Back to the academy

By that-hamster-wheel

12.6K 249 35

*Completed* Set during S3E11. After Jamie shot that man he was sent back to the academy for a few months to h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Jamie and Eddie's library adventure (5.2)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
War and baking (8.2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Is it me or? (15.2)
Phone call to Mom (15.3)
Graduation jitters (Graduation prequel)


583 12 6
By that-hamster-wheel

A/N: Thanks for the many reviews and views and for everything. You guys are amazing.

It was graduation day and Eddie was so nervous. She had been pacing around and the night before she had trouble sleeping.


"Eddie get some sleep." Jenny said.

"I'm trying, but I'm so nervous about tomorrow." Eddie said back.

"Why, it's just graduation.... Oh." Jenny put two and two together and realized the real reason. "Sweetie you know he loves you. He so wants you to be his girlfriend." Jenny reassured her.

"Thanks Jenny." Eddie said sincerely.

"Do you want me to come down and rub your back?" Jenny asked.

"Only if you want to. I want you to get sleep too." Eddie replied.

Jenny climbed down and got on the other side of Eddie. She rubbed Eddie's back and it helped Eddie fall asleep. She felt so tired, that she just threw Eddie's blanket over herself, and went to sleep.

The next morning that was how Eddie found her, asleep and peaceful, right next to her.

[End flashback]

Jamie was reading a book while waiting for the ceremony to start. He had his dress blues on and was ready to watch all the students he taught, graduate and become official police officers.

Eddie came over quickly and asked "What are you reading?"

"A book about a guy who wants to be a detective and his adventures through school." Jamie answered thoughtfully.

"Oh that sounds interesting. I have something for you." Eddie said.

"Oh?" Jamie said, now very curious.

Eddie pulled a bookmark from her pocket and handed it to Jamie. He examined it closely and noticed there was a pressed flower on it. The flower looked familiar but he couldn't place it. "Where did you get the flower?" He asked curiously.

"It's a very special flower, from the courtyard at the academy. You might remember it, because you said 'flowers suited me', the day you stuck it in my hair." Eddie answered.

"No way. You said the flower got smushed. I assumed you got rid of it." Jamie said.

"It was so beautiful, I saved it by pressing it in a notebook I had in my locker, in the showers area. I remembered it a few days ago, and made it into a bookmark for you." Eddie commented.

"Do you like it?" Eddie asked, nervous that he may think it was too girly a gift.

"Actually I love it. I was looking for a bookmark for my current book, before you gave it to me." Jamie replied honestly.

Eddie smiled and said "I'm so glad you liked it."

"And how's the happy couple on this fine day?" Jenny asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Shh... Jenny not so loud." Eddie replied, looking around and hoping no one heard.

"Sorry Eddie. I don't think anyone is paying attention. I could say I was throwing up and with the flu, and no one would notice." Jenny commented.

"She's right Eddie, everyone is too busy to pay attention right now. Today is a big day and it has to go without a hitch." Jamie explained.

Eddie wondered about what life would be like after graduation. Would it really be as rough as they said, or would it be easy at first and harder later? She was anxious to find out. Jamie watched her and his heart beat wildly in his chest. 'She makes me want to jump her and kiss her now. Gosh she so beautiful.' Jamie thought internally.

"I have to go take care of a few things and help out. I will see you after okay. Thanks for the bookmark." Jamie said and slipped her a piece of paper, before going off.

Eddie read the paper and it said "I kissed the paper. Press it to your lips for a kiss from me." Eddie pressed the paper to her lips and smiled. Jamie knew exactly what she needed to calm her anxious nerves.

"What was that about?" Jenny asked, referring to the paper.

"He gave me a paper kiss. He's so sweet." Eddie replied, with a blissful sigh.

"He sure is. He's a real keeper, don't let him go." Jenny commented with a serious voice.

"I don't plan on it. I think he completes me." Eddie admitted.

"I'd say so, and I would also say he might be your other half." Jenny said with a slight chuckle.

