The Tell of Her Soul

By SAsarahSSY

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"What! kidding right!" "I'm afraid I'm not ma belle" "This is not going to happen not even in your wild... More

chapter #1
chapter #2
chapter #3
chapter #4
chapter #5
chapter #7
chapter #8
Chapter #9
<< Author note >>
chapter 10#
chapter #11

chapter #6

201 8 5
By SAsarahSSY

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday my
Lovely angel
Happy birthday to you

《Happy birthday angel》
《Thanks mommy》
《Happy birthday princess》
《Thanks daddy》
《Oky presents time, here's angel mine first》
Today I became 7 years old, I know it's kind of pity having a birthday with only my parents, but that was enough coz I believe that celebrating birthday should always be with the people you love the most, and for me is them and no one else
Looking up at my mom she's the most beautiful woman in the world she's always smiling and loves nothing but to make people happy
she handed me a small box a yellow one, her eyes are shining with excitement I open the box gently not to tear the paper it was a beautiful paper and it would be waste if I tear it , in the box there was a necklace a beautiful one that I always saw in my mommy's neck, it has the shape of the moon a crystal moon, I loved it
《But mom this is your favorite necklace》
《Yes honey, it is and that's why I'm giving it to you, I want you to have the best, I know it's not much and it's nothing but an old necklaces, but the memory that it contains means a lot to me, do you know when did I get it? was the day I found out I was pregnant with see this moon, that's you, you are my moon you shine through my darkness and guide me for better me you're my happiness, I love you baby girl》
《I love you too mommy,I'll keep it forever I'll never take it off》


It's 4 in the morning and I haven't slept a single minute , after Damon send a text asking *where are you* , I texted him back *home*.. technical it's true cuz I'm in a house so it's not a lie, it took him less than 3 second to text back *liz,where are you* ... he definitely know, how the fuck did he know?... *where would I possibly be?* Answering a question with question is the best way to escape telling the truth and avoid lying, but Franky apparently not in the mood. *Answer the damn question, and for your own good it better be the truth* Charming isn't? Brain less avatar what does he think he is? threaten me like this! I throw my phone on the other side of the bed and hold the pillow to my face muffling my screams, I don't wanna Jack come running with his baseball bat, I took deep breath and put the pillow down I turn to my side facing my phone where it lay it starts vibrating again another message but I didn't bother looking at it I get off of the bed put on my jacket and open the door quietly so not to wake Jack the living room was dark, he's obviously sleeping I headed to the front door and went out.

Now I'm outside my home "X-home" yeah ....the place where I grew where I laughed where I was happy where I cry my eyes out for the lost of my mother where I suffered from the pain that's my drunk father caused.
My hands went to where my necklace hanging the necklace that my mom given me , I have never not even a single day took it off of my neck, it's the only thing that I have left of her , since I lost her all the light in my life dim, all i see now is darkness every color has vanished she was the only person who loved me now I'll never be loved again.. I never believed in love anyway, if the person who supposed to be my father the one who suppose to care about me, to protect me and be there for me, hates me! then who would?... no one .

enough dwelling on my miserable life I need to talk to Simon tomorrow and try to convince him to break the deal cuz after everything I did, I still end up losing the house, let him have the house let him have my father I'm done fighting , I stand up and glance at the house one last time before I go, the minute I opened the front yard door my heart stopped
Holy shit.
In the other side of the door stood Damon,he was looking at me intensively his hair was messy and I can tell by the black circles under his eyes that he didn't sleep , he was wearing a white shirt lather jacket and blue jeans , this is the first time I see him in casual clothes and he looks "hot" No! I was gonna say different
《Wh..what are doing here?》
《Do you know what the first thing we learned at kindergarten?... Manners, when you wanna go behind closed doors you knock first, when you want something whose not yours you ask the permission , and when someone calls, you answer》
I open my mouth to answer but before I could say anything he talks again
《Where are you staying?》
《What do you mean where am I staying?》
《Answer the question》
The tone of his voice tell that he's trying so hard to control his anger, why the fuçk is he angry?
And by the look at his eyes I prepare myself for an explosion
《Enough with your smartass mouth and answer THE GOD DAMN QUESTION》
my eyes clouded with tears. no, I'm not gonna cry, not in front of him, the bastard! what gives him the right to yells at me!
I moved past him not wanting to look at his face or talk to him, and just as I start walking some Iran arm hold my wrist, I tried to free myself but instead I was dragged to where I stood 5 seconds ago
《Don't you dare turn your back on me》
He talks through clenching teeth , my wrist start to hurt really bad
《You're hurting me》
He didn't let go of my wrist on the contrary his hold hardened on it , he didn't care about the fact that he's hurting me, he was furious he's eyes that once was the color of the honey now there's a dark shade all over them
《You want to know where I'm staying? oky I'll tell you, but not because you're scaring me, no it's because I want you to leave me the fuçking alone , so for your question I'm crushing at my friend's house because my fuçked up father kicked me out cuz he hates my guts , now that you have your answer let go of my fuçking arm and leave me alone》
I wasn't aware of me crying until I taste the saltiness of my tears , my wrist now is free and it's hurting as hell I hold it with my other arm trying to easy the pain, I don't want to look at the fuçkin bastard. I start moving fast cuz I know that once my tears out there's no way to hold them back, because when I star cry I'll cry for all my misery all of my pain my sadness my weakness my lost and my broken heart, all the emotions that I hold back conquer my body making it harder for me to breathe, my body starts shaking and my feet getting weaker my vision are blurry and my head is killing me , without me knowing I fell on the ground, and  darkness starts consuming me
《merde! liz》
That was the last thing I heard before I completely blackout.

