Dreaming for stars

Autorstwa Adorabludthirsty

814 77 11

"Give me a village and I'll lead it like a queen." 17 year old Miyoko has never really thought of herself as... Więcej

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chatper XVII
500 reads!!!!!
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII

Chapter VIII

43 4 0
Autorstwa Adorabludthirsty

The second Arc: Magic Arc

"Nightmare Catcher"

3rd Person's POV

Miyoko found herself in what seemed was a basement cell. The only light source was the moonlight coming from the barred window, which so cruelly lit up the girl curled up in the middle of the room.

"Hey you", Miyoko tried to speak to the girl, but it seemed the little blonde wasn't aware of her presence. She didn't respond.

She was quiet, lying there lifelessly. She didn't react to anything, before the lock on the wooden cell door glowed purple and it opened.

In walked a woman who seemed to be in her mid forties. The girl raised her head to look at the woman, opening her eyes to reveal a pair of faded irises, much more so than by the woman.

"Come my child, I've found a solution for my- our problems. It's close, don't worry, you won't have to walk", the woman said, and with every two words took a step forward, stopping and bending over to grab the girls forearm.

The girl never broke eye contact with her mother, and as she stood up, she smiled slightly. "Really?",  she said in a hoarse voice. A kind of voice one would have, when he or she had not spoken in a long time.

"Yes really", the mother smiled at her, shedding tears of happiness. Just as the girl was to stand on her own two legs a wobbly stool materialize underneath her feet. "What?", she whispered, and a noose wrapped itself around her neck.

"It's a solution my child, don't worry, it will soon be over", the mother- no, monster went outside, leaving the girl unbalanced on the chair. Shaking violently.

If it was in fear or just because of the unbalance, Miyoko didn't know.

All she knew, was when the stool snapped and the girl began choking, she ran forwards and screamed "No!", only to find herself in the girls place.

Choking. Dying.


Again, Miyoko woke up panting, drenched in sweat.

Another nightmare, another waking before time.

Another attempt at cooling off by opening the window, another stray engagement ring and rose.

She stopped throwing them away after a week. And now they were just piling up.

"There's two of those and a rose now... I wonder if it's the same person who puts them here...", she said to herself. She turned, the breeze moving her red hair, she looked at her vacant bed. She was tired, very tired. But she didn't want to have another nightmare, even though she was slowly getting used to them.

She grabbed a blanket and exited the room, going downstairs in the living room. She laid on the couch and covered herself with the blanket she brought.

Here, unlike her bedroom, was nice and cool. Maybe she wouldn't have a nightmare tonight.


She walked down a torch lit underground hallway. Turning at the slightest sound behind her, but even if there was something she wouldn't be able to see it.

As she neared the end a door appeared in front of her. Curiosity taking over, she entered, but alas, instead of a fairy tale, she saw a nightmare.

The girl was cut up and bruised, her limbs cuffed to the wall from which she hung from.

This time it was straight up giggling and cackling she heard behind her before the door behind her opened. Two girls walked in followed by two metal men.

The chained girl seemed to wake from her 'slumber' and start shaking her head.

One of the girls that walked in grinned, "What's that, cat got your tongue Akane?", one of them mocked.

Akane shook her head not wanting to look at them. "No....please no...", she murmured barely. It was a helpless, hopeless- broken, sound.

"What's that?", the other girl cupped her ear. "You want to go on the spinning wheel again?", she grinned.

Akane's eyes widened. "Please...", she begged. "Don't... What did I ever do to you?"

"You were born", the first one answered coldly and nodded at the metal men. They took Akane off her chains and dragged her by the hands to a different room.

Miyoko's legs moved themselves and before she knew it she was with the twin girls and Akane. She was fastened to a spinning torture wheel and the two girls stood behind a table filled with worn out, rusted throwing knives.

"No...please..... stop.. NO", Akane yelled as the wheel started spinning. Her red hair seemed to whiten under the stress and fear of the girls who threw weapons at her.

Miyoko shook in fear, but she couldn't allow this to happen. She stepped forward, wanting to help her- to stop them.

But instead, she found herself switching places with Akane, and a dagger going through her chest.


Miyoko's POV

"My lord wake up, please, it's just a dream", I hear Tsubaki shake me and I wake up again. I feel tears pour down my face as I look into Tsubaki's green eyes.

"What?..", I say in confusion before remembering everything. My heart kicks into high gear and I start shaking.

Tsubaki wraps his warm arms around me, mumbling soothing things to me but I'm still in shock, still scared.