The pair chatted for a while longer, until it was time for the ceremony to start. The girls found their seats and waited for things to get rolling. Eddie searched the crowd for Jamie and found him sitting with the other teachers. He looked at her and smiled before turning around. She blushed and Jenny squeezed her hand. "I'm so happy for you sweetie. You are graduating, and getting something very special and long lasting after. I could just cry happy tears. Good thing I put on waterproof mascara." Jenny said.

"You too eh? I did as well, because I wasn't sure if I would cry happy tears." Eddie admitted.

Eddie then searched the crowd one more time, this time looking for her Mom. At first she couldn't spot her, and her face fell, but then she saw a woman wearing a fancy hat, and smiled. Her mom had shown up after all and she had worn her best hat. That told Eddie one thing, that she really had meant it, when she said she was proud of her. She only wore that hat to really special events. So her graduation must have been one of those times. "Did your Mom come?" Jenny asked.

"She did and she wore her best hat." Eddie replied.

Earlier in the week Eddie had told Jenny the good news, about her Mom coming to graduation. Jenny and her had celebrated with hot herb tea and some girly stuff. It had been a very fun evening.

The ceremony finally began, and commissioner Reagan came and made his speech. Jamie had told me earlier in the week, that his Dad made a speech and then the rest of the ceremony was all formalities.

Eddie listened to the speech and it really touched her. Commissioner Reagan spoke of the real trials of a police officer, and said he wanted us all to make him proud, and protect this city.

After the speech, they all stood and took the pledge together and then the ceremony continued. Frank's speeches were always touching, but this time it meant even more to Jamie, to hear his words inviting the new members of the NYPD. He had a hand in this day, he helped make this day for so many people. There was something very special about that. Jamie's eyes fell on Eddie, her golden hair spilling out from underneath her hat. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and now they would be joined not only by their career choice, but hopefully, if she'd have him, by their hearts.

After the ceremony had finally finished, Eddie was so nervous. She had to see Jamie and answer his question, that she had no doubt he was eager to ask. She also had to face her Mom after all these years and was worried about what her Mom would say.

She found her Mom first, and to Eddie's surprise, she had the biggest smile on her face. Her mom reached out and enveloped her in a hug. "Mom I'm so glad you came. You wore your best hat, you look so beautiful." Eddie expressed with a smile and happy voice.

"My beautiful Edit. I'm so proud of you. Let me get a good look at you." her Mom said.

Eddie let her Mom go and let her get a good look at her. "You're in love." her Mom commented easily.

"What... No." Eddie denied.

"Oh Edit, even after all these years, I still know my own daughter. He is a very lucky man. I hope he treats you well." her Mom said.

"He does and he is the sweetest, most kindest man I have ever met." Eddie admitted.

"It took me a long time to realize, that all I really wanted for you was happiness. It looks like you found it, and I am very happy for you." her Mom said.

"Oh Mom.... Thank you. That means a lot to me. I want to get a photo with you, and go out for lunch with you. I want to catch up with you." Eddie offered.

"I would love that. I want a copy of the photo for the mantle. I want to proudly display the photo of me and my police officer daughter." her Mom said happily.

"I would really like that. I want to make time in my week to visit you, have dinner with you, that is if you want to have me." Eddie expressed nervously.

She was afraid her Mom would turn her down. "I would love that Edit. We can have dinner once a week as a family. We can always meet for lunch other days. I will teach you how to make a full Serbian dinner for your man." her Mom said.

"Oh Mom... I would love that. I always loved that chicken dish you made with the rice. The one from Grandma and the old country. I would love to learn how to cook that." Eddie commented.

Just then Jamie showed up. "Hey would you like to grab lunch?" Jamie asked.

"I'm getting a photo taken with Mom and stuff, then having lunch with her." Eddie replied, slightly oblivious.

Her Mom saw the hurt look on Jamie's face, and guessed this was the man her Edit had spoke of. "Young man why don't you join us for lunch. I would like to get to know the man whom my daughter loves better." her Mom insisted.

"Mom...." Eddie blushed and just said "Please join us." in a funny voice.

