Chapter 3

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  After a while, Latoya heads back on the road, pulling into Lauren's driveway. "I had an amazing time with you two today, thanks for showing me around" Lauren smiles taking off her seatbelt.

"No problem, we should definitely hang out more often, minus Michael." Michael looks at Latoya through the rearview mirror.

"Minus Michael? What'd I do?"

"Lauren, how about we go to the salon next time, ya know, get our hair done, mani and pedi?" Latoya asked, ignoring Michael.

"Sure, sounds like fun, when?"

"Anytime, tomorrow if you want?" Lauren had to think about that for a minute.

"Well...I'll have to see if my dad has anything planned first."

"Okay, just call me and let me know if you can come." Latoya said, cranking up the car.

"Alright, well I guess I'll see you guys soon, and nice meeting you Michael." She smiled at him through the mirror.

"Nice meeting you too, Lauren." he smiled back.

  Lauren got out of the car and walked up to the doorstep to ring the doorbell and dad answered. "Hey sweetheart, did you have fun?" Lauren walked inside and set her bags down.

"Did I? I had an amazing time!"

"That's good baby girl, dinner's ready by the way, if you're hungry." he shuts the door and Lauren heads to the kitchen.

"Where's mom?" she asked him.

"Working, she'll be home soon." Dad had already set the table, so Lauren sat down to eat dinner. After a while she went upstairs to get ready for bed.

She couldn't stop thinking about Michael. He's been on her mind ever since she got back home.

Lauren's POV

I've been thinking about Michael for awhile. It seems like I can't get him off my mind. Do I really like him or something? No don't say that, I just met the guy, but he's so sweet, charming, funny. I feel like I already know him.  Meanwhile my dad walks in the room,

"Hey, I was thinking we should go somewhere and do something together." 

"Sure, like what dad?"

"I was thinking we should go to a public zoo," he said with a smile.

I thought about it and smirked. It can't be bad, I love animals and who knows, it might get my mind off of Michae. I smiled and said, "Sure daddy."

"You gonna love it, get some sleep baby girl" he said and turned the light switch off and left. I laid back in bed under the covers, my mind was still on Michael.

  Next morning came, my dad made breakfast. I got up to freshen up and went downstairs to eat. After me and dad ate, we left for the zoo.

So far my day at the zoo was fun, I got to see my favorite animal, the tiger. Meanwhile, when me and my dad were watching the Gorilla, I spotted Michael. My mind was blowing off, all of a sudden I was feeling scared and nervous, I was hoping that he wouldn't see me.

Michael's POV

  I was in the Gorilla section at the zoo. I love seeing the Gorillas, but then I spotted Lauren. At first I didn't think it was her but I had to just go see. I walk over to her, "Guess who?" she turned around and had a big surprised look on her face.

"Hey, Michael!" she said and gave me a hug.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Oh I just love coming to the zoo a lot and seeing animals. What are you here for?"

"I'm with my dad" she said this man walked up to her.

"Well baby aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh dad..." she sighed.

"This is Michael, Latoya's little brother."

Just A Little Bit Of YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora