I'm Sorry Alpha

By lilmc87

12.5K 313 65

Her entire world is turned upside down in the matter of days. Her parents are getting divorced, her mother ra... More

Sorry Alpha
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

407 9 1
By lilmc87

Chapter 5

I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think straight this was all just too much. My family are werewolves, humans they transform into wolves at will...how had I never noticed? Was I really that blind or self absorbed? Then on the other end I felt jilted that I didn't receive the gene, that I would never get to connect to my wolf or transform into her and that I would never get a mate...

I wonder why my dad doesn't have a mate or why it took my mother so long to find hers. Why didn't she just tell us that she had met the love of her life and that she needed to leave, or was it just me she didn't tell. Just because I'm not a wolf doesn't give my family the right to lie about everything, my entire life has been a lie. I don't even truly know who my family are, they've been lying to me my entire life.

After hours of pacing around my room going crazy with my thoughts completely consuming my sanity I decided I was going to go for a walk. I didn't care that it was 4am I couldn't stay here anymore I needed space, lots of it. I opened the doors to my balacony and looked for a way down from there. Thankfully their was part of the roof I could jump down to that would only make my drop to the ground about 6ft. I took my time to climb over the railing and hang down and drop on to the roof and then I jumped down onto the grass and headed for the woods. If this was a town of werewolves the worst I could run into would be one of them and I could just explain who I am.

As I entered the edge of the forest I felt at peace, it wasn't scary like I had imagined it was peaceful and rejuvinating and just what I needed. This was a moment I wish I was a wolf so I could shift and just run until I couldn't run anymore. Yet I was born without a wolf and would have to accept that I was just a human living in a town of wolves.

My thoughts were less angry and depressing the longer I walked and before I knew it the sun was rising but I didn't know where I was. I decided to turn around when I heard a branch break behind me. I turned quickly and gasped when standing before me was the biggest wolf I had ever seen in my life. He was black and he was taller than me which was a little scary. I braced myself for a moment then looked right at the wolf meeting his eyes when I gasped.

I stumbled backwards and fell on my butt but I was numb it was as if the universe had stopped for me and nothing else mattered. He seemed to shake himself then take a step forward.

"I've seen you before..." I whispered feeling nervous. He was the wolf that had been at the edge of the forest when I had first found my bedroom. He growled lowly and shook his head.

"Yes I have, can you shift back?" I asked knowing he had to be a werewolf. He shook his head and I huffed in annoyance.

"Well I can't really have a conversation with you then. Maybe you can explain more about yourself than my dad and brother could." I said hopefully and all he did was shake his head again and then motion me towards the path I had been following.

"You won't shift but you'll boss me around? What if I don't want to go home?" I said feeling somewhat impatient. I wanted to know who he was and if he could tell me more about wolves. He let out a quick bark and motioned towards the path again.

"Fine I'll go home but not because you told me to but because I'm cold." I said and headed down the path and he just followed me quietly. I kept on wanting to stop and talk to him but he was all business and no fun. He wanted me to get home so he would have nothing else left to do with me. Yet why was he out here in the first place and why was getting me home even important. He was a wolf, he shouldn't have cared whether I was lost in the woods or not.

As I reached my backyard I saw my father standing on the deck staring me down and he did not look happy. The wolf stopped at the edge of the forest and motioned for me to continue. I turned around and knelt down, "I know I'll see you again, and I'll figure out who you are and why I feel like you are someone special to me. Trust me secrets never stay secrets. Thanks for walking me back, now I have to face my father and I'm sure he's going to kill me." I siad and laughed a little but he growled. I rolled my eyes and got up and started walking towards my dad cringing just thinking about how much trouble I'm in.

"Glad to see you were escorted back." He said with an edge to his voice.

"I needed to get out, I felt like I couldn't breathe." I said suddenly feeling agitated and unconfortable.

"Then you tell me where your going and you don't go into the forest, it's not safe in there for you." He said angrily not understanding why I had left.

"So one of your pack members would kill me?" I asked shocked.

"They have no idea who you are, just a random human girl who smells of different wolves they are not familiar with. You could have been killed in seconds had the Alpha not escorted you back."


"Get inside, go to your room and get some sleep. You'll meet the pack soon enough." He said sounding defeated and I took that as my cue to retreat. I went upstairs to my room and got into bed but everytime I closed my eyes to sleep the big black wolves silver eyes would haunt me. Why did I feel so connected him? Was the last thought I had before exhaustion forced me to sleep.


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