Depression's cure {Boy x Boy}

By GayBubbles27

182K 5.6K 7.7K

(WARNING: SELF HARM) Spiderman (Peter Parker) has an addiction....with cutting himself. It all started when h... More

Kisses from the blade
Cock blocked
Comforting bruises
Fighting Crime, and being a Perv
Kissing the cuts
Bf, and Bff
Fuck this Cheesy boring Stuff, let's go wreck shit
My last words...
I must save him to save myself.
Running into the past only to find the cure to depression
Ring finger
The wedding day
Complete happiness

Comforting Bruises PART 2

17.8K 524 1.1K
By GayBubbles27

Authors note
In case you havent noticed, i obviously changed the background story of both characters so if you disagree with Deadpool's/Wade's backstory, bitch thats my interpretation back off NO PLACE FOR HATE

(In your head make like a flashback montage of everything that's happened throughout the story and then at the end of chapter 3 do the "THIS TIME ON: DEPRESSION'S CURE!" And then read this chapter. Or don' just makes it more fun☺️)

"Well uh...(coughs). You see my Aunt...May past away about a year ago. She was diagnosed with cancer."

"Ohh man..i'm sorry" Deadpool said in a genuine concerned voice.

"Yea...and..when it happened i was gonna talk to my girlfriend abo- well ex-girlfriend about it but..she broke up with me and said to never speak to her again because she found out that i was bisexual after reading my journal."

"Okay one: That was a really bitchy move like what the hell?! Your boyfriend's Aunt just died and your gonna treat him like shit because he's into dudes? And two: did you know you were into boys as well as girls and how long had it been since then?"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! DON'T ASK HIM THAT! Great, we were doin good and now, he's gonna think we're just tryna get in his pants!"

"Hey this was your idea, so therefor this is your fault."
Deadpool just ignored the voices. He couldn't even hear them. Once he started talking to Spiderman they just....stopped...and he was fully focused on him. Spiderman wasn't  sure why he was telling this....random black and red guy his life story. But he felt comfortable with it...and sure as hell didn't want to stop.

"Well there's this guy named Flash at my school- well I'm dropping out anyways but when i was in-"

"Don't drop out of school." Deadpool interrupted with a very serious tone.

"....but there's no point. Im alread-"

"Don't drop out of school."


"No, Spidey don't. Drop. Out. Of school." Deadpool repeated while biting into his now finished chimichanga. "I know how bad it is right now and that there really is not point but....there is a point. You're still young. You still have a life to live. Don't give that up just because some bitch wants to hate on you because of you're sexuality."

'Wow....this guy is..right. And i thought he was just some random idiot from the street who just robbed Party City.'

"....i guess you're right. But between no friends and no one to pay for am i supposed to manage?"

"I'll pay!"
'OHMYGOSH WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY?! Nothing it was probably nothing. Im just imagining things...."

"Wait what? Seriously?!"

"Yea i'll pay for it, i'm basically rich, i have like 100,000 dollars just in my pocket"
'OOOOHHHKKAAAYY SO I'M NOT IMAGINING! I DEFIANTLY JUST  SAID I WOULD PAY FOR HIS FUCKING SCHOOL! Well... I mean why not. I am basically rich and the money isn't going towards anything other than pizza and my apartment rent.'

"Wow...thanks. I...i really owe you one."

"Ppffshhh yea you do, you'll be my sidekick. Now finish telling me about how you found out you're bi, and then after that tell me why you wanna drop out of school."

"Well there's this guy named flash and he' bully... He always calls me a faggot and then tells me to burn in hell, when I'm the religious one. He doesn't even go to church, but anyway, one day him and his gang started pushing me towards this guy named Daniel and kept saying "awweees petey's got a faggy boyfriieend" and then push me down and start kicking me and then Daniel just walked away not wanting to be  apart of what was happening. When i saw him leaving....i saw his ass and got a little turned on...sooo yeaaa."

