Silver Sins [MJ FanFiction]

By ScarletWords93

55.7K 3.8K 2.7K

Trust no one. Not even your friends, not even Michael. More

Winter of 1953
Ch. 1 Stranger in my Bed!
Ch. 2 Chef and Protector
Ch. 4 Party Under the Fool Moon
Ch. 5 Sweet dreams, Chad
Ch. 6 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 7 Beautiful wife
Ch. 8
Ch. 9 Michael, the babysitter
Ch. 10 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 11 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 12 Humiliated
Ch. 13 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 14 Mr. Derek
Ch. 15 Supporter
Ch. 16 Lisa's arrival
Ch. 17 Jealous
Ch. 18 Incestuous Love
Ch. 19 Sins
Ch. 20 The priest - a lamb or a beast?
Ch. 21 The gypsies
Ch. 22 Baaaad Kitten
Ch. 23 Our Love
Ch. 24
Ch. 25 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 26 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 27 Just like the beast
Ch. 28 Chop Chop
Ch. 29 THEY
Ch. 31 Broken Friendship
Ch. 32 Camera never lies
Ch. 33 New suspect
Ch. 34 Examine Michael
Ch. 35 She'll be full... moon
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39 New Plan
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46

Ch. 3 Waxing Gibbous

1.7K 108 103
By ScarletWords93

I woke up, took a shower and got ready for school. I went downstairs to find everyone already awake, my parents were about to leave for work and Michael was at the door, wishing them a nice day.

"Oh honey!" my mom saw me coming down the stairs "Have a nice day at school, okay?"
"Yes mom." Michael turned around and looked at me. I did the same, my eyes shyly examining his slim body. He was still in his pajamas.
"And be careful!" dad added.
"Sure dad. Bye, guys have a nice day!" they waved at me and I walked in the kitchen. After a minute or so I heard Michael shut the door. I could hear the sound of his bare feet against the tiles as he walked in the kitchen.

"Good morning." he softly said to me. I turned around, holding my glass of water.
"Good morning."
"Do you... want breakfast?" he asked, scratching his neck.
"Yes!" I was one of those people who looooooooved food! Don't judge me.
"Okay, how about toasts?"
"Sounds good."

I can honestly tell that I've started seeing this man from a different light. I mean, he cooked like a 5 star chef, did the chores around the house which hasn't looked this clean and shiny before, did the shopping (this used to be my chore), protected me and Jess... what more could he do? And now I was gonna get breakfast every morning too without even moving my finger! Wow... what kind of a stupid woman could cheat on a man like this!?

He put my breakfast plate with a glass of orange juice before me on the table and sat down. He was drinking his morning coffee.

"So... do you like it?"
"Yeah!" I said with mouth full of food "It's great! Thank you so much."
"Good." he drunk from his coffee and I could hear him gulp.

He was watching me eat and I would usually get uncomfortable when being watched and stop but since this breakfast was so delicious, I didn't. Besides, he was my cousin, a part of the family.

"What do you wanna eat after you return from school?" he broke the silence between us.
"Hmm... can you make hamburgers?"
"You want hamburgers?"
"Yes. I love hamburgers."
"I can make them yes. I will make you hamburgers."
"Thanks." I looked at the clock and it was time for me to leave "Well, I gotta go now otherwise I'll be late." I got up and grabbed my school bag. "Thanks for the breakfast and see you later!"
"See you later." I heard Michael as I was leaving the kitchen.

I arrived at school to find Jess talking to the other girls. One of them motioned her that I was coming and Jess turned around to see me.

"Oh hi, honey!"
"Hi!" we hugged. "Hi." I greeted the rest and they greeted me back.
"I was just telling the others about your hot ass cousin!" Jess said.
"Oh man..."
"Yeah, girl, how can you not tell us you had a cousin!?" Sophia begun. She was a nice girl and a good friend of me and Jess but little... crazy. When Jess and Sophia got together, something wild was about to happen! "And according to Jess he's a hottie!"
"Jess is overdoing it..."
"You know damn well I'm not! His ass is tight and juicy as an apple!" we all laughed at her expression "Makes me wanna squeeze it every time I see it! And he is so strong! He beat up Daniel's ass like ain't nothing!"
"NOOOOO!" the girls said.
"Yes! He totally saved us the other day. I'll tell you everything.."
"Oh man! I wanna meet him!"
"I wanna meet him too!"
"Calm down, girls!" Jess said "He's coming to the party tomorrow!" she bragged about it.
"That's great, we'll see him."
"Don't get too exited, ladies" I jumped in "He's in love with his ex wife, besides he's 31." the bell rung and we had to get to class otherwise we could have gone on talking about my cousin forever. Seemed he was gaining popularity amongst the girls pretty fast and who could blame him for that... he was charming.

