Sweet Sugars

By xali3006x

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 8

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By xali3006x

Amy's POV
I shouted a quick thanks to Niamh before the door slammed and I got told to shut up. I knew this was going to be about George. Little did Maisie know that he was waiting in the cafe with Josh and Chloe for me to come and make his things. The cafe hadn't opened yet but it was 25mins until the cafe opened which meant 20 minutes of me getting shouted at by Maisie just because she's jealous of my boyfriend.
Maisie's POV
I started screaming horrible things at Amy and I saw she had a little tear in her eye. She tried to escape but she didn't know I'd locked the door. I let her go- crying- 10 minutes before the cafe opened. I heard something going on. She'd walked out to go and speak to George. He was cuddling her and telling her everything was going to be okay. I shouted her to get back to work and open the cafe.
George's POV
Amy came running out to me. Tears streaming down her gorgeous pale cheeks. I comforted her in a huge group hug with Josh and Chloe to try and make everything better but she said she had to go so I had to let her go and I walked into the cafe. I didn't know what to do though because Maisie was beckoning me over. I went up to Amy and I asked what I should do and she told us to go and sit down and she'd be over with our orders in a minute.
Amy's POV
I heard Niamh shouting me so I gave George, Chloe and Josh their things, kissed George on the forehead and said my quick goodbyes. I ran upstairs to Niamh and she was in a state. I asked her what was wrong and she said that Maisie had given her the same chat as me yesterday and she threatened if she saw anything of her and Eren together then she would ruin them. I felt so bad for her. I stayed up there until it was time for our shifts to end. I just told Abigail- my other assistant on shop floor- to get a move on and I'd sort things out later. Niamh came home with me since she was staying the night and about five minutes after we'd sat down there was a loud knock on the door. I told Niamh to run upstairs in case it was Melissa. I'd just tell her that I was busy. But we were safe, it was only George. I shouted Niamh back downstairs I introduced her to George and I introduced George to Niamh and It was quite awkward at first because they didn't speak at all but as the night progressed they started talking more and more. It got to 2:00am and luckily none of us had work tomorrow we decided to go to bed. George shared a room with Harriet but I told him that was just for tonight and me and Niamh shared a room. As Niamh was getting ready I just popped into George's room and kissed him night night and then I said I had to go because Niamh was shouting me.
Niamh's POV
Tonight has been so fun. I said to Amy with happiness. I'm glad I got to know George a bit better now but it's still quite awkward and I don't think this would be a good idea to do this again. She replied ok and with that I fell asleep. Its not like me to fall asleep straight away but I was quite tired tonight.

A/N- this isn't in bold now because I updated this on my iPad and not my iPhone xx

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