"AHAHA MAN THAT'S FUNNY!" Spiderman chuckled, he realized it WAS kind of funny how he was being bullied yet he was only thinking about how good a guy's ass looked.
"But the whole bully thing is not. You need to make sure that gets taken care of. But continue."

"Well with all the bullying, bruises taken and the fact that i really only went to school FOR Mary Jane, my ex-girlfriend, who i don't have anymore..i didn't see the point. Plus the fact that i already have two jobs and one that does pay."

" is still pretty important. Besides the education and all that bullshit, high-school is where you get to surround yourself with the closet friends you can find and experience life changing events together."

"I pushed the only people who cared about me away because of the constant fear of losing them for reasons like me not coming in time, like with my aunt. Or, my sexuality which would disgust them like it did Mary Jane." Spiderman said with a baritone voice and turned his head to the right looking down onto the city streets.

'Damn what the hell i thought GOOD things were supposed to happen to hot people'

"Well know that i'm here for you. And you couldn't possibly drive me away."
Spiderman quickly turned his head to left to look at Deadpool. Deadpool realizing what he just said started blushing underneath his mask.

"'s been a while sense i've been able to trust someone with my feelings without worrying about being hurt, trashed, let down, or the one to hurt them by accident... Also, why are you so passionate about school?"

Deadpool turned his head to the left, stifling some tears that were just begging to be let out. He turned his head to the right facing Spiderman again ready to tell him hoping tears wouldn't come out soaking his mask.

"My parents....forced me to stay home. I never got a chance to get education or have friends"

"Why....did you not have the money?"

"No we had the money but..."

"But what?"

"They said i was a natural failure. That i could never learn anything. THAT IM LITERALLY A DUMB ASS WITH LEGS! And that sending me to school would be wasting time and money. Even public school was pointless according to them because they thought that the information would just go through one ear and out the other."

"That's terrible! I'm...i'm sorry that your parents never believed in you...i wish i could do something about it or so-"

"Don't worry about it. The bastards are dead now and like i said before, i'm rich." Deadpool said with satisfaction as he leaned back and put his arms behind his head.

"Yea, rich with cancer and scars and bruises."

"Shut up you!" Deadpool screamed sitting back up pointing towards the sky. Spiderman looked up at the sky confused then looked back down at Deadpool.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, well i'm sort of insane so i have these voices inside my head that always yell and bicker and they're ANNOYING! (Arguing with the voices) You know it's true....why are you so!- you know what I'm just gonna ignore them."

'Crap i probably shouldn't have told him about that. Now he'll think i'm crazy- well i am but he won't be okay with it....well i guess i can kiss that sweet ass goodbye...without actually kissing it*sobs*'

"Aha, so i guess you never get lonely huh?"

".....hehe yea if you wanna look at it optimistically.."

'Ohmygosh...he's fine with it? YES! Wait....there's still the scars....(mental sigh) at least we'll be friends'

"So i've told you about my tragic life...time to exchange yours."

"....alright. Well you already know about my crappy parents. I HAD a girlfriend, Vanessa. We were..happy, sex was GREAT, I'm Pan-sexual by the way, and i your Aunt, diagnosed with cancer. My girlfriend and knew i was going to die in a short while so we were... In a depressed state. Then one day i went to the doctor to get a check up or to just see how bad it was at the moment and then they told me that...they had a way to counteract the cancer with some sort of procedure and that they would do it on me if i had accepted the symptoms that came along with it. I was so excited that i could be 'rid' of my cancer i ignored all the symptoms and just accepted it."

"So did the procedure work?!"

"It worked but...the symptoms were nothing what i had expected. I had become immortal, and had my agility, and strength maximized to an inhumanly rate."

"Those..sound like great sound effects-"

"They were...but...the cancer wasn't taken away. The procedure just took away my ability to die and basically fights off the cancer everyday. And because it was never still lives through my skin..."


