Triple Trouble

By twin_cousins

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Follow the story of three siblings, Alex the girly girl, Lexi the unintentional not-so-good girl and Ryder th... More

Triple Trouble
01|| Shocking News
02|| That's My Seat!
03|| New Home
04|| New Neighbor (P1)
05|| New Neighbor (P2)
06|| Don't Do That Again
07|| A New Respectable Reputation
08|| From the Look on Your Face, You're New
09|| Tryouts and Messing Up
10|| Seen Too Much
11|| Not Such An Ordinary Day
12|| Another Surprise
14|| Spongebob and Scrapes
15|| It's Okay, I Understand
16|| Party Time
17|| I'm Getting Fat
18|| Family Picnic
19|| Two Lies and a Truth
20|| What About Ryder?
21|| What is this, a Meet and Greet?
22|| Going on a Mission
23|| The Feels
24|| Hope
25|| A Ryder Holiday (P1)
26|| A Ryder Holiday (P2)
27|| You're Not Falling Again
28|| Secret Weapon?
29|| Plans
30|| Triple Trouble
Final Author's Note

13|| It's Time for the Truth

195 25 8
By twin_cousins

c h a s e

I walked into the living room, going straight to the sofa where I saw Lexi... and Zach.

Lexi was asleep, and she was leaning on Zach's shoulder while he watched TV, visibly enjoying her company even though she was sleeping.

I tapped his shoulder, "What are you doing here?"

He turned around at the sound of my voice. "I can ask you the same thing."

Lexi stirred in her sleep and her eyes opened slowly. "Chase, what are you still doing here?"

"Well, I was going to ask you something, but I saw that you were kinda busy," I gestured to her and Zach.

"Okay. So, what did you want to ask me?" she changed the subject.

"Can we talk in private?" I requested.

"I'm not leaving," Zach reminded me.

"Fine. We'll go for a walk. Around the block, but that's all," she told me, and I nodded.

"We'll be back, Zach," she told her friend.

We went out the front door and once we got outside, I started talking, "So, it's pretty simple really. I just wanted to apologize for the things I said earlier. It was out of line. I'm really sorry."

"You know Chase, I'm not mad. I'm just sad because you and Zach keep fighting. I just don't understand why," a tear slipped out from her eye, and I wiped it immediately.

Damn, I could tell that she rarely cried. She must've really been affected by this.

We sat at a bench to the side of their front door instead, not bothering to walk anymore.

"Hey, don't cry. You should always be happy, okay?" 

She gave me a small smile and nodded, hugging me. 

"Is that all you were going to say? I mean, you brought me out here, and all you were going to say was sorry? Why couldn't you just say that inside the house? Will it hurt the Chase Adams's ego to say sorry in front of Zach?" she laughed her tears away.

But I didn't laugh back and decided to tell her why I really brought her outside, "Lex, I have to tell you something. I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship, but I can't hide it any longer. Even Alex sees it. It's time for the truth." 

She raised an eyebrow confused by what I was saying. "She notices everything. That is not an excuse. You have to elaborate a little bit more."

"I like you." I finished with a sigh, finally getting it out of my chest.

"You what?" she sounded so surprised, and her eyes widened in shock. "You like me? Out of all the people in the world, why me? Why not my sister or someone else? Wait, I'm pretty sure I'm looking into this wrong. Over analyzing this. You mean like a friendly like thing, right?"

I thought about it, then answered. "I don't know, Lex. I just do. I like you... more than just a friend. At first I didn't think so, but I saw it eventually, even your sister saw it. She kept telling me to tell you already, but I just couldn't find the right words, " I explained.

She was speechless. I couldn't really tell what she was feeling, she seemed so emotionless. Once she opened her mouth to say something, I immediately cut her off before she even got to say a word.

"When I told you that I liked you, I really didn't expect anything, so if you don't feel the same, it's okay. Thanks for your time, by the way," I left her outside their house on their front steps, just as I finished talking.

I hid the disappointment inside me as I headed back to their house. She obviously didn't like me back anyway.

I rushed in and grabbed my bag, and saw that Zach was gone already. He probably left while Lexi and I were talking, and we didn't notice. Or he went to the bathroom.

Honestly, I was happy he wasn't there; I didn't really want to deal with him.

When I was heading to the door to get out, Lexi came in, and she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

I continued to walk towards her. I gave her a quick hug and whispered in her ear, "I hope what I told you doesn't ruin the great friendship we have. I'm sorry."

I went out of their house and headed to mine, "Mom, Xander, I'm home!"

Strange. There was no reply.

They're probably too busy, doing their own things or maybe resting. It was fine, though. Mom had been working extra hard, and Xander's schoolwork was just slowly starting to add up.

I went to the kitchen to grab a quick snack, but I saw something else. My mom and brother, tied to chairs with two large men pointing guns at their heads.

"Who are you? What do you need? Please put the guns down... this doesn't have to be like this," I pleaded, panic evident in me.

"Stay away from the Evans family, especially the triplets. You can't tell them about this. You can't tell anyone about this, understand?" I nodded nervously, focusing on the scared faces on my mom and little brother.

They put the guns down, leaving in an instant.

What just happened?

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I proceeded to ask them. I'm gonna hunt those two men down if they did anything bad to my mother and brother.

"We're fine. They didn't do anything to us except tie us to these chairs," Mom answered, still a bit jittery as I untied the ropes that bound them to the chairs.

Who could've done this? And why were they saying stuff about Ryder, Alex, and Lexi?

I wasn't letting them boss me around.


a l e x

I felt so kind. I mean, I helped Chase finally tell Lexi what was really bugging him. I looked out the window, trying to get a picture of the beautiful sky, but something far more interesting caught my eye. Lexi and Chase.

They seemed to be having a really serious conversation. Whatever Chase's plan was, I hoped it would work. They were really just so cute together.

I'll admit it, I had a tiny crush on Chase when I first met him, but when I started going to school again, it changed. I started to like someone else.

I continued to observe what was happening, and I saw that Chase reached out to her face, I assumed, to wipe a tear. How cute. I mentally squealed at the sight.

They walked to the front steps, but before they did, Chase hugged Lexi. 

"I can't take this anymore! They're just so darn adorable!" I shrieked.

Honestly, I just hoped Lexi liked Chase too because I didn't want all of his plans to go to waste. Lexi better tell me what happened once I see her. I had to know what happened.

I immediately ran down, and I found her by the front door, dumbstruck and looking like a statue.

"Lex, snap out of it!" 

She shook her head and looked at me, "Huh? What?"

"Let's go to the room, okay? And you can tell me everything," she nodded at my suggestion, and we went to the room, heading straight to our beds.

I sat down on mine excitedly while she was on her back, looking like a starfish.

"So, what happened? What did he say? What did you say?" she stayed silent as I continued questioning her. "Lex? Hello?"

"Well, he told me he was sorry, and I forgave him," she mumbled, quietly.

"And? That's it? That was all you talked about? He didn't say anything else?" 

Oh Chase, why didn't you tell her?

"Well, he told me something else," she started.

"Yeah, go on," I encouraged. "What did he say?"

"Well, he told me that he likes me," she mumbled. 

So he did tell her. Okay, good.

"And what did you say?" I asked, getting excited.

"Nothing," she answered, quietly.

My eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. My sister was never at a loss for words. "Nothing? What do you mean nothing? Ugh! I need to know!"

She rarely had crushes on people who weren't celebrities, so I was hoping she finally found one.

"I didn't say anything. But I think I might possibly feel the same," she told me, whispering her words. 

Obviously, she did. So I did the natural thing I would do to react to that kind of thing, I screamed in excitement. Loudly.

Ryder barged in the room looking worried, "What happened?" 

I laughed.

"Nothing. Go back to your room. Get out," Lexi got up and pushed him out of the room before going back to her original position.

"So, continuing what we were talking about, you like him?" I confirmed.

She then shrugged, "Maybe."

"If you do, I support you very much, but if you don't, it's fine too. Maybe he just isn't the right guy for you," I reassured her.