Somewhere in between my choked sobs and his mumbling, I understand a "I'll cancel all your appointments today" from him.

A few hours later in the early afternoon I find myself drinking chamomile tea and resting on the sofa, my knees bent and a book resting on my thighs. I'm half-properly dressed in my pants and sleeping shirt, which happened to be a black t-shirt with a sunflower pattern on it.

Tsubaki- the angel he is- left around half an hour ago to take care of the business I'd usually have to do. I feel tired even though I have barely done any physical activity, and I haven't exited my house- not even looked through the window. I've been preoccupied on books on witches.

And even though I had thought what I'd be reading about would be magic, I'm reading about their history, family lineage, economy and trade.

It's boring.

I take another sip of my tea and turn a page.

It takes me so much but I manage not to spit out my tea in shock and just end up choking on it. I start coughing and leave my cup on the coffee table, and sit up straight.

I look in the book once more when I regain my posture, and see that my shock was for a reason.

But before I could manage to read it there's a knock on my door.

"Coming!", I quickly put the book down and pat my hair, trying to make it look somewhat presentable.

I walk to the door and they knock again. "I'm coming, I'm coming!", I say slightly annoyed and open the door to be met with a familiar pair of purple eyes.

"Chiyoko?", I raise my eyebrow and she curtsies slightly with a smile.

"Good afternoon Lord Miyoko, I've come from Irell to greet you and to congratulate you on your return. We never would have thought you would return from the Underworld", her voice was strained and her facial expression seemed forced. The tension between her and the two guards behind her seemed so strong that even I felt it.

"Oh why hello, please, don't just stand there and come in. Your guards may stay outside", I politely told the guards to fuck off and Chiyoko nodded, walking outside leaving the two guards shocked as I slam the door in front of their faces.

When I turn to look at her, she, with tearful eyes, engulfs me in a hug. "I never would have believed it", she whispered hugging me tightly around the neck and I awkwardly patted her back.

She let me go and backed off, wiping her face free of tears. "I can't express how happy I am to see you, how grateful I am to you. Lord Miyoko you had saved my life, I, Irell, is forever in your debt", she bowed while I was still in shock.

"But I have to ask you, do you know what happened to the rest. Where is my sister, the other guards and lords? What had happened to them?", she said sad.

"I... They were killed before I could have done anything. They were too far away. I couldn't save them", I said my voice breaking. Flashbacks from the time I spent in the Underworld coming back. The screams, the murders.

The horror.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her glowed hands. "Oh... I see", she whispered. "I understand that you couldn't help them. I am still shocked how you escaped. But I guess you've had your guards to help you. Please, tell me, what had happened to them. I haven't really seen any of them"

"One...", I felt my heart breaking anew, "One stayed to protect me... and one carried me away. You see I was too hurt to walk then...." It hurt. Talking about it hurt. Thinking of how my best friend sacrificed himself for me hurt and burned my entire being.

"I.. I shouldn't have asked", she looks down, avoiding my eyes.

"It's okay", I sigh. It's not okay, not alright. "It already happened, not much I can do about it", I managed a dry laugh. But she kept quiet and we settled into an awkward silence. One I didn't like.

"So, tell me", I said taking a seat next to my cold cup of tea. "What brings you here.? Surely you wouldn't be allowed to travel all the way here just to ask about my return"

"Well actually, I've recently turned 18 and my parents want to marry me off. But honestly I do not wish to marry the rich snobs of Irell. I want to marry someone kind, someone who will love me for me, not for my social status", she pouted, the whole conversation taking a lighter, more cheerful tone.

I giggled, "Sounds like you want one of those romance novel lovers, the one you find in books."

She sighed her eyes looking dreamy, I guess she had gone into fantasy mode. "Oh how I wish to find myself a prince like the ones in stories. The ones that really exist are arrogant and snooty", she frowned feigning disappointment. She then laughed. "So tell me, my lady, what kind of romance do you wish for?", she smirked and, for an unknown reason, I blushed.

"Uhmm...", I looked away.

What did I really wish for? I had not really thought about anyone that way. Since I've become a lord the only men I really did speak to and become friendly to were my guards. And though they weren't bad looking, I had no particular interest in them. Especially Yukki.

Mitsue I had considered a brother, but nothing else. And even if I did like him, he was gone.

"You're blushing, there must be someone", she pressed on. But there really was no one.

"No, not really," I answered. Though her glowing purple eyes seemed disappointed.

"But Corona is full of handsome men, or well at least what I had seen on my way here. Even the guards look handsome. And usually knights are known for looking rough", she said.