However, my good mood from the morning got totally destroyed by Mr. Smith, our math teacher. He told me that my grade had drastically dropped down and that I was lacking knowledge in calculating and doing even the most common stuff that everybody else could do. He also told me I had to study really hard because the end of the semester was close and if I didn't, I may not make it in math. This was the last thing I needed or wanted since my parents put great values in school and education. They wanted me to study hard and get good grades, not necessarily the best but also not the worst. They were also saving up money for me to go to college and we had a deal - good grades from me and more pocket money and longer curfew from them. God, I loved that deal! But hated math... if you asked me, who cared about mathematics anyway? Moreover, I'm sure I won't be needing it in real life. If I need to calculate something I'd use a calculator! Anyhow, good luck explaining this to my parents or Mr. Smith.

The worst part was yet to come...

"Since, YN, last time I gave you the paper so you can get your parents' signature and you faked it..."
"I'm really sorry Mr. Smith!"

I really did that. I was so afraid that if my parents found out, they'd ground me until my grade got better. Well, they did found out when Mr. Smith compared the signatures and saw it was fake. He called home, my dad picked up and you could imagine the rest. I got into a lot of trouble for laying and was grounded for 2 weeks and couldn't go out. They hired a private tutor and the only thing I did was study, study, study. That's why I was apologizing Mr. Smith now, I didn't want this to happen again.

"And you should be sorry! So my point was... this time I'm coming over and-"
"NOOO Mr. Smith!"
"Why not?"
"Please I won't fake the signature or things like that but please don't come 'cause my parents would think the situation is really bad!"
"I don't think you understand, YN. The situation is far more than bad. If you don't get yourself together and study hard even God won't be able to help you. Tell your parents I'll visit tonight. 5pm! Now back to class!"

Great. Just great! Now I could kiss the party goodbye. All my friends were gonna be there having fun, enjoying themselves, Jess too with Michael while I was locked up home studying. Why was fate against me?! Why couldn't he come like after the party?

After school, I waited for Jess outside and we headed home together. I told her everything.

"I probably won't be allowed to go to he party now.." I sadly said, looking down.
"But If you don't come, then I won't go either! I know I won't have fun without my best friend."
"Thanks but I think you should go. I want you to go and have fun!"
"But YN, this will be the party of the year and you're gonna miss it!?"
"You know my parents, school's first to them, they won't let me go. I just know it."
"Oh man... why couldn't he visit after the party?"
"That's exactly what I thought! Fate is so against me! I'm 17 years old, a grown up and still can't do what I want! Sometimes I even wanna be like Michael, alone and independent, do whatever I want and-" she stopped and placed her hand on my chest or more like slammed, causing me to stop too.
"Ouch! It hurt."
"YN you're a genius!"
"What? I am?"
"Yes. I got a plan." she gave me an evil look.
"Ohhh no! We've done your plans before and always ended up grounded. As far as I remember, faking my parents' signature was your plan too."
"I agree with you but this time, my plan is really good and doesn't include lying."
"Okay let me hear it!"
"Mr. Smith said 5 pm right?"
"Well, your parents usually return little later right?"
"How about you ask Michael to talk to Mr. Smith and sign those papers instead?"
"Yes, honey, him. And then ask him to... not tell your parents about it?"
"I don't think this is a good idea and I don't think he'll agree to lie for the SECOND time this week!"
"It's not lying it's just... not telling them. He can tell them next week after the party."
"I don't know Jess..."
"This is your only chance! Our only chance to go to the party. I don't wanna go without you so listen to me this time and do as I say!"

