TAINTED {Completed}

By faithxoxo

23.9K 302 50

Eleanor Reeves was always relaxed but over protective over her virginity. She was in and out of so many relat... More



945 12 4
By faithxoxo


ok...I'm kind of upset because I had this beautiful author's note & I erased it by mistake. aaaaahh! I added some more on the chapter 10. I guess the next chapter will  contain what she encounters in her new college life.

Let me take this time to say "A REALLY BIG THANK YOU" @arabianblackstallion for the support. >:D<

 Back to the story...HAPPY READING Y'ALL!!!

 And yeah...please VOTE & COMMENT...

Photo of Ariel----------------------------------------------------------------------->


Chapter 10

A few weeks had gone by since Eleanor met Sasha and their friendship sprouted. Before she knew it, it was time for college. She had applied to NYU who accepted her. She was in no condition to go to Harvard because of the morning sickness, and she was not willing to hold out on college for another year.

She was so anxious about starting school, and had on many occasions tried to convince Sasha to talk her into waiting another year, but Eleanor had a feeling that things were going to get even more complicated after the baby was born. She also did not want to disappoint her parents more than, she was sure, she already had.

NYU is a good university, not as prestigious as Harvard is, but relatively good. She was going to major in Cinema Studies and, minor in Linguistics. She was hoping this would be a good distraction.

“How the heck do you tell your parents you were raped by your trustworthy friend because you kept leading him on, and now you are pregnant, after you first nightmare attempt at sex,” she thought, “yeah…prolly won ‘t go down pretty well.” She finally concluded it was best to be in school than be grounded for a year with a stuck-up live-in nanny! She was enrolled with a task of doing everything in her power, to make sure her parents never found out she was pregnant, because regardless of their ‘MIA’ status, their barbarically militarized disciplinary methods, were certainly something NOT to look forward to, these especially did not appear sexy on Eleanor!

Her thoughts were taken back to Eric, her faithfully adorable geeky brother, who loved her to death. She had never been afraid to tell him anything, but she was having trouble telling him about the baby. She was scared he would hunt down that bastard and cut of his cock to prove a point. She would rather abort or die than let her brother get in trouble since he was the most dominant person in her life. She shook her head to rid it of thoughts, and decided to save them for another time. Right now, she had college to dwell on. Tomorrow marked the beginning of orientation week.

“Yippy…can’t wait!” Eleanor muttered to herself. (Note the sarcasm)

Eleanor woke up feeling nervous. She had never ever felt nervous about anything. She decided that karma was warning her of upcoming danger, so it would be safe for her to stay home. She was completely convinced, and she was sure there was nothing that would change her mind about her decision.

“KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!!” the loud bang on her door followed by a loud Sasha had her flying out of her bed.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” She screeched, dragging her warn out four weeks pregnant self.

“This better be important,” she muttered as she swung her door open with a playful glare at Sasha.

“MORNING LAZY?” screeched Sasha.

Eleanor’s fingers quickly shot up her ears to block out the noise. This caused Sasha to roll her eyes, and drag Eleanor back into her apartment to prepare for school.

“When I asked God for help, this was not what I asked for.” Eleanor grumbled, as Sasha laughed her ass off.

Sasha made breakfast as Eleanor moaned all the way to the bathroom. The bath surely did her wonders because she was more alive when she walked out of her bedroom, although she covered herself up in black to emphasize ‘I am so not in the mood’.

“Hi Ariel?” Eleanor happily chirped.

Ariel jumped off the kitchen stool and came bundling over to hug Eleanor’s leg in a death grip.

“I missed you auntie Lee” Ariel screeched.

By now, Eleanor was accustomed to her behavior.

“My mommy says you have to go to school today.” She said pouting adorably, “But I don’t want you to go.” She whined loudly bobbing uncontrollably.

Eleanor sank down to her height, hugging Ariel to her, before pulling away and looking at her adoringly.

“Sweetie, I will be back before you know it. I’ll miss you so much, and I’ll be back to watch Team Umizoomi with you.” Eleanor said earnestly to Ariel.

She beamed at that, as her little eyes widened eagerly. “Really auntie Lee, you not saying that just because?” She inquired suspiciously.

This caused both Eleanor and Sasha to burst out laughing at Ariel’s facial expression. All she did was stare at them straight faced, which snapped Eleanor out of her laughing fit. She placed on a serious face and said,

“I promise you sweetie. Has auntie Lee ever lied to you?” Her cute little face got cuter as she beamed once more.

Eleanor finished breakfast quickly since eating invited nausea. She was obsessed with ice-cold milk and Sasha explained that it was possibly a craving. She absolutely forbade her from constantly drowning herself in milk because she was worried that the baby would grow too big too fast, which would be troublesome during childbirth. “Who am I to argue with an expert?” Eleanor thought.

Sasha insisted on driving Eleanor to school because she did not trust her enough to actually, make it to school. She was so, bent on coming with Eleanor for the orientation. Actually, scratch that, after they dropped Ariel off at her daycare, Sasha called her work place, and told them she had a family emergency, and would not be able to make it to work. She claimed that she would work from home sometime tonight or something, Eleanor did not really eavesdrop that much. Surprisingly, they easily found a parking spot in the overly crowded city.

They walked inside the campus, and Eleanor just about dropped on her knees


I hope this chapter isn't too much of a disappointment. Please vote, comment and fan if you like. I appreciate all feedback, so don't hesitate to let me know how you feel about my story. Thank you. Much love to all my readers. :-* :XD

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