Only Cry Silent Tears

By chocolatevelvet

112K 5.8K 578

Bullied and Abused On the mental and the physical Told only to cry Silent Tears Never being able to let it... More

Short Introduction: Monica
Days Like This
Another Normal Miserable Day
Someones in Trouble
What Did I Get Myself Into?
Because She's a Nobody
How Dare You?
The Blind Side
Between Me & U
Back to Square One
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Keep it on the Down Low
The Janitor's Closet
I Got to Have all Your LOVE
Something has to Change
It's Here to Stay!
Secrets Out
I Told Him
Monday's Might Actually Be From Hell
I'm in LOVE!
Im back baby!
Figuring Things Out
Baby Blue Dress
I Do This For Ava
Chance to Be Honest
You Have To Tell Him

Honesty Hour

5.5K 286 11
By chocolatevelvet


I honestly wasn't expecting something like this coming from Kayla. I thought I'd covered my bruises enough from her for her not to be suspicious. I wonder if Christian had something to do with this. Whatever the case I couldn't tell her the truth. I loved Ava too much to do that. I had to play it off so I did just that.

"Is someone beating me? Kayla have you look around me lately. Everyone hates me!"

I said turning back to do my work. That wasn't really an answer but at the same time it wasn't a lie.

"Monica you're hurting, I can see it's more than bullying. Somebody hurt you Monica. Can you just tell me?" She said. I wanted to tell Kayla so bad but the only thing I could think of was Ava. I could see Child Protective Services whisking her away and never seeing her again. Who is to say who she'll end up with? It could be someone worse than Rodney. I couldn't have that. I had to stay strong for her and if that meant that I had to hide the pain that I was enduring then so be it. She's all I have left.

"Look, I have work to do." Was all I said to her? I really didn't want to talk about it but, I knew she wasn't going to give up that easy. Kayla had good intentions and all, I knew that she was a good friend to me. An only friend to me. She always stuck up for me when I didn't have the courage to do it myself but she just didn't understand what I was going through. She still had both parents at home and they were both loving and caring and invested in her future. He problem didn't even slightly compare to mine and I just didn't want to let her in and risk her telling her parents. I just couldn't do it.

"Fine Monica, be like that but we going to have this conversation again." She said getting mad. I just put my head down. "Monica, were best friends, were supposed to be able to trust each other with our deepest darkest secrets. You're shutting me out and I don't like it. " She said before turning back to our worksheet the teacher gave us at the beginning of class and completing her work. I couldn't believe she said we were best friends. I hadn't really thought about a best friend, I had so much on my plate. She was my best friend. She could tell me everything and she did but she hit the nail on the head, I was shutting her out. But it was for my sisters own good so I didn't feel as bad.


I managed to go through the whole day of school considering the pain I was in. Ava don't have after school today. So I told her would pick her up. Kayla said she was going to come with me and I knew it was because she wanted to talk to me about what she asked earlier. As soon as we walked out of the door of the school you couldn't count to five before she said something.

"Monica....." She said. I just shook my head because I knew that this was going to a long trip.

"Kayla you're not going to give up are you?" I asked already knowing her answer.

"No, I'm not. Monica you're hurt, bad and I want to know who did this to you. Can you just tell me?" She said as we got off the bus and started walking up to Ava's school. I paused turning to her and sighed. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get out of this one. Kayla was too persistent. I couldn't think of an ongoing lie that I could tell that would make her believe me if this ever happened again. And after hearing her say she was my best friend I had some time to think about my relationship with Kayla. She has been the only one that has been there for me since my parents died, well besides Ava. I knew I could trust her with anything but I was afraid that with this information that she might break our friendship secrecy to what she feels would keep us safe from Rodney. I was going to take my chances on telling her.

"Fine Kayla. I wish you would just leave it." I said rolling my eyes as I felt tears build in my eyes. "Promise if I tell you..." I said growing quiet. Should I do it? I was thinking really hard about telling her this. "You have to swear to me you WILL NOT tell anybody and will let me go about things my way." I said looking at Kayla. She had a scared look in her eyes. She didn't have the slightest clue what was going on so I'm sure her mind was racing to all types of things. She's my best friend and all but I'm sure she's listened to some of the rumors that were floating around in school and probably thought I was going to confirm one or more of them. Maybe it was the one about how I'm a sex slave to someone or that I was a homeless prostitute. Or maybe that I killed my parents or something like that. People at my school were so cruel.

