The School for the Gifted (Bo...

By ChristinaRobles

9.6M 144K 26.8K

Giselle isn't your average teenage girl. Besides the fact that she's hot headed and argumentative she also ca... More

The School for the Gifted (Book One)
Chapter 2: A Warlock and an Earth Bender
Chapter 3: The Home Land
Chapter 4: Fire and Ice
Chapter 5: Vampires come out at night
Chapter 6 - Professor Cornelius and the truth
Chapter 7 - You've got mail and Ice suits him well
Chapter 8 - Deadly Midnight Mission
Chapter 9 - Saved to know the coming truth
Chapter 10 - Ice Shock / Ice Cubes for Breakfast
Chapter 11 - Heating up arguments
Chapter 12 - FIRE vs. SPEED
Chapter 13 - A Warlock Story
Chapter 14 - Permission and Shopping Arrangements
Chapter 15 - A Dance Among Gifted
Chapter 16 - Love Spells and Trusting
Chapter 17 - One strand of hair and the Letter
Chapter 18 - Ladies man gone Undercover
Chapter 19 - The Necklace and the Snake in the Grass
Chapter 20 - Gabrielle Riley
Chapter 21 - Friends growing up at Gifted Academy
Chapter 22 - The Hall of Selected
Chapter 23 - Frenemies
Chapter 24 - Potion's motions
Chapter 25 - Crushes and Disappointment
Chapter 26 -The Royal Family
Chapter 27 - Party Invitation
Chapter 28 - Drunkin Words and Sober Thoughts
Chapter 29 - Powers Released
Chapter 30 - The Book and Ms. Ambrosia
Chapter 31 - Heartbreak and Winter Plans
Chapter 32 - Love Triangles and The Vision
Chapter 33 - The Embracing Night Sky
Chapter 34 - Feasting and Friendliness
Chapter 35 - Instant Flames and Sword Play
Chapter 36 - The Note on the Door
Chapter 37 - Missing
Chapter 38 - Secrets at Midnight
Chapter 39 - Research and The Secret Door
Chapter 40 - Damien Efra
Chapter 41 - Visitor
Chapter 42 - Commotion on campus
Chapter 43 - Zeptoria
Chapter 44 - The Queen and Other Royal Arrangements
Chapter 45 - Strung up in Jealousy
Chapter 46 - Your eyes are the window
Chapter 47 - Refuse thy name
Chapter 48 - Gold Cards and The Reveal
Chapter 50 - Wake Up Call
Chapter 51 - Crash illusion
Chapter 52 - on the run in Paris
Chapter 53 - Go
Chapter 54 - Elevator Magic
Chapter 55 - Cromin
The School for the Gifted: Betrayal (Book Two) - Sequel
The School for the Gifted: Betrayal (Book Two) - Prologue
(Book Two) Chapter 1 - The saving and the Training
(Book Two) Chapter 2 - Don't let him see you cry
(Book Two) Chapter 3 - Reunited
(Book Two) Chapter 4 - Food of the Night
(Book Two) Chapter 5 - A New Proposition
(Book Two) Chapter 6 - Live
(Book Two) Chapter 7 - Alive
(Book Two) Chapter 8 - Beautiful
(Book Two) Chapter 9 - Flaws and All
(Book Two) Chapter 10 - Choices
(Book Two) Chapter 11 - An Unknown Warning
(Book Two) Chapter 12 - Meeting Your Match
(Book Two) Chapter 13 - Mother
(Book Two) Chapter 14 - Settling
(Book Two) Chapter 15 - Doubts and Campfires
( Book Two ) Chapter 16 - How To Be A Father
( Book Two ) Chapter 17 - Hook Ups and Friendships
( Book Two ) Chapter 18 - The Professors Cabin
( Book Two ) Chapter 19 - The Desk and The Dream
( Book Two ) Chapter 20 - Time Apart
(Book Two) Chapter 21 - Approval

Chapter 49 - The Grand Ball

131K 1.9K 402
By ChristinaRobles





Chapter 49 – The Grand Ball


          As Giselle walked out of the castle in her gown she felt her stomach do several flips. It took her hours to get ready just because she felt the need to look perfect. Everyone reminded her, including Jasmine, that she looked fine. Why was she nervous?

