City of Crimson Desires

By Ashgrey3

666 76 38

Seven deadly sins inserted in the nephews of Lucifer started waking up, stretching arms of hunger in the sile... More

Part 1 City of Crimson Desires
Part 2 Prologue
Part 3 Sapphire in the wine
Part 4 Sinful tongue of pain
Part 5 Tender touch of Sadism
Part 6 Strigoi- Frozen Saga
Part 7 Strigoi-Tears of Desire
Part 8 Citadels- Different rules of Chess
Part 9 Petals that drip Sore
Part 10 Rhapsody in Red
Part 11 Stolen glances and Jealousy
Part 12 Check and Mate
Part 13 Apparition in Night
Part 14 Numbed
Part 15 Pleasurable Intents
Part 16 Babydoll House
Part 17 Masquerade
Part 18 Howling
Part 19 Missing piece of puzzle
Part 20 Do not go gentle into that good night
Part 21 Goodnight Dream
Part 22 Her Consort
Part 23 Palindrome
Part 24 Endgame
Part 25 Game of Cards: Queen, Jack and Ace of spades
Part 26 Epilogue - Aubade
Part 28 Ball Part-II

Part 27 The Ball Part -I

21 1 0
By Ashgrey3

Thanking Kuroshirotaku for doing this amazing mash up of my story with "My brother's lover is psycho". I literally enjoyed writing this chapter. To know about new amazing characters, check Kuroshi's story.

Anne cleaned up the table after the breakfast. She wiped off the shelf and put pots and dishes in the sink. She started washing the dishes and put them aside later drying them with towel and stacked them. She wiped her forehead with the back of her wrist and huffed in annoyance when she saw garbage bin to its fullest that needed disposing right away. She tied the black bags and picked them walking outside of the house. Anne put the bags in the trash cans and saw two men when she turned back. One was in baggy white shirt and was carrying the second one on a wheel chair. The latter one looked sick, he was in dirty grey upper shirt with hood covering his eyes to nose. And the first one was talking to him and she swore that he had snickered on his own comment. Anne never had seen them in the neighbourhood before. They must have been new here or just taking a morning walk here. She wiped her hands on her skirt and resolved to ask by walking up to them.

"Good morning, sir". She greeted them with a smile and the man in white snapped his head towards her and smiled back.
"Good morning, Miss...".
"Anne". She told him.
"Pleased to meet you, Miss Anne. I'm Aki and he is Ren". Aki spoke, slightly bending over the wheel chair to the latter one's ear level and whispered to him.
"Say Hello to her"!

"Hello"!  Ren's greeting seemed rather forced than she had thought it would have been.

"Are you two new here? I mean never saw you here before".
"We moved here two weeks ago". Aki told  her in his smooth velvety voice. Aki seemed more warm and welcoming than Ren whose gaze was fixed in his lap and was quiet during their small conversation.
"Is he alright"? She asked Aki, her eyes roaming over the frail frame of Ren who bowed his head lower tucking his chin lower against his neck.
"Ren, are you ok"? Akin asked him more like told him placing hands on his shoulders. Ren's fingers curled inwards against his thighs letting his cuffs of hood jacket slipped back.  Anne froze when her eyes fell upon the bruises on his arms. She quickly tore her gaze off him and looked up at Aki.
"I'm okay". Ren's voice was barely audible and was hoarse as he coughed.
"By the way I live here". She pointed at her house. Aki's brows touched his forehead then he smiled at her softening his eyes at her. 
"We two live nearby". Aki's smile and tone, Anne noticed, seemed pretentious. Neither did Aki told her the exact location of where they live, nor did she ask. Her mind was still fixed over Ren's purplish bruises that were crawling underneath his sleeves. Even knuckles of his hands were yellowish blue and scrapped.
"...Miss Katherine." Aki broke her out of her little thoughts and she just nodded even though she didn't get a thing he said. "Anne"! Regina called her from behind with envelope and tickets in her hand and walked to her eyeing both males.