"I promise." She said being serious. We sat down on a bench in front of Ava's school and waited for her to come out, that made my ribs hurt some more. I winched in pain.

"Ok," I said taking a deep breath. Both for what I was going to say and the help subside my pain. "My uncle Rodney, he beats me." I said speaking slowly. "Last night he beat me bad, because I made it home late from tutoring Christian." I looked at Kayla and I could see the hurt in her eyes. She was definitely not expecting that. She gently touched my back offering support. "He touches me too. I don't like it. I don't want to be there but, I put up with it for Ava, that little girt is my world." I said. I looked up and saw Ava starting to walk out the gate of her school. Kayla held her hand over her mouth. She was focused on me she didn't even see Ava walking toward us. She was shocked.

"Monica," She said holding back tears. "You have to call the cops." Kayla finished. My heart rate sped up. I knew it was a bad idea to tell. My hands started to shake. I was going to have an anxiety attack. I couldn't lose Ava. I couldn't. Kayla didn't understand that the Police would do more harm than good. They would take her away. I could have that. I waved to Ava telling her to come one and stood up to start the walk to the park. I'd promised Ava this morning to assure that I was fine from what happened last night. I looked over at Kayla who was still in shock

"I thought about it so many times I get a headache just at the mention of the police. What good could the Police possibly do? Huh Kayla? Get Ava and I separated to I can't let that happen." I said as Ava ran to Kayla giving her a hug and then me. We walked to the park in silence. It was only a couple of blacks from the school but since I was walking slowly it took us about 20 minutes to get there. The park was pretty much empty which was good, it would give Kayla and I a chance to talk while Ava was on the swings. Kayla and I sat down.

"So, what did Christian see, you know to make him worry?" Kayla asked I sighed and rolled my eyes. I knew he blabbed to Kayla. I still don't understand why, he doesn't care about me, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and I'm starting to believe that isn't true. If he did he wouldn't have let his grades slip the way he did or at least be nice to me seeing as how my help will be what ensures he's recruited to college or graduates high school in the first place. I looked around to make sure no one was close enough to see us and lifted my shirt a little and loosened the bandages so she could see some of my stomach. Tears started to build up in her eyes. I knew this was a lot for her to digest. I pulled my shirt back down and embraced her lightly

"Kayla please don't cry." I said putting my head down.

"He's a sick motherfucker and he should not be able to do this to you. You shouldn't have to hold on to all this baggage." She cried making my tears build up. My eyes are going to get all read and puffy I hate to cry. As you can see I hate a lot of things.

"It's worth it. Ava is worth it, and I'm going to be fine just a couple more years and I'll be free. I have you my best friend I'm not in this alone." I said wiping my tears and giving her a weak smile. She wiped her tears. Asking me to please tell her everything that happened no matter how harsh. I did exactly that. We sat at the park for two hours which caused even more tears but it also felt so good to be able to tell somebody. Time flew by and Ava and I had to go home. I couldn't make it to Christian house today. I didn't want to answer any of questions he might have for me. I'm going to give him the same excuse I gave the nurse. There is no way I'm going to tell him the truth. I don't care how sincere he looked when I saw him or how much he seemed to act like he cared enough to ask Kayla today. I don't trust him, he doesn't truly care. He's either just being nice because I'm his tutor or it's all a part of some crazy plan to hurt me even more that what him and his friends have done already. I don't actually matter to him. He's just like everybody else, makes me feel little, weak, unwanted and on top of all of that just plain out useless.


The next day Kayla made me go to the doctor. She saw how slow I was movement and how my pain didn't subside.

"Well your ribs are definitely fractured. It's best if you stay on bed rest. Your body seems to have been on a lot of stress." The doctor said giving me a note stating that I would be staying home. She told me to keep my ribs wrapped and gave me cream for all my other scares. I just nodded and walked out her office. Ava and Kayla were waiting. Kayla came with me to the doctor's right after school to keep Ava from knowing what was going on.

"Monica, are you ok?" Ava asked. I nodded. Kayla looked at me kind of funny before taking the note from me reading it. I knew what she was going to say.

