissed me on my cheek and left before I could say my next words. I only ever got through these because I knew he was sitting right there next to me.

I turned around and walked up the stairs before I could chicken out. Ben was standing by the microphone waiting for me.  Andrew and Trevor were standing with their mates on either side of him just a step behind. Andrew and Roxy on the right with Roxy on the outside and Trevor and Angel on the left mirroring them. I walked between the guys to stand next to Ben, our Luna. He smiled at me nervously not knowing what to speck. I looked straight out ignoring everyone but the lights in front of me.

" Hello Star Pack," I paused at the howls they do as their greeting. I looked through the crowd looking for one face to focus on. Then I noticed Mikey, right there up front smiling. I inaudibly sighed in relief. "This meeting is more important then any of our previous meetings." That silenced my pack. "This meeting is about strength, loyalty and honor." I glanced around to see many faces waiting egging me to continue. "We have been robbed, not of money or anything physical. We have been robbed of our respect. We have had three kidnappings by the same people." I could see many faces getting angry in the crowd. "Our Luna had been kidnapped." Their were boos in the background. "Our previous Beta had been kidnapped." The boos increased. "Even I was kidnapped." The boos turned to outraged cries of rage. I silenced them with my hand. "But we retrieved those we lost with little effort and no lose to us." They cheered and I let them til they died out on our own. "But that will change. We can not take this disrespect as a pack. I will not force you to fight for me or this pack. I will not even question your loyalty if you refuse. But I must ask, Who will go to war for me?" There were answering howls enough to make me smile. "Who is outraged by these acts enough to help our pack prove it's strength?" There were even more howls this time. " Then this is a time for war. We have not gone to war since I have been Alpha. There is much training to come for those who are willing, but I have faith. I have faith in the loyalty of our pack. I have faith in our strength as a pack. I have faith that our honor will be won back on the battle field." The cheers were louder then ever before. I hushed them with a hand. "In the mean time I must warn you to protect your homes. Those who will not join our fight must pack up some thing and get ready to move. I have spoken with Alpha Phillips he has agreed to take in those unwilling to fight til our war is over. He feels our pain  and is willing to protect you til it is safe to come back." Their were some unsure faces within the crowd. "I know this is scary to go to an unknown territory with an unknown Alpha. But I have come to trust him and I hope that that is good enough for you." Many of those unsure faces nodded within the crowd. I focused back on Mikey who was grinning with pride. "Now my loyal pack, I look forward to seeing you soon." I looked back up at the lights and said what my parents said to dismiss every meeting. "We are Star Pack. We will glow victorious in the dark and proud when there is no hope. We will be the greeting of every night. So go forth and shine on this bright night." They repeated the saying before dispersing.

"That was amazing." I heard Ben say next to me. I ignored him and turned to Andrew.

"Anyone willing to fight has two days to get everything figured out. Those unwilling will need to be gone by then. Blood Pack obviously knows our territory so we need to be ready encase they find out and try to attack us first." I spoke directly to Andrew.

"You think we have a mole don't you." Trevor said walking closer to us.

"I don't know but I rather plan on it, then find out to late." They both nodded before taking off to get ready. Then it was just me and Ben on the stage. I knew he wanted to say something so I waited for him to speak first.

"Ummm, Victoria...." He started. I waited but he didn't continue, so I started to go towards the back so I could leave. " Victoria stop." I paused. "I just wanted to say, I'm trying. I don't want to completely lose you. It's hard to see you with him though." He said him like he was talking about Voldemort from Harry Potter or something. "But can we at least try to be friends?" I looked over my shoulder and watched him for a second.

"I don't know Ben. It isn't really up to me, it's up to you." I left to run into Mikey around the corner.

"Your pretty hard on him you know Tor Tor." Not even denying he was eavesdropping.

"You know your pretty nosey." I stated. He laughed and threw his arm and me.

"Tor Tor your amazing I can't help but feel bad for the guy. You are still his mate and though you didn't completely reject him he is yours. Pushing him away isn't going to do anything but hurt you both. You are suppose to improve both of your lives." He said disapprovingly.

"Mikey we are bad for each other." I leaned into him as he guided me through the woods towards the pack house.

"I don't know Tor Tor. Mates aren't suppose to be bad for each other."

"Well people aren't suppose to have two mates either Mikey." I retorted back regretting it the instant it left my mouth. I felt him stiffen. "I didn't mean it like that." I turned towards him stopping him. "I just meant things aren't the way they normally are. Alphas aren't suppose to be female either." He sighed.