"Hello, Miss Katherine"! Aki greeted her with his patent smile on lips. "Nice to meet you too, Aki". Anne noticed Regina's tone was curt towards them. "Well if you excuse us, we have some matter to attend to". Regina told him steering Anne away.
"See you around Miss. Anne". Aki's view was cut out when Regina closed the door and turned to scold Anne.
"What were you even thinking"? Regina snarled slapping her chest with tickets.
"What happened"?
"That Aki guy is way too suspicious. Something is odd about them both".

"What are you talking about"? Anne inquired her as Regina brushed past her.

"The other day, I passed thier house and I overheard whimpers".Regina told her as she stalked inside the kitchen and filled herself a glass of water from tap.
"It sounded like someone was crying in pain then I heard maniac laughter". Regina gulped down the water and looked  up to meet Anne's pale face in disbelief.
"The other He had bruises on his...".
"Don't run into them next time". Regina warned her resting her back against the sink.
"Did you get the tickets"? Anne asked opening the envelope to have a peak inside of it.
"Yes, you have packed"? Regina questioned back. "Yes, I've packed two bags".
"Good. We'll be leaving for Japan in an hour hour".

"Lee"! Alan shouted coming out of the attached bathroom with toothbrushes. Edmond was already there at closet taking shirts off the stack, folding and putting them neatly inside the bag.
"Alan I'm packing here"! Lee shouted back from the next room. Alan put the brushes and other stuff inside the bag helping Edmond out. Lee barged in the room and went straight to them.
"You're done"? Edmond asked in amusement.
"Well I wasn't playing around like you two". Lee smirked jumping on the bed pulling Alan with him too.
"It's Alan to be blamed". Edmond told him sneaking a glance towards both who were sitting on the bed.
"Now why I'm always getting blamed"? Alan asked in annoyance, head hitting the pillow and he crossed his arms over his chest.
"You're the one in heat". Edmond retorted chuckling over his comeback. Lee laughed lying his head over Alan's legs  and grabbed Edmond's wrist haltering his movement.
"Lie down for a while". He told Edmond tugging at his arm. Edmond sighed running a hand through his hair and licked his lips before climbing on the bed and lay down on Alan's stomach.
"I'm a pillow or what"? Alan whined groaning as he spanked Edmond's buttock. Edmond yelped kicking Lee's shin in his reflex reaction. Lee growled glaring at them and shifted up to kick Alan in his side.
"What did I do"?
"Because of you Edmond kicked me". Lee yelled chuckling throwing a shirt at his face from the bag.
"Lee"! Edmond shouted at him what it was of no avail. Before he could stop them, Alan retaliated with pillows and cushions with Lee throwing clothes at him. Edmond in anger grabbed the bag and dumped the contents over them. A beat skipped by till they realized what they had done.

Kazuo was sitting in the garden reading newspaper when Richard came carrying a tray with evening tea and cake.
"Oh, I was waiting for you Richard". Kazuo spoke to Richard, his butler, who set the cup and plate of cake in front of him.
 "I have asked the servants to open the guests' room as per your order, sir". Richard informed Kazuo slicing the cake for him then stepped back clasping his arms over his naval in courteous manner.
"As expected of you Richard". Kazuo complimented picking up his cup with saucer and sipped his tea enjoying the sweet aroma.
"There will be a grand banquet for old friends and I don't want anything to be left out". Kazuo spoke having a bite of a piece of cake and hummed in contentment enjoying the burst of flavour in his mouth.

"It's good to have sweet and dessert when Yuzu isn't around". Kazuo spoke with mouthful of cake piece.

"He is concerned for your health". Richard told him mentally shaking his head for his master cravings for sweet.
"Did you give the invitation to Miss. Julianne"? Kazuo asked wriggling his brows.
"Oh that balcony lad...", Richard stopped midway weighing his choice of words and cleared his throat before speaking,
 "Miss Julianne has accepted your invitation". A grin erupted out on Kazuo mouth as he took sips of his tea. Richard stood there staring at his master and sighed dropping his head.

