Just A Little Bit Of You

By Lashayjackson97

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This story is about a girl name Lauren, who came from New York and when to live in Encino, California to go t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Writer's Block
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Ending of Book.

Chapter 4

573 20 4
By Lashayjackson97

"Nice to meet you"

"Daddy, Michael here goes to college here." 

"Oh really, what college do you go to?"

"I go to University, Sir" Michael told him, as they walked through the gorilla exhibit talking all about Michael. He told her father that he studies music and dance. At one point Lauren wanted to be alone with Michael.

"Um, dad" she put him to the said, "Could me and Michael spend some time together?"

"I see, you don't want to spend time with your father huh?" he joked.

"Dad, there's always next time," she chuckles.

"That okay, you can go with your friend for now." he said and she gave him a hug. Michael was standing watching the gorillas.

Lauren went over to Michael, "Hey!" she said in a high voice. "I can spend more time with my friend"

"Really? That great" he said with a big smile on his face.

Michael's POV

  I am so happy that Lauren could get the time to spend with me. I really want to get to know her more. We walked out of the gorilla exhibit and went to get something to eat.

"You want to go get something to eat?"

"Sure Michael'' she smiled. I took her to a food court they have inside the zoo.

"What would you like to eat?", food stands were surrounding us with many choices.

"Wow, I didn't know this place had a food court," she said out of surprise. I took her to the mexican food line.

"You eat Mexican?"

"Yeah" she smiles, she has such a beautiful smile to me. I ordered a plate of nachos that we could share together and tacos. I seated her down at a table and we ate.

"So tell me more about yourself, since you know everything about me" he smirks as he teases.

She giggles, "Well, I'm a senior in high school, I will be going to college soon."

"What do you want to do in life?"

She sighs as I ask her this question."I really don't know...yet...I really didn't think this out clear yet." she looks down.

"It's okay, you have plenty of time for your future." I said. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Tell me more about yourself"

"Well, what can I say about myself? all my siblings in college, some graduated..."

I was starting to get the feeling that she is very shy to tell me about herself, but it's okay, we can just get to know each other as friends. Lauren is one beautiful girl, I think I'm having a crush on her. I don't want to go with her just yet though.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me everything about you." I smiled.

She chuckles and asks, "So when you get out college, would you be in the music world?"

"I don't know...I'm not sure if I'm ready for that part yet... It is 1979 and music is changing slowly."

"Yeah I know..." she took a nacho.

"What type of animals do you like?"

"I like lions, tigers, bears"

"Oh my!" I joked.

She laughed, "No but really, I do...I love panda bears, they're so cute" she gets gushy.

"I love them too, you like reptiles?"

"You mean like snakes? No." I chuckle.

"You don't like snakes?"

"Snakes are nasty and ugly slithery things!" she got scared.

"Some are totally harmless you know, not all are deadly."

"I know, I'm just scared of them and I don't like them" I look down and think of another animal she likes.

"You like Giraffes?"

"Yeah, they're necks so tall." I giggle at her. She's so cute to me and very funny. "I have some animals myself..."

"You do?"

"Yup...It would be a pleasure for you to come to my parents house and see them" I smiled.

Lauren's POV

  I started to blush my butt off. He asked me to come over to his parents house. I thought about it, it was just his family house. I mean we're not getting married but I love to meet his parents though.

"I would love to come to your house." 

"Great" he smiled. "What your address?" I gave him my address to my house and he said, "Really? you're just right around the corner, I can walk to your house and walk back"

"Well,  when could I come over?" I said with my hand on the plate of nachos.

"This weekend..." he said as his hand met mine. I felt fireworks in my body, he pulled away as I did, I could just tell from his face that he had a crush on me like I had a crush on him.

  We continued exploring around the zoo, then Michael wanted to take me somewhere. So I went to look for my dad to tell him Michael will drop me home.

  After the day was over, Michael took me home. "I had a nice time Michael." I smiled.

"I did too..."

"So, I guess you see me tomorrow?"

"Yup.." he nodded. "Wait, I need you phone number.." I giggled and wrote my number down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. "see you tomorrow...you might get a call from me" he winked.

I got out the car, and went to the front door. I turned around and waved goodbye to him. I opened the door and went inside.

"Mom dad! I'm home!" I yelled out. I got no answer, "Mom, Dad?!" I found a note left on the coffee table, they went out on a dinner, but more likely a date. Oh well, I guess I'm home alone for awhile. I went upstairs to change into my little shorts and my little tank top. I wrap my hair up in a ponytail and lay in bed watching tv. The phone rang in my room, I reached over and answered it.


"Het, it me...Michael" I heard a soft voice. I sat up and smiled so wide you can see it from behind.

  We talked on the phone for two hours now. We really got to know each  other better now. Talking to Michael made me feel more comfortable, it's like I can talk to him about anything and everything to him and he listens.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm writing a song..."

"What is the song about?"

"Heart breaking..." I stayed silent for a moment as I played with the phone cord.

"What it called?" I asked.

"She's Out Of My Life... I could sing it for you if you want..."

"Sure" I grin. I heard him clear his throat before he signed.