"Kayla, I'm going to school that's final." I said as we walked out the clinic.

"No Monica, you're hurt, how many times do I have to say that? The doctor said for you to stay home." She said getting angry. I gave her an annoyed look. I had to come to school. I was already missing too many days. I had to go. "Ok fine whatever, but you're definitely not going to Christian's house." She said I laughed a little causing my side to hurt. She was way too over protective but I guess it was a good thing to have at least one person to care about you.

"I'm going to be fine Kayla. Come on Ava. There's no after school today so you're coming with me." I said as we started to walk to the bus stop.

"Ok, but Monica can you call me when you get there? And right before you leave?" Kayla asked clearly concerned. I smiled.

"Yes, I'll call." I said and she left. Ava and I waited at the bus stop for what seemed to be 45 minutes. The bus was taking forever so I decide to walk to Christian's. "Come on Ava we're going to walk." I said standing up and grabbing my bag throwing it over my shoulder and grabbing her hand.

"Monica are you sure? You're walking really slowly." Ava said.

"So what you trying to say?" I said smiling trying not to laugh.

"That you're walking slowly duh." She laughed. "Were we going anyways?" She asked. I paused for a second.

"Umm to see somebody." I smiled. Then we continued walking.


I don't know what the hell I was thinking walking 3 and a half miles from the doctors to Christian house with a 9 year old and cracked ribs. I managed to do it but my body felt weak like I was just going to pass out or something.

"Monica, are we there yet? My legs really hurt." Ava wined.

"We almost there Ava, 3more blocks ok." I said as we continued walking. Finally after what seemed like forever we arrived.

"Ok baby girl we here, come on." I said and we walked to Christian's door and knocked. Christian answered.

"You didn't show up yesterday. Why even bother to day?" He snapped I sighed. Back to the same old Christian. I knew he really didn't care anything about me just being nosey. I guess he wasn't in the best mood today. He looked down beside me and noticed Ava. "Who's the kid?" He asked moving to the side so we could walk in and leading us into the living room.

"Go sit down Ava." I said. She listened going to sit on the love seat in their living room in front of the TV.

"Monica kitchen, now." Christian ordered, I rolled my eyes. This boy is just damn demanding. I was used to it though. I turned to Ava.

"Ok Ava, just sit here, he as an attitude. Promise me not to touch anything." I said and Ava nodded. I walked in the kitchen following behind Christian.

"What you bringing the little girl for?" He asked.

"Sorry, I couldn't leave her. And that little girl is my little sister! So respect her. We ain't walk from the doctor's office for no reason." I said standing up for myself. It felt, kind of good. He looked at me wide eyed.

"The doctor? So it was something wrong with you yesterday. What did the doctor say?" He asked kind of sounding concerned. He put on his act yet again. This was starting to get annoying. He needed to pick a side. He was either going to be nice or not he had to choose.

"That's none of your business." I said snapping. I was tired of answering questions and he definitely wasn't worth answering to. "Where's everybody?" I asked after realizing the house was quiet and he was the only one there.

"It's Friday Monica, nobody's ever home on Friday's but, Destiny should be here in about an hour. " He said then paused. "Wait you said you walked from the Doctors office?" He asked.

"Just leave it. I didn't come all this way for a lecture." I said walking back into the living room. Christian followed. I started to get my books out Christian was looking at Ava.

"It's rude to stare." Ava said. Christian laughed a little and looked at me.

"So I've heard." He smiled looking at me. I thought about it then remembered Wednesday when I came over for the first time. It causing me to blush a little but I shook the feeling.

"You want to watch T.V?" Christian asked turning it on and passing Ava the remote. She looks at me for the ok and I nod yes. Rodney don't really allow us to watch T.V. My ribs were starting to hurt worse. I felt hot than stated to spit blood again. I put my hands over my stomach as a sharp pain shot through my abdomen. I didn't know what to do but I couldn't move.

"Monica, Monica, are you ok." I couldn't tell if it was Ava or Christian yelling but everything kind of faded black.

I guess I should have followed doctor's orders.


first just wanted to welcome all the new readers

thanks for reading honestly

yall dont know what it does to me to write this story

but keep reading is all ill say

i decided to give yall something long

anyway, enjoy


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