Babydoll Sampler//Luke Hemmin...

By MommaLolita

254K 4.1K 2K

In which a pretty little girl is being used as a sex sampler of a million dollar man and his wife to know how... More

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s e v e n
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t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
Honeymoon Sampler
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y o n e
t w e n t y t w o
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t w e n t y f o u r
t w e n t y f i v e
t w e n t y s i x

f o u r

15K 238 86
By MommaLolita

I moaned when Maurice continued massaging my boób while I  started stroking Daddy's cóck.

"Daddy, can you touch me too?" I asked Luke while whimpering.

Daddy lifted my skirt and pushed my panty to the side and started stroking my clit , making me get the real pleasure that I want.

"Maurice, you should dirty talk Daddy so he will be turned on when you are having your intercourse." I suggested to Maurice, moaning.

Maurice nipped my nipple and started sucking it. Getting pleasure from upper part and lower part of my body is so much for me, making me close to my state of euphoria.

I get on my knees and started sucking daddy's cock, up and down making him moan again and again.

I smirked like a devil when he moaned my name. I looked at daddy's face and saw that his face is filled with pleasure. Pleasure that I'm giving him. Not Maurice or any other girl, but me.

Maurice stopped sucking my nipples and went to daddy and started kissing him.

I stopped looking at them and continued sucking daddy. I want to cry but I can't. Seeing them do that is so hard for me especially when I know that I am just here to give them pleasure for each other.

Then I went to daddy's balls and played with it. I continued doing it until I tasted daddy's cum in my mouth.

"Hmm, how can something like cum be so delicious,like that daddy?" I asked daddy while I'm aching from his touch.

"Oh baby, Daddy's delicious cum will always be for you."Daddy replied.

Maurice cleared her throat after daddy said those words and said.

"How about we play a game?"

"What game?" I curiously asked.

She became silent for a while and pushed both Luke and I to the bed.

"Strip." Maurice ordered.

"What?" Luke asked.

"I said, both of you, strip!" Maurice commanded.

Daddy and I both removed the remaining clothing from our bodies and waited for Maurice's next order.

She also removed the remaining clothing on her body and started touching herself.

"Touch yourselves." She said.

Daddy and I looked at each other and didn't wait any longer.

I started running my fingers up and down my clit while looking at daddy who's stroking his own cock.

Wishing i was the one doing that to him is an understatement.

Then I looked at Maurice disgustingly. She is riding her fingers like a pig, Gross!

Maurice is moaning Luke's name again and again which made my blood boil.

I pushed a finger inside me and moaned louder than earlier.

I continued pushing my finger inside and out my pussy. I heard daddy whimpering and moaning my name.

"I'm close!" Daddy moaned.

"Stop." Maurice said but daddy continued pleasuring himself.

"Stop it Luke!" Maurice yelled.

"Why Maurice?"

"You're not allowed to come."

"What the fúck! Why am I not allowed to come?

"You're the first one who said that you're coming first. That's the game."

"But you didn't said the rules."

"I guess it will be better like that."

Maurice and I both continued pleasuring ourselves until we reached our climax while Luke are watching us, aching to get his state of euphoria.

"Both of you are going to regret this." Daddy threatened.

Hey guys! I'm very very very sory for the very late update :( I just have many projects and assignments this week and I don't want to pass it late so I did it first. I hope you all understand me.

Sorry for the crappy chapter because it is already 2 am here in our country :)

By the way, thank you for reading :)

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Question: Are you in Luke's lane, Calum's lane, Ashton's lane or Michael's lane?

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