She was right. It was our only chance. I didn't want my social life ruined because of math and school but was Michael going to agree to do it?

"I'm home!" I walked in, the smell of fresh hamburgers filled my lungs.
"Hi!" I heard him from the kitchen "Food will be ready in 5 minutes."

I walked upstairs in my room to wash my hands and changed into something more comfortable.

"Smells so good and I'm so hungry!" I said as I sat on the table.
"Dig in! I'm hungry too." we begun to silently eat. I was thinking how could I say all this to Michael? I didn't even know how to begin.

'Hey, cousin, could you please lie again to my parents for me? Thanks.'

After we finished eating I helped him clean the table.

Just as I was about to begin talking, his phone rung. He talked for around 30 minutes on the phone with someone. When he hung up, I cleared my throat ready to speak and just before I opened my mouth, I heard the front door being opened and my mother walked in.

"Mom? What are you doing here?"
"Is this how my daughter greets me? There was a problem with the computers and we couldn't work so they just let us go earlier today. Hi Michael! How are you doing?"
"Hi, YMN, I'm good thanks. I made hamburgers and they're still hot, you want some?"
"Sure! Why are you looking at me like this YN?"
"Nothing, forget it... teenagers nowadays are really strange.." she said to herself.
"I heard that mom!"

Just perfect. Now Mr. Smith was going to come and talk to her. I could forget about the party tomorrow. Of all days, their computers had to break down today!??

"So mom," I sat on the table "you like not gonna go anywhere today?"
"No, why honey?" I decided it would best if I just told her the truth about my grade in math because if Mr. Smith came and she heard it from him first, then it would mean more trouble for me.
"Mom, I gotta tell you something..."
"Oh no.. don't tell me you've got a boyfriend!"
"What?" I asked confused and heard Michael silently giggle. "No, it's not that!" I got embarrassed because of Michael "The truth is... I'm having troubles in math again.."
"Oh YN! Is your grade bad again?"
"Yes... and Mr. Smith's coming over today to tell you that and get your signature since you know..."
"Since you faked it last time!" she finished. She could have kept it to ourselves, there was no need for Michael to know.
"Would you finally let that go, mom?" she rolled her eyes at me.
"Why is it that your grade's always bad in math? What's going on?"
"Well maybe because, math sucks!"
"No, it doesn't! It's a very important subject."
"Yeah sure mom.."
"Young lady I don't like your attitude! And if you stopped hanging around with Jess or with that Daniel that me and your father don't like at all, then maybe you'd have more time to actually STUDY! And then, maybe your grade will magically get better!"
"First of all mom, I'm no longer together with Daniel and secondly, math is a difficult subject! What am I supposed to do about it! I ain't some genius..."
"See Michael, this is what awaits you when you have kids one day." she said to him. Could she embarrass me some more? "I want you studying hard young lady!" she turned back to me.
"Okay mom." she begun saying something again but the door bell rung. I looked at the clock, it was already 5 pm. So fast? I didn't even feel time fly by.

She got up from her chair and went to open the door, leaving me alone with Michael for a minute.

"Hi, Mr. Smith, it's very nice to see you again!"
"Hi, Mrs. YMN."
"Please come in!" I heard his footsteps and her closing the door "This way!" they got in the kitchen, we greeted him and she offered him a seat next to me and Michael on the table. "Would you like some coffee?"
"No thank you. I don't have the time, I have to leave in like 5 minutes. I have a meeting."
"I understand." she sat down on the table. "So this is Michael, YN's cousin. He came to live with us."
"Oh so you're the new guy in town. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."
"Well, Mr. Smith, what did my daughter do this time?"
"Her math grade again." my mother sighed.
"Is it very bad?" she asked him.
"Yes. She needs to study seriously or she might not make it in math. The end of the semester is near. I was thinking maybe a tutor would be helpful."
"Yes, I was thinking the same thing."
"Your daughter is a very smart girl, Mrs. YN, it's just that... let's put it this way, math is not her favorite subject and sometimes she's not paying much attention in class." he did not need to tell that "She's occupied with her friend, Jenifer."
"I am so sorry to hear that! I just don't know what's happening..."
"Well, teenagers!"
"Yes but I will make sure she changes and she'll pay attention in your classes more."
"Thank you. I want her to get a positive grade so next week, I might let her do a small test because she needs positive marks... It will be good if she's prepared."
"She will be, Mr. Smith, I assure you!"
"Well, I'm glad we talked, now I need to get going!" he got up from the chair. "Bye Michael. Bye YN."
"Bye Mr. Smith.." I murmured in sadness knowing what will follow.