"I guess I just haven't been paying attention", I say looking away.

Well, now that she says it THAT way. Yukki did have those wonderful blue- NO.

She gasped and put a hand to her heart, pretending to be taken aback. She shook her head. "I can't believe this Miyoko", she addressed me by my first name, "You, blessed by beautiful looks and surrounded by SO beautiful men had not noticed THEM. I simply cannot believe this. You are coming with me, THIS instant, outside to notice all the men who have been praying you notice them." She grabbed my hand and started to drag me outside.

"No! Wait I need to dress myself", I yelled in protest but soon I was outside, blushing at my choice of clothing.

Since, unlike Chiyoko who was in a knee-length light purple dress that matched her eyes, I was in my shirt and pants.

Nevertheless I greeted people with a smile, but this time it wasn't a hollow action. I was actually feeling cheerful.

Pouring some of the depressing feelings helps take off the weight off my heart, and makes it beat again.

It wasn't until Chiyoko nudged me that
I broke out of my thoughts. "There's one", she whispered and pointed at Jei.

((owo he wears armor plates over that clothes, with a crown insignia on the right shoulder))

"Who? Jei? But he's  barely 16", I said to Chiyoko, while waving at Jei.

"Oh, but wait. How old were you again?", she asked.

"Seventeen", I answered flatly.

"What?! So young? I thought you were at least twenty", she says with a confused expression.

I laughed, "No, not really."

"Well, it doesn't matter. It wouldn't hurt to get you a boyfriend", Chiyoko smirked and I slightly shook my head.

We spent the day like that, laughing and giggling the whole time. We had lunch with the head merchant's daughter, Kaede, and a farmer girl named Riku. They were both very sweet, but Kaede mostly wanted to discuss business with me. Apparently Nakru didn't wish to trade with us... I'd have to send a letter later.

After lunch, Chiyoko had left the village. Though she promised to visit again soon.

Once I had seen her off at the gates, I decided I'd take a stroll outside the walls. I felt as if the barriers I myself built were closing in on me, suffocating me.

It wasn't long into the forest until I discovered a beautiful, crystal blue lake. Everything around it seemed tranquil, but I didn't take the chance. I really didn't want to sleep.

As I gazed upon the blue surface, I couldn't help but be reminded of something, or someone. The blue of the lake, so familiar, so intense. I rub my eyes and look up at the sky, it's the same blue. No matter where I go, I'm followed by this blue. Where did I see this again. I can never remember.

I tired sigh escapes my lips, "It's sunset, better head back." I turn around from the blue of the lake and slowly go back the way I came from. As I'm nearing the gates, I can hear horses and what sounds like a carriage.

I quickly climb up the nearest tree my left arm stinging in pain, but for some reason, I didn't want to be noticed by the travelers.

As I reach the top I have perfect visual from the gates and incoming horses.

"Stop! Who goes there?", the guard said. It was Mado, the second in command. He was often at these gates.

The two who were riding the horses took off their hoods. I couldn't see them clearly since they were further away, unlike Mado who was almost underneath me. Though I could recognize their hair colors. One had honey blonde hair in a side braid and the other short green hair. They were oddly...familiar. But both wore black cloaks, which was a symbol of nonrecognition. I could only presume they were humans.

"Wow, when did you build walls?", the green one said in awe, though she could have meant it in an ironic sense. 'Ugh, I need to be closer', I thought leaning forwards.

Then, there was another voice. "Mado, your shift has ended it's my turn-", it was Yukki and he stopped mid-sentence as he saw the two visitors.

"Big brother!", the blonde squealed excited and unsaddled her horse, running towards him. She jumped and wrapped her arms around him, he did the same and pat her back.

"Mori I missed you", he pat her head as she released her grip.

"We missed you too brother", she smiled brightly at him and he looked at the green haired girl who still sat at her horse.

I could manage out the blonde's eyes, they were a grassy green and her ears were rather pointy. 'Maybe she's an elf', I thought. I leaned forward to get a better look at the green haired girl.

The blonde stood by Yukki and they both looked at the other girl who just stood there. I leaned forward just a bit more.

"There's someone here", she said before making direct eye contact with me. My hands flew to cover my mouth not to make a sound, but I couldn't help the screech that escaped my mouth as I lost balance and fell forward.

My ears rung, as I expected to fall down flat on the ground, but instead of hard ground I fell into...arms?

As I opened one eye I was met with Yukki's bright blue eyes filled with emotions that I thought I'd never see in them.

Fright, worry and shock.


















considering all other chapters were written in the span of a week.






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