《...Non, Enrique...Je ne me soucie pas, je l'ai déjà discuter cela avec sicilia..》

Agh! my head is hurting , it's like I been hitting constantly with hummer,
Wait! ...... what that smell?
Oh god! It's Jasmin ! Emm ...The sheets smell like Jasmin .. when did jack wash them? this sheets are really soft I can't stop hugging them

《...oui je suis au courant de cela .... nous parlerons plus tard》

I haven't heard my alarm clock nor did jack came knocking so it must be early and for that my eyes gonna stay close, I'm not going to waste a good minute of sleep , I hugged the sheets inhaling the divine smell a moane escaped my lips , I'm taking this sheets with me when I leave " you mean if you leave , no place to go remember "
Shut it stupid mind

《Ahem.. , sorry to interrupt your ... erotic moment! , but the breakfast is getting cold》

....No.. No.. HaHaHa oky stupid mind you almost get me
《liz , I know you're awake, what are you feeling? should I call the doctor again?》 No! please please please no it can't be real
I closed my eyes tighter and shake my head in order to wake up from this nightmares
《Nop, you can't shake me off I'm pretty much really not one of your erotic dreams... even though I'd like to be the main character》
With that said my eyes popped open, he was sitting in a chair next to the bed , there was a towel around his neck his hair is slightly wet clearly he just took shower, I look around the room trying to figure out where the fuçk am I !? this room is definitely not Jack's this one is way bigger than his , the walls are light cream a modern dresser with mini antique decoration rast on the left side of the room gigantic chandelier black Victoria couch in front of the French window and there's 3 doors!

Which one is the get way door?

I adjusted myself in sitting position and as I move my legs under the sheets I felt my nakedness


My eyes popped out ,I know I'm doctor and being naked is not that big of deal but the thought of being naked in unknown place and with this bastard, god knows what he's been doing to me! I lift the sheets so I could look at my body, I was wearing silk night dress whose barely covering my ass , I retrieve my gaze at him and there he was sitting with amusement all around his face
《where am I ?》My voice come out as a whisper
《My place》he said it as if its obvious like I've been here 1000 time before
《Come again? What you mean your place? how did I come here? I don't remember coming to "your place"? Nor changing to this... hooker dress!》 This time I sounds more powerful and as I say the last part I hug the sheets close to my body, he smirk
《you sound like yourself guess you're okay, that good ... even though the unconscious you was quiet pleasant》