"So now i have scars and bruises all over my body and i look like a fucking wrinkly potato. Anyway...after i got the procedure i went back home to surprise Vanessa that i wouldn't die and hope that she wouldn't freak out too badly about the skin issue."

"She should be grateful you still had a life. You could have died! Skin is the last thing i would worry about." It was then Deadpool's heart practically pounded through his chest and flew out and onto to the floor. His heart was beating so hard he couldn't even breathe. A tear fell down his cheek silently.

'Spidey doesn't care about looks....?'

He then calmed himself and stabilized his breathing silently so he wouldn't look fazed.

"When i got home she acted normal. Happy to see me and happy to know i'd live but something was missing... I decided to ignore it and just go on with the rest of my life. The next thing i know, i wake up in the middle of the night to a note that reads 'I love you, but i just can't love a monster.' ."


"My whole body is covered in scars it's not just a 'couple' of scars." Deadpool said matter of factly with his elbows on his thighs, crosslegged, with his hands linked together and his two index fingers touching his nose.

"I DON'T REALLY CARE, TO BE HONEST! I mean, if my boyfriend, hypothetically, was able to live forever and never die on me and all i had to do was live with scars and bruises on my lover, i think i'd be perfectly fine with that. He'd still be the same guy i love, the same guy who loves me, he'd still be a human. And i would love him no matter what he looked like."

"He'd still be human. He'd still be human. He'd. Still. Be. Human."

Those words kept repeating themselves inside Deadpool's head while tears streamed down his cheeks. Still keeping his faked calmness, he reached out and hugged Spiderman.


"You're the only one. Who's ever seen past my scars....and you haven't even seen them."

"....and you're the only one who's ever cared what pain i've experienced in my life...."

They both secretly cried onto each other's shoulders inside their masks. They healed each other's emotional bruises, and comforted each other's physical scars. After a minute or so they slowly stood up and continued where they were.

"So...i guess i'll see you later. Pound it?"

Spiderman extended his arm with a fist indicating a gesture for a fist bump, trying to seem cool when he was really emotionally wrecked. Wade accepted the gesture and "pounded it". Spiderman turned to walk away thinking that he may never see this guy again based on how everyone leaves him or how he pushes the people around him away, when-

"Hey dude?! You still owe me you know?! Hehe."

"What?! FOR WHAT?!"

"Un, For paying for you so you can continue to go to school!"

"O yea....what did you have in mind?"

"You, me, partners in FIGHTING crime, eh eh?"

"....yea...that could work actually..."

"Yea, we both patrol when we both can, and whenever i get called and accept a mission, you can come along and be my little sidekick and be on the look out and my backup. You know..if you want." Spiderman only chuckled, gave a thumbs up and walked away.

"WAIT!" Spiderman then turned around in confusion.

"Wade Wilson!"

"Hmph. Peter Parker!" And with that, they exchanged phone numbers (because i mean how else are they gonna contact each other), went their separate ways, secretly thinking about each other, on their way home, back to being alone.

'Peter. Hmph, I've gotta have that ass, but were friends...great...another person who has my heart and the ability to throw it down anytime they want. Why do you do this yo yourself Wade....DON'T YOU DARE ANSWER THAT YELLOW'

'I wonder what he looks like...i wonder if he's hot...he probably is. That voice was sexy....gosh..i've fallen into the hole of love once again. *sigh* why do you always do this to yourself Pete?'


Peter entered his apartment through his window as usual. The thought of Deadpool...or..Wade escaped his mind and he was again going to the bathroom to meet his sharp friend. He then randomly started laughing at the memory of Wade frantically floundering around on the floor thinking a crow was attacking him. He then stopped on his way to the bathroom and backed away slowly.... He didn't want his friend razor...he wanted Wade. He went into his bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and went to bed. NO CUTTING! He knew that Wade had spared his arm this time, but it would take a long time to separate him from his closest friend in that bathroom.


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