"I still haven't asked you. I have to find my Dad for something, then I will return." Jamie whispered.

He walked over to his Dad and had a chat with him. "Hello Dad. That was a great speech. You always make the best speeches. Mom would be proud of you, you speak from the heart." Jamie praised.

"Thank you Jamie. You made an odd request earlier in the week, but I came through for you." Frank said.


Jamie had called his Dad to make a special request. "Hello Dad, it's Jamie."

"Jamie, they let you make phone calls out now. I didn't know that was academy policy." Frank said surprised.

"They don't, but as a teacher, I get special privileges. Said it was a family matter, because technically it is." Jamie said.

"What is it son? Are you okay?" Frank asked concerned.

"I wanted to ask you to bring something on Graduation day. I wanted to know if I could have Mom's claddagh ring." Jamie replied, concerned his Dad would say no.

"Jamie what have you done?" Frank then asked.

"Nothing. I fell in love with a woman here and I know for a fact she feels the same way. I want to give her Mom's ring and pledge my love to her after graduation." Jamie replied.

"You always were by the books, that's why I never had to worry about you. I will bring the ring, but I would like to meet the woman you wish to give your mother's ring to. That is my only request in return for this." Frank stated.

"I fully understand and I intend to present her to you. I really think you will like her. In a lot of ways she is like Mom." Jamie said.

"I can't wait to meet her. Take care Son and I will see you on graduation day." Frank said and they said goodbye, before hanging up.

[End flashback]

"Thank you Dad. If you can come with me, I can present her to you." Jamie said.

Frank handed Jamie the ring and then motioned to his detail that he was with Jamie. The pair went and found Eddie. When she saw Frank she saluted and stood very still at attention. "At ease officer." Frank said.

Eddie relaxed and said "Wow Jamie your Dad's tall."

"Who is this beautiful lady?" Frank asked while looking at Eddie's Mom.

"Oh I'm so sorry. This is my Mom Svetlana." Eddie introduced her.

"Nice to meet you." Frank said shaking her hand.

"Same to you." Svetlana said with a slight blush.

"My dad and your mom are about to witness something special." Jamie said.

"Why, what's going on?" Eddie was so curious.

"This." Jamie pulled out the ring box. "Edit Marie Janko, I want you to be my lady. I promise that I will marry you someday, but right now I promise my love, if you will have it." Jamie asked and showed her the Irish ring.

Eddie admired the ring and replied "Oh Jamie yes."

Jamie slipped the ring on her right hand and smiled. He leaned in and kissed her, all the while they both heard clapping and cheering in the background. Jenny came over after they broke the kiss and hugged Eddie tightly. "I'm so happy for you. Congratulations sweetie." Jenny said with a big smile plastered on her face.

Eddie studied her hand and said "You were right, he's a keeper for sure." with a chuckle.

"My sweet Edit, I'm so happy for you. It makes me feel so joyful, to know you will be well taken care of." Svetlana said.

"Thanks Mom." Eddie expressed.

"Jamie..." Frank started, but was a little chocked up.

Thoughts of him and Mary danced around in his mind and he remembered something special.


Frank and Mary had been dating for about 6 months, and they were about to head out on a date. It was tradition to give a woman you intended to marry later, an Irish claddagh ring. It was a symbol of a promise, a commitment to that one woman, that you would love her and no other woman romantically.

On this night Frank had planned well. He took them out for Italian food, at this lovely restaurant in little Italy. They sat together at a small table and the night went well. "I just finished some papers at work, and they said I'm in line for a small promotion." Frank said.

"Oh Frank, that's wonderful." Mary expressed and offered him a big smile.

"Yeah it could take months though, but they said I was in line, which made me really happy." Frank said.

"Then let's celebrate that." Mary suggested.

"I have something else to celebrate with you as well." Frank said and he reached into his pocket for the ring.

"I'm very curious now. Tell me what else we are celebrating? I don't remember it being an anniversary, it's too soon for that." Mary noted.

"It isn't yet, but it will be soon." Frank was cryptic about his answer to her.