"She's Out Of My Life...She's Out Of My Life...And I Don't Know Whether ...To Laugh Or Cry...I Don't Know Whether To Live Or Die....And It Cuts Like A Knife...She's Out Of My Life" he sanged. When I heard his voice, I thought to myself. I felt a tear falling down from my eye. He sang the song as if he lost his true love. That made me wonder, did he have a girlfriend?

"It's Out Of My Hands...It's Out Of My Hands...To Think For Two Years She Was Her...And I Took Her...For Granted I Was So Cavalier...Now The Way That It Stands...She's Out Of My Hands..." he stopped. I wiped the tear from my eye.

"Michael... that was so beautiful...and the song..." I was speechless.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked.

Michael's POV

  Although I had feelings for Lauren, I kinda still have feelings for my ex girlfriend too. I couldn't come to anyone talking about the feelings I had for my ex... so I thought telling Lauren might help me feel better. She became a close friend to me now, since we talked on the phone for a very long time.

"Sure Michael...what is it?" she asked.

"Well... I could never got to anybody about this in awhile."

"Tell me"

"It's so hard for me to tell.." I choked up, the pain of heartbreak hurts so much.

"It's okay Michael..." she said so sweetly.

"Please trust me...you can tell me anything..."

"Two months ago...my girlfriend left me..." I said with tears falling from my eyes. I could help to cry, tears we're threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Why?" she said concern.

"She used me...for everything...even my money. What she did was betrayed me...and she even took things from him..."

"She stole from you?" I cried harder, I thought she was the one for me but it turns out she wasn't... I thought I would get over it by now, but it turns out I'm not.

"Michael, I'm so sorry... I wish I was there to hold you..." she said.

  Hearing those words coming from Lauren made me feel more loved. I felt a little better hearing that from someone.

"I thought I would get over this by now...but I'm not" tears still fell from my eyes.

"Where are you now in the house?"

"I'm sitting down here on the floor...in my bedroom against the wall, and with a demd light"

"You need a friend to be with you now...I can just feel it." My tears start to slow down from falling. I was thinking if I could come over there to her house. "I really do..." I wiped my eyes.

"I was thinking..."

"What Michael?"

"Could I come see you..."

"Sure you can, I mean I'm all alone in this house anyways. I think my parents won't get back till tomorrow."


"Well, I say that because my mom and dad go on a dinner date, they always go out and gabble and have a good time... When I'm alone in the house, I get scared sometimes... I try to stay up in my room."

"I could come over there..." I said.


"I'll see you in 15 minutes."

"Okay..." I hung up the phone and got up and looked in the mirror. I looked at myself and got my face together. I was wearing cookie monster pajamas pants and a blue shirt. I didn't feel like changing but I went like who cares. I'm sneaking out of the house like this. I quietly entered the hallway and checked every bedroom from my siblings and my parents to make sure that they were all asleep. My keys were in my pocket. I snuck from the front, I closed the door quietly that no one heard. I was free and on my way to Laurens house which was right around the corner since she lives in the neighborhood.

*8 minutes later*

I was at her front door. She came down and opened it greeting me with a warm smile. She gave me the warmest hug that I never had.

"Come in" she chuckles. I walked in, after she showed me around the place, she took me to her bedroom after we grabbed a big bowl of potato chips. We talk some more for a while. I felt so good being around her, we laughed, told jokes, she's the best friend I could have forever. And I'm hoping it stays that way. We played Monopoly in her bed, I was the banker and we we're playing very challenging  towards each other. Neither one of us got bankrupt yet. Then we decided to play the Battleship that she has. She beat me in it, it was really fun playing with her. I felt like a little child. To be honest Lauren is the only friend that I could only love to have. I didn't have as many friends growing up. It was after 1 am, we were sitting on the floor, having our backs against the bed.

  "I really had fun with you Lauren. To be honest, you're the only friend I could ever imagine to have."

"Really? You never had any friends?"

"No..I remember that I had one friend growing up... he died years ago."

"What did he die from?..."

"He was killed...someone was shooting in our neighborhood back in Gary Indiana...I remember seeing these two guys running from some. I guess they were running from the police... but I was playing outside with my buddy... his name was Roy."

I told her the story of what happened as I had the flash back going through my head.

"I was chasing him playing tag. He was hiding and I was trying to find him then these two guys came out shooting these two police officers, I hid behind a car. I heard Roy called my name..." just remembering that cold day, leaves me soulless. "I poked my head out slightly to see where Roy was...I heard him call me... he was running to find me and then a man shot him... he fell in the street... I cried say no to myself..." I got all choked up seeing my flash back to that horrible day.  I watched my only best friend get killed. Tears threaten to come out.

"oh Michael... I'm so sorry" she said with a soft whisper. She put one arm around me for support, I started to cry again so hard again.

"I still can't believe he's gone...he was my only friend..."

"Oh Michael" she said and gave me the warmest hug, I hugged her back real tight. I really need this from someone.

"I'm sure your best friend loves you and misses you right now and is looking down upon you from Heaven." she said.

"I really like you..." I whispered.

"I really like you too Michael..." she looked at me, "I will be your friend...forever. I'll always be there for you.." she said. I felt so much better telling her my secret. I wanted to just hold her all night, and I did. We decided to go to bed, she let me spend the night in her bed with her. All night I hold on to her real tight, making sure she is right by my side.

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