Unconscious! ... as a flashback of last night's come to my mind doll ache coverage my heart, I look at my wrist I find it covered with White bandage there's feeling of small pain , I need to get out of here I don't want to stay here another minutes I had to go I need to go, I threw the sheets not caring about covering my body and he's probably has already saw it all bastard , I push myself to the other side of the bed the minute I stand up the floor start moving and I feel myself falling to the floor I close my eyes waiting for the hit but instead of the hit a large arms was holding my waist keeping me in a place
《jumping out of the bad after just waking up from unconsciousness that's real smooth doc》《fuçk you》 his senses is suffocating me the smells of his aftershave and perfume, my back was a press to his chest he's so close, I feel his hot breath on my neck and then it traveled up to my ear where he blow air in it making me gasp
《You truly get a dirty mouth, I guess the next time I meet the designer I'll tell him to made you a dozen of these dress and thank him , cuz the view is a spectacular》I can hear him smirk the bastard how dare he! I push myself out of his hold and step away from him
《don't ever fuçkin touch me again ever! , and f.y.i when someone blackout you take him to A FREAKIN HOSPITAL NOT BRING HIM TO YOUR DAMN HOUSE! THAT'S CALLED A FUÇKIN KIDNAPPING YOU ASSHÖLE!!!》damn it feel so good letting it all out《now we're is my god dämn clothes and the fuçkin exit cuz I don't want to spend another fuçkin minute in Satan residence》 he rise he's eyebrow, his eyes are glowing with a humor
《Satan residence! if that it's then I'd say you earned yourself a ticket one way down here from all your swearing》
《Fűck you》
《Say it again and I'll do it》 he takes step closer, he's kidding right? I don't want to risk finding out
《you know what? you can keep the damn clothes I'm out》 I turn my back on him and look at the 3 door, the question is which one is the exit? I decide to go with the one on the left corner, I walk to it and open the door it was dark in there but I could still recognize what's in it, a sink a big mirror a toilets on the corner and a damn jacuzzi!!.. yep not the exit
《that's the bathroom》 he said it as if he's talking to a child, I turned my head and glare at him and he just grin
《no shit!》
《just helping》lifting his hand in surrender way, I turn my look back at the doors one left two to go
《choose wise》he whisper and I ignored him and kept staring at the two doors one in the middle of the facing wall and the other in the right corner, if I was an exit door which one would I be?...the right corner? , I walk to the right corner before I open it I hear his footsteps behind my back I guess this is the right door after all I quickly turn the knock and open the door
ding! ding! ding! We has winner
across the door was a long hallway , my way out of here, and before I step a foot outside the room his hand circles around my wrist
《Not so fast , you don't want to scare one of the staff by walking almost naked》 staff ?.. Of course he have a staff silly me
《get your hands off of me , I don't care but you damn staff I need to get to the hospital I'm late and and ... God I forget Jack!! he must be freaking out right now, where is my phone I need to call him》 he's holding on my hand get stronger it starting to hurt
《you're not going anywhere before we talk doc , you can called your lover after we finish talking》 lover? He think Jack my lover?
《okay, now get your hand off it's hurt》this time he actually oblige my request and take off his hand
《come on we can talk after we have the breakfast》I didn't answer him and just follow him, next to the chair where he was sitting there's a small coffee table 《I didn't know what you like on breakfast so I just thought that you would love some pancakes and orange juice ... if you want something else I could ask the cheef to do it for you, do you want something else?》 bipolar much? Seriously what's up with him? One minute he's caring gentlemen, other minute he's player and flirting and then the cold heart monster... is he on something? Or maybe he have mantel disorder?
《No , it's good》I take site and look at the breakfast, and by the look of it. it seems delicious

And It is

《So now that we finished the breakfast we can talk about our situation ... but first you can have a shower if you want and change into something new and ... less distracting》 I look and he's eyes were somewhere down my face... perv! I hug my chest covering it with my arms and with that move he snap out of his pervertenss grinning like idiot
《eyes are up here》
《But I like the view down there just fine ,... take the shower and I'll call the maid to bring you something to wear》before I could reply , he was out I guess it's settled then

Now days, the world has see so many inventions that's help our race for better live a comfortable one and easy I want to have a moment to thank the beautiful human how invent the jacuzzi
It's been 30 minutes since I've been laying in this heavenly heavenly jacuzzi I just can't find it in me to get up, I guess there's one thing good of been engaged to this Avatar

Now it has been a hour for me in this jacuzzi I put on a bathrobe, dry my hair and walked out to the bedroom
《I was a minute away from breaking the door, I thought you freaking blackout again》 he looked angry and... worry... ?
Yeah probably coz he doesn't want a body in his jacuzzi
Yeah sorry about that, i just really needed a bath and you can blam your jacuzzi》 yeah totally the damn jacuzzi, He smirk《yeah he does that》 his eyes travels down my buddy 《perv!》trying to cover my chest he grin looking like the typical player that you can't help but to fall for his charm, but I won't
《Here the clothes wear them and don't take too long》i I took the clothes from his hands and head back to the bathroom I change quickly to this beautiful dress and what's really creep me out is the size of the bra that was exact in my size C cap! prv .

I walk to him and he was sitting in the chair I found him in earlier, there was paperwork in his hands I took the site next to him , he put the papers and look at me , he keep staring in my eyes and!《looking beautiful》I can't stop the blush that creep to my cheeks《thanks》oh!god I sound so desperate , I clean my throat and push myself to speak normal《so what's with this paperwork?... and then hearing myself asking about them as if I care which I don't, make me want to take it back so just forget that I asked 》《This papers are more important to you than you think》he put the papers in front of me and look me in the eyes 《this papers are our deal's, or should I call it our fake engagement papers》


Helllllllooooo readers ♡
I know I know it's been a while since I've update but I been suuuuper busy with the university
Now I have little time *sorry* still haven't done yet 😢😫
Sooo I hope you guys enjoy this chapter
Comment your thoughts I promise to answer

Have nice day
And don't forget

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