            Well it isn’t everyday that you walk out of a royal castle to find five parked dragons before you, waiting for departure. She wasn’t embarrassed about her nervous reaction; in fact there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

            The queen and the royal family wouldn’t arrive until it was fashionable. Which meant she wouldn’t arrive until everyone was already at the ball, expecting her to be a tad bit late to make a grand entrance. 

            Still, Giselle’s gut was in knots. The real reason on top of it all was that she still hadn’t seen Isaac and wondered if he’d like how she looked. Glancing down at herself she could see that the dress fit her perfectly, making her look elegant and radiant. Jasmine spent almost an hour on her make-up, using peach eye shadow and blush to extend Giselle’s cheek-bones. To top it all off, she even gave Giselle a dab of red lipstick, making her entire outfit pop and making her look the more attractive. It was the perfect touch. She looked extravagant. Even her hair was amazing. It came up into a tight bun; several curls fell out of it and rested on her neck.

            As Giselle turned, causing her dress to sway from under her, there was yet no sign of Isaac. For a second she wondered if he was even going to attend. She turned back to Jasmine putting her worries aside. Fun was needed after so much stress that came with the campus attack. Isaac would be worried about later.

            “You ready to go?”

            “Born ready.” Giselle smiled. “Except, I’m not a big fan of dragons. What if he ruins my dress?”

            “Well look at that.” Jasmine giggled sarcastically. “I had no idea you were such a girly girl.”

            “Ew.” Giselle shook her head. “Gross, very far from it.”

            “Then there shouldn’t be a problem.”

            Giselle huffed. “Fine, let’s just go before I change my mind.”

            And so they did, Giselle followed Jasmine and got onto the very familiar Albustru. Behind them were several people from the castle, butlers, maids, and guards dressed up hopping on separate dragons. For a second she wondered why they hadn’t headed out yet. That was until the lead of all dragons roared into the sky signaling their departure. Without hesitation every dragon jumped into the sky and soured in a single file line following the lead.

            Giselle found her throat closing in astonishment, never had she ever seen something so remarkable. It was like one dragon was leading them all, signaling when to turn and when to swerve. It seemed as if each dragon had its own personality to go with its different colored bodies. Some were pinks and blues, yellows or even greens. But the leader was a rich golden color, at the front leading the way.

            Her stomach swooped as the dragons sped up making their way to a large palace up ahead. It reminded her oddly of the palace in Aladdin, with its large white walls and golden roof. Around it were millions of lights, a red carpet leading to its entrance, and paparazzi being held back by ropes and guards.

            As they landed, Giselle found her nerves. Her stomach wasn’t as queasy and she found some sort of contentment. The only problem was she was completely surrounded by busy crowds and dragons landing. The atmosphere was loud with chatter and as soon as she was seen the paparazzi began to quiet down, only to turn to her and begin snapping photo’s frantically.

            She got off Albustru feeling more flustered than ever, her ears ringing from the constant excited yells and greetings. Giselle wasn’t royal but from the outside looking in you would think otherwise.

Jasmine gave her a sorry smile as she met her side. Giselle thought of stirring some type of conversation to cut through the anticipation in the air but couldn’t. A guard quickly met her side, laced his arm through hers and began escording her into the grand ball.

The lights surrounding the place reminded anyone of a large city. Each light was in different colors, some trailed the red carpet leading to the entrance of the palace. At the entrance was a large brown door almost eight feet high. The walls surrounding it were white with long arched windows and golden frames. In the windows you could see a large tiled floor and people walking around with glasses of wine.

“Are you ready madam?” The guard questioned, breaking Giselle’s trans. His accent was thick and protective.

“Uh yeah, just… lead the way.”

He nodded, making his way onto the red carpet. The paparazzi, who was being held back by barricades, went the more frantic. It was as if the closer she was the more crazy they went. She heard several chant for an autograph and others ask where her father was.

She wished she could answer.

But she couldn’t.

After hearing such a question, she found herself drowning out the crowd. Giselle didn’t want to hear the feedback and she didn’t want to be reminded that she still hadn’t met him, still hadn’t even gotten a trace of him. All she had were pictures and words, several spoken. Everything else wasn’t even a memory; she was too young to bring up any images of him.

She couldn’t remember.

