You're my worst nightmare [Ca...

By hoelyshjt

11.9K 241 44

In here, your name would be Annica. You have a older brother named Jake and a younger sister named Zoey. All... More

Breaking through
Freak-Flapping Wolves
I'm sorry
Be careful
Oh no...
It is done
You're like a brother to me
It was nothing
How will survive?
A certain person
Where are you?
Sorry guys!
She's my girl. So back off
Its you!
You... You're my... Dad?!
Bonding Time
Taken away
Little or Less... Maybe even least?
Saving you
ALL a dream?!
Wrong moves
The price
Over protective
From good to bad
Terrible things
~Flashback 2~
Waking up
Her past
What's this?
The End of our story
Its up!!!
Sequel anyone?
OMFG!!! 2k?!

You promised

123 2 0
By hoelyshjt

Annica's POV:
We continued to walk through the walkers. I held Carl's hand really tight and he did the same thing with mine. He looked back at me and he smiled a bit. I returned it and suddenly we all came to somewhere safe.

"Alright new plan... We're not going to the armory---" Rick discussed but I walked over to Carl.

"Hey..." Carl said.

"Hi..." I said and released a sigh.

"You okay?"

"Nope" I replied

He sighed and grabbed both of my hands.

"Hey... Hey! Its gonna be okay, I'll be here and I will protect you" Carl said.

"Carl... Whatever happens today, just.... Let's just promise to each other that we'll never ever leave each other... Ever" I said. He nodded and smiled. He leaned in close to me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Annica"

"I love you too Carl... But please... Call me Y/N" I smiled

"I'll take her, I'll keep her safe in my church til you guys come back" Gabriel said.

Carl then gave Judith to him and Gabriel looked over at Rick.

"I promise I'll keep her safe" Gabriel said and Rick nodded.

There was an awkward silence til Jessie broke it.

"Take sam" Jessie said.

"Mom, no" Sam resisted.

"Sam, yes... It will be much safer in there"

"Mom please no... I'm not... I can keep going"


"I can keep going... Please, lets just go" Sam pleaded.

"Maybe we should let him" I said

We all nodded in response. Rick looked at Gabriel and Gabriel said "I'm going to keep her safe" and Rick nodded.

He slowly walked away.

"He's gonna make it" Jessie said to comfort Rick. Rick nodded and called sam.

Sam held rick's hand and Jessie held Sam's other hand. While I held her hand and Carl held mine from the other and so on.

--------TIME SKIP--------
Night time came and the town was still flooding with walkers.

"Almost there..." I whispered and looked back at Carl. He squeezed my hand and we suddenly stopped.

We saw Sam crying

"Sam, come on let's go... You can do this be brave" I said.

"Sam I know you can do this, so come on" Ron said.

"Sam" Rick whisper-yelled at Sam.

"Sam please..." Jessie begged

"M-Monsters... The monsters" Sam cried out and that's when the walkers took a bite at his head and at his shoulder.

Just then, Jessie started screaming and moments later she just stared at nothing looking like a lunatic.

"Come with us please! Jessie!" I whisper yelled.

I tried yanking her but then walkers started to bite her.

Rick fell to tears but then Jessie was still holding my hand. Carl helped me pulling it and I cried.

"Its no use, just go!" I whisper yelled to Carl.

"No! I'm not leaving you behind... I promised" Carl said.

"Rick! Please help me!" I told rick. He brought out his axe and started chopping Jessie's arm off. I fell to the ground with carl.

He quickly stood up and helped me up just then we heard a click of a gun.

We saw ron in tears and pointed a gun at rick.

"You...." Ron whispered but then michonne stabbed him. Carl blocked me and Ron still pulled the trigger.

Once Ron fell down, the walkers started eating him.

Rick nodded and Carl gripped my hand tightly. He turned to me and I saw his eyes... I mean, eye because the other one was gone!

He turned around to Rick.

"Dad?" He said and collapsed.

"Shit... NO!!" I yelled and tears started to form in my eyes.

Rick quickly grabbed carl and I grabbed his hat.

Michonne started killing walkers that were ahead of us so that we could go to the infirmary.

Everything just went in slow motion and I heard Carl's voice in my head.

"I promised..."
"I won't leave you behind"
"I love you..."
His voice took over my head and my tears started flowing on my cheeks.

I quickly wiped them away and I screamed and grabbed my two daggers from my holster.

I stabbed them one by one.