"Thanks, Alex. So, enough drama. How's your arm?" she asked me, changing the topic quickly.

"It's okay, definitely getting better. Probably by the end of next week, I can go to practice already. I don't want to just watch. When I do that, I feel useless. You know I don't like feeling useless," I told her, adding a smile in the end.

"I know," she nodded her head slowly, letting out a small laugh.

Someone knocked on the door and a head popped out, "Someone is waiting for you in the study room, Miss Alex. A man named Lucas, Miss," I nodded.

Oh, Luke, you had to give your fancy name, didn't you? The fancy name thing was a little inside joke between us.

I was about to go out of the room when Lexi asked me, "Who's Lucas?"

I laughed, "It's Luke. We have a project for History."

The last thing I heard from her before I shut the door was her mumbling, "Hmm... I think I do like him."

I smiled. I was right. It was rare for me to be wrong about those kinds of things. I even saw how Chase felt, and I hadn't even known him for a long time.

I went to the study room and found Luke there, sitting, a book in his hand. He looked up and saw me standing there.

He stood up, "Oh, you're here. You didn't forget that we were going to do the project today, right? If you're busy, I can always come back another time. My house is just really near here. Only a few blocks away."

"No, it's okay. I was just talking to Lexi upstairs. You can sit," I gestured to the chair as I took my seat. "What do we have to do?"

We took about two hours doing our project, and finishing the decorations on the folder.

"It's only around a quarter to six, do you wanna eat something, mister Lucas?" I offered.

"Sure," he nodded, chuckling at the name and helping me pack the things up.

"When are we going to stop with this "fancy name to sound fancy" thing?" I laughed.

He shrugged. "Not for a good long while, Alexandra."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes. "Let's go to the kitchen so I can get you that food I promised."

He followed me there, and I took a non-stick pan out of the cabinet. 

"Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich? Or do you want something else?" I asked, taking two slices of bread.

"I'm okay with anything," he replied, taking a seat by the counter. By that time, I had all the ingredients ready, and it only took a while before I made two sandwiches.

"Here," I put the plate in front of him while I took a bite out of mine.

He ate his and finished all of it a little over a minute. I laughed.

"What did I do?" he asked, clearly oblivious of his cuteness.

"Nothing," I laughed again.

You know, I hated him for that. Even though he ate like a mad man, he was still cute. It was so unfair. Why couldn't I be like that?

"Did you know that you're really pretty?" he stared at me, making me bite my lip nervously and blush. "But sometimes, you're just annoying. Do you know that?"

I laughed again. Seriously, that guy really makes me laugh, "Sure."

"Alex, I kinda wanna ask you something," he started, he rubbed the back of his head. "Alex, wi-"

"A! Can you please give me some food? I'm hungry!" sometimes, Paige just found ways to interrupt at the worst possible times. I gave her the other half of my sandwich, and she left. 

"So, what did you want to ask me again?"

He looked at me, smiling "Okay, so before I ask you the question, I just wanna say that when I first bumped into you at school, I really didn't realize that we'd be as close as we are. I value your friendship and kindness so much. It's so easy to be around you. I really don't know if you feel the same way because we haven't really known each other very long, just about a month, but we've been spending a lot of time with each other," he rubbed the back of his head again and proceeded to look down, not meeting my gaze. 

"Luke, what are you trying to say?" I had an idea, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't making it to be something it wasn't.

"Alex, will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't believe that he, of all crushes I had, actually liked me back.

"O-okay," I stuttered, still in shock from what he said. He suddenly went to the other side of the counter and hugged me, lifting me up in the process. I giggled.

"Thank you. Like really. You don't know how nervous I was to ask you out," he hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead.

"Okay, okay. You can put me down now," I reminded him.

"Sure," he smiled. 

That was the first time I saw him smile up close. That was the first time I actually saw his cute little dimples. And that was the first time I kissed my boyfriend. That was one of the best moments of my life.



This is the update we were talking about in the last chapter.

We hope you liked it and if you did, please vote ⭐︎, comment your thoughts, and share to your friends.

- A and P

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