Quickly, they walked down the red carpet as several pictures flashed uncontrollably. Giselle finally understood what the royal family was going through constantly. If she was getting so much attention and wasn’t even anywhere near royal than imagine what Adonis went through every day. It must have been incredibly annoying.

The inside of the palace was the more glamorous. Giselle couldn’t recognize one face in her presence. That didn’t change the fact that everyone looked incredibly rich. If this were the real world then it would be Hollywood, torn from the earth’s core and stuffed into one very large room.

The floors were made of grey marble from every inch to every corner. The walls had high pillars and crème white walls. At the end of the very large hall were long rectangle tables with every food possible, at the end of each table were antique plates and cups that looked highly expensive. There were tables set off to each side, circling around a large gap in the middle of the room for a dance floor. Above it were chandeliers that sparkled with every exceeding moment. Five feet away from the dance floor was yet another throne with several mimicking chairs next to it, smaller yet just as important.

Jasmines arrival not to far way, at the grand entrance, helped Giselle feel slightly at ease. She needed something to focus on. Especially when the richest looking people of Zeptoria were staring her down like she owed them each thousands of dollars. It made sense to her though. Her father was legendary and it was bound to sink into her hardheaded skull. She just wasn’t too sure when.

Still, she didn’t hesitate to wave at Jasmine so that she could make her way over. She needed company and someone to point out who was who in the crowd. It was her first time in Zeptoria, she didn’t know who was important and who was horrible altogether.

The funny thing was that everyone at this party seemed to be too significant for words.

“Taking it all in?” Jasmine asked her curiously.

“Yeah.” Giselle sighed. “I just never expected to see so many people, let alone have them watching me.”

“You’re new.” Jasmine shrugged. “As in fresh meat, they’re trying to figure you out.”

“Figure what out? I’m Giselle Riley. In other words, a hotheaded first year. Not much to figure out.”

Jasmine giggled. “Why does that sound like someone else said it?”

“Isaac did.” Giselle smiled. “And as time goes on, the more I realize it’s awfully true.”

“Hilarious.” Jasmine muttered. “Except to them, you’re Giselle Riley. Legend of all of Zeptoria.”

“Gross and totally exaggerated.”

“Nope, true and totally accurate.”

“Whatever, but who’s who?” Giselle questioned with a shrug. “I’m sure each person in here has some kind of story or represents some kind of significance to Zeptoria.”

“You bet.” Jasmine giggled. “That over there is the Shwartz family.”

Giselle followed the trail of Jasmines finger to a very voluptuous heavy set family. Each one was thick in their own way with large thighs and full figures. She stared at them for a moment, taking in their dark brown eyes and auburn colored hair. They were dressed to almost perfect attire with vests, slacks, expensive looking designer button downs and classy shoes.

“What about them?”

“Their ancestors groomed the very first dragon to ever step foot in Zeptoria.” Jasmine muttered. “Meaning they are filthy rich. They own a stadium, for dragons, somewhere uptown. Each dragon is sold for twelve thousand Zeptoes.”


Jasmine sighed. “You’re so new to this. Zeptoes is Zeptorian money.”

“Which I lack.”

Jasmine laughed. “True.”

“So they’re like super rich?” Giselle asked scrutinizing them. “And own every dragon?”

“Not owned but groom them till of age and then sell them to people of our land.”

“That’s pretty cool.”

“Then there’s the Greenridge family over there.” Jasmine said, pointing at a family with entirely green attire. From head to toe each one of them wore something in the colors of different types of green. Their outfits were green, their eyes were green and their hair was… jet black. All of them were tall, slim and with model figures.

“Who are they?”

“Creator of the Zeptoes. Their ancestors designed the Zeptorians very first dollar bill. Now they own every factory that prints up money, pretty awesome if you ask me.”

“That is cool.” Giselle nodded. “They must be filthy rich.”

“Second richest family.”

“Whose third?” Giselle asked.

“The Ostridges, also known as the founders. Bobby Ostridge, founder of Zeptoria, is a part of their ancestor history.”

“No way!”

“Way, they are really looked up to.” Jasmine smiled. “Just imagine if your great great great grandfather found Zeptoria, you’d be a legend in the making.”

“Very true.”

“Well, you’re already a legend so you don’t have to worry about that.” Jasmine shrugged. “A prodigy.”


“Its true Giselle, you’re just in denial but one day years from now you’ll be telling your children about how great you were.”