"Now, YN, I want you studying hard. You're beginning today and forget about the party!" there you go... "Now in your room and start learning. I will look for a tutor..."
"But mom why can't I go to the party?"
"You have the nerve to ask me why?"
"Yes mom I do! Everybody's going and not everybody's good at math but their parents let them go anyway!"
"I don't care what other parents do with their children. I'm only interested in MINE!"
"You're gonna ruin my social life forever!"
"Your social life hasn't even started yet!"
"Mom I promise I'll study hard but let me go to the party please!"
"I know your promises YN, you promised that last time too but now you're stuck in the same situation AGAIN! In your room now!"
"Wow, wow ladies..." we stopped and looked at Michael "Excuse me to interrupt you but I don't think you should fight..."
"We're not fighting I'm just explaining her!" I told Michael.
"Okay, if you say so... but actually I have a suggestion... you know, I've always been good at math and I could... help YN study."
"Really Michael?" my mom's eyes got wider.
"You're golden, Michael! Thank you so much!"
"You don't need to thank me, we're family, right?"
"Oh God, I'm so glad we solved the problem, now she has a tutor... " my mom exclaimed.
"No, mom, the problem's not solved! THE PARTYYY remember!?"
"YN, I already told you! NO PARTIES!" just as I opened my mouth to protest, Michael begun
"YMN, you know what... how about you let her go to the party if she studies very hard today and tomorrow before the party? And she'll also promise to study the whole weekend, right YN?" he looked at me.
"Well, yeah.." I said.
"I don't know about that, Michael..." my mom said.
"Oh mom, come on! Michael's idea is good and you know it! I will study I promise! You can ask Michael if I really did and if he says no then I'm staying home! Please mom..." she was hesitating.
"Okay fine but only if your father agrees too!"
"Yes!" I jumped in happiness "Thank you mom!"
"You should be thanking Michael, not me." I looked at him and caught him looking at me too. His eyes quickly escaped mine and looked out through the window.
"Michael, would you mind going to the grocery store? We need salad.."
"I'll go." he got up from the table.
"Wait one second, I'll make you a list. And you girl, up in your room. You're beginning to study now. I'll call you when dinner's ready and we'll talk to your father. If he says yes and if Michael sees improvement, you might go."
"Okay, mom." I obediently said and headed for my room.

I really needed to thank Michael later for that.

After like 2 hours I came downstairs for dinner. Mom told dad about my grade and Mr. Smith's visit, as well as, Michael's idea. He hesitated at first but then agreed. Thank God!

So I went to my room to grab my books and returned downstairs in the living room, sat in front of Michael and begun opening the book.

"So, this is what we study this semester..." I showed Michael.
"I see. Well, this isn't really that hard you just need to practice. So... what's the hardest for you?"
"This part here" I showed him "I just don't know how to solve the-" my mom cut me off.
"What are you doing?"
"Studying... remember mom?"
"Yes but you can't study here! Me and your dad wanna talk, then the TV's on... why don't you go into YN's room and study there in piece?"
"Your mom's right. You won't learn anything if you can't concentrate."

They send us up in my room.

I closed the door of my bedroom behind us and the two of us sat on the bed next to one another 'cause there wasn't much space.

One thing I couldn't understand... my parents just sent their 17 year-old daughter with a 31 year-old man alone in her room like it was nothing! Well, he was my cousin but still... I personally didn't feel him as a cousin or sibling. Aren't you supposed to be around a sibling for years in order to be able to feel them as a sibling?

There was an uncomfortable, awkward feeling between us. We were completely alone between four walls and the silence was killing me. I didn't know why but I could feel my hands begun sweating.

He cleared his throat and said

"Well, let's begin. Now let me explain you first the-" he begun talking but I couldn't really focus. I was looking at his hands instead, that held the book. His long index finger was showing me numbers and formulas. All of his fingers were long and slim. I haven't noticed before but his hands were really huge! His black, soft curls were resting on his broad shoulders.