He then opened the box and held it out to her. "Mary, we have been together for 6 months now. I know in my heart you are the only one for me. I'm making a promise to you, that I will love you, for as long as you will have me. I love you. Will you accept this ring?" Frank asked.

The entire restaurant fell silent in anticipation of her answer. She looked at the ring and then back up at Frank and replied "Yes Frank, I will wear your ring. I love you too."

Frank slipped the ring on her right hand and leaned in to kiss her. Everyone around them cheered, but they were in their own little world.

[End flashback]

A tear slipped down Frank's face and Eddie reached up carefully and wiped it away. "Your wife was a beautiful woman. I want to strive to be as wonderful as her. I hope I can honor your wife, by taking good care of this most precious ring." She reached out and hugged Frank and he was surprised by her warmth and kindness.

Frank whispered "Thank you." close to her ear.

'Jamie chose a good one. She is just like my Mary.' Frank thought as he hugged Eddie back. When Eddie let go, Frank spoke. "Your mother would have been so proud of you. Not only for becoming an amazing police officer, but for finding someone to love, with such amazing qualities. She would have really liked Eddie, this I know for sure."

Jamie was deeply touched by this, and he said "Thank you Dad. Thank you for everything and always being there."

"I have to have my photo taken with Mom, before we go to lunch." Eddie remembered.

"Okay you go do that, and Dad and I will wait." Jamie said.

"I have to get my photo taken, so I will come with you. I want to see if they can get a photo of us together." Jenny said and linked arms with Eddie, as the three ladies walked off.

"I was wondering if you had lunch plans...?" Jamie asked.

"As it happens I don't. Where are you going with this?" Frank replied inquisitively.

"I was invited to lunch with Eddie and her Mom, and I wondered if you would like to join us." Jamie said.

"Thank you for thinking of me son. I would love to join you all for lunch. I just have to tell my detail where we are going and have them drive me there." Frank stated.

A little while later Eddie and her Mom came back. "Where's Jenny? I was going to ask her to lunch too." Jamie said.

"You're too late. I already tried, but she had to go back to her apartment. Her sister needed some help with things and ordered in Chinese." Eddie commented.

"Speaking of, where shall we eat lunch?" Svetlana asked.

"I think we should follow along and have Chinese food as well. I know a great place not far from Jamie's apartment. Hop Sing's in china town has the best dim-sum and we can all feast together." Frank suggested.

Everyone loved the suggestion, and they left to go to the restaurant. Frank's detail provided the transportation, as everyone had arrived by someone else.

When they arrived at Hop Sing's, they got a big table. They got a dim-sum order sheet, and waited for things to come around. "What's good here?" Svetlana asked Frank.

"Everything, but if you really enjoy seafood I recommend the deep fried squid. Very delicious." Frank replied.

"As it happens, I do enjoy seafood. Let's get two of that when it comes around." Svetlana said.

Suddenly she felt guilty. He must have a wife, and she must be ill if she isn't here. 'I flirted with him and I blushed and acted so freely with a married man. I should be ashamed of myself. Why in Serbia this would be so shameful.' Svetlana thought internally.

The food carts came around and they got fried squid and some dumplings and spring rolls to start. "Pass the dumplings please." Jamie said to Eddie.

Eddie passed the dumplings and also passed a spring roll to her mom. "Try this. They are really good. I think these are vegetable spring rolls." Eddie noted.

Svetlana tried a bite of spring roll and smiled. "This tastes really good. The dumplings are also good." She said.

"Try the fried squid Svetlana." Frank offered her the plate and she grabbed some.

"Please, you can just call me Lana." Svetlana said with a smile.

She took a bite of the fried squid and found she really liked it. "We have to order more of this, I think I might be in love with this."

"We can order lots of it." Frank offered.

"Do you come here often?" Eddie asked.

"Dad and I come here often for this. It's our favorite thing to do on a lazy weekend." Jamie replied.

"That's why you're so familiar with the menu." Eddie noted.

