
By shiningpolaris

328 47 0

- Harry Potter Fanfiction: Draco Malfoy - We all have fears. Some have of closes places, some of creatures th... More

Parchment 1: Reoccuring Dream and Lightning
Parchment 2: Train Station and Playform 9 3/4 with a Red Head
Parchment 3: End if the Rail and The Sorting Hat
Parchement 4: Slytherin House
Parchment 5: Bruised Knuckle For A Bad Reason
Parchment 6: Fathers First Letter
Parchement 7: Potions Featuring My Annoying Partner
Parchment 8: Dumbledore Can Keep Secrets?
Parchment 9: Mavis Ol-Tell
Parchment 10: Quidditch Try Outs
Parchment 11: Malfoy's Mother and an Unexpected Guest
Parchment 12: Doulde Trouble P
Parchment 13: Dragon Egg
Parchment 14: Training Him
Parchment 15: Granger Girl and the Rude Painting
Parchment 16: Hatched and Blood
Parchment 17: Hogsmeade
Parchment 18: Sphinx Whisker?
Parchment 19: Visitor
Parchment 20: Warning
Parchment 21: "What Will Someone Like You Do."
Parchment 22: Mudblood
Parchment 23: Rencounter
Parchment 24: After Effects
Parchment 25: Draco's and Pansy's Act
Parchment 26: Evening Before Summer
Parchment 27: Rough Night
Parchment 28: 'Home'
Parchment 29: Theresa, Mason and Him
Parchement 30: Mother
Parchment 31: We Own Horses?
Parchment 32: "But It Has Mine,"
Parchment 33: Back, but Not Normal
Parchment 34: Draco Meets Jasper
Parchment 36: Gone
Parchment 37: End of Fifth Year
Parchment 38: Family with a Guest
Parchment 39: Sharing Pain
Parchment 40: Drawn In and Escape
Parchment 41: Lily
Parchment 42: Familiar Face
Parchment 43: Flint
Parchment 44: Awkward Table Conversation
Parchment 45: Catching Up
Parchment 46: Unwanted Company
Parchment 47: Bus Ride
Parchment 48: Morning Post
Quick Note

Parchment 35: Grudge

2 1 0
By shiningpolaris

At the long tables I find myself mixing my food together into one. Not much of an appetite this morning.

I haven't talked to them in a while, but I would always see the three of them together at the table eating or studying. Did I become invisible to them? Why am I getting this sudden cold shoulder. What happened between the three that I don't know of..

Sighing heavily I pull my wand out and start making the food float. That got me a few people gagging and in disgust at our table.

"Nebula, are you alright?" Loosing concentration the food falls back on to my plate. Flint has his head just slightly tilted to the side like an owl would.

"Not feeling the best actually, I may stop at the Hospital Wing before class starts.." I reply back. He sighs and lowers my hand so he can see me.

"What is it. Somethings on your mind and it won't leave." His eyes. What are his eyes saying, it's a strong message that I don't want to  know.

"Flint," I turn my head to see a slightly pestered Draco, "let her go to the Hospital Wing." Flint lets go of my hand and continues to eat. Standing up I mouth a 'thank you' to Draco, then walk out of there.

Once I'm far enough from the boys, they change the subject.

"When did you become so soft to Quest, Malfoy?" Flint yells down a few people, Draco keeps calm and continues to eat the food before him. "DON'T IGNORE ME MALFOY!"

"Flint there is nothing going on, the munter girl wanted to go to the bloody Hospital Wing and that's all!" Draco responds raising his voice a little more than it should've.

"Oh, really. Just what happened between you two during the summer huh?! Write letters to each other, getting to know each other better, maybe even feelings-"

"ENOUGH FLINT!" Draco yells, slamming his hands on the wooden table making everything start to shake.

"You do have something towards her." Flint plays smoothly, just waiting for Draco to explode.

"NO ONE COULD HAVE FEELINGS TOWARDS AN UGLY GIRL LIKE HER!" He stomps off, heading back towards the common room. The whole room bursts in loud laughs from the Slytherin table. Flint just made the most powerful and wealthiest wizard at Hogwarts angry. Angry enough to leave the hall without finishing his food.


As I'm laying down on the bed I feel my temperature start to rise drastically, making my stomach curl uneasily. I'm glad I didn't eat anything.

"Mrs. Pomfrey.."

"Yes dear," she replies with a soothing voice.

"It's getting worse.." I mumble, she sighs and comes over with a cold wet towel and places it gently on my head.

"Yes, but just calm down and rest, since you have barely gotten any, I've noticed how late you stay up and how bad that is for your body. You should take more care of yourself.." She says leaving a glass of water on the small metal table.

"But, I put others before myself, it doesn't matter what happens to me.."

"But it does, oh how it does," Mrs. Pomfrey lets out a small chuckle and looks up at me. "Especially to that one lad, Malfoy. His family is very mysterious, and can tend to be dark but there is something in him that makes him like his mother.."

"What..? What do you mean by that?" My vision starts to become blurry, I'm unable to make out Mrs. Pomfrey's face. The red flag starts to go off in my mind, but I can't help it...

"Well his father and your father, and his mother and your mother are two sides to the same coin.." And with those words, I can't see a thing.


Draco meanwhile is trying to let off some steam, Flint got him all in a mess that is hard to clean up. He paces back and forth trying to calm himself down, but things just keep coming into his mind.

Sighing he decides to go see Nebula, since she most likely is still in the Hospital Wing with Mrs. Pomfrey.

He lets himself walk down the hall and straight towards the Wing. People, mostly Slytherins, would point and whisper as he walks by. He would simply give them a nasty glare and that would make them shut up.

Don't let them get to you, control your emotions..

He stands before the Wing and knocks on the door, there is no answer. Another knock goes on the wood, this time hurried feet comes towards it. Opening the door there stands the school nurse.

"Y-yes?" Draco gets taken back by Mrs. Pomfrey's appearance. Her suppose to be neat and clean attire is drenched in sweat, her cap is even off exposing her silvery hair.

"What happened here?" Draco tries to enter but she stops him. She shakes her head and pushes him back into the hallway.

"No, don't come in. It's to dangerous." Draco seems offended that someone would call Nebula dangerous. Especially an old woman like Mrs. Pomfrey, who doesn't judge people very often.

"Dangerous. What do you mean by dangerous." He asks with a small attitude in his voice.

"She just-" Mrs. Pomfrey stops talking and sees Dumbledore walking through the hall, she quickly runs over to him and speaks with the Headmaster. It must have been on a pretty serious matter for they both rush in and lock the door behind them.

Draco becomes stranded, wanting to know what was happening on the other side of this door. His owl comes by and drops something in front of him, it's the newspaper.

Picking it up he sees the caption, it's the boldest title he has ever seen.

Member of the Ministry, Quest:
Captured and Thrown into Azkaban

This mad, and rabid dog has finally been captured by the Ministry that he was faithful too.

His crime, attempting, and almost succeeding, to murder his wife and child. His wife was barely harmed in this attempt but the effects on his daughter is unknown.

This happened near the end of July, and due to a wound that cannot be described it left a fatal mark on him. They aren't sure to who gave him this wound, but it was by a wizard, a deadly and strong on. Most likely a dark wizard, for something that dangerous can only be caused by that kind. The one who made the wound is now being searched for, for if he or she is a dark wizard they shall be sentenced to Azkaban as soon as possible.

Draco stares at the paper and just takes everything in.

Nebula's father is just like his. Mad, insane and willing to do anything to accomplish what the Dark Lord wants.

And he wanted Nebula dead.

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