I killed lots of them and we came to the infirmary.

Rick laid Carl on the bed. Rick started pacing around while Michonne is holding Carl.

Denise is removing the bullet from Carl's eye.

I gripped my hair tightly and cried loudly.

"its my fault... Its all my fault... THIS IS ALL MY GODDAMN FAULT! HE'S GOTTA SURVIVE PLEASE!!" I begged and Aaron hugged me.

"Shit... Shit... Shit..." I repeated over and over again as he stroked my hair.

"Rick? Rick what are you doing? Where are you going? RICK!" Michonne yelled "RICK!" She yelled again as rick left the house.

"I need to get out there, he needs my help" Michonne said nervously.

"And this is his son... Give me a second" Denise said as she succesfully removed carl's bullet

"done" Denise said and michonne kissed carl on his forehead and exited the house.

Heath, aaron and spencer came out too and helped them kill some walkers.

I sat beside Carl and tears started flowing my eyes as Denise started to work on carl. I stood up and wiped my tears away and kissed Carl's lips passionately.

Denise looked at me and I said.

"Please keep him alive" I said and she nodded with a smile.

I ran outside and grabbed my two daggers from its holster.

I stabbed two in the head and pushed them aside.

I did the same thing with the others til I was fully covered with blood. Just then Rick said that 'we can do this, we can beat them' as olivia and bruce come out to fight.

A few heads later...rosita,tara,carol,morgan and eugene joined the 'fun' and we all worked together... This really is a magical moment for the group but I shook it all off as I remembered that Carl's life is in danger because of the walker and because of Sam.

"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" I yelled as I stabbed another as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I continued doing the same thing til a huge fire blown up and the walkers headed that way.

"Finish them now!" Rick yelled as we stabbed some heads.

Just then, I saw Zoey,Maggie,Glenn,Enid,Abraham,Sasha and Daryl join us. I smiled at the combination of the fight and kept on going.

We continued doing the same until its daylight...

--------TIME SKIP-------
Daylight came. And rick went inside as he cam to Carl. I stood there and walked over daryl... I hugged Daryl and he hugged me back.

"I'm glad you're back..." I said as tears started rolling down my face. He wiped them away and kissed my forehead.

"Me too... I'm glad to see you just fine" He said and I giggled.

"Call me Y/N" I said and he nodded.

I walked over to Zoey and hugged her.

"Youre alive..." I whispered. She chuckled and looked at me.

"Yeah... And I killed them..." She said. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so proud of you..." I said.

She nodded and next, I walked over to Enid.

"Hey, thanks for saving Maggie" I thanked her. She smiled and I hug her.

"Thank you... Really" I said. She hugged back and I pulled away.

"I think you and I are gonna be good friends" she said.

"Yeah, me too" I said.

"Guys, walker ahead" abraham said. I turned around and stop him.

"Let me" I said. He smiled and nodded.

I walked over to the walker and stopped when I realized it was jake.

"No... NO!!!" I cried and fell onto my knees.

I stood up and tackled him down. He tried reaching me but failed.

My tear fell to his cheek and I did no more hesitation, I stabbed his head and cried on his chest. I hugged him and Daryl pulled me away...

"M-My brother... H-He's dead..." I stuttered. Daryl hugged me and I hugged him back.

--------TIME SKIP--------

Hours passed and rick walked out of Carl's room.

"Can I see him?" I asked he nodded and I walked inside.

I covered my mouth trying not to scream and trying to hold back my tears. I walked over to the chair beside his bed and sat down.

I held his hand and I gave him a sad and painful smile.

"H-Hey Carl" I managed to choke out. Tears rolled down my cheek and I continued what I was saying.

"Remember... You can't die... You promise me... I love you and I'm willing to give up my eye for you" I joked as I held his hand tighter.

"But still... We made a promise to each other remember? So please don't break that promise... Carl, my brother just turned and I had to kill him. Please don't leave me too... I can't do this without you... I think I'm gonna lose myself if you die so please don't..... Carl... Your sister needs you, your dad needs you and especially, I need you... I'm lost and I don't know what to do... Please please please! Please... Wake up... Wake up for me... For your family... For us..." I cried.

I leaned in close to him and kissed his lips passionately. I pulled away and he mumbled something.

"I love you... Y/N" he said. I smiled and held his hand.

You promised me carl... You promised... I thought before I drifted to sleep while holding his hand and I laying my head on the bed.

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