What if we get caught?"
"Huh you won't be it's a masquerade, just wear the mask I told you to wear and it'll all be fine". Yuzu slightly tugged at Kaoru's shirt while buttoning it up.
"By the way thankyou Ao chan for letting us stay here in your home right after Yuzu chan brought me out of hospital on special permission under his supervision". Kaoru thanked Ao with gentle eyes which was surprisingly new coming from Kaoru, he usually with a pissed off expression.
Ao looked at him with surprised expression, "Um yeah..", he couldn't really believe it was the same Kaoru he knew who was wild and anxious. Perhaps, it could be the fact that he was getting out of hospital in two weeks after winning the trial against his late father against whom Yuzu testified with proof of his mother's letter and against uncle being able to prove that the murder was really self defense and the fact of having spent seven years in rehab was enough.

"Oye don't cheat on me with those eyes"! Yuzu stood on tiptoes to pull Kaoru's ear.
"Eh, I'm not cheating ow"! Kaoru winced.
"Is everyone ready? I've brought the car out of garage..?", Yuki came in to check over if Yuzu and Kaoru were ready.
"I still believe taking ko chan is a bad idea", Ao shrugged.
"Don't worry daddy won't find out. Also don't call him Ko chan"! Yuzu spoke in a rather possessive tone at which kaoru gave a confused smile he obviously knew he was going to be stuck with this over possessive lover.
"Huh! You've flirted with Yuki chan all this time and now I even call the guy you recently started going out with by a nickname and everyone goes crazy?!",Ao got pissed off too and glared at Yuzu who showed him a hanging tongue.
"I've known him longer then you do so nickname is my right". Yuzu replied letting go of Kaoru's shirt to see how the dress looked on him.
"I don't believe all that huge story of yours that you told earlier about that so called moving reunion", Ao was obviously sulking on it.
"Oye oye don't fight, let's go now". Yuki sighed.

"Ahh I'm eager for tonight". Xiang said to Kazuo who chuckled. "I'm afraid what are you eager for"? Derward remarked glaring at Xiang.Yuzu with Ao and Yuki arrived and were greeted by Kazuo warm-heartedly who hugged them. Kazuo introduced them Xiang and Derward and vice versa. Meanwhile, Anne who was sitting in her room bored decided to take a look around of the mansion. As she reached the staircase, she heard voices and her eyes widened at the sight of Derward and to her amusement Xiang too. She ran downstairs towards them and smacked Derward in the back of his head. Derward turned back to his assaulter and chuckled as Anne threw himself at him strangling him with her hug. Xiang greeted her and Anne punched him in the shoulder asking when his is proposing Derward. Kazuo introduced her to his son, Yuzu, and his friends. As expected, Yuzu and Anne got along more than well. After a brief chat, Yuzu, AO and Yuki were led to their rooms to get some rest before the party and rest of them also departed.

"Derward and Xiang are here". Alan told Edmond and Lee who were playing snooker. "What has you worried"? Edmond questioned hitting the ball with stick. "I wonder if..." His words were cut short with a shout of pain as something hit back of his head. He grabbed his head and turned back to see Anne who was scowling at him with arms crossed after kicking him.
"Likewise"! Anne must have sensed his horror and disappointment plastered on his shocked face. Edmond and Lee rushed to her side hugging her.
"You should be happy that you're still alive after what you have done"! Anne snarled at Alan showing him her pinky finger that had once been cut by him.
"Whoa so cool!" Yuzu said inspecting the finger. "Does it hurt"? Yuzu asked holding Anne's hand standing between her and Alan.
"Where'd the small kid come from "? Alan said his thoughts out loud even though he was worried what to say to Anne about this, they still had some conflicts.
Yuzu turned around, "I'm a grown-up in my twenties"! Yuzu pretty much said that with a pout.
"Eh really? You look fifteen"? Alan said annoying Yuzu at which Anne sighed, it was better she let go of this of it would just be troublesome for Lee if old things were dug up and that she owed Edmond for saving her back she smiled and decided to focus on mission of messing up Derward's life.