“Nope, I’ll have two cats and a rat infested apartment in London.”

“Dreaming big I see.”

Giselle laughed. “Always.”

A pair of arms wrapped around Jasmine causing Giselle to glance up and notice Nathan in a tux that matched her dark blue dress. He looked dashing with his hair pushed back and his light green eyes on nothing but Jasmine. She looked happy and that made Giselle feel content.

“If it isn’t the warrior princess.” Nathan smiled.

“Very funny.” Giselle smirked to see Jonah not too far behind joining the conversation. He looked simple with a black and white tux, black dress shoes and light blue bow tie.

“Nice to see you, Giselle.” Jonah said with a sincere smile.

“Hi Jonah.”

“Its great to see you, glad you’re in one piece.” Jonah replied.

“Same to you.”

“Seriously, like we were all worried about you.” Nathan admitted. “Especially Jas.”

Jasmine shrugged. “She’s my best friend, no duh.”

Giselle smiled. “Aw, that’s sweet.”

“Yeah yeah.” Jonah added smirking. “Save the soft spots for later, the music is about to start.”

“Wait, where’s Zoey?” Giselle questioned.

“She decided to spend some time with her parents you know, since Zach has been missing and what not.” Jasmine muttered.

Giselle stomach did a light twist, she felt guilty for the loss of Zach. But what more could she do? She just could hope everything went well with the professor. Lastly, she glanced around the room wondering why Isaac hadn’t shown up yet and what was taking him so long. In all reality, they needed to talk.

As usual.

Before she could think any further a trumpet from near by went off, signaling everyone to stand and remain silent. It reminded her oddly of a mixture of the national anthem and something that would be played in Britain when some one royal was arriving.

Suddenly a voice trailed through the room. “Ladies and gentleman, please bow and show your gratitude for Queen Isadora of Zeptoria.”

Slowly the entire hall began bowing in one gesture. It was beautiful and like it was completely rehearsed. But it wasn’t. In fact, the way everyone bowed gracefully made an individual think that this was some type of showcase.

The queen walked into the room gracefully, her long red gown touching the floor while its long ruffles trailed at her feet. The back of her dress went behind her trailing several feet back. Two small well dressed children carried it smiling from cheek to cheek. Behind them were three guards keeping look out to make sure everything was in order.

Shortly after her came the remains of the royal family. They sat in the chairs close by to her smiling and wearing matching tuxes and dresses. All of them in red. Adonis met Giselle’s bowed gazed and grinned slightly. Giselle smirked.

As the crowd rose she sat in the front of the room at her thrown. A large red diamond incrusted crown was placed on her head by the only guard in a tux. A golden mike was lifted to her lips as she smiled radiantly.

“Ladies and gentleman welcome to our annual winter ball.” She grinned wider. “This is a time for celebration so please enjoy yourself.”

It was then that a golden wine glass with diamonds on almost every inch of it was handed to her. She pointed it to the ceiling before lifting the mike to her lips once more. “I now toast for Zeptorian peace and drink the first traditional glass for all our lost lives in battle and signify the start of all toasts and festivity on this night.”   

A cheer broke out in the crowd as she downed the drink gracefully and handed the cup to one of the guards. Almost instantly the lights dimmed and people began making their way to the ballroom floor. The queen nodded clearly pleased with the idea of dancing for her entertainment. It wasn’t often that queens left their thrown.

As the ballroom floor got more dancers Giselle found herself searching the crowd. It was eating her up inside, the fact that Isaac was nowhere to be found. Her thoughts halted when she glanced to her side, her heart reaching her stomach and her palms going slightly sweaty.

There Isaac was.

            He leaned against the wall glancing at a gold watch on his hands. His button up shirt was a light blue color and his slacks were black to match his dress shoes. As for his hair, it was as phenomenal as ever and barely combed.

Though his face was expressionless there was something different about him. Something odd and off. As he made his way over to Giselle he smiled slightly, but beyond his smile was an exhausted look. His light blue eyes weren’t as cold, intimidating, and unreadable as usual. They were sad and hurt. Still, he tried to hide it so that it was barely noticeable.

Before Giselle could bring anything up he grabbed her hand.

“You look beautiful.” He whispered. “Dance with me.”

Flushing she turned to her side to realize her friends were long gone. Figures.