He was looking down at the book and formulas while I was secretly stealing glimpses of his perfect face and watched his jaw move as he spoke. His pink lips formed words and I couldn't help but wonder how would they feel against mine. Suddenly, he looked at me and caught my secret, making me blush and immediately looked down at the book. He continued explaining difficult things and formulas that were way too complicated for my simple mind to understand, then gave me the pen and asked me to try calculate few things.

I did try and of course it was wrong. He begun explaining once again with patience that simply amazed me. How could he be so patient?

"Which part exactly don't you understand?"
"This here!" I showed him with my index finger.
"Okay." then he took the book and our hands accidentally touched, making my spine shiver. I saw his hand tremble. "This is what you do.." he showed me and let me try again and to my huge surprise I did better this time.

"See, I told you it wasn't this hard!" he looked me in the eyes, making me smile.

Why was I smiling?

"Well, yeah but the teacher explained it differently, in more complicated way and I understood nothing. Your explanations were easy..."
"I'm glad I can help..."
"By the way, you must have been a really smart student!" he giggled, shyly looking at me.
"I did study hard yes. My... father wanted me to be a good student so I had to... study." I could sense sadness in his voice when he mentioned his father. I didn't wanna hurt him or something so I quickly changed the topic.
"I wanted to say thanks for earlier..." he made an expression, not knowing what I was talking about "About supporting me and convincing my parents to let me go to the party."
"Oh... it was nothing."
"No, it was a lot. I really wanna go with Jess and have fun. Thank you so much..." I tugged a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I understand.. You know, when I was a teenager I wasn't really allowed to go to parties, or have sleepovers and stuff like that..."
"Yeah, so when this happened about the party... I felt really bad and didn't want you to suffer like I did..." that was so sweet of him. I didn't know what to say, except thank him again.
"That's really sweet thanks." he smiled. Silence followed for a minute.
"I think we should go back to math..."
"You're right! I wanna learn everything so they'd let me go tomorrow."
"That's good! You have motivation.."

We went on studying until we noticed it's gotten pretty late and decided to stop for today. He went downstairs and I begun preparing myself for bed.

I had to confess, he was really smart. His tutoring helped me a lot. I felt little more confident and was sure that If we went on studying like this, next week I'll do great on the test!

Handsome, strong, brave, a cook, smart, funny... what more could a woman want from a man?

I went downstairs to the living room to thank Michael again and remind him of the party tomorrow. I heard him talking on the phone to someone, and I do know it was extremely rude to eavesdrop but I did it anyway for I was so curious as to know who was he talking to. I stood behind the wall and listened.

"I don't know why you're calling me... I really don't. I don't feel like talking now.... or ever again. No, I don't sound different I just opened my eyes about certain things. You really wanna know what things? Okay, I'll tell you for instance, your fake love towards me, your laying mouth and-" seemed he got interrupted "Oh please! You never loved me! You never did! It's too bad I realized it this late. You married me because of my money! Just admit it!" so he was talking to his ex wife. "You hurt me beyond words Lisa... No, I don't wanna give us a second chance, I don't wanna be with you anymore. I did want you back few days ago... but not anymore. And I want you to stop calling me! I mean it. I don't have another woman I just don't have feelings for you anymore! Well, believe it if you will I don't really care!" he hung up and threw the phone on the chair.

He sighed deeply and buried his fingers in his curls, letting his hand rest on his big palms.

Was what he said true that he didn't love her anymore? Because he seemed sad and stressed out. He got up from the sofa and after a minute I saw him walking out of the kitchen with a whiskey bottle in his hands. He was still suffering, I could see that. I wanted to go to him and console him, tell him it would be okay but I couldn't. Something was preventing me from doing it and I didn't know what. I decided to just head back to my room and thank him again tomorrow.

I laid in my bed thinking that if he wasn't my cousin I'd probably fall in love with him like... crazy! Everything about him was attractive and seductive.

Anyhow, tomorrow was going to be a great day and I was gonna have fun at the party, finally.

If only I knew that tomorrow was gonna be the beginning of hell.

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