Adopted By One Direction

By Haileystyles124

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Adopted By One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Christmas Special!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Thank you
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
chapter 85
Chapter 86

Chapter 28

4.4K 124 4
By Haileystyles124

Dad woke me up and said "Get ready! we are late for our date!" and I get up and get dressed and wake Jeremy up and say "Im leaving for my Daddy daughter date""Have fun babe" and he gives me a kiss and I leave we get in the car and say "WHERE ARE WE GOING!!!" and Jump up and down in my seat and dad says "It's a surprise!" and we continue to drive until we get to a studio and say "Here we are" and I ask "What is this?" and he gets out of the car and opens the door for me and I get out and follow my dad into the studio and we walk in and see Zayn as a girl and Liam in a blond wig and a track suit and Niall as a old man? and harry as a surprisingly hot nerd.. and I ask "What is this?" and dad says "We are shooting Best song ever! and your going to be in it" and smiles and he goes into makeup and I go beside him and the women that does my makeup says "okay Stella we are going to transform you into a old office lady!" I laugh and so does dad.I sat in a chair for 4 hours and she finishes up and says "Can you take out your plugs for me?" I take them off and hands me skin coloured ones and I slip them in and give her a thumbs up and she points me to a group of office people and they are practiceing and I guess I'm dancing? so I get up on the table and follow along.I eventually learn the moves and they start to film.after 1 hour it was my turn and we start to dance and after that harry helps me down and says "That was good Stella!" and highfives me and I take out the skin coloured plugs and put in my other pair and the women takes off everything the silicone and I go to take off the clothes and return and she wipes everything off with a wipe and I jump on says back we leave I text Jeremyu "Stop masturbateing I'm coming home!" and he texts back "Hahaha how was it!" and I text back "It was fun I'm in a music video!" and he doesn't text back and he texts back when I'm the car and he says "Uhh Stella there someone in your house its not your parents it's not elysia and it's not Paul!" and I tell dad "DAD THERE IS SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE!!" and he says "okay! text Jeremy and say there is a secret room in my room in the closet hide in there!" and I text Jeremy that and he texts back" okay Stella I Love you!" and Dad hits the pedal and he goes to our drive way and He calls paul and says "Call the police there is someone in our house with a gun get in there " and Paul runs out and goes in the house and the boys and I wait out side and then we hear gun noises and we get inside and see the boy that asked me to the dance and Paul says "He said he wanted me to shoot him and he came here to kill Stella's boyfriend" and I run to Dads room and open the door and Jeremy comes out and hugs me and says " What happend?" and I say "Nothing Jeremy lets just say the boy who asked me to the dance wont be asking ever again.." and we return to my room and Jeremy says "okay what happend?" and I says "Paul shot him..." and his eyes widen and we go downstairs and we see Paul handcuffed and I yell "Wait! it was self defence he have been threatening me since I said no to him" and the police officer orders me to go back to my room and wait for Zayn to come and when he does he says "Guys there is someone downstairs who wants to talk to you and I go downstairs to see Brooke and she asks if she can come to my room? so I nod my head yes and she comes up and says "Okay Bi*ch I hope you realized you almost made me kill myself" "Like I give a sh*t " I say "Oh would you give a sh*t if I did this?" and she walks to Jeremy and kisses him and he pushes her away and I yell "OH MY GOD YOU BI*CH!" and I punch her she grabs my hair and throws me to the ground and I say " You know what you mother fu*king a$$ hole Kill yourself nobody ever liked you! Your Snotty! you think your cooler then everyone! and you think your pretty uhh yeah right bi*ch!" and Jeremy says "I only dated you because you had nice lips and I'm pretty glad I broke up with you!" and she says " it would be a shame if I killed myself and blame it on you!" and I push her and Jeremy kicked her and say "You don't say a word you who*e" and she goes quiet and she leaves my room and she leaves my house quiet and Jeremy says "Wow that was Harsh what we did..oh well Friday night lets have a pizza party?" and I smile and order A cheese pizza and when we go downstairs to wait and just when we thought it was here it was Molly and merideth and Molly asks "Wanna hang out?" and I says "Sure we are having a pizza party quote Jeremy " and merideth says "I brought M&Ms" I yell "Boys we are having a movie night! " and all the boys come down and Dad hands me money and says "go to the 7 eleven and buy snacks and a movie" I grab the money and drive to 7 eleven and when I walk in and grab smurfs 2 and some snacks and then man at the counter says "Your Stella right?" I reply "yes why?" and he smiles and says "Can you sign this for my daughter?" and he holds out notebook and it was my first picture with boys on the notebook " so he hands me a sharpie and I sign and pay and I leave as quickly as possible and return to the house and soon as I walk in I say "I am on a notebook Whaddup!" and I see A pizza box and I say "You could of eaten it when I was gone guys" and they immediately open the box and I put in smurfs and sit next to Jeremy and ate.the movie finish and Merideth and Molly leave and Niall says "That's was fun!" and Liam says "Next Friday we should do this again and I go upstairs and fall asleep.

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