Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivas...

By VAcademy6

36.8K 785 68

Did u ever wonder what would happen if Adrian Ivashkov and Rose Hathaway were to end up together? Find out in... More

Before : reciving the letter
Before : the first kiss
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


874 18 0
By VAcademy6

Jill followed Adrian everywhere. And it
Was starting to piss me off. I still hadn't gotten around to tell Lissa I've known about her fathers secret longer than her so everytime I saw her my heart clench , I couldn't let the words out because through our bond I could feel her becoming happy again. This morning Adrian and Jill were at a luncheon with some other Moroi, I decided to go train instead. smashing the dummies in the work out room made me feel better , for about five seconds. During the silence I couldn't help but think of Dmitri. His trial was in a week and I've procrastinated enough, I didn't even bother to shower as I made my way to Tasha's room. She would defiantly be there , being an Ozera meant not going to the usual moroi events. Knocking on the door of her room she opened it in seconds. Her scar showed , she never tried to hide it so i didn't know why it stunned me.
Maybe her presence just stunned me. A flicker of dislike flashed in her eyes but it vanished as she smiled at me. A part of me wanted to leave and not ask for her help but I couldn't keep looking for answers for him. Dmitri is my past and now he's Tasha's future. I crossed my arms over my chest and said reluctantly "I need your help." She blinked a few times , I rarely asked anyone for guidance let alone help. Her smile twitched as she said "I thought you would never ask." Tasha guestured for me to enter her room and slowly I walked in. It was as nice as any dhampirs rooms. an insult to a moroi like Tasha. She sat on her bed but I leaned against the walls not taking my eyes off her as I watched her every move. "Okay Tasha we both know I don't want to be here but let's face it I need your help . Dmitri is innocent we both know that, help me free him and he's yours to deal with after that. I don't love him anymore I haven't for a long time." A wicked smile spread across her face but worry filled here eyes , it made me uneasy. " how do you supposed we do this?" Tasha questioned. I licked my dry lips , honestly i didn't know if
My plan would work but I had to give it my best shot even if it was made up on the walk to get here. I let out a sigh and said "we need to break him out , tonight or else he's dead" Tasha nodded her head in agreement. I continued speaking "we need a distraction so that everyone won't be here, you need to get him out of here. Take him home to Siberia. Take him back to his family." I choked as I said the country that brought him back to me. I'm glad
It will be taking him away also. Dmitri will always own a piece of my heart but I gave the piece of his heart that he offered to me and handed it over to Tasha with each word i said. Swallowing hard she stood up and said "deal,
I'm in ." I gave her a nod and began to walk out of the room but Tasha stopped me with her words "what's this big distraction your planning while I release Dmitri?" I smile spread across my face that most likley made me look like the devil and said "oh you'll see, everyone one will see . Even queen Tatiana herself from her grave will get the pleasure to view my distraction." I winked at her and spun on my heel and strutted out the Room. My smile couldn't fade. Get ready Moroi because Rose Hathaway is coming for you all.

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