The next carts came and they had lotus wrapped rice and fried noodles and vegetables. They got an order of each and decided to split the rices in half. Jamie and Eddie split one and Frank and Lana split the other. "Here have some rice Lana." Frank said and gave her the other half of his rice on the leaf.

She smiled and said "Thank you Frank."

She partook of the offered rice and watched as Jamie and Eddie split his rice and shared it. They were so adorable and splendid together. They were nothing like her and ex-husband Armin. She prayed they would have a happy marriage when they chose to wed, and that they lived happily together. She would never wish anyone to have the kind of marriage she had had with her ex.

Lana observed her daughter and smiled. Finally she could reconnect and make up for the lost time. "They do make quite the pair." Frank observed.

"That they do. I think they are good for each other. I can see them together for a very long time." Lana commented.

"Mom were right here." Eddie said.

"Did I say something wrong?" Lana asked, afraid she ruined things.

"Uh-uh, it's fine. I'm just glad you really like Jamie and that you approve of him. That you approve of me..." Eddie trailed off.

Lana catching the hidden meaning smiled and said "You are my daughter and I will always love you, no matter what. I realize I made my mistakes, and I will spend forever making it up to you. I will be here when you need me, from this day forward."

Lana promised this to Eddie and herself as well. Jamie watched and couldn't help but miss his own Mom. Eddie was so blessed to have her Mom still alive. Jamie knew if his mother was still alive, she would be here eating with them. Jamie could never feel jealous, of another persons interactions with their mother, but it did make him long for his own mothers touch.

They ate and ordered more from the carts. The last order was a bit of everything. They got sesame balls for dessert, BBQ pork buns, more dumplings, another order of squid, and another fried noodles.

Everything was delicious and they were all having such a great time, but Lana was still curious as to the whereabouts of Jamie's mother. As they finished eating and the bill came, Frank and Lana insisted on splitting it between them. "Mom that's not fair. We should pay too." Eddie insisted.

"Graduates never pay for their meal. It is my job as your mother to pay for you today." Lana expressed.

"Jamie I feel the same way as Lana. Let me pay for your part of the bill too son. I want to treat you." Frank said.

"If you really want to Dad, I won't stop you." Jamie gave a defeated sigh.

Jamie had learned long ago not to protest his Dad's offers to pay for his dinner. "Thanks Dad." Jamie said.

"Yes thanks Mom." Eddie added.

They placed cash down, to cover the bill and then left. "I can walk home from here." Jamie said.

"No I will have my detail drop you off at your building." Frank insisted.

Frank's detail drove Jamie to his building and Eddie said "You can drop us off here. My apartment is a few blocks away. Mom you can stay with me tonight."

"Thank you Edit." Lana said.

The three of them got out and suddenly Lana couldn't hold it in anymore. "Edit where is Jamie's mother? Is she okay? She didn't come today." Lana questioned in a whispered voice.

Eddie was torn, but she answered "His mother passed away many years ago, when he was in his late teens."

"That poor man, he must find it so hard without his wife. Jamie must find it really hard. I hugged you so much today and we were so connected today. He must be hurting." Lana said.

Lana looked at Jamie and tears fell from her eyes. She went over and wrapped him up in a warm hug. Jamie looked at Eddie for an answer and she mouthed "She knows."

Jamie then understood and he hugged her back. He sank into the hug and choked up. He ached for so long for his own mothers hug, and here was a woman who barely knew him, giving him her most motherly hug possible. He felt so special and wonderful inside and he realized, that he was going to be okay, because someday he would be gaining an amazing and wonderful mother-in-law. "Thank you.... Thank you so much." Jamie expressed and wiped at his eyes, when Lana let him go.

"You're welcome. Anytime you need a mother, I will be there for you. You're with my Edit now, so I want to be there for you in that way." Lana said.

"That means a lot to me. I think you and my mother would have really hit it off. You have a lot of the same qualities." Jamie commented.

Eddie watched the scene and she knew that Jamie would always be in her life. She couldn't wait for life as a cop, if it meant coming home to him in the future.

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