"Did you hear that?" Lee said raising a brow while coming out of shower with a towel around his waist while Edmond was laying dead straight on bed and Alan had gone out to have some fresh air.
"So tired...perhaps I'm getting old already...", Edmond whined right before lee walked out of the bath.
 "Having to see you like that I should be all over you yet I feel like death is a better option than getting up right now..." Edmond said with a fading tone.
"I have no idea what you're saying at all but did you hear what I just heard?" Lee used another towel to dry off his hair.
"What did you hear.."? Edmond finally seemed to pay a little attention.
"While I was in bathroom..there were faint weird noises as if someone was strangling the other..and then suddenly someone said 'Help' and the voice faded away..and it all came from the door in the other corner.." Lee told it so dramatically as if telling a horror or a thriller story.
"Huh?.." Edmond raised his head "Are you serious or is it some idea for your new book?"
"You don't believe it? Well come with me and hear for yourself"! Lee turned off the lamps and grabbed the battery torch instead.
The room was dark while the only thing lighting it up was a small torch, Edmond and lee took careful steps to the bathroom while heading towards the mysterious door, the closer they came to the door the clearer they could hear someone struggling to breathe..the gasps only made them gulp..what if ...someone was struggling for their live..or was it some wandering old spirit that drowned here long ago..or maybe a lurking ghost that had been protecting what's behind the door..
All sorts of thoughts were filling their minds while Lee pointed the torch to the door knob and Edmond gulped reaching his hand turning it over to open the door..
"OH SH*T!" Edmond immediately shut the door while lee covered his eyes.
"I want to die! I want to die!" Ao repeated over and over while hiding under a hut made of three futons to be exact and Yuki trying to calm him down.
The bathroom was actually attached to two rooms, Edmond and Lee witnessed something that'll probably haunt Ao for the rest of their lives out of humiliation.


"Where have you been?! I told you to stay in the room!"
Yuzu looked around closing the room's door and hugged the man who had back towards him, he clang to his back "I missed you" Yuzu mumbled "Well even though it's been like ten minutes I saw you..but I still missed you.."
"Traitor!" Kaoru pointed a finger at Yuzu standing at the bathroom's door and then dramatically ran back in bathroom making crying noises after shutting the door.
"Huhhhhhhh!?" Yuzu immediately let go of the man whose back he was hugging.
 "If Kaoru san was in bathroom..then who are you?!" Yuzu gulped putting a hand on the man's shoulder and turning him around.
" sort of startled me so I couldn't move, I just lost my way and then I ended up in this room and then I got hugged suddenly...", Alan rubbed the back of his head in an apologetic smile.
 "I was like..what is that small thing clinging to my back.."
Yuzu's brow twitched as he raised his sleeves with a frown.

"Aw come on, just one drink"!
"Thankyou but I really can't", Derward tried to put on a smile in the effort of rejecting the wine glass Kazuo just offered him while playing chess with Xiang. It had been long since they had played like that.
"Your move Kazuo san..", Xiang settled back in his chair.
"What's with that move, I can see you're willing to sacrifice your knight in order to get your bishops around my queen..", Kazuo immediately blurted out after reading through Xian's move but mostly because he had just took three shots of wine.
"You're sharp as ever Kazuo san". Xiang chuckled a little "Well to make this more interesting how about we make bets?" Xiang offered.
 "I'll add in three diamonds if you manage to save your queen from being surrounded".
"That's so about you put in something more tempting?" Kazuo looked at Derward.
"Oh no, you don't"! Derward immediately turned to Xiang.
"Don't worry my honey...I'll win for your sake". Xiang replied enthusiastically.
"Good then it's done..if I take down your queen I'll get to spank his butt once but if you win you can...spank him". Kazuo said.
"WHAT!? Either way I get spanked?!" Derward fired up.
"I'm all in!" Anne popped from Derward's back out of nowhere which startled him as well.
..Derward soon met his cruel fate after Anne's tremendous cheering for both the players...

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