He pulled her to the dance floor, Giselle trailed behind him blushing more and more by the moment. Every minute with Isaac was worth it, which was why she couldn’t help but smile as he wrapped his arms around her. The song went from upbeat to a slower tempo.

The only problem was Giselle never heard the song a day in her life. It sounded exactly like the language the news reporter was speaking but seemed to sound like some type of slow love song. She wasn’t sure but couldn’t resist listening, especially since the queen was watching her reaction.

Her arms found Isaacs shoulder as they swayed silently yet romantically. She wondered what he was thinking before deciding to break the silence. Not only was it bothering her but she needed to know what was up and what happened with the professor. If anything did happen.

First things first.



“What’s the guy singing saying?” Giselle questioned. “I find it a little odd that I’m dancing to it when he could be talking about cow manure or something.”

Isaac laughed lightly, but it seemed forced. “The song is called winter spring. It’s about  a man that finds true love but they live in two different worlds.”

“Aw that’s sweet but the title doesn’t go.”

“When its winter for her, its spring for him. They are in two entirely different time zones.”

“Wow that’s so beautiful.”

“Yes.” Isaac replied. “That it is.”

“So, how’d it go?”

Isaac sighed deeply. “Are you talking about the professor?”

“No I’m talking about blue cheese.”

“Never had it.”

Her hand tightened on his shoulder. “On with it.”

“The professor didn’t believe a word I spoke. It makes entirely no sense to me, I thought that he at least trusted someone he practically raised but I was fooled. I stood by you, Giselle. I told him that I believed your thoughts on the matter, I told him about Malcolm, him attacking that academy and not once did he foster or disconsider it. He shot down the idea completely.”

“Wait, what? So what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know but first we need a plan.”

Giselle was a bit surprised. .“A plan without the professor?”

Isaac nodded “Precisely.”

“Okay like what?”

“I have no idea, I like to think that maybe he’d come around and consider it so that we could figure it out but I can’t be too sure. For now we’re on our own I’m guessing and if we have to break a couple rules then so be it.” 

 “Whoa, this is a first.” Giselle muttered. “Naturally I’m a rule breaker but you?”

“My gut is telling me that I have to do what’s right, we have to do what’s right.” Isaac shook his head. “This is more than right and wrong, this is our existence.”

“Simmer down, I understand but where do we even start?”

“We start with our trust and work our way up from there.” 

Giselle smiled. “Okay but that’s not going to help us find Malcolm or the people he’s kidnapped.”

“No but it’s a start. Just remember if asking happens to either of us, there is a task at hand. Whether we are going against the professor or not, what needs to be done needs to be done.”

“No matter what fire comes our way?” Giselle smirked

Isaac’s eyes lit its usual blue aura “No matter any amount of ice that blocks our path.” 


College college college... IS SUPER FUN AND AMAZING! All jokes aside lol. I have some writing to do for you guys! I think I have two-three chapters left to write and thats it :( . It's been a fun journey but "The School for the Gifted" is coming to an end. After the 55th chapter there might be an epilogue and thats it :( ... Still pondering about a sequal... Should there be a sequal? A series? I don't know, still thinking about it. What do you guys think? 

Onto your regularly scheduled programming.... 

Aw isn't that cute? :) I think so! Seems like theres a pretty big plan occuring. Could it possibly save the day? Are Isaac and Giselle going to finally fufill what was destined to happen? The ball was obviously fun. But what's up with everyone treating Giselle like a royal?  Is it just me or are the people of Zeptoria pretty cool and important? Hmmm. 

Questions for the fans:  What story will you be reading once 'The school for the Gifted' is over ?  What is your favorite sport? Which couple could you never see happen in 'The School for the Gifted' ? And, what's one random item that you currently have in your bag/purse? :)) 

THAT'S ALL! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :) If you really want to chat then write in my inbox or on my message board! Thank you for all the support! I've reached 3000 fans and that means A LOT TO ME!  Thanks so much! I can't thank you guys enough :D. 

Besides that, be sure to VOTE + COMMENT! Lets make sure 'The School for the Gifted' wins a spot in the watty awards!!!!!! Plus, I try to read all your comments when I can and when I do they are always an inspiration to me. You guys are awesome! MUCH LOVE. 


See you next chapter, ;) xoxo!

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