"I know." He kissed my forehead before starting to drag me forward. "If he's bad for you then it's a good thing I'm good for you." I laughed til I realized he was dragging me the wrong way.

"Mikey are you lost." I asked confused." The pack house is that way."

"I'm not lost Tor Tor. We aren't going to the pack house." He said mysteriously

" Then where...."

" Hush and let me surprise you." He cut me off. He dragged me to an empty parking lot.

"Mikey why is it guys keep taking me to horror scenes when they want to surprise me." I said nervously.

He laughed. "That's cause there isn't a single place that someone hasn't been murdered in a horror movie. Plus your a paranoid person, so calm down I promise I won't bite." He said repeating my words from last night. He walked me to a chain linked fence and helped me climb over it before following me after.

On the other side of the fence was a basketball court. I turned towards Mikey even more confused. He was holding up roller-skates. I smiled before putting the blades on. "It's been forever since I've skated." I said nervously.

"I know, you use to tell me how your parents took you all the time." Mikey said proudly. That's when I realized the last time I put on a pair of skates was the birthday before they died. He hesitated at the sad look on my face. "Hey we don't have to if you don't want to. I had more planned."

I shook my head. "I want to Mikey. It's just been along time is all." I squeezed his hand and he helped me stand up. I immediately started to fall, but he quickly readjusted me. He took my two hands in his.

"Trust me, Tor Tor, I won't let you fall." He promised before slowly gliding me to the basketball court. It didn't take long for me to get the hang of it. When I did he took out his phone and played old disco music. I cracked up laughing. "What? I thought it'd fit." I wiped an invisible tear.

"Yes it does." I leaned up and kissed him. He went to deepen the kiss but lost his balance and fell. He looked up at me shocked. "I'll make you a deal." I said mischievously.

"Hmm?" He asked as I started to skate backwards.

"If you catch me you can kiss me." I laughed before taking off. I heard him fall again trying to get up. I turned around and watched him get up and come after me. I kept on skating backwards just out of his reach. After a bit I slowed my pace and let him catch me.  He grabbed my hand pulling me towards him before capturing my lips with his. It was just as amazing as our first kiss, like flying as an electric current pulsed through you. We came out breathless. "You said you had more planned?" I asked. He vaguely nodded.

"You cheated." He stated.

"You were to slow." I retorted causing him to laugh.

"I'll be faster next time." He insured. He pulled me back and we took off our skates. He walked me to a diner not far by. " I figured you'd be hungry after that. I remembered that we use to go here back in middle school." As if on que my stomach growled causing me to frown. He smoothed out the creases from my frown. We walked into our old joint and sat down. The waitress remembered us and brought us our old order. Two double cheeseburgers with fries and two large floats. I was surprised that she'd remember my order. Me and Mikey talked and laughed all night til the waitress had to kick us up to close up the joint.

We finally reached my/our room. We walked in and he picked me up. I automatically wrapped my legs around him and kissed him fiercely. He laid me down in my bed keeping his self on top. This time I flipped him over putting myself on top causing him to laugh. I leaned down and trailed kisses from his neck to the collar of his shirt. I looked up at him questioningly but he pulled me back up towards him.

"Not yet Victoria." For the first time my name from his mouth made me shiver against him causing him to groan. I smiled down at him devilishly when I felt something shift in his pants.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He rolled me back over.

"Not yet Tori." He said confidently. It took all my control not to arch towards him. He pecked my lips before laying on his side of the bed.

"Why not?" I asked. He let out a groan.

"Cause as much as I want too. This just started yesterday and I can tell you want to take your time. So I'm going to ignore everything I want to do to you til I'm sure your ready." He said frustrated.

" But I am ready." I said.

He groaned. "No your just horny." He turned towards me. "Look Tori I really care about you and I don't want to fuck this up because I went to fast knowing you weren't really ready."

"How would you know if I was really ready?" This caught him off guard. He thought about it for a second before getting up. He went through my cupboard and pulled out a red solo cup. He then walked over to where I had the tiny wooden wolf he gave me so long ago and put the cup over it.

"When your ready and thinking clearly remove the cup and leave the wolf there. That way I know." He said before climbing back into bed. He pulled me towards him and kissed my forehead. "Now go to sleep. We have school in the morning." I don't know when but I did eventually fall asleep staring at that